21 research outputs found

    Programa de investigación acción participativa: Nueva constitución y procesos constituyentes : ¿Qué constitución tenemos y qué constitución deberíamos tener?

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    Programa de Investigación Acción Participativa sobre “Nueva Constitución y Procesos Constituyentes” del Centro de Investigación en Derecho Crítico (CiDerCrit) FCJyS (UNLP), la Cátedra Libre del Manifiesto Argentino UNLP, con la participación del Observatorio Electoral y la Cátedra 3 Derecho Político de la FCJyS (UNLP) y otras instancias de la facultad y universidad que se puedan sumar en el futuro.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    Programa de investigación acción participativa: Nueva constitución y procesos constituyentes : ¿Qué constitución tenemos y qué constitución deberíamos tener?

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    Programa de Investigación Acción Participativa sobre “Nueva Constitución y Procesos Constituyentes” del Centro de Investigación en Derecho Crítico (CiDerCrit) FCJyS (UNLP), la Cátedra Libre del Manifiesto Argentino UNLP, con la participación del Observatorio Electoral y la Cátedra 3 Derecho Político de la FCJyS (UNLP) y otras instancias de la facultad y universidad que se puedan sumar en el futuro.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    Programa de investigación acción participativa: Nueva constitución y procesos constituyentes : ¿Qué constitución tenemos y qué constitución deberíamos tener?

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    Programa de Investigación Acción Participativa sobre “Nueva Constitución y Procesos Constituyentes” del Centro de Investigación en Derecho Crítico (CiDerCrit) FCJyS (UNLP), la Cátedra Libre del Manifiesto Argentino UNLP, con la participación del Observatorio Electoral y la Cátedra 3 Derecho Político de la FCJyS (UNLP) y otras instancias de la facultad y universidad que se puedan sumar en el futuro.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    Foto di coppia con bambino.

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    La ricerca esplora le vite e i vissuti quotidiani delle coppie italiane con figli alle prese con le nuove dimensioni del lavoro atipico e flessibile. Il saggio in questione esplora in particolare la transizione alla vita adulta, la genitorialità, i rapporti di genere, le rappresentazioni identitarie e progettuali dei nuovi protagonisti del lavoro flessibil


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    L'articolo riflette sulla diffusione delle convivenze tra le giovani generazioni italiane e sulla legittimazione sociale di tale fenomenoAutohors discuss on the diffusion of cohabitation among young Italian and on the social legitimacy of this phenomeno

    Convivere in Italia. La famiglia fuori dal matrimonio.

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    Dagli anni Novanta le convivenze in Italia sono aumentate in misura esponenziale: da fenomeno quasi “deviante” di una piccola minoranza, a prova prematrimoniale o scelta obbligata per i separati in attesa di divorzio, il convivere fuori dal matrimonio ha acquisito ormai significati ancora più estesi e diversi. Con un minuzioso viaggio nelle esperienze dei protagonisti delle convivenze di oggi, il libro presenta i dati di una ricerca che, attraversando diverse città italiane, esplora il variegato mondo di chi vive insieme, mette su famiglia e segue i figli senza passare per il matrimonio. Strategia di transizione alla vita adulta che consente ai giovani di fare i conti con la mutata situazione socioeconomica, la precarietà lavorativa e la lunga permanenza presso la casa dei genitori, la convivenza è portatrice di una varietà di significati, che il volume indaga come insieme di rappresentazioni e pratiche, analizzando la dimensione microsociale del fenomeno e interrogando le molteplici valenze che i protagonisti vi associano. Uno dei significati più reconditi, ma al contempo più forti della convivenza è, in effetti, il suo essere traduzione pratica di una mentalità aperta al cambiamento e disposta a rivedere nel tempo le convinzioni.It is without controversy that for a few decades now Italy has shown a very particular pattern of demographic development: Whereas the country has witnessed a drastically low levels of fertility, we find scarce evidence for the second main characteristic, that is, decreasing importance of marriage and a diversification of alternative lifestyles. Italian family formation and fertility patterns are instead shaped by a striking postponement of leaving the parental home, entering into a (usually marital) union, and having the first child. Nonetheless, cohabitation is now increasing among youngest generations in Italy. With a detailed journey through the experiences of cohabitants today, the book presents the results of a research crossing several Italian cities and explores the variegated world of those who live together, starts a family and have children without going through marriage. Cohabitation carries a variety of meanings, which researchers investigated as a set of multiples and kaleidoscopic representations and practices, by analyzing the micro-social dimension of the phenomenon and questioning the multiple meanings that cohabitants associate there. One of the hidden meanings of cohabitation is that it is a practical translation of a open minded attitude into life couple

    Il gioco della cultura. Attori, processi, prospettive. Nuova edizione

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    La cultura si intreccia con tutti i nostri gesti e le nostre azioni quotidiane; ci costringe e ci condiziona; ma si fa anche plasmare dalla nostra creatività. Siamo immersi nella cultura e la generiamo continuamente. È il nostro orizzonte. Per questo motivo nel lavoro teorico e nell'analisi empirica è stato difficile fissarne il profilo e intercettarne il senso. In questa nuova edizione del volume, riveduta e aggiornata, gli sviluppi della sociologia della cultura e delle discipline che l’hanno influenzata si accompagnano alle analisi dei processi culturali tipici della società contemporanea. Alle intuizioni di autori classici – Marx, Durkheim, Simmel, Weber, Parsons – dalle quali lo studio della cultura ha preso slancio, conservando la sua natura ubiqua, onnipresente, trasversale, si affiancano le ricerche di Lévi-Strauss, Geertz, Bourdieu, Melotti, Eco, che hanno toccato i nodi nevralgici del linguaggio, della comunicazione, della famiglia, della parentela, della religione, del potere, delle differenze fra i gusti e le pratiche, introducendo parole nuove e offrendo spunti alla nostra intelligenza con interpretazioni spesso provocatorie e stimolanti

    A Detailed Analysis of Clinical Features and Outcomes of Patients with Pyogenic Spondylodiscitis Presenting without Axial Back Pain

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    Study design: Retrospective analysis of a single institution prospective, longitudinal database of spinal pyogenic infections. Diagnosis of pyogenic spondylodiscitis (PS) can be challenging. Although presenting symptoms are often non-specific, acute non-remitting axial back pain is the most striking feature. Nevertheless, several authors have reported on the uncommon occurrence of patients with PS without axial back pain. The aim of this study was to characterize presenting symptoms, causative agents, comorbidities, and treatment outcomes of patients presenting with painless pyogenic spondylodiscitis. A total of 214 patients diagnosed with PS were reviewed; patients were divided into two groups: patients presenting with no axial back pain (no pain group, n = 16), and patients presenting with axial back pain (control group, n = 198). Analyzed data comprised general demographics, presenting symptoms, comorbidities, spinal infection location, and amount of spinal involvement. While average age (62.4 vs. 65.0) and sex distribution was similar between the two groups, a significant diagnostic delay was noted in the control group (53 vs. 17 days, p < 0.001). Patients in the no pain group were more likely IV drug abusers or have had liver failure/cirrhosis. Anatomic distribution (i.e., cervical vs thoracolumbar) of the infection did not differ between the two groups, but a higher number of post-surgical infections was noted in the no pain group (37.5 vs. 15.6%, p = 0.026). E. coli and Pseudomonas spp. were more commonly seen in no pain group patients, and mortality was also higher in this group (12.5 vs. 6.0%, p = 0.004)

    Uncorrect diagnosis of tubercolar spondylodiscitis in aggressive and bone destructive metastasis of melanoma: A case report and literature review

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    Differential diagnosis of destructive osteolytic spinal lesions can be a diagnostic challenge. In this study, we described a rare case of spinal metastases from primary desmoplastic melanoma which had incorrectly been diagnosed and treated as tuberculous spondylodiscitis. An 82-year-old male patient with ongoing low back pain and a history of lumbar localized Pott's performed a lumbar spine MRI that showed osteolytic lesion with first hypothesis of spondylodiscitis L2-L3. The patient was hospitalized and cause of worsening of the lumbar pain underwent a following series of non-diagnostic CT-guided and open lumbar biopsy at L2-L3 with unsuccessful antibiotic-antitubercular therapy. A new MRI revealed a worsening of previous lesions, extension of the osteolytic lesion at the level of L1-L2 and L3-L4 with neurological impairment. The diagnosis of metastatic melanoma was obtained with surgical decompression and open posterior biopsy procedure. The case described is pathognomonic of the difficulty in detecting the correct diagnosis in front of similar clinical and radiological manifestations. The presence of a previous Pott's disease in the same involved vertebral site was of crucial importance in deflecting the correct diagnostic classification of the pathology, which was possible to ascertain only following an extensive biopsy sampling in the last surgery performed