99 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Social Media Marketing melalui Blackberry Messenger terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen di PT Agung Automall (Agung Toyota) Harapan Raya Pekanbaru

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    The rise of social media is the new media can be used as marketing at once to do consumer interaction, called social media marketing. One of the social media marketing which is now popular among business people, IE blackberry messenger. Through this application can send a message text, sound, and images for free about their business or place information and promotions offered from their products so that it formed an interest to buy from someone, with the blackberry messenger messages or information submitted can attract the attention of consumers so that it appears consumer interest was bought from them. It is utilized by the sales marketing PT Agung Automall (Agung Toyota) Harapan Raya Pekanbaru, to draw the attention or interest of consumers buy in blackberry messenger. The purpose of this study, i.e. to find out how big the influence of social media marketing through blackberry messsenger against consumer interest in buying PT Agung Automall (Agung Toyota) Harapan Raya Pekanbaru. The theory used in this research is the theory of S-O-R by Hovland and the concept of social media marketing as a supporter. The methods used in this study i.e. quantitative empirical research methods. Researchers gather data using questionnaires and documentation. The location of this research, PT Agung Automall (Agung Toyota) Harapan Raya located at JL. h. Imam Munandar/Harapan Raya Tip No. 13 Pekanbaru. The number of samples for the study that is as much as 91 respondents, using the technique of withdrawal sample Simple Random Sampling. For the sake of knowing how big the influence both of these variables, the researchers used a simple linear regression analysis. While the test questionnaire for data processing, is done using Statistics program Product anf Service Solution (SPSS)20 version of Windows. Based on the results of a simple linear regression for the study of the influence of social media marketing through blackberry messenger consumer buying interest against the PT Agung Automall (Agung Toyota) Harapan Raya Pekanbaru, the regression coefficient values obtained in this study were Y = 0.548 X + with 2.442 level significance 0.000. Of course smaller than α = 0.05. That is, there is the influence of social media marketing through blackberry messenger consumer buying interest against the PT Agung Automall (Agung Toyota) Harapan Raya Pekanbaru 55.3% and enter influencial in the category of being. H0 is rejected and thus Ha is received.JO

    Karakter Morfologi dan Fisiologi yang Berkaitan dengan Efisiensi Pemakaian Air pada Beberapa Varietas Padi Gogo

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    Upland rice cultivation required specific cultivation, particularly the use of crop varieties that have good water-use efficiency or varieties that are able to adapt to the conditions of limited water availability. The aim of this study was to describe characters of morphology and physiology related to water use efficiency of upland rice varieties. The research was conducted from October 2013 to April 2014 in the greenhouse IPB Experimental Station Cikabayan, Bogor. The research was arranged in randomized block design with two factors. The first factor was 5 upland rice varieties (Inpago 5, Batutegi, Jatiluhur, Inpago 8 and Sarinah). The second factor was 4 irrigation intervals which were 3, 6, 9, and 12 days. Characteristics assosiated with water saving of upland rices were higher plant height, longer panicle, larger roots volume, narrower leaves, higher evapotranspiration, faster flowering phase, greener leaves, higher number of leaves and tillers, heavier dry matter, higher number of grains, heavier 100 grain weight and dry weight of grains. The fraction of available absorbed water at panicle initiation, flowering and harvesting were 83.36%, 137.14% and 116.65%, respectively, to obtain dry grains of 3.39 ton ha-1

    Determinan Perilaku SADARI Remaja Putri dalam Upaya Deteksi Dini Kanker Payudara di SMK Negeri 8 Medan Tahun 2014

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    Breast cancer is a disease that occurs due to abnormal growth of cells in the breast tissue if not sooner in the handle will cause death. According to Riskesdas (2009), the highest cancer afflicting Indonesia women\u27s breast cancer incidence by number 26 per 100,000 women. While according to SIRS (2011), breast cancer ranks first on the inpatient cancer patients throughout the hospital in Indonesia (16,85%). The purpose of this research is to know the relationship between the determinants of behavior breast self-examination (BSE) young women in SMK Negeri 8 Medan by 2014. Factors which affect, among others, age, family disease history, knowledge, attitude, and the nearest source of information. Type of this research is quantitative research is deskritif. The population in this research is the young women who attend school in SMK Negeri 8 Medan and samples taken as many as 89 people. Sampling techniques that used for stratified random sampling. Data obtained through interviews with a questionnaire and analyzed using Independent Test Sample Test and Chi-square. Based on the research found that there was an association ( p < 0,05 ) between the ages of with the act of breast self - examination (BSE), would be aware of between the acts of family sickness with the act of breast self - examination (BSE) , would be aware of between knowledge by the act of breast self - examination (BSE), would be aware of bet breast self - examination (BSE), ween attitude with the act of breast self - examination (BSE), would be aware of between a source of information with the act of breast self - examination (BSE) and between persons nearest to the act of breast self - examination (BSE). According to research above and suggested to dept. of health and puskesmas to increase promotion of health on the dangers of breast cancer and important realize to women especially teenage girls

    Penyidikan Tindak Pidana Pencurian Kelapa Sawit di Wilayah Kepolisian Sektor Sosa Kabupaten Padang Lawas Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    The development of oil palm plantations not only thrive in big cities but also developing dikecamatan-districts in North Sumatra and the surrounding areas. Sosa is a district in North Sumatra Padang Lawas regency, that generally, people familiar with Sosa as cypress oil palm plantation area. Sosa has occurred in the district of palm oil theft were 41 cases with 73 suspects from the period of 2010 - in 2014. From lataer the back of pick-authors are interested in these issues in a scientific study. The research objective of this thesis: First, to determine the investigation of criminal theft of palm oil in the Police Sector Sosa Padang Lawas regency of North Sumatra Province. Second, to determine the obstacles faced in the investigation of criminal theft of oil palm in the Police Sector Sosa Padang Lawas regency of North Sumatra Province. Third, To know the efforts made.From the research, there are three main things that can disumpulkan. First, the investigation process is not running optimally because people still recognize indigenous settlement that does not have a strict sanctions. In addition to the habits of the people who do not want to report on and assume the process dikepolisian rambling and very long. Second, the existence of two inhibiting factors, namely internal factors and external factors. Such constraints include: lack of personnel, cultural / community customs, lack of funds and infrastructure. Third, To Overcome obstacles do undertakings addition of personnel, premises cooperating parties palm oil companies and communities Sosa and minimize the use of funds and utilize existing infrastructure.Suggestions author is the Police Sector should be more synergy Sosa and must firmly move quickly in tackling and prosecuting those responsible for the crime of theft of oil palm. Society must be cooperative in reporting and for palm oil businessmen in order to carry out the advice given by the Police Sector Sosa to set up security posts and also installing portals at certain points that are considered vulnerable
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