58 research outputs found

    ​How Church Bells Fell Silent: The Decline of Tower Bell Practices in Post-Revolutionary America

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    ABSTRACT HOW CHURCH BELLS FELL SILENT: THE DECLINE OF TOWER BELL PRACTICES IN POST-REVOLUTIONARY AMERICA Deborah Lubken Carolyn Marvin Americans sounded church bells for multiple purposes: publishing local time, opening markets, alerting firefighters, celebrating and protesting political events, announcing deaths, conducting funeral processions, and, of course, assembling religious congregations. This dissertation approaches these uses as distinct communication practices that were implemented to achieve specific ends, interpreted through different frameworks, and modified to accommodate evolving needs and expectations. After addressing the uses of bells for political expression in the revolutionary and early national periods, I investigate the retreat of four such practices from the center of American life to its periphery: the death knell (sounded to announce the deaths of individuals), the funeral bell (sounded to gather and conduct funeral processions), the fire bell (sounded to alert and direct firefighters), and the churchgoing bell (sounded to assemble religious congregations for services). Shortly after the Revolution, Americans began to complain publicly about bells that rang or tolled too loudly or for excessive durations. These complaints, however, were practice-specific and arose according to different schedules. Americans moved to suppress funeral tolling in the late 1780s, petitioned municipal authorities to regulate the churchgoing bell by the 1820s, and began to anticipate fire alarms without bells by the late 1850s. Death knells, which conveyed information but did not summon inhabitants to congregate publicly, slipped quietly into memory. Audiences opposed (or defended) the funeral, fire, and churchgoing bells for different reasons and conceived annoyance, necessity, and harm in ways particular to each practice

    Effect of Professional Exclusion Among Respiratory Therapists in the ICU

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    This study was conducted to test how social exclusion, experienced through a culture of healthcare hierarchy, influenced the feelings/attitudes of respiratory therapists (RTs) who are excluded from discussions of end-of-life (EOL) care. Data analysis was conducted using a multivariate analysis of variance to address the research questions. A quantitative nonexperimental survey research design incorporating four evidence-based surveys was used. There was no significance found between professional exclusion from EOL care discussions and the abilities of RTs to collaborate with intensive care unit (ICU) team members within the shared decision-making model as it relates to providing care in the ICU. There was significance in the differences measured by the variable “planned together” on abilities to perform EOL care procedures. In survey responses, RTs expressed a strong desire for inclusion. The study concluded that RTs are rarely involved in EOL care discussions and/or planning. Despite their exclusion, RTs are responsible for performing the majority of EOL care procedures in the ICU, which generated discomfort. This topic of inquiry has social change implications, in that the ethical and emotional burdens of caring for dying patients can impact all ICU team members. All team members are stakeholders in the EOL care process, and the findings of this study can offer insight into the unique goals and essential roles each has within the EOL care decision-making process. This study may give stakeholders such as RTs new insight into the critical roles that they play. Additional knowledge of methods to reduce the burden posed by exclusion may make it easier for RTs to perform their duties in a more fulfilling way leading to positive social change

    Inclusion Opinions for the Classroom: A Meta-Synthesis

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    Despite all the information available about inclusion, teachers are still not receiving adequate training and support on how to efficiently execute inclusive practices within their schools. This lack of quality training and preparation, results in inclusion being met with sour attitudes and unrefined implementation. In addition, students are often not represented or given a voice on their feelings towards inclusion. This meta-synthesis of the literature on inclusive education investigates the realities of powerfully carrying out and supporting inclusive practices for the special and general education teachers and students in the general education classroom

    Airglow imaging observations in Germany and Norway

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第35回極域宙空圏シンポジウム 11月15日(火) 国立極地研究所 2階大会議室前フロ

    Matematički pristup za unapređenje pouzdanosti podešavanja parametara u modeliranju procesa anaerobne digestije

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    The Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient (ENSC) has been modified in order to assess the quality of simulations compared to observed data from the mesophilic monofermentation of grass silage. By applying the ENSC it is not only possible to find parameter sets with the best fit, but also to analyze the sensitivity of each parameter. For modeling the concentration of hydrogen, both the maximum uptake rate for hydrogen km_H2 and half-saturation coefficient of hydrogen KS_H2 are equally sensitive. Modeling the concentration of organic acids as acetate, propionate and butyrate, maximum uptake rate km as well as the free ammonia inhibition constant for acetate uptake KI_NH3 and hydrogen inhibition constants KI_H2, respectively are much more sensitive than their corresponding half-saturation constants KS. Only changes of hydrogen inhibition constants and maximum uptake of acetate compared to the ADM1 suggested values (for mesophilic sludge digestion) were necessary to fit the measurements.Model Nash-Sutcliffe koeficijenta efikasnosti (ENSC) primijenjen je u svrhu procjene kvalitete simulacija u usporedbi s promatranim podacima mezofilne monofermentacije travne silaže. Primjenom ENSC nije moguće pronaći najbolje moguće odgovarajuće skupove parametara, isto tako nije moguće analizirati osjetljivost svakog parametra. Za modeliranje koncentracije vodika, jednako su osjetljivi maksimalna stopa unosa vodika km_H2 kao i poluzasićenost vodikom KS_H2. Modeliranje koncentracije organskih kiselina kao acetata, propionata i butirata, maksimalni unos km jednako kao i konstanta inhibicije bez amonijaka za unos acetata KI_NH3 i konstanta inhibicije vodika KI_H2, mnogo više su osjetljiviji u odnosu na njihove odgovarajuće poluzasićene konstante KS. Za odgovarajuća mjerenja samo su bile potrebne promjene konstante inhibicije vodika i maksimalnog unosa acetate u usporedbi s ADMI predloženim vrijednostima (za mezofilnu digestiju taloga)

    Verdeckungsmuster mit kurzen signalen

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    Amplitude enhancements in Antarctic MF radar echoes

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    Enhancements in the amplitude of returns from a medium-frequency (MF) radar at Davis, Antarctica, have been identified and their potential use as a measure of polar mesosphere summer echoes (PMSE) has been explored. A method for finding these enhancements has been applied to data spanning the period from mid-1995 to the end of 1997. The character of these enhancements on short and long timescales has been studied, and factors that may affect their detection have been considered. It has been found that they are short-lived (2 min or less being most common) and largely limited to the months around summer. Apart from describing the character of these amplitude enhancements, this study illustrates the potential pitfalls associated with identifying a proxy measure of PMSE.D. J. Murphy, R. A. Vincenthttp://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=85383