5 research outputs found

    Cumulative dietary risk characterisation of pesticides that have chronic effects on the thyroid

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    A retrospective chronic cumulative risk assessment of dietary exposure to pesticide residues, supported by an uncertainty analysis based on expert knowledge elicitation, was conducted for two effects on the thyroid, hypothyroidism and parafollicular cell (C‐cell) hypertrophy, hyperplasia and neoplasia. The pesticides considered in this assessment were identified and characterised in the scientific report on the establishment of cumulative assessment groups of pesticides for their effects on the thyroid. Cumulative exposure assessments were conducted through probabilistic modelling by EFSA and the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) using two different software tools and reported separately. These exposure assessments used monitoring data collected by Member States under their official pesticide monitoring programmes in 2014, 2015 and 2016 and individual consumption data from 10 populations of consumers from different countries and different age groups. This report completes the characterisation of cumulative risk, taking account of the available data and the uncertainties involved. For each of the 10 populations, it is concluded with varying degrees of certainty that cumulative exposure to pesticides that have the chronic effects on the thyroid mentioned above does not exceed the threshold for regulatory consideration established by risk managers

    Use of computational tools in the field of food safety

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    In this article we give an overview of how computational methods are currently used in the field of food safety by national regulatory bodies, international advisory organisations and the food industry. Our results show that currently the majority of stakeholders in the field of food safety do not apply computational methods on a routine basis, mainly because of a lack of in-house expertise. Some organisations, however, are very experienced in their use and have developed specialised in-house approaches. Despite this variable situation, computational tools are widely perceived to be a useful tool to support regulatory assessments and decision making in the field of food safety. However, there is a widespread need to develop guidance documents and software tools that will promote and harmonise the use of computational methods, together with appropriate training. Keywords: Alternative method, Risk assessment, Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR), Structure Activity Relationship (SAR), Toxicity, Mode of Action (MOA), Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC), Margin of Exposure (MoE), Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level (LOAEL), Maximum Recommended Therapeutic Dose (MRTD).JRC.I.6-Systems toxicolog

    Prioritisation of pesticides and target organ systems for dietary cumulative risk assessment based on the 2019–2021 monitoring cycle

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    Abstract Aiming at accelerating the implementation of cumulative risk assessment to pesticide residues, this report describes a two‐step prioritisation analysis, on individual pesticides and on target organ systems, that allows to identify (i) low‐priority substances expected to have a marginal contribution to cumulative risk, and (ii) high priority organ systems to be addressed in future cumulative risk assessments. The analysis encompassed 350 substances and 36 raw primary commodities of plant origin surveyed in the monitoring cycle 2019–2021, carried out in 30 population groups, covering 3 age classes, and 17 EU countries. Probabilistic exposure calculations, for chronic and acute effects, were executed on the occurrence and consumption data by a two‐dimensional procedure, modelling variability and uncertainty. In the first step, the prioritisation method adopted allowed to reduce the number of substances by about 80%. These substances were in turn grouped based on their capacity to cause toxicological effects on common organ systems and, as second step, probabilistic combined exposure calculations were carried out for 16 target organ systems. This step allowed to identify the organ systems that need further assessment, reducing their initial number by about 70%. The organ systems would need to be prioritised as follows: reproductive and developmental toxicity, liver, kidney, male reproductive system, and haematopoietic system and haematology. The sources of uncertainty stemming from the modelling procedure and from methodological assumptions were discussed and their impact qualitatively assessed. Overall, it was concluded that the risk estimates for the different organ systems were more likely to be overestimated than underestimated

    Risk Assessment of Combined Exposure to Multiple Chemicals at the European Food Safety Authority: Principles, Guidance Documents, Applications and Future Challenges

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    Human health and animal health risk assessment of combined exposure to multiple chemicals use the same steps as single-substance risk assessment, namely problem formulation, exposure assessment, hazard assessment and risk characterisation. The main unique feature of combined RA is the assessment of combined exposure, toxicity and risk. Recently, the Scientific Committee of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published two relevant guidance documents. The first one “Harmonised methodologies for the human health, animal health and ecological risk assessment of combined exposure to multiple chemicals” provides principles and explores methodologies for all steps of risk assessment together with a reporting table. This guidance supports also the default assumption that dose addition is applied for combined toxicity of the chemicals unless evidence for response addition or interactions (antagonism or synergism) is available. The second guidance document provides an account of the scientific criteria to group chemicals in assessment groups using hazard-driven criteria and prioritisation methods, i.e., exposure-driven and risk-based approaches. This manuscript describes such principles, provides a brief description of EFSA’s guidance documents, examples of applications in the human health and animal health area and concludes with a discussion on future challenges in this field