112 research outputs found

    Modelo de los cinco factores de los trastornos de personalidad: Baremo español y validación

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    The categorical approach of personality disorders (PD) has given way to a dimensional paradigm. Within this, the Five-factor model (FFM) proposes theoretical hypotheses describing personality pathologies and PD empirical prototypes based on the DSM (DSM-PD). Moreover, a methodology to score DSM-PD using the NEO PI-R facets was developed. In this ex post-facto study FFM-PD count norms were developed using data from the NEO PI-R Spanish adaptation. Furthermore, the diagnostic agreement with the IPDE and validity of FFM-PD counts was analyzed in a clinical (n = 222) and non-clinical sample (n = 742). Based on NEO PI-R scores, we presented Spanish FFM-PD normative data. FFM-PD benchmarks were highly likely to be exceeded if subjects were classified as a subclinical case in the DSM-PD. Convergent correlations of FFM-PD counts with their equivalent subclinical cases of DSM-PD were statistically significant and outperformed any divergent correlation as well as the average divergent correlations in all FFM-PD. The use of a count technique based on NEO PI-R facets and Spanish FFM-PD normative data facilitate PD understanding and interpretation in various applied psychology fields.La concepción categórica de los trastornos de personalidad (TP) ha dado paso al paradigma dimensional, donde el modelo de los Cinco Factores (MCF) propone hipótesis teóricas para describir la patología de la personalidad y prototipos empíricos de los TP del DSM, además de técnicas para valorarlos en base a facetas del NEO PI-R. En este estudio ex post-facto se han elaborado baremos para el recuento de TP-MCF a partir de la adaptación española del NEO PI-R. Además, se ha comprobado la coherencia diagnóstica con IPDE y la validez de los recuentos de TP-MCF en una muestra clínica (n = 222) y otra no clínica (n = 742). A partir de las puntuaciones en NEO PI-R se elaboró el baremo español de los TP-MCF, cuyas cotas significativas son superadas con elevada probabilidad por casos subclínicos detectados con IPDE. Las correlaciones convergentes entre los recuentos de TP-MCF y los equivalentes casos de TP-DSM fueron estadísticamente significativas y superaron a cualquier correlación divergente y a la correlación divergente media en todos los TP-MCF. El recuento de facetas relevantes en TP-MCF y el baremo español resultante facilitan la comprensión e interpretación de los TP en distintos ámbitos de la psicología aplicada

    Continuity of Genetic Risk for Aggressive Behavior Across the Life-Course

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    We test whether genetic influences that explain individual differences in aggression in early life also explain individual differences across the life-course. In two cohorts from The Netherlands (N = 13,471) and Australia (N = 5628), polygenic scores (PGSs) were computed based on a genome-wide meta-analysis of childhood/adolescence aggression. In a novel analytic approach, we ran a mixed effects model for each age (Netherlands: 12–70 years, Australia: 16–73 years), with observations at the focus age weighted as 1, and decaying weights for ages further away. We call this approach a ‘rolling weights’ model. In The Netherlands, the estimated effect of the PGS was relatively similar from age 12 to age 41, and decreased from age 41–70. In Australia, there was a peak in the effect of the PGS around age 40 years. These results are a first indication from a molecular genetics perspective that genetic influences on aggressive behavior that are expressed in childhood continue to play a role later in life

    Effects of Social Attitude Change on Smoking Heritability

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    Societal attitudes and norms to female smoking changed in Spain in the mid-twentieth century from a restrictive to a tolerant, and an even pro-smoking, posture, while social attitudes remained stable for males. We explored whether this difference in gender-related social norms influenced the heritability of two tobacco use measures: lifetime smoking and number of years smoking. We used a population-based sample of 2285 twins (mean age = 55.78; SD = 7.45; 58% females) whose adolescence began between the mid-1950s and the early 1980s. After modeling the effect of sex and year of birth on the variance components, we observed that the impact of the genetic and shared environmental factors varied differently by birth cohort between males and females. For females, shared environment explained a higher proportion of variance than the genetic factors in older cohorts. However, this situation was inverted in the younger female cohorts. In contrast, no birth cohort effect was observed for males, where the impact of the genetic and environmental factors remained constant throughout the study period. These results suggest that heritability is larger in a permissive social environment, whereas shared-environmental factors are more relevant in a society that is less tolerant to smoking

    Visual Psychophysics and Physiological Optics Micrometric Control of the Optics of the Human Eye: Environment or Genes?

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    Citation: Tabernero J, Hervella L, Benito A, et al. Micrometric control of the optics of the human eye: environment or genes? Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2017;58:196458: -197058: . DOI: 10.1167 PURPOSE. The human eye has typically more optical aberrations than conventional artificial optical systems. While the lower order modes (defocus and astigmatism) are well studied, our purpose is to explore the influence of genes versus the environment on the higher order aberrations of the optical components of the eye. METHODS. We have performed a classical twin study in a sample from the Region of Murcia (Spain). Optical aberrations using a Hartmann-Shack sensor (AOnEye Voptica SL, Murcia, Spain) and corneal aberrations (using corneal topography data) were measured in 138 eyes corresponding to 69 twins; 36 monozygotic (MZ) and 33 dizygotic (DZ) pairs (age 55 years, SD 7 years). Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were used to estimate how strongly aberrations of twins resemble each other, and genetic models were fitted to quantify heritability in the selected phenotypes. RESULTS. Genes had a significant influence in the variance of most of the higher order aberration terms (heritability from 40% to 70%). This genetic influence was observed similarly in both cornea and complete eye aberrations. Additionally, the compensation factor of spherical aberration in the eye (i.e., how much corneal spherical aberration was compensated by internal spherical aberration) was found under genetic influence (heritability of 68%). CONCLUSIONS. There is a significant genetic contribution to the variance of aberrations of the eye, not only at macroscopic levels, as in myopia or astigmatism, but also at microscopic levels, where a few micrometers changes in surface topography can produce a large difference in the value of the optical aberrations

    Personality characteristics below facets:A replication and meta-analysis of cross-rater agreement, rank-order stability, heritability and utility of personality nuances

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    Mõttus and colleagues (2017) reported evidence that the unique variance in specific personality characteristics captured by single descriptive items often displayed trait-like properties of cross-rater agreement, rank-order stability, and heritability. They suggested that the personality hierarchy should be extended below facets to incorporate these specific characteristics, called personality nuances. The present study attempted to replicate these findings, employing data from 6,287 individuals from 6 countries (Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Japan, and United States). The same personality measure-240-item Revised NEO Personality Inventory-and statistical procedures were used. The present findings closely replicated the original results. When the original and current results were meta-analyzed, the unique variance of nearly all items (i.e., items' scores residualized for all broader personality traits) showed statistically significant cross-rater agreement (median = .12) and rank-order stability over an average of 12 years (median = .24), and the unique variance of the majority of items had a significant heritable component (median = .14). These 3 item properties were intercorrelated, suggesting that items systematically differed in the degree of reflecting valid unique variance. Also, associations of items' unique variance with age, gender, and body mass index (BMI) replicated across samples and tracked with the original findings. Moreover, associations between item residuals and BMI obtained from one group of people allowed for a significant incremental prediction of BMI in an independent sample. Overall, these findings reinforce the hypotheses that nuances constitute the building blocks of the personality trait hierarchy, their properties are robust and they can be useful

    Nausea and Vomiting During Pregnancy is Highly Heritable.

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    Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy (NVP) affects about 70 % of all expectant mothers and commonly impacts their physical health and psychosocial functioning. The aim of this study was to estimate the heritability of the presence, duration and severity of NVP. The sample consisted of 1723 women (M age = 41.78, SD = 11.67) including twins in both complete and incomplete pairs and their sisters from two cohorts participating in the NVP Genetics Consortium. The sample comprised 159 monozygotic and 140 dizygotic complete twin pairs, and 69 twin-sister pairs. We applied an extended twin design using OpenMx and Mx for secondary analysis. Individual differences in NVP were best explained by additive genetic and unique environmental effects. Heritability estimates were 73 % (95 % CIs = 57-84 %) for presence, 51 % (95 % CIs = 36-63 %) for duration and 53 % (95 % CIs = 38-65 %) for severity of NVP. The genetic correlation between duration and severity was almost perfect. Our results show that genes play an important role in different aspects of NVP and justify the importance of searching for genetic variants.</p

    Social competence in parents increases children’s educational attainment:Replicable genetically-mediated effects of parenting revealed by non-transmitted DNA

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    We recently reported an association of offspring educational attainment with polygenic risk scores (PRS) computed on parent's non-transmitted alleles for educational attainment using the second GWAS meta-analysis article on educational attainment published by the Social Science Genetic Association Consortium. Here we test the replication of these findings using a more powerful PRS from the third GWAS meta-analysis article by the Consortium. Each of the key findings of our previous paper is replicated using this improved PRS (N = 2335 adolescent twins and their genotyped parents). The association of children's attainment with their own PRS increased substantially with the standardized effect size, moving from β = 0.134, 95% CI = 0.079, 0.188 for EA2, to β = 0.223, 95% CI = 0.169, 0.278, p <.001, for EA3. Parent's PRS again predicted the socioeconomic status (SES) they provided to their offspring and increased from β = 0.201, 95% CI = 0.147, 0.256 to β = 0.286, 95% CI = 0.239, 0.333. Importantly, the PRS for alleles not transmitted to their offspring - therefore acting via the parenting environment - was increased in effect size from β = 0.058, 95% CI = 0.003, 0.114 to β = 0.067, 95% CI = 0.012, 0.122, p =.016. As previously found, this non-transmitted genetic effect was fully accounted for by parental SES. The findings reinforce the conclusion that genetic effects of parenting are substantial, explain approximately one-third the magnitude of an individual's own genetic inheritance and are mediated by parental socioeconomic competence

    Genetic analysis of hyperemesis gravidarum reveals association with intracellular calcium release channel (RYR2)

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    Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG), severe nausea/vomiting in pregnancy (NVP), can cause poor maternal/fetal outcomes. Genetic predisposition suggests the genetic component is essential in discovering an etiology. We performed whole-exome sequencing of 5 families followed by analysis of variants in 584 cases/431 controls. Variants in RYR2 segregated with disease in 2 families. The novel variant L3277R was not found in any case/control. The rare variant, G1886S was more common in cases (p = 0.046) and extreme cases (p = 0.023). Replication of G1886S using Norwegian/Australian data was supportive. Common variants rs790899 and rs1891246 were significantly associated with HG and weight loss. Copy-number analysis revealed a deletion in a patient. RYR2 encodes an intracellular calcium release channel involved in vomiting, cyclic-vomiting syndrome, and is a thyroid hormone target gene. Additionally, RYR2 is a downstream drug target of Inderal, used to treat HG and CVS. Thus, herein we provide genetic evidence for a pathway and therapy for HG