4 research outputs found

    Peran Orang Tua Dalam Menangani Ekolia Pada Anak Autisme

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    Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui peran orangtua di dalam menangani anak Ekolia pada anak Autisme. Partisipan penelitian ini terdiri dari satu orangtua dan satu anak Autisme. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif bersifat eksploratif. Temuan hasil penelitian ini adalah: Peran orangtuasangat penting, karena mereka adalah orang yang paling mengetahui kondisi anak. Karena dengan pemahaman yang baik tentang hal ini, orangtua akan selektif mencari jalan keluar untuk keterlibatan sangat di harapkan untuk memberikan semangat anak. Pola asuh yang diterapkan orangtua anak autis memiliki kekhususan tersendiri karena kondisi anak autis akan berbeda dengan anak normal. Orangtua anak autis harus memiliki pengetahuan khusus tentang cara mengasuh dan mendidik karena anak autis memiliki permasalahan dalam pendengaran dan komunikasi serta juga kurangnya kontak mata dan respon wajah minimal. Untuk melatih kemandirian anak autis dalam aktivitas keseharian seperti, mandi, berpakaian, buang air kecil, buang air besar dan aktivitas lainnya dibutuhkan kesabaran orangtua dalam mendisiplinkan anak agar patuh dan taat dengan apa yang telah dilatih

    Perancangan TPS Cipapais sebagai Sarana Pengelolaan Sampah di Kelurahan Kadumerak, Kecamatan Karang Tanjung, Kabupaten Pandeglang

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    The design of the Cipapais Temporary Waste Disposal Site (TWDS) in Kadumerak village, Karang Tanjung district, Pandeglang aims to solve the waste problem in Cipapais Village through regular and efficient waste management by applying household scale of waste sorting. The TWDS is made based on research on the generation and composition of waste in Cipapais Village. This research is conducted for eight days by measuring the weight and volume of waste which collected from houses and shops (nonhome). The results showed that Cipapais TWDS needs an area of 27 m2 . The TWDS is equipped with a warehouse, sorting room, and a garbage disposal place equipped with a container foundation. Trash every home is scheduled to be transported using two hand carts to TWDS every day. TWDS waste is scheduled to be moved twice a week to Bangkonol Final Processing Site (FPS) using one unit of 6 m3 dump truck. The design of the existing TWDS is expected to be realized by continuous communication between Kadumerak Village, Environment Service of Pandeglang and the Cipapais Village community. Keywords: TWDS, waste composition, waste generation, waste management, waste transport&nbsp

    Evaluasi dan Pemetaan Tingkat Kerusakan Jalan di Kelurahan Kadumerak, Kecamatan Karang Tanjung, Kabupaten Pandeglang

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    The road will decrease the level of service over time. The decreasing level of road services will be marked by damage to the road. Damage that occurs also varies in each segment along the road. Therefore, an evaluation of the extent of road damage is needed. Evaluation results can be presented in map form. Mapping the level of road damage is done by comparing two methods, namely the DGH method and the Geographic Information System (GIS) method. The results of the study show that most of the Kelurahan Kadumerak roads have a mild level of damage. The total length of the road with the level of severe damage is 0.31 km or equivalent to 2.25% of all roads in Kadumerak Village. The road is an asphalt road with pavement conditions which are full of damage in the form of road holes. The road is located in Lebak Seureuh village. On the other hand, a non-pavement road in Kadumerak Village has a total length of 1.19 km. We recommend that the roads in Cipapais Hilir and Kampung Kota Manik be included in the kelurahan development program. Further surveys need to be done to re-measure the dimensions of the road that will be repaired more accurately. Keywords: Bina Marga method, road damage, road mapping&nbsp

    Desain Instalasi Mandi, Cuci, dan Kakus di Cipapais, Kelurahan Kadumerak, Kabupaten Pandeglang

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    Bathrooms and toilets are very much needed by the community. Cipapais is located at the end of Kadumerak Village, Pandeglang Regency which does not yet have good sanitation facilities. Residents around still doing bathing, washing, and toilet facilities in the river. The river used for these activities has been polluted by domestic waste water and garbage. In addition, many residents practice latrines in the irrigation stream. These things can cause disease. The design of MCK installation design is done by calculation according to SNI. The MCK planning procedure is actually standardized and there are three important facilities, bathroom facilities, washing facilities, and latrine facilities. The purpose of this community service activity is the design of the Toilet Washing Toilet (MCK) in Cipapais Village, Kadumerak Village, Karangtanjung District, Pandeglang Prefecture. This research was conducted in July 2019 in Kadumerak Village, Karang Tanjung District, Pandeglang Prefecture.This calculation assumes that the needs of people for MCK are 400 people with an average of 40 liters / person / year of sludge generated and waste water produced is 10 liters / person / day. The capacity for collecting mud is 32,000 liters. The minimum holding time requirement for precipitation is 0.42. The need for holding water capacity is 1,680 m3. The volume of communal septic tanks produced 33.68 m3. From these results, the height, width and length of the septic tank are 2 meters high, 2.9 meters wide and 5.8 meters long. Keywords: MCK, river cleanliness, septic tank design&nbsp