63 research outputs found

    Attentional processes during P3-based Brain Computer Interface task in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients

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    To be available for a wide range of end-users a brain-computer interface (BCI) should be flexible and adaptable to end-users’ cognitive strengths and weaknesses. People’s cognitive abilities change according to the disease they are affected by, and people suffering from the same disease could have different cognitive capacities. We aimed at investigating how the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) disease, and two different cognitive attentional aspects [1] influenced the usage of a P3-based BC

    A versatile method to fingerprint and compare the oxidative behaviour of lipids beyond their oxidative stability

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    : In this work we propose the use of isothermal thermogravimetry to evaluate the oxidative stability of a lipid and to evaluate how the glyceride composition affects the entire oxidative process, to quantify the oxidation undertaken by the lipid, and numerically compare the oxidative behaviour of different lipids. The innovative aspect of the present method lies in the acquisition of a prolonged "oxygen uptake" curve (4000-10,000 min) of a lipid under oxygen and in the development of a semi-empirical fitting equation for the experimental data. This provides the induction period (oxidative stability), and allows to evaluate the rate of oxidation, the rate and the magnitude of oxidative degradation, the overall mass loss and the mass of oxygen taken by the lipid upon time. The proposed approach is used to characterize the oxidation of different edible oils with different degrees of unsaturation (linseed oil, sunflower oil, and olive oil) as well as chemically simpler compounds used in the literature to model the autoxidation of vegetable oils and lipids in general: triglycerides (glyceryl trilinolenate, glyceryl trilinoleate and glyceryl trioleate) and methyl esters (methyl linoleate and methyl linolenate). The approach proves very robust and very sensitive to changes in the sample composition

    Volatiles from steam-distilled leaves of some plant species from Madagascar and New Zealand and evaluation of their biological activity.

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    Steam-distilled aerial parts of Ravensara Aromatica and Cinnamomum camphora from Madagascar and Leptospermum scoparium from New Zealand have been subjected to qualitative and quantitative analysis by means of GC techniques. This allowed the elucidation of conflicting data present in the available literature for these species. Also, the biological activity in vitro was evaluated by measuring MICs and GIZs

    Reply to “Comment on ‘The 21 August 2017 Md 4.0 Casamicciola Earthquake: First Evidence of Coseismic Normal Surface Faulting at the Ischia Volcanic Island’ by Nappi et al. (2018)” by V. De Novellis, S. Carlino, R. Castaldo, A. Tramelli, C. De Luca, N. A. Pino, S. Pepe, V. Convertito, I. Zinno, P. De Martino, M. Bonano, F. Giudicepietro, F. Casu, G. Macedonio, M. Manunta, M. Manzo, G. Solaro, P. Tizzani, G. Zeni, and R. Lanari

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    In this article, we show why the geological model of the 21 August 2017 earthquake proposed by Nappi et al. (2018) has less uncertainty than the sourcemodel proposed by De Novellis et al. (2018). As a matter of fact, the Nappi et al. (2018) model takes into account all geophysical and geological information collected soon after the earthquake. On the contrary, the model proposed by DeNovellis et al. (2018) is based on a limited database, which does not include (1) the available geological and macroseismic information and (2) the extensive scientific literature concerning the correlation between seismic source and surface faulting, also in volcanic areas similar to Ischia. Nevertheless, we are grateful for the comments from De Novellis et al. (2018) because they give us the opportunity to consider the epistemological landscape in which we should frame the research for the best source model of the 21 August 2017 Casamicciola earthquake.Published316-3211T. Deformazione crostale attivaJCR Journa

    The 21 August 2017 Md 4.0 Casamicciola Earthquake: First Evidence of Coseismic Normal Surface Faulting at the Ischia Volcanic Island

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    On 21 August 2017, a shallow earthquake of Md 4.0 struck the CasamicciolaTerme village in the north of Ischia volcanic island (Italy). It caused two fatalities and heavy damage in a restricted area of a few square kilometers. Casamicciola Terme has been recurrently destroyed in the last centuries by similar volcano-tectonic earthquakes (1762, 1767, 1796, 1828, 1881, and 1883). After the catastrophic 1883 Casamicciola event (2343 casualties), this is the first heavy damaging earthquake at Ischia that provides, for the first time, the opportunity of integrating historical seismicity, macroseismic observations, instrumental information, and detailed mapping of coseismic geological effects. Soon after the 2017 mainshock we surveyed the epicentral area to collect data on the coseismic ground effects, recording more than 100 geological field observations. Mapped effects define a belt which closely follows the trace of the Casamicciola E–W-trending normal fault system, bounding the northern slope of Mt. Epomeo, previously known as a Latest Pleistocene to Holocene normal fault with a slip rate of ∼3:0 cm=yr. We found significant evidence for coseismic surface faulting, testified by a main alignment of ruptures for a 2 km end-to-end length and normal dip-slip displacement of 1–3 cm. The geometry and regularity of the structural pattern, together with constant kinematics of the coseismic ruptures with the north side down, strongly suggest a primary tectonic origin for the mapped ruptures and strongly supports an E–W normal-faulting focal mechanism for the 2017 Casamicciola earthquake.Macroseismic information supports the notion that previous historical events also had a similar style of faulting.Published1323-13343T. Sorgente sismicaJCR Journa

    KRIT1 loss-of-function induces a chronic Nrf2-mediated adaptive homeostasis that sensitizes cells to oxidative stress: Implication for Cerebral Cavernous Malformation disease

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    KRIT1 (CCM1) is a disease gene responsible for Cerebral Cavernous Malformations (CCM), a major cerebrovascular disease of proven genetic origin affecting 0.3â0.5% of the population. Previously, we demonstrated that KRIT1 loss-of-function is associated with altered redox homeostasis and abnormal activation of the redox-sensitive transcription factor c-Jun, which collectively result in pro-oxidative, pro-inflammatory and pro-angiogenic effects, suggesting a novel pathogenic mechanism for CCM disease and raising the possibility that KRIT1 loss-of-function exerts pleiotropic effects on multiple redox-sensitive mechanisms. To address this possibility, we investigated major redox-sensitive pathways and enzymatic systems that play critical roles in fundamental cytoprotective mechanisms of adaptive responses to oxidative stress, including the master Nrf2 antioxidant defense pathway and its downstream target Glyoxalase 1 (Glo1), a pivotal stress-responsive defense enzyme involved in cellular protection against glycative and oxidative stress through the metabolism of methylglyoxal (MG). This is a potent post-translational protein modifier that may either contribute to increased oxidative molecular damage and cellular susceptibility to apoptosis, or enhance the activity of major apoptosis-protective proteins, including heat shock proteins (Hsps), promoting cell survival. Experimental outcomes showed that KRIT1 loss-of-function induces a redox-sensitive sustained upregulation of Nrf2 and Glo1, and a drop in intracellular levels of MG-modified Hsp70 and Hsp27 proteins, leading to a chronic adaptive redox homeostasis that counteracts intrinsic oxidative stress but increases susceptibility to oxidative DNA damage and apoptosis, sensitizing cells to further oxidative challenges. While supporting and extending the pleiotropic functions of KRIT1, these findings shed new light on the mechanistic relationship between KRIT1 loss-of-function and enhanced cell predisposition to oxidative damage, thus providing valuable new insights into CCM pathogenesis and novel options for the development of preventive and therapeutic strategies

    Unoccupied Aircraft Systems (UASs) Reveal the Morphological Changes at Stromboli Volcano (Italy) before, between, and after the 3 July and 28 August 2019 Paroxysmal Eruptions

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    In July and August 2019, two paroxysmal eruptions dramatically changed the morphology of the crater terrace that hosts the active vents of Stromboli volcano (Italy). Here, we document these morphological changes, by using 2259 UAS-derived photographs from eight surveys and Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetric techniques, resulting in 3D point clouds, orthomosaics, and digital surface models (DSMs) with resolution ranging from 8.1 to 12.4 cm/pixel. We focus on the morphological evolution of volcanic features and volume changes in the crater terrace and the upper part of the underlying slope (Sciara del Fuoco). We identify both crater terrace and lava field variations, with vents shifting up to 47 m and the accumulation of tephra deposits. The maximum elevation changes related to the two paroxysmal eruptions (in between May and September 2019) range from +41.4 to −26.4 m at the lava field and N crater area, respectively. Throughout September 2018–June 2020, the total volume change in the surveyed area was +447,335 m3. Despite Stromboli being one of the best-studied volcanoes worldwide, the UAS-based photogrammetry products of this study provide unprecedented high spatiotemporal resolution observations of its entire summit area, in a period when volcanic activity made the classic field inspections and helicopter overflights too risky. Routinely applied UAS operations represent an effective and evolving tool for volcanic hazard assessment and to support decision-makers involved in volcanic surveillance and civil protection operations

    Paclitaxel-Loaded Nanosponges Inhibit Growth and Angiogenesis in Melanoma Cell Models

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    This study investigated the effects of free paclitaxel (PTX) and PTX-loaded in pyromellitic nanosponges (PTX-PNS) in reducing in vitro and in vivo melanoma cell growth and invasivity, and in inhibiting angiogenesis. To test the response of cells to the two PTX formulations, the cell viability was evaluated by MTT assay in seven continuous cell lines, in primary melanoma cells, both in 2D and 3D cultures, and in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) after exposure to different concentrations of PTX or PTX-PNS. Cell motility was assessed by a scratch assay or Boyden chamber assay, evaluating cell migration in presence or absence of diverse concentrations of PTX or PTX-PNS. The effect of PTX and PTX-PNS on angiogenesis was evaluated as endothelial tube formation assay, a test able to estimate the formation of three-dimensional vessels in vitro. To assess the anticancer effect of PTX and PTX-PNS in in vivo experiments, the two drug formulations were tested in a melanoma mouse model obtained by B16-BL6 cell implantation in C57/BL6 mice. Results obtained were as follows: 1) MTT analysis revealed that cell proliferation was more affected by PTX-PNS than by PTX in all tested cell lines, in both 2D and 3D cultures; 2) the analysis of the cell migration showed that PTX-PNS acted at very lower concentrations than PTX; 3) tube formation assay showed that PTX-PNS were more effective in inhibiting tube formation than free PTX; and 4) in vivo experiments demonstrated that tumor weights, volumes, and growth were significantly reduced by PTX-PNS treatment with respect to PTX; the angiogenesis and the cell proliferation, detected in the tumor samples with CD31 and Ki-67 antibodies, respectively, indicated that, in the PTX-PNS-treated tumors, the tube formation was inhibited, and a low amount of proliferating cells was present. Taken together, our data demonstrated that our new PTX nanoformulation can respond to some important issues related to PTX treatment, lowering the anti-tumor effective doses and increasing the effectiveness in inhibiting melanoma growth in vivo

    Enhanced cytotoxic effect of camptothecin nanosponges in anaplastic thyroid cancer cellsin vitroandin vivoon orthotopic xenograft tumors

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    Anaplastic carcinoma of the thyroid (ATC) is a lethal human malignant cancer with median survival of 6 months. To date, no treatment has substantially changed its course, which makes urgent need for the development of novel drugs or novel formulations for drug delivery. Nanomedicine has enormous potential to improve the accuracy of cancer therapy by enhancing availability and stability, decreasing effective doses and reducing side effects of drugs. Camptothecin (CPT) is an inhibitor of DNA topoisomerase-I with several anticancer properties but has poor solubility and a high degradation rate. Previously, we reported that CPT encapsulated in β-cyclodextrin-nanosponges (CN-CPT) increased solubility, was protected from degradation and inhibited the growth of prostate tumor cells both in vitro and in vivo. The aim of this study was to extend that work by assessing the CN-CPT effectiveness on ATC both in vitro and in vivo. Results showed that CN-CPT significantly inhibited viability, clonogenic capacity and cell-cycle progression of ATC cell lines showing a faster and enhanced effect compared to free CPT. Moreover, CN-CPT inhibited tumor cell adhesion to vascular endothelial cells, migration, secretion of pro-angiogenic factors (IL-8 and VEGF-α), expression of β-PIX, belonging to the Rho family activators, and phosphorylation of the Erk1/2 MAPK. Finally, CN-CPT significantly inhibited the growth, the metastatization and the vascularization of orthotopic ATC xenografts in SCID/beige mice without apparent toxic effects in vivo. This work extends the previous insight showing that β-cyclodextrin-nanosponges are a promising tool for the treatment of ATC

    Surface ruptures database related to the 26 December 2018, MW 4.9 Mt. Etna earthquake, southern Italy

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    We provide a database of the surface ruptures produced by the 26 December 2018 Mw 4.9 earthquake that struck the eastern flank of Mt. Etna volcano in Sicily (southern Italy). Despite its relatively small magnitude, this shallow earthquake caused about 8 km of surface faulting, along the trace of the NNW-trending active Fiandaca Fault. Detailed field surveys have been performed in the epicentral area to map the ruptures and to characterize their kinematics. The surface ruptures show a dominant right-oblique sense of displacement with an average slip of about 0.09 m and a maximum value of 0.35 m. We have parsed and organized all observations in a concise database, with 932 homogeneous georeferenced records. The Fiandaca Fault is part of the complex active Timpe faults system affecting the eastern flank of Etna, and its seismic history indicates a prominent surface-faulting potential. Therefore, this database is essential for unravelling the seismotectonics of shallow earthquakes in volcanic areas, and contributes updating empirical scaling regressions that relate magnitude and extent of surface faulting.Publishedid 422T. Deformazione crostale attivaJCR Journa