16 research outputs found

    Energy Storage System optimization for an Autonomous SailBoat

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    Beni comuni. Quarto rapporto sulla cooperazione sociale in Italia

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    A dieci anni dalla prima edizione, il quarto rapporto sulla cooperazione sociale aggiorna e amplia il quadro conoscitivo su uno dei più innovativi fenomeni imprenditoriali, che ha contribuito ad arricchire il panorama delle istituzioni sociali del paese.- Indice #5- Premessa di Marco Demarie #13- Presentazione di Corrado Passera #15- Prefazione di Vilma Mazzocco e Johnny Dotti #21- Cap.I La cooperazione sociale in Italia: tendenze evolutive e scenari di sviluppo, Flaviano Zandonai #33- Cap.II Un quadro teorico sull’impresa sociale, Carlo Borzaga #55- Cap.III Le traiettorie di sviluppo della cooperazione sociale, Gianfranco Marocchi #75- Cap.IV Imprenditorialità sociale tra innovazione e controllo dei mercati, Nereo Zamaro #107- Cap.V Cooperazione sociale e Mezzogiorno, Marco Musella #139- Cap.VI Le culture organizzative della cooperazione sociale: identità in movimento, Luca Fazzi e Sandro Stanzani #151- Cap.VII La cooperazione sociale nella rete del welfare locale, Sergio Pasquinelli #187- Cap.VIII I benefici individuali dei lavoratori svantaggiati nelle imprese sociali, Carlo Borzaga, Monica Loss e Domenico Zalla #207- Cap.IX Cooperazione sociale e qualità dei servizi, Giuseppe Scaratti #237- Cap.X La cooperazione sociale in una prospettiva di genere, Barbara Moreschi #265- Cap.XI Cooperativa sociale come impresa sociale? Le condizioni di imprenditorialità nel terzo settore, Michele Andreaus #285- Cap.XII Oltre il contracting out: nuove forme di relazione con le amministrazioni pubbliche, Franco Dalla Mura #319- Cap.XIII Finalità e organizzazione delle cooperative sociali: alcune indicazioni dal nuovo diritto societario, Antonio Fici #349- Cap.XIV L’impresa sociale in Italia: una quantificazione del fenomeno, Stefano Cima #377- Cap.XV Le condizioni di sviluppo delle imprese sociali nelle regioni del Centro-Nord, Carlo Borzaga e Mariangela Mongera #405- Cap.XVI Dal volontariato all’impresa sociale, Gabriella Bartolomeo e Flaviano Zandonai #439- Cap.XVII L’impresa sociale in Europa: alcuni spunti di comparazione, Paola Iamiceli #457- Cap.XVIII La nuova legge sull’impresa sociale, Felice Scalvini #485- Bibliografia #49

    Process optimisation in the agri-food industry chain from an Eco-design and Product Stewardship perspective

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    The increase in world population - which is expected to reach 9.2 billion people by the year 2050 - and the resulting demand for food, water and energy are exerting increasing pressure on soil, water resources and ecosystems. Agriculture is the largest consumer of the world’s freshwater resources, and more than one-quarter of the energy used globally is expended on food production and supply. The urgent need for doubling farms over the next 25 years on less land with less water through intensification would inevitably involve substantial social, economic and environmental costs. Agri-food sector, as all industrial processes, presents along its life cycle and production chain considerable environmental impacts. Identification of tools to minimize such costs through the enhanced environment is, therefore, crucial. The purpose of the study is to carry out an environmental analysis and optimisation of the agri-food sector in order to improve the energy-environmental performance of certain food products of the Conserve Italia company, one of largest European agri-food companies, specialized in vegetables and tomatoes preserves, fruit-based juices and beverages and fruit in syrup. After an analysis of the entire company production, the agricultural crops that have been identified as significant in terms of sales volumes, strategic importance, potential to improvement and direct control of the company over the entire supply chain, are the following: beans, peas, corn, chickpeas, and tomatoes. The selection of these crops also allowed the analysis of 40 different manufactured food products. Preliminarily, a “cradle to grave” perspective was applied to the afore mentioned products in order to analyse the environmental loads of the investigated products along their whole life cycles. This approach allows evaluating phases, such as cultivation, which might contribute considerably on the environmental impact of a product. The set of impact categories was identified in order to pave the way for water–energy–food (WEF) nexus quantification. For the purpose of this thesis, the focus was therefore put on four parameters considered most representative for the food–energy–water nexus: Carbon Footprint (CF), Water Footprint (WF), Ecological Footprint (EF) and Cumulative Energy Demand (CED). In particular, the CED and WF indicators, enable a complete computation of consumption of resources from a life cycle perspective for the two sectors (energy – food and water – food) linkages. The second phase of the research was mainly focused on the optimization of the production process focusing mainly on the cultivation phase. Through collaboration with the “Cassandra Lab” research centre of the University of Milan, it was possible to assess how, through precision agriculture, it is possible to improve the management of water resources and the inputs used. In particular, it was investigated how climate change can negatively affect environmental impacts and, therefore, it was evaluated how it is possible to mitigate the negative effects of expected climate variations by optimizing management adaptation strategies and identifying ideotypes. The environmental impacts of crate production for food packaging were assessed and a solution of food waste reutilisation for food packaging was analysed in order to close the life cycle analysis of food products. Finally, a single WEF indicator was defined in order to monitor and define company future strategies towards environmental sustainability. Through this analysis, the company would be able to undertake better agricultural management practices thus reducing the environmental impact and the use of energy and water resources along the supply chain

    Communication through ecolabels: how discrepancies between the EU PEF and EPD schemes could affect outcome consistency

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    Purpose: Despite in Europe companies and policy makers perceive both the European Commission\u2019s Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and Type III environmental declarations as applicable tools supporting external communication or public procurement, at scientific level there is still no prompt and comprehensive comparison between the PEF Guide and the EPD requirements. Therefore, this paper aims to compare the relevant PEF Guide requirements with the key rules defined by the International EPD\uae System (IES)\u2014one of the main widely accepted EPD schemes \u2014identifying the critical discrepancies which potentially reduces the consistency of the outcomes. Methods: Coherently with the approach of the PEF Guide, the comparison was based on the analysis of the following criteria: scope, LCA application, reporting, review. Further, after a qualitative pre-assessment, the average results of the EPDs published in IES framework were evaluated in respect to the available benchmarks for the products belonging to the same categories for which the Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCRs) were finalised. Results and discussion: An overview of some key selected requirements contained in the PEF Guide was compared with the requirements/specifications contained in the IES GPI. Despite having a comparable scope and being based on a life cycle approach, the methods are not aligned in several key requirements, such as cut-off rules, modelling approach, allocation rules, and impact categories. The results of the comparison between the benchmarks defined in the PEFCRs and the average impacts in the EPDs show a general low comparability and, anyway, limited to the climate change impact category. Conclusions: This paper was aimed to compare the relevant PEF Guide requirements with the key rules defined by the IES. Several critical discrepancies have been identified concerning key requirements affecting the results. The main outcome is that PEF and GPI results cannot be considered comparable and the EU PEF and EPDs cannot be alternatively used as tools supporting Green Public Procurement (GPP) tender requirements. In conclusion, the development of ecolabels can be stimulated via several initiatives such as improving the access to good quality LCA data and strengthening the link between public procurement and environmental labels, but a lot of work is still to be done to reach the harmonisation of rules and the comparability of the results. At present, a statement of non-comparability could be added on ecolabels based on different specific rules

    GHG Accounting for sustainable mega-events: How lessons learnt during the Milan Expo 2015 world fair could lead to less carbon-intensive future mega-events

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    World Fairs such as the Expo events are major events organized to generate tourism revenues, attract people and investments, but which result in environmental impacts that need to be accounted in a reliable and comprehensive way. In particular, accounting the greenhouse gases of a mega-event and comparing the emissions of different events is a very challenging task due to the large amount of data to be collected and to the lack of a specific methodology. In this paper, the quantification of greenhouse gas emissions and removals of Milan Expo 2015 international exposition is presented. Calculations, performed according to the international standard ISO 14064-1, includes office activities, construction of expo site and pavilions, operations and decommissioning process. Detailed information on data collecting methods and sources is shown in the paper. Furthermore, the obtained GHG results normalized to the number of visitors were compared to other mega-events, i.e. the latest Olympic Games, FIFA World Cups and Shanghai Expo 2010. With all the limitations described in the paper, the results showed a total impact of World Expos of about one ton of CO2-eq per square meter of exhibition and averagely 60 kgCO2-eq/visitor. Olympic Games and FIFA World Cups have an average impact respectively of 400 kgCO2-eq/visitor and 600 kgCO2-eq/visitor. The performed analysis was presented in the form of requirements and guidelines with the aim of refining the existing standard methodology highlighting the specific aspect of mega-events and transferring the findings to future world fairs

    Enzo Berlanda : dall’impegno politico locale alla modernizzazione finanziaria del Paese

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    Il volume delinea l'esperienza professionale e politica di Enzo Berlanda (1927-2006); esperienza che al di l\ue0 dell\u2019appartenenza partitica \ue8 paradigmatica di una generazione di uomini che a vari livelli si sono impegnati a servizio e a favore della crescita della societ\ue0 del nostro Paese, lungo il secondo Novecento. Una generazione, temprata dalla devastante esperienza della guerra, ma accomunata dal valore di un impegno politico coerente al servizio delle comunit\ue0 e della nazione intera, che negli ultimi decenni sembra smarrito e di cui invece Berlanda \ue8 testimone esemplare. Il libro, che si \ue8 avvalso di molte testimonianze rese da personalit\ue0 che conobbero e lavorarono con Enzo Berlanda (riprodotte nel DVD allegato al volume) ed \ue8 corredato da una ricca selezione di suoi interventi, non ha la pretesa n\ue9 di essere esaustivo n\ue9 di voler elaborare valutazioni storiche definitive. Piuttosto si propone di offrire, in modo appassionato, una prima visione d\u2019insieme del poliedrico contributo offerto alla societ\ue0 civile da Enzo Berlanda, il cui ricordo \ue8 ancora vivo nella comunit\ue0 locale e nazionale come quella di un bergamasco che ha dato lustro alla sua terra e come quella di un politico che si \ue8 distinto per le sue singolari capacit\ue0 realizzative. La struttura del volume si articola in un capitolo iniziale, dedicato a ricostruire il contesto storico-politico in cui Berlanda si trov\uf2 ad operare, e in altri nove, che con un taglio cronologico-contenutistico ripercorrono le principali fasi del suo impegno civile e della sua attivit\ue0 professionale e politica, e si concludono con una riflessione sul suo lascito morale. Ne emerge la figura di un bergamasco di spicco, che incarn\uf2 in modo esemplare le doti di operosit\ue0, concretezza e rigore tipiche di tanti uomini del territorio orobico e lo spirito di servizio di molti cattolici che, nel secondo dopoguerra, assunsero responsabilit\ue0 politiche in una societ\ue0 da ricostruire. Berlanda fu fortemente radicato a Bergamo, dove ricopr\uec incarichi di rilievo sul piano associativo, amministrativo e politico. Ci\uf2 senza trascurare l\u2019attivit\ue0 professionale, in cui si afferm\uf2 per la sua competenza e per il suo rigore. Dopo essere stato chiamato a rappresentare l\u2019elettorato bergamasco a Roma, nel Senato della Repubblica, impresse un decisivo impulso riformatore alla modernizzazione finanziaria e societaria del Paese, che complet\uf2 quando assunse la presidenza della Commissione nazionale per le Societ\ue0 e la Borsa (Consob), cui ridiede il prestigio che nel tempo essa aveva perduto, dimostrando imparzialit\ue0 e tenacia. Tornato a Bergamo, si rimise, instancabilmente, a servizio della comunit\ue0 local