213 research outputs found

    Les États-Unis : à la fois trop prùs et trop loin

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    L’amĂ©ricanitĂ© des QuĂ©bĂ©cois conditionne la politique internationale du QuĂ©bec. Comparativement aux relations France-QuĂ©bec, les relations QuĂ©bec-États-Unis soulĂšvent de nombreuses difficultĂ©s. Le QuĂ©bec consacre peu de ressources Ă  ce domaine oĂč les problĂšmes Ă  rĂ©soudre sont nombreux, les enjeux variĂ©s et le systĂšme politique difficile Ă  cerner. Ce texte dĂ©montre qu’aux problĂšmes organisationnels s’ajoutent des facteurs sociaux qu’un sondage rĂ©cent a permis de mieux connaĂźtre : les QuĂ©bĂ©cois estiment que les États-Unis leur sont trop familiers pour pousser leur gouvernement Ă  mieux les y reprĂ©senter.Quebec's international policy is conditioned by the "Americaness" of Quebecers. Compared to Quebec-France relations, Quebec-US relations have encountered numerous difficulties. The Quebec government allows very limited resources to be spent south of the border, although the problems to solve are numerous, the stakes are varied, and the complete political system difficult to grasp. This article demonstrates that Quebec's policy suffers not only from institutional deficiencies, but also due to social factors, which a recent poll brought to the fore—that Quebec's public opinion takes the U.S. for granted and does not pressure the government to improve its representation vis-a-vis its most crucial export market

    The Policy Analytical Capacity of the Government of Quebec: Results from a Survey of Officials

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    This article complements the work of Howlett et al. on the capacity of Canadian governments for public policy-making. The new public management wave was driven by the notion of a need for improved service delivery to the population. A number of authors, including Metcalfe, pointed out that the government was then neglecting management in favour of "policy advice." It was fashionable to show interest in policy but not in management. After decades spent seeking greater efficiency, have we gone too far in the other direction? Do governments have the capacity to develop public policy? Have those responsible for developing public policy received the training they require? This article addresses the Quebec portion of a set of Canada-wide surveys on the capacity for public policy-making. It complements the earlier analyses by presenting the results of a survey conducted among public servants in Quebec. We place particular emphasis on education and the training of the public servants who work on developing and formulating public policy

    Les complémentarités institutionnelles du modÚle québécois de développement

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    Si le fonctionnement de l’économie quĂ©bĂ©coise poursuit principalement une logique libĂ©rale en raison de sa forte intĂ©gration continentale, divers facteurs historiques et culturels ont amenĂ© l’État du QuĂ©bec Ă  intervenir plus largement dans l’économie et Ă  promouvoir un partage des fonctions de rĂ©gulation avec certains groupes constituĂ©s de la sociĂ©tĂ© civile. À partir de la thĂ©orie des complĂ©mentaritĂ©s institutionnelles, la prĂ©sente Ă©tude cherche Ă  alimenter le dĂ©bat sur l’avenir du modĂšle quĂ©bĂ©cois de dĂ©veloppement. Refusant une approche manichĂ©enne, cette Ă©tude repose sur l’hypothĂšse selon laquelle la performance Ă©conomique du modĂšle quĂ©bĂ©cois de dĂ©veloppement serait fonction du degrĂ© d’intĂ©gration entre les institutions du libre marchĂ© et les institutions favorisant la redistribution des richesses et la participation citoyenne Ă  la gouverne.The Quebec economy essentially operates within a liberal framework, due to its strong continental integration. However, various historical and cultural factors have led the Province of Quebec to intervene more in its economy and to promote the sharing of regulatory functions with certain civil society groups. Based on the theory of institutional complementarity, this study aims to contribute to the debate on the future of the Quebec development model. Rather than taking a Manichean approach, the study supports the hypothesis that the economic performance of the Quebec development model depends on the degree of integration between the free market institutions and the institutions that promote the redistribution of wealth and citizen participation in governance

    Identification and characterization of the Non-race specific Disease Resistance 1 (NDR1) orthologous protein in coffee

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Leaf rust, which is caused by the fungus <it>Hemileia vastatrix </it>(Pucciniales), is a devastating disease that affects coffee plants (<it>Coffea arabica </it>L.). Disadvantages that are associated with currently developed phytoprotection approaches have recently led to the search for alternative strategies. These include genetic manipulations that constitutively activate disease resistance signaling pathways. However, molecular actors of such pathways still remain unknown in <it>C. arabica</it>. In this study, we have isolated and characterized the coffee <it>NDR1 </it>gene, whose <it>Arabidopsis </it>ortholog is a well-known master regulator of the hypersensitive response that is dependent on coiled-coil type R-proteins.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two highly homologous cDNAs coding for putative NDR1 proteins were identified and cloned from leaves of coffee plants. One of the candidate coding sequences was then expressed in the <it>Arabidopsis </it>knock-out null mutant <it>ndr1-1</it>. Upon a challenge with a specific strain of the bacterium <it>Pseudomonas syringae </it>(DC3000::<it>AvrRpt2</it>), analysis of both macroscopic symptoms and <it>in planta </it>microbial growth showed that the coffee cDNA was able to restore the resistance phenotype in the mutant genetic background. Thus, the cDNA was dubbed <it>CaNDR1a </it>(standing for <it>Coffea arabica Non-race specific Disease Resistance 1a</it>). Finally, biochemical and microscopy data were obtained that strongly suggest the mechanistic conservation of the <it>NDR1</it>-driven function within coffee and <it>Arabidopsis </it>plants. Using a transient expression system, it was indeed shown that the CaNDR1a protein, like its <it>Arabidopsis </it>counterpart, is localized to the plasma membrane, where it is possibly tethered by means of a GPI anchor.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data provide molecular and genetic evidence for the identification of a novel functional <it>NDR1 </it>homolog in plants. As a key regulator initiating hypersensitive signalling pathways, <it>CaNDR1 </it>gene(s) might be target(s) of choice for manipulating the coffee innate immune system and achieving broad spectrum resistance to pathogens. Given the potential conservation of <it>NDR1</it>-dependent defense mechanisms between <it>Arabidopsis </it>and coffee plants, our work also suggests new ways to isolate the as-yet-unidentified <it>R</it>-gene(s) responsible for resistance to <it>H. vastatrix</it>.</p

    Le transfert des compĂ©tences de la main-d’Ɠuvre qualifiĂ©e en emploi au QuĂ©bec, selon diffĂ©rents enjeux pour les entreprises : conditions facilitantes, obstacles et contraintes

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    La recherche a pour objectif de documenter et de mieux comprendre les pratiques de transfert des compĂ©tences dans des PME de secteurs manufacturiers et de services au QuĂ©bec. Pour ce faire, nous avons menĂ© Ă  terme deux dĂ©marches dont nous intĂ©grerons les rĂ©sultats. Une dĂ©marche quantitative permet de dresser un portrait statistique de l’état des pratiques et des stratĂ©gies de transfert de compĂ©tences et de leurs liens Ă©ventuels avec des pratiques de reconnaissance des compĂ©tences. Une dĂ©marche qualitative dont l’objectif est de documenter et d’étudier en profondeur les processus concrets de transfert de compĂ©tences dans quatorze entreprises du secteur manufacturier, de la transformation alimentaire et du secteur de services aux personnes

    The aggregated leapfrogging estimate: a novel approach to defining energy leapfrogging

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    Energy leapfrogging (i.e., skipping non-renewable grid infrastructures to micro-grid renewable sources) has been promoted by researchers and politicians as a solution in fighting against climate change and for access to electricity in less developed countries. Despite research on its potential, quantitative measurement of leapfrogging is still required to determine those nations who have utilized energy leapfrogging's promise. In this study, we present a quantitative analysis using World Bank Open Database data from 2000 to 2015, creating an aggregated leapfrogging estimate (ALE) through renewable energy consumption (i.e., percentage of total energy consumption) and access to electricity (i.e., percent of total population with access). We defined the ALE by subtracting (renewable consumption % in 2000 / access to electricity % in 2015) from (renewable consumption % in 2015 / access to electricity in 2000). We included only countries whose renewable energy consumption increased during the study interval. Low-income countries collectively leapfrogged more than other income groups. Somalia (48.11), Togo (3.05), Eswatini (2.76), and Timor-Leste (1.04) all had ALE values greater than 1 (range: 1.7 × 10−5–48.11). We then conducted a policy analysis of these countries, confirming that all four had implemented renewable energy policies to create access to electricity. Our ALE accurately determined countries with energy leapfrogging, uniquely incorporating access to electricity, consistent with the fundamental purpose of leapfrogging as a strategy to increase access. Future studies are needed to understand why low-income countries with low ALEs and access to electricity failed to leapfrog in the past. Future studies are also required to design prospective quantitative statistical models predicting the outcomes of leapfrogging strategies
