10 research outputs found

    Hubungan Persepsi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja dengan Perilaku K3 pada Pekerja Bagian Produksi PT. Sumpratama Juru Engineering Medan Tahun 2015

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    Occupational Health and Safety is a work in order to safeguard workers are always in safe and healthy workplace for doing the job. K3 must be implanted in the workers themselves in order to have a good perception of the K3 and safe behavior at work.This research was conducted at production workers. PT. Sumpratama Juru Engineering Medan in 2015 to find out how much the correlation between perception on K3 and their behavior in K3 on workers. Type of analytical research using cross sectional design. Total population 63 production section consists of 4 units, 25 person panel unit, 10 person painting unit, 20 person wiring unit, and 8 person quality control, a sample of 39 people, sampling using simple random sampling technique taken from the 4 units. Data was collected by interview using a questionnaire to determine the worker's perception and observation using observation sheet to determine the behavior of workers. To know the great correlation between independent variables with the dependent variable Spearman statistical test.Research results obtained, category K3 safe behavior was found in both categories of perception as much as 19 people (48.7%), lack of perception as much as 4 people (10.3%). Meanwhile, the K3 categories unsafe behavior found in the perception of both categories of 7 people (17.9%), and lack of perception as much as 9 people (23.1%). The test results obtained statistically significant correlation between the perception of health and safety with the behavior of K3 P-value = 0,010, and the magnitude of correlation between perception of health and safety with K3 behavior (r) = 0.405, the value of (r) showed a moderate and patterned positive. This means that the better the perception of safety and health then the better the behavior of workers K3

    The Effects of Cognitive Behavorial Therapy Group and Social Support Group on the Self Esteem Among Breast Cancer Patients

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    This study is aimed to determine the main effects of CBT group, social support group (DS) and control group (KK) on the self esteem among breast cancer patients. Rosemberg self esteem scale (RSE) was used to measure self-esteem. The treatment group consisted of CBT and DS groups. Each  treatment group received 12 counselling sessions within six weeks. Quantitative analysis general linear model (GLM) repeated measures was used to identify the groups’ (CBT, DS, and KK) main effect, the repeated test RSE scale (pre test, post test 1, post test 2, and post test 3) main effect and the interaction effect (CBT, DS, and KK), and repeated tests RSE scale (pre test, post test 1, post test 2, post test 3). There was no significant difference in the groups (CBT, DS, and KK) main effect on the Rosenberg Self Esteem (RSE) scores. There was a significant difference (F (3.10) =  66.823, p = 0.0001 (Wilk's Lambda) on the repeated test RSE scale (pre test, post test 1, post test 2, and post test 3) main effects on self esteem score. Overall findings showed an increase in RSE scores between the pre test, post test 1, post test 2 and post test 3

    Determinan Perilaku SADARI Remaja Putri dalam Upaya Deteksi Dini Kanker Payudara di SMK Negeri 8 Medan Tahun 2014

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    Breast cancer is a disease that occurs due to abnormal growth of cells in the breast tissue if not sooner in the handle will cause death. According to Riskesdas (2009), the highest cancer afflicting Indonesia women\u27s breast cancer incidence by number 26 per 100,000 women. While according to SIRS (2011), breast cancer ranks first on the inpatient cancer patients throughout the hospital in Indonesia (16,85%). The purpose of this research is to know the relationship between the determinants of behavior breast self-examination (BSE) young women in SMK Negeri 8 Medan by 2014. Factors which affect, among others, age, family disease history, knowledge, attitude, and the nearest source of information. Type of this research is quantitative research is deskritif. The population in this research is the young women who attend school in SMK Negeri 8 Medan and samples taken as many as 89 people. Sampling techniques that used for stratified random sampling. Data obtained through interviews with a questionnaire and analyzed using Independent Test Sample Test and Chi-square. Based on the research found that there was an association ( p < 0,05 ) between the ages of with the act of breast self - examination (BSE), would be aware of between the acts of family sickness with the act of breast self - examination (BSE) , would be aware of between knowledge by the act of breast self - examination (BSE), would be aware of bet breast self - examination (BSE), ween attitude with the act of breast self - examination (BSE), would be aware of between a source of information with the act of breast self - examination (BSE) and between persons nearest to the act of breast self - examination (BSE). According to research above and suggested to dept. of health and puskesmas to increase promotion of health on the dangers of breast cancer and important realize to women especially teenage girls

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Orangtua dengan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (Phbs) pada Keluarga di Lingkungan IV Kelurahan Sei Putih Tengah Medan Tahun 2013

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    Health is a human right and as an investment for a successful nation-building. Health development geared to achieving Healthy Indonesia, that is a situation where everyone lives in a healthy environment, healthy and clean living, behaving, have access to health care services and extended health care degrees (Department of health, 2009). This research was conducted to determine the relationship of parental knowledge with Living clean and healthy Behaviors (PHBS) in the neighborhood of White Center neighborhood IV Sei Field by 2013, analytical approach to quantitative in nature. Data collection was done through direct interviews with the questionnaire. The population of this research is the parent totalled 284 people, and a sample of 72 people taken by Accidental Random Sampling. The results showed that most respondents age is 41-50 years 31 people (43,1%), sex women 38 (52,8%), religion was Protestant (72,2%) of 52 people, an ethnic group is a batak 63 people (87,5%), educational ADMIN, last was 43 people (59,7%), self-employed job is 24 people (33,3%), and the monthly income is 2.000.000-3.000.000 33 people (45,8%). Results of statistical tests of correlation chi square can be seen that the variables of parental knowledge about eradicating larva at home with parental behavior variables about eradicating larva at home p = 0,015 (& lt; 0,05), while the results of statistical tests of correlation between the variable square chi parental knowledge about not smoking inside the House with the parental behavior of variables not to smoke inside the home and parental knowledge about variables using clean water with the parental behavior of variables using clean water obtained the value of p = 0,010 (& lt; 0,05) and p = 0,011 (& lt; 0,05), it means there is a very strong relationship. It is recommended also for the environmental community IV in hope more keep their environment again and behave clean living and healthy. Also head of environment IV more actively invites the community to eradicate/clean environment of the mosquito larva. And for public health Rantang more enterprising again held a health promotion in particular the PHBS

    Risk Factors of Breast Cancer in Medan, North Sumatera

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    Background: Breast cancer remains a major public health problem. The incidence is rising in most countries and is projected to rise further over the next 20 years despite current efforts to prevent the disease. Studies in to risk factors of breast cancer in Indonesian population are lacking. This study aimed to deter¬mine risk factors of breast cancer in Medan, North Sumatera. Subjects and method: This was a case-control study conducted at Murni Teguh Memorial Hospital, Medan, North Sumatera. A sample of 100 women of reproductive age was selected for this study, consisting of 50 women with breast cancer and 50 women without breast cancer. The dependent variable was breast cancer. The independent variables were menarche age, use of hormonal contraceptive, obesity, stress level, and family history of breast cancer. The data of breast cancer cases were taken from the medical record. The other data were collected by questionnaire. The data were analyzed by a multiple logistic regression. Results: The risk of breast cancer increased with late menarche age (OR= 2.91; p= 0.042), use of hormonal contraceptive (OR= 3.09; p= 0.024), obesity (OR= 3.00; p= 0.027), high stress level (OR= 2.37; p= 0.003), and family history of breast cancer (OR= 2.43; p= 0.001). Conclusion: The risk of breast cancer increased with late menarche age, use of hormonal contraceptive, obesity, high stress level, and family history of breast cancer. Keywords: breast cancer incidence, risk factor

    The Association between Maternal Knowledge, Family Support, and Exclusive Breastfeeding in Siborong Borong Community Health Center, North Tapanuli, North Sumatera

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    Background: Exclusive breastfeeding means that the infant receives only breast milk. No other liquids or solids are given – not even water – with the exception of oral rehydration solution, or drops/syrups of vitamins, minerals or medicines. WHO reported that nearly 90% of the under-five deaths occurred in developing countries and more than 40% of the deaths were due to diarrhea and acute respiratory infections. These diseases can be prevented by exclusive breast­feeding. This study aimed to examine the association between maternal knowledge, family support and exclusive breastfeeding in Siborong Borong Community Health Center, North Tapanuli, North Sumatera. Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with a cross-sectional design. The study was conducted at Siborong borong community health center, North Tapanuli, North Sumatera. A sample of 97 mothers who had children aged 6-12 months were selected for this study by proportional random sampling. The dependent variable was exclusive breastfeeding. The independent variables were maternal knowledge and family support. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by chi square test. Results: Exclusive breastfeeding was associated with maternal knowledge (OR=11.40; p= 0.001) and family support (OR= 9.30; p= 0.001). Conclusion: Exclusive breastfeeding is associated with maternal knowledge and family support. Keywords: exclusive breastfeeding, maternal education, family suppor

    Factors Associated with Hypertension among Elderly in Padang Bulan, Medan, North Sumatera

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    Background: High blood pressure is a global public health problem. High blood pressure is called the “silent killer” because it often kills without warning signs or symptoms, and many people do not realize they have it. The world’s population is ageing. Virtually every country in the world is experiencing growth in the number and proportion of older persons in their population. The incidence of hypertension is greatest among older adults. This study aimed to determine factors associated with hypertension incidence among elderly in Puskesmas Padang Bulan, Medan, North Sumatera. Subjects and Method: This was a case control study conducted at Puskesmas (community health center) Padang Bulan, Medan, North Sumatera. A sample of 124 elderly persons was selected for this study, consisting of 62 persons with hypertension and 62 persons without hypertension. The dependent variable was hypertension. The independent variables were smoking, obesity, physical activity, fat diet, family history. Blood pressure was measured by sphygmomanometer. The other data were collected by questionnaire. The data were analyzed by a multiple logistic regression. Results: Hypertension incidence increased with smoking (OR= 5.57; p= 0.007), obesity (OR= 5.30; p= 0.001), lack of physical activity (OR= 4.32; p= 0.001), high fat diet (OR= 5.21; p= 0.023), and family history (OR= 2.21; p= 0.001). Conclusion: The risk of hypertension in elderly increases with smoking, obesity, lack of physical activity, high fat diet, and family history. Keywords: hypertension, smoking, obesity, physical activity, fat diet, family history

    The Effect of Peer Counselling on Increasing Exclusive Breastfeeding in Lubuk Pakam and Tanjung Morawa Sub-Districts, Deli Serdang, North Sumatera

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    Background: Counseling is a highly recommended method of nutrition and breastfeeding education. This study aimed to analyze the effect of nutrition and breastfeeding peer counseling on increasing exclusive breastfeeding in Lubuk Pakam and Tanjung Morawa Sub-districts, Deli Serdang, North Sumatera. Subjects and Method: This was a randomized control trial (RCT). A sample of 64 pregnant mothers was selected for this study and divided into two groups: (1) 32 pregnant mothers in the peer counseling group; (2) 32 pregnant mothers in the control group. The peer counseling was carried out 8 times. The dependent variables were knowledge, attitude, and exclusive breastfeeding. The independent variable was nutrition and breastfeeding peer counseling. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by t-test and chi-square. Results: The baseline scores of knowledge, attitude, and exclusive breastfeeding were comparable between the two groups. After peer counseling, the peer counseling group (mean= 13.08; SD= 11.59) showed higher knowledge than the control group (mean= 0.39; SD= 7.92), and it was statistically significant (p<0.001). After peer counseling, the peer counseling group (mean= 10.52; SD= 10.77), showed better attitude than the control group (mean= 3.54; SD= 6.87), and it was statistically significant (p=0.005). After peer counseling, the peer counseling group (40.6%), breastfed more than the control group (14.1%), and it was statistically significant (p<0.001). Conclusion: Peer counseling is effective inexclusive breastfeeding. Keywords: exclusive breastfeeding, peer counseling, knowledge, attitud

    The Effect of Having Another Sex Partner Onthe Risk of HIV Infection in Couples in Medan, North Sumatera

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    Background: HIV infection and AIDS are the global public health problem. Having another sex partner may increase the risk of HIV infection. This study aimed to determine the effect of having another sex partner on the incidence of HIV infection in couples in Medan. Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with a case-control design. The study was conducted at RSUP H Adam Malik Medan, North Sumatera, from November to December 2017. A sample of 80 house­wives was selected for this study by fixed disease sampling consisting of 40 HIV infected housewives and 40 HIV uninfected housewives. The dependent variable was HIV infection. The independent variable was having another sex partner. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by chi-square test. Results: Couples who had another sex partner had more risk of HIV infection than having no other sex partner (OR= 7.34; 95% CI= 2.05 to 26.19; p= 0.002). Conclusion: Couples who have another sexual partner have an increased risk of HIV infection. Keywords: HIV, housewive, having other sex partne