432 research outputs found

    To evaluate the role of pentoxifylline in optic atrophy induced by tuberculosis

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    A 30 year female, presented two years back with complaint of gradual loss of vision in L/E followed by poor vision in R/E and she was diagnosed as having miliary tuberculosis and taken complete ATT. Patient was started on pentoxifylline 400 mg twice daily and observed after 15 days. There was rapid improvement in vision. Patient was followed up at every month for first three months and then every three monthly for two years. For this patient, treatment with oral pentoxifylline 400mg twice daily for two years led to improvement in visual acuity. The improved visual acuity in this patient suggests that pentoxifylline is an effective treatment of optic atrophy of eye in the patients with tuberculosis

    Availability of Friendly Islamic Tourism Facilities in Jordan

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    Halal tourism, also known as Islamic tourism, is a new pattern of tourism that emerged after 9/11 made travel to the United States and Europe more dangerous for Muslims. Hotels and other tourism businesses are adapting their practices to suit these travelers, providing them with Halal products and programming. This study aims to gauge the degree to which these features can be found in hotels in Jordan, as well as Jordanian businesses’ awareness of Halal tourism. Based on the results of a survey provided to 29 hotels across Jordan, Jordanian hotels share many features of ‘Halal hotels’, though this may be due to Jordan’s large Muslim population. Jordanian awareness of Halal tourism is growing, and many of the hotels surveyed plan to incorporate more aspects of Halal tourism into their own programming.. Keywords: Islamic Tourism, Halal Tourism, Jordan DOI: 10.7176/JTHS/41-01 Publication date:May 31st 201

    FT-IR Studies of Nickel Substituted Polycrystalline Zinc Spinel Ferrites for Structural and Vibrational Investigations

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    FT-IR spectra of Ni1-sZnsFe2O4 spinel ferrite, s changed by 0.2 according to 0.0 s 1.0, have been analyzed in the frequency range (350−1000) cm-1. Six polycrystalline ferrites samples were synthesized using the conventional standard double sintering ceramic method. Two main absorption bands were observed, their positions were found to be strongly dependent on s-value. The high frequency band in the range 550-600 cm−1 and a low frequency band at around 400 cm−1 were assigned to tetrahedral Td and octahedral Oh sites, respectively, of spinel lattice. Force constant (FC) was calculated for Tdand Oh sites and was found to decrease with increasing Zn ions. Threshold frequency nth for the electronic transition was determined and found to increase with increasing Zn ions. Cations distribution for the prepared mixed ferrite was concluded based on the FT-IR spectra. The ionic radii for each site were correlated to the cations distribution of the given ferrite.FT-IR spectra of Ni1-sZnsFe2O4 spinel ferrite, s changed by 0.2 according to 0.0 s 1.0, have been analyzed in the frequency range (350−1000) cm-1. Six polycrystalline ferrites samples were synthesized using the conventional standard double sintering ceramic method. Two main absorption bands were observed, their positions were found to be strongly dependent on s-value. The high frequency band in the range 550-600 cm−1 and a low frequency band at around 400 cm−1 were assigned to tetrahedral Td and octahedral Oh sites, respectively, of spinel lattice. Force constant (FC) was calculated for Tdand Oh sites and was found to decrease with increasing Zn ions. Threshold frequency nth for the electronic transition was determined and found to increase with increasing Zn ions. Cations distribution for the prepared mixed ferrite was concluded based on the FT-IR spectra. The ionic radii for each site were correlated to the cations distribution of the given ferrite

    Synthetize and Magnetic Properties of Ni Substituted Polycrystalline Zn-spinel Ferrites

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    The mixed polycrystalline Ni1-sZnsFe2O4 ferrites where s is the percentage increments of Zn ions, were prepared using the standard double sintering by mixing pure metal oxides NiO, ZnO and Fe2O3. The netmagnetization (Mnet)was studied at room temperature as a function of applied magnetic field(H)over the range of (0-45) Oe ina constant magnetizing frequency (ν = 50 Hz). Mnet show increasing with increasing of H. Mnet is found to increase for the samples of s= 0.0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 then decreases there after while the concentration of Zn increases in matrix i.e. samples of s = 0.8 and 1.0. The increasing of the magnetization with increasing of Zn+2 ions for the samples of s= 0.0, 0.2 and 0.4 explained by Neel’s two-sublattice model. However,for the decreasing of magnetization beyond > 0.6 explained by Yafet and Kittel for the three-sublattice model. The Yafet-Kittel angle (YK) for the samples of s = 0.4 to s = 1.0, shows increasing with increasing of the amount of nonmagnetic ions Zn+2 in ferrite. The relation between H and relative permeability (µr) show an interesting behavior of the present ferrite samples. µr for the samples of s = 0.0, 0.2, 0.8 and 1.0 is found to be smaller than the samples with s= 0.4 and s= 0.6. Substitution of the non-magnetic Zn+2 ions in Ni spinel ferrite has a tremendous influence such the magnetic properties. Furthermore, Zn content has significant influence on the magnetic properties for Ni ferrites, so, the mixed Ni-Zn spinel ferrite is considered a soft ferrite material, which is proved an interesting material for technological and scientific applications.The mixed polycrystalline Ni1-sZnsFe2O4 ferrites where s is the percentage increments of Zn ions, were prepared using the standard double sintering by mixing pure metal oxides NiO, ZnO and Fe2O3. The netmagnetization (Mnet)was studied at room temperature as a function of applied magnetic field(H)over the range of (0-45) Oe ina constant magnetizing frequency (ν = 50 Hz). Mnet show increasing with increasing of H. Mnet is found to increase for the samples of s= 0.0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 then decreases there after while the concentration of Zn increases in matrix i.e. samples of s = 0.8 and 1.0. The increasing of the magnetization with increasing of Zn+2 ions for the samples of s= 0.0, 0.2 and 0.4 explained by Neel’s two-sublattice model. However,for the decreasing of magnetization beyond > 0.6 explained by Yafet and Kittel for the three-sublattice model. The Yafet-Kittel angle (YK) for the samples of s = 0.4 to s = 1.0, shows increasing with increasing of the amount of nonmagnetic ions Zn+2 in ferrite. The relation between H and relative permeability (µr) show an interesting behavior of the present ferrite samples. µr for the samples of s = 0.0, 0.2, 0.8 and 1.0 is found to be smaller than the samples with s= 0.4 and s= 0.6. Substitution of the non-magnetic Zn+2 ions in Ni spinel ferrite has a tremendous influence such the magnetic properties. Furthermore, Zn content has significant influence on the magnetic properties for Ni ferrites, so, the mixed Ni-Zn spinel ferrite is considered a soft ferrite material, which is proved an interesting material for technological and scientific applications

    Investigation of the Effect of Zn Ions Concentration on DC Conductivity and Curie Temperature of Ni-spinel Ferrite

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    The mixed polycrystalline ferrites Ni1-sZnsFe2O4, were obtained using the standard double sintering technique by mixing high purity of metal oxides NiO, ZnO and Fe2O3 for different concentration of Zn ion. DC electric properties and inductance of the prepared samples were carried out over the temperature range of 300 up to 773 K using two probe method and LCR meter. The thermal dependence of DC electrical conductivity (σDC) for the mixed Ni-Zn spinel ferrites with different Zn concentrations was investigated. In general, σDC found to be increased with both increasing temperature and Zn content. The thermal measurement of σDC confirmed the semiconductor behavior for Zn substituted Ni spinel ferrites and follows Arrhenius relation in the investigated temperature region. The variation of σDC indicated that the conduction mechanism was correlated to a small polaron-hopping. The activation energies of both regions, ferrimagnetic (Ef) and paramagnetic (Ep) and △E=Ep-Ef for all studied compositions were estimated. The calculated activation energy in the ferrimagnetic region was found to be less than that in paramagnetic region. The influenced of increased Zn ions on σDCand activation energies was investigated. From these results, it is found that △E and σDC decrease with increasing of Zn content. The inductance measurements for the prepared samples show constant values at low temperature range up to Curie temperature (TC), then the inductance decrease sharply except for ZnFe2O4 which confirmed that it is a paramagnetic at room temperature. The Curie temperature was determined from σDC and inductance measurement, which was found to be nearly the same and they decreased with increasing of Zn ions. The experimental results reveal that the electric properties and inductance, which can be dramatically changed by substitution of the non-magnetic Zn ions in Ni spinel ferrite. These improved properties of the mixed Ni-Zn spinel ferrite suggest uses as a soft ferrite material, which is proved an interest material for technological and scientific applications.The mixed polycrystalline ferrites Ni1-sZnsFe2O4, were obtained using the standard double sintering technique by mixing high purity of metal oxides NiO, ZnO and Fe2O3 for different concentration of Zn ion. DC electric properties and inductance of the prepared samples were carried out over the temperature range of 300 up to 773 K using two probe method and LCR meter. The thermal dependence of DC electrical conductivity (σDC) for the mixed Ni-Zn spinel ferrites with different Zn concentrations was investigated. In general, σDC found to be increased with both increasing temperature and Zn content. The thermal measurement of σDC confirmed the semiconductor behavior for Zn substituted Ni spinel ferrites and follows Arrhenius relation in the investigated temperature region. The variation of σDC indicated that the conduction mechanism was correlated to a small polaron-hopping. The activation energies of both regions, ferrimagnetic (Ef) and paramagnetic (Ep) and △E=Ep-Ef for all studied compositions were estimated. The calculated activation energy in the ferrimagnetic region was found to be less than that in paramagnetic region. The influenced of increased Zn ions on σDCand activation energies was investigated. From these results, it is found that △E and σDC decrease with increasing of Zn content. The inductance measurements for the prepared samples show constant values at low temperature range up to Curie temperature (TC), then the inductance decrease sharply except for ZnFe2O4 which confirmed that it is a paramagnetic at room temperature. The Curie temperature was determined from σDC and inductance measurement, which was found to be nearly the same and they decreased with increasing of Zn ions. The experimental results reveal that the electric properties and inductance, which can be dramatically changed by substitution of the non-magnetic Zn ions in Ni spinel ferrite. These improved properties of the mixed Ni-Zn spinel ferrite suggest uses as a soft ferrite material, which is proved an interest material for technological and scientific applications
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