6 research outputs found


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    Guidance and counseling is needed in the world of education. As the goal, Education is to develop the character of students, the Mutal Guidance and Counseling is one of the instruments for forming these characters, because Guidance and Counseling has special tips for treating students humanely and well. This study aims to determine the extent of Guidance and Counseling practice conducted at the State Islamic Junior High School (MTsN) in the city of Medan. By using a descriptive qualitative research approach, this research involves a variety of important elements in MTsN in Medan, among others, principals, school counselors, subject teachers and vice principals in student affairs. This study found the results that the Guidance and Counseling Practices conducted at MTsN in Medan city had fulfilled the Standard Operating Procedures for implementing Guidance and Counseling. so that students can be supervised by their character in accordance with what is desired by the educational institution. Thus, the Practice of Guidance and Counseling in MYsn in Medan City can continue to be developed and used as a pilot project to be implemented in Private MTs in Medan and other cities. Keywords: Guidance and Counseling Implementation, State Islamic Junior High School        (MTsN) in Medan City,


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    This study aims to analyze the background, type of behavior of bullying practices and analyze the actions of the Integrated Islamic Boarding School of Lhokseumawe city towards bullying perpetrators. Next, analyze the actions carried out by the Integrated Islamic Boarding School of Lhokseumawe city against bullying victims. The study was conducted in the Integrated Islamic Boarding School of Lhokseumawe City, namely the Integrated Islamic Boarding School of Ulumuddin Uteun Kot Cunda, Misbahul Ulum Paloh, and Darul Ulum Lhok Mon Puteh. This research uses qualitative research with a phenomenological and psychological approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation with the data source of the perpetrators of bullying, victims of bullying, and the Ustadz. There are four findings from this study: First; Factors underlying the occurrence of bullying behavior in integrated Islamic Boarding School Ulumuddin, Misbahul Ulum, and Darul Ulum consisted of factors of revenge, family / parenting parents, Islamic Boarding School situation, peer group, and mass media. Second; the forms of bullying that occur are physical bullying which consists of hitting, pushing, throwing, jerking the head, and fighting. Verbal bullying consists of mocking, insulting, calling by nicknames, and berating. Relational bullying consists of opposing, defaming, isolating and alienating. Third; the action taken by the Islamic Boarding School towards the perpetrators of bullying is through the punishment and advice approach, while the psychological approach cannot be implemented optimally due to the unavailability of counseling guidance teachers in the Islamic Boarding School. Fourth, Islamic Boarding School's actions against victims of bullying include coaching and giving advice. Keywords: Bullying behavior of Student, Integrated Islamic Boarding Schoo

    Optimalisasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab sebagai Penunjang Persiapan Calon Mahasiswa Baru Al-Azhar Mesir: Studi Kasus pada Markaz Syaikh Zayed Cabang Indonesia

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana upaya optimalisasi pembelajaran bahasa arab pada lembaga bimbingan bahasa bagi penutur asing (Pusiba) dalam rangka menunjang persiapan calon mahasiswa baru Universitas Al-Azhar Mesir. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan latar kegiatan berupa program bimbingan matrikulasi bahasa arab di lembaga Pusiba. Adapun hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah: (1) Pusiba merupakan sebuah lembaga bimbingan bahasa arab bagi penutur asing cabang Indonesia yang diprakarsai langsung oleh Syaikh Ahmad Al-Tayeb sebagai Syaikh Al-Azhar sekarang. (2) Pembelajaran bahasa arab di lembaga Pusiba berisi empat keterampilan dasar yaitu: keterampilan mendengar (Maharat al-Istima’), keterampilan berbicara (Maharat al-Kalam), keterampilan membaca (Maharat al-Qira’at), dan keterampilan menulis (Maharat al-Kitabah) . (3) proses pembelajaran bahasa arab terbagi menjadi 7 (tujuh) level tingkatan seperti: mubtadi awwal, mubtadi’ tsani, mutawassith awwal, mutawassith tsani’, mutaqaddim awwal, mutaqaddim tsani, mutammayiz, (4) pembelajaran menggunakan variasi metode dan media pembelajaran seperti: diskusi, tanyajawab, kuis, youtube, whatsapp, zoom, dan google meet

    Landasan bimbingan konseling di Indonesia

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