256 research outputs found

    Kedududkan Hukum Anak Luar Kawin Menurut Undang Undang Perkawinan No 1 Tahun 1974 Pasca Lahirnya Putusan Mk RI No 46/puu-vii/2010 terhadap Ibu Kandung dan Ayah Biologis

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    An illegitimate child's status is the result of illegal marriage. Concerning his civil right, development, caring, and subsistence, it is basically the liability of his biological mother as it is stipulated in the Marriage Law No. 1/1974. He only has civil relation with his biological mother and with her relatives. After the issuance of the Supreme Court's Ruling No. 46/PUU-VII/2010 which has amended Article 43 of the Marriage Law, states that an illegitimate child, who used to have the relation with his biological mother, not only has the relation with his biological mother but also with his biological father. This legal protection and legal certainty can be taken by filing a complaint to the Court and giving evidence by carrying out DNA test by medical forensic team. In this case, it must be through legal procedure through the court's judge who orders the evidence by DNA test

    Analisis Produksi dan Pemasaran Ubi Kayu (Studi Kasus: Desa Lau Bekeri, Kecamatan Kutalimbaru,kabupaten Deli Serdang)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui analisis produksi dan pemasaran ubi kayu di Desa Lau Bakeri, Kecamatan Kutalimbaru, Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Diantaranya dengan menganalisis regresi linear berganda dengan metode OLS (Ordinary Least Square), menganalisis pendapatan petani ubi kayu, menganalisis bagaimana rantai pemasaran bibit karet rakyat, dan menganalisis price spread dan share margin yang terjadi pada petani ubi kayu, dan menganalisis bentuk struktur pasar ubi kayu. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dari petani melalui wawancara langsung dengan menggunakan daftar pertanyaan yang telah dipersiapkan terlebih dahulu. Petani responden diambil dengan menggunakan metode slovin sehingga ditentukan besar sampel petani mawar sebanyak 40 orang petani ubi kayu. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis OLS (Ordinary Least Square),pendapatan, Rantai Pemasaran, Marketing Margin; Price Spread dan Share Margin, dan menganalisis struktur ubi kayu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil regresi dari metode OLS (Ordinary Least Square) diperoleh persamaan Y = 6559,691 + 18.238,604X1 + 6,427X2 + 0,288X3 + 1.581,928X4 + 142,203X5. Pendapatan yang diperoleh petani ubi kayu sebesar Rp. 30.722.921,60. Dalam Rantai Pemasaran ubi kayu terdapat 3 lembaga yang terlibat yaitu petani, pedagang/agen, konsumen. struktur pasar ubi kayu adalah duopsoni. Marketing Margin, Price Spread dan Share Margin dalam pemasaran ubi kayu menunjukkan adanya perbedaan masing- masing harga yang diterima oleh petani maupun pedagang ubi kayu

    Factors Affecting Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy

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    The success of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) for treating human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease depends on maintaining a high level of adherence. Non-adherence is associated with a poor short-term virological response and accelerates the development of drug-resistant HIV. The shift to combination therapies for treating HIV-infected individuals has increased the challenges of adherence for both patients and health-care providers. The cumulative number of people in April 2015 who were eligible for HAART but had not yet started the therapy at the Adam Malik Hospital in Medan City Indonesia was 1,669 out of 6,033 people (27.66%). The cumulative number of absentees and loss to follow-up at >3 months was 1,273 out of 4,364 people (29.17%) up to April 2015.This study was a cross-sectional investigation of the factors associated with adherence to antiretroviral consumption for HIV-infected individuals at the Adam Malik Hospital in 2015. The sample size was 65 people, using consecutive sampling. The data were collected from medical records, observations, and an interview with a questionnaire. The data analysis included descriptive study, the chi-square test, Fisher’s exact test, and logistic regression, using STATA software. The results showed pill adherence in 28 patients (43.08%) and non-adherence in 37 patients (56.92%). The principal factors associated with non-adherence in the logistic regression were patient-related, including occupation (p = 0.062; OR = 0.22) and pill burden (p = 0.080; OR = 6.20). However, another factor that may have contributed was the system of health insurance (p = 0.015; OR = 5.00). The probability of the meaningful factors, based on the results of a multivariate analysis using the logistic function formula, is 0.7365 or 73.65%. The major reasons of HIV-infected individuals for not taking their medications were being employed, pill burden consideration, and without health insurance. Improving adherence probably requires the provision of the easy health insurance system with adequate patient preparation, innovative interventions and must fit into the socio cultural context of each setting. Keywords: adherence, antiretroviral, health insurance, occupation, pill burde

    Performance Evaluation of an Innovative-Vapor- Compression-Desalination System

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    – Two dominant desalination methods are reverse osmosis (RO) and multi-stage flash (MSF). RO requires large capital investment and maintenance, whereas MSF is too energy-intensive. Innovative system of vapor compression desalination is proposed in this study. Comprehensive mathematics model for evaporator is also described. From literature study, it is indicated that very high overall-heat-transfer coefficient for evaporator can be obtained at specific condition by using dropwise condensation in the steam side, and pool boiling in the liquid side. Smooth titanium surface is selected in order to increase dropwise condensation, and resist corrosion. To maximize energy efficiency, a cogeneration scheme of a combined cycle consisting of gas turbine, boiler heat recovery, and steam turbine that drives compressor is used. The resource for combined cycle is relatively too high for the compressor requirement. Excess power can be used to generate electricity for internal and/or external consumptions, and sold to open market. Four evaporator stages are used. Evaporator is fed by seawater, with assumption of 3.5% salt contents. Boiling brine (7% salt) is boiled in low pressure side of the heat exchanger, and condensed vapor is condensed in high pressure side of the heat exchanger. Condensed steam flows at velocity of 1.52 m/s, so that it maximize the heat transfer coefficient. This unit is designed in order to produce 10 million gallon/day, and assumed it is financed with 5%, 30 years of passive obligation. Three cases are evaluated in order to determine recommended condition to obtain the lowest fixed capital investment. Based on the evaluation, it is possible to establish four-stage unit of mechanical vapor compression distillation with capital $31,723,885

    Comparison of Functional Outcome of Total Knee Replacement Between Cruciate Retaining and Cruciate Substituting Prosthesis in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital

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    Background.Total knee replacement is a procedure of choice in the management of severe osteoarthritis. Currently two types of prosthesis are widely used, cruciate retaining and cruciate substituting. Experts have not yet reached agreement regarding which one is better. This study is aimed to compare functional outcome between cruciate retaining and substituting prosthesis. Materials and methods.This study was a randomized single-blinded clinical trial. Patients with severe osteoarthritis were divided into two groups and evaluated before operation. First group underwent cruciate retaining total knee replacement, and the other cruciate substituting total knee replacement. Functional outcome was evaluated in 3 and 6 months after operation, regarding the knee flexion angle and International Knee Documentation Committee score.Results.There were 14 patients. Mean knee flexion angle of cruciate retaining in 3 and 6 months were 105.0 degrees and 113.3 degrees respectively, whereas cruciate substituting were 118.1 degrees and 126.2 degrees. International Knee Documentation Committee score of cruciate retaining in 3 and 6 months were 49.0 and 59.4 respectively, while cruciate substituting were 52.6 and 63.8. There were significant differences in flexion angles between cruciate retaining and cruciate substituting groups at 3 months (p=0.006) and 6 months (p=0.018). No significant difference was demonstrated in International Knee Documentation Committee score between cruciate retaining and cruciate substituting groups at 3 months (p=0.053) and 6 months (p=0.240).Conclusions.Functional outcome regarding the knee flexion angle of cruciate substituting group was 13.1 degrees better in 3 months and 12.9 degrees in 6 months compared to cruciate retaining group. Functional outcome based on International Knee Documentation Committee score score did not show significant differences between two groups whether 3 or 6 months after operation

    Pameran Cinemagraph “Turun Sintren”

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    Kebudayaan merupakan identitas dari sebuah masyarakat. Kesenian Sintren merupakan bagian dari kebudayaan Cirebon di daerah pesisir utara Jawa, Indonesia. Penari Sintren berkacamata hitam dan wewangian dari asap kemenyan merupakan salah satu bentuk hiburan rakyat Cirebon. Terkait dengan pengaruh Sunan Gunung Jati, masyarakat Cirebon masih terikat pada hal hal yang berbau mistis. Kurangnya wawasan masyarakat umum akan kesenian ini membuat Sintren Cirebon membutuhkan sebuah sarana untuk kembali dikenal. Perancangan pameran cinemagraph “Turun Sintren” ditujukan kepada remaja akhir dan dewasa muda yang senang mengunjungi mall. Mall merupakan sebuah ruang publik dimana terjadi interaksi didalamnya. Perancangan pameran “Turun Sintren” terbagi dalam dua tahap; perancangan cinemagraph dan pameran. Pameran ditata sedemikian rupa untuk mendukung pensuasanaan dari seri cinemagraph yang dibuat. Dalam bentuk pameran cinemagraph di kawasan mall, dengan otomatis akan terjadi interaksi antara audience dan Sintren

    Hubungan Hukum Pengelolaan Wakaf antara Nazhir dan Badan Wakaf Indonesia Provinsi Sumatera Utara terhadap Tanah Wakaf yang Belum Terdaftar (Studi di Kota Medan)

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    Of 1,242 parcels of wakaf land in Medan, 663 of them have been certified and 393 have not, and 186 of them were in the process in the National Land Board and several of them have not been registered which will possibly cause dispute. Wakaf is expected to be able to improve people's welfare, especially Moslems. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the assets of registered and unregistered wakaf land. The problems of the research were as follows: first, how about the correlation between Nazir and BWI (Indonesian Wakaf Board) of North Sumatera, related to the management of unregistered wakaf land in Medan; secondly, how about the obstacles faced by Nazir and BWI of North Sumatera in managing unregistered wakaf land; and thirdly, how about the role BWI in controlling the management of unregistered wakaf land in Medan

    Difusi Gas Radon dari dalam Tanah di Daerah Bengkulu

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    The aim of this research is to achieve a rough estimation of the radon diffusion coefficient from soil in Bengkulu. The samples were taken from 28 points of different area in Bengkulu. We used a GM tube and LR-115-II detectors to detect the radon concentration. It is found that the average of radon concentration is 136 Bq/m3. While, on the other hand the average of radon diffusion coefficient of soil in­crease lenearly with increase of soil depth. We also found that radon exhalation rate from ground surface is 0.88 mBq/m2/s up to 1.51 mBq/m2/s
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