7 research outputs found


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    The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector has an important role in encouraging Indonesia's economic growth. MSMEs contribute about 87% to a number of business entities in Indonesia and have an 85% share in employment. In a business, it is necessary to study the feasibility of the business. However, in reality, business owners only focus on income and business sustainability. That's why community development with the method of social assistance needs to be done to help solve the problems that are being faced. Community Development contains efforts to increase participation and a sense of belonging to the program being implemented. Empowerment refers to the ability of a person, especially a weak group, to have access to productive resources that enable them to increase their income and participate in the development process and decision making. The results of this study indicate that the economic potential in Batang Toru District is agriculture, fisheries, tourism, and MSMEs. Supporting factors in community development in the economic field include abundant natural and human resources. While the inhibiting factors are limited capital, facilities and infrastructure and low community participatio

    Workshop Pengelolaan SDM Di Era Digital Dalam Pembangunan Desa Sijungkang Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan

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    One way to develop a region is to have quality Human Resources (HR). To realize this, several things are often done, namely through guidance, training and education. Sijungkang Village, South Tapanuli Regency, is one of the district government assisted villages. In order for the village to develop, as academics, the community service team conducted a workshop on HR management in the digital era. The purpose of this activity is to improve the quality of human resources, especially MSMEs in Sijungkang village so that they are able to face the challenges of information technology development and are able to improve the local economy. The service method is carried out through lectures and simple training on good human resource management and training in the use of digital-based technology through social media. Based on the results of interviews and questionnaires during the implementation of the community service, it was found that the enthusiasm of the participants was very good, the participants were interested in following things that were useful. This activity provides a solution in the proper use of social media and increases participants' knowledge and understanding of the importance of digital-based science today. Kata Kunci: Workshop, HR, Digital Era, Developmen


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    This study aims to determine the effect of infrastructure development in the health sector, education sector and the agricultural sector on investment in Padangsidimpuan Regency in 2016-29020. The type of research used in this research is an eksplanatory study using a quantitative approach. The analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis, with secondary data. The data processed is data on the realization of infrastructure development in the health sector, education sector and agricultural sector as well as investment in 2016-2020 which were obtained from related agencies. The results of this study indicate that infrastructure development in the health sector has a negative but not significant effect on investment, infrastructure development in the education sector has a positive but not significant effect on investment and infrastructure development in the agricultural sector has a negative but not significant effect on investment.

    Bawang merah bawang putih

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    124 hlm. : ilus. ; 20,5 cm

    Development and Evaluation of Multimedia Software for the Communicative Arabic Implementation of the the J-QAF Programme in Primary Schools

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    Multimedia can be used to overcome the weaknesses in the process of teaching and learning. However, multimedia elements embedded in the interactive environment of software sometimes fail to make a presentation interesting and motivating for pupils. This study aimed at developing and evaluating interactive multimedia software that can serve as a tutorial for the Communicative Arabic Implementation Expansion Module of the j-QAF programme. This multimedia software was developed based on the Year One j-QAF curriculum issued by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia. Additionally, the objectives of this research were aimed to improve the emphasis on the use of teaching aids. Apart from that, this software was developed to evaluate its effectiveness for the Communicative Arabic Implementation Expansion Module based on the basis of usability and suitability for Year One j-QAF pupils in national primary schools. Next, this software was also designed to help teachers and pupils teach and learn effectively, respectively; in the classroom and to aid self-learning outside the classroom. Eventually, this software from other perspectives will be helpful and can be applied by teachers as an alternative teaching aid because there are combinations of various media in this software and it takes a great deal to get new technology into a position in education in terms of meaning and benefits

    Manfaat Pendidikan Islam

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    Manfaat pendidikan Islam merupakan hasil dari aplikasi managemen pendidikan, manfaat pendidikan islam dalam persfektif Alqur`an ditafsirkan didalam ayat-ayat Surah Al Alaq ayat 1 – 5 , Surah Al Jumuah ayat 2, Surah Al Ankabut ayat 48, Surah Al An’am ayat 74 – 75. Ayat-ayat ini ditemukan didalamnya tentang manfaat pendidikan, kemudian di tafsirkan dan di munasabahkan secara takwil oleh para mufassir ternama. Sehingga dari itu ayat-ayat tersebut dapat sebagai dasar rujukan dalam menyampaikan dan menjelaskan pentingnya manfaat pendidikan islam. &nbsp