134 research outputs found


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    The first stage of implementation of the "Energy Strategy up to 2030" is finished in 2015. Estimated implementation of the indicator parameters of the first stage (2008-2015g): power consumption, power generation, power inputs, power structure, specific fuel consumption for electricity and heat, the need for fuel. For a number of indicators of the Energy Strategy are not achieved even limits, for some indicators deviations is minimal. In general, the phase assignment is not fulfilled, and it is obvious that the following steps should be adjusted downwards


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    The first stage of implementation of the "Energy Strategy up to 2030" is finished in 2015. Estimated implementation of the indicator parameters of the first stage (2008-2015g): power consumption, power generation, power inputs, power structure, specific fuel consumption for electricity and heat, the need for fuel. For a number of indicators of the Energy Strategy are not achieved even limits, for some indicators deviations is minimal. In general, the phase assignment is not fulfilled, and it is obvious that the following steps should be adjusted downwards


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    Current state of the debt of population for electricity has been described, the methods of struggle of power companies and regulatory agencies with its growth in Russia have been considered. The reasons for non-payment of population and their share in the structure of total debt for electricity in 2014-2017 have been analyzed. The ways of struggle with non-payment of the population for energy in a number of foreign countries have been highlighted. The prospects for the application of foreign experience in Russia have been considered in terms of methods of regulating the growth of the debt of population for electricit


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    Industry tariff agreements have been studied from the point of view of the motivational component of staff labor in organizations of the fuel and energy complex. Criteria of comparison have been selected and the optimal labor motivation strategy in the oil, gas, coal and electric power industries has been revealed. Features and similar approaches in the organization of the motivation of the industries of the fuel and energy complex have been identified. World experience of the labor motivation in the fuel and energy industries, such as in the USA, Japan and in Europe has been examined in comparison with domestic practice in these sectors

    The impact of the pandemic on the mental health

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    Рассматривается феномен отстраненности пожилых людей от онлайн-среды в период пандемии COVID-19. В качестве возрастной группы представлены люди в возрасте старше 65 лет как наиболее уязвимые в плане риска ухудшения психического и физического здоровья по данным ВОЗ. Акцент сделан на необходимости онлайн-адаптации представленной возрастной категории.The article examines the phenomenon of the withdrawal of older people from the online environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. People over the age of 65 are presented as the most vulnerable to the risks of worsening mental and physical health according to the WHO. The emphasis is on the need for online adaptation of the presented age category

    Environmental Behavior of Youth and Sustainable Development

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    The relationship between people and nature is one of the most important current issues of human survival. This circumstance makes it necessary to educate young people who are receptive to global challenges and ready to solve the urgent problems of our time. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of the environmental behavior of young people in the metropolis. The authors studied articles and monographs that contain Russian and international experience in the environmental behavior of citizens. The following factors determine people’s behavior: the cognitive capabilities of people who determine the understanding and perception of nature and the value-affective component that determines the attitude towards nature. The next task of the study is surveying young people through an online survey and its analysis. The research was realized in Ekaterinburg, the administrative center of the Sverdlovsk region (Russia). The study of the current ecological situation in Ekaterinburg made it possible to conclude that the environmental problem arises not only and not simply as a problem of environmental pollution and other negative influences of human economic activity. This problem grows into transforming the spontaneous impact of society on nature into a consciously, purposefully, systematically developing harmonious interaction with it. The study results showed that, from the point of view of the youth of Ekaterinburg, the city’s ecological situation is one of the most pressing problems. Despite minor improvements over the past 3–5 years, this problem has not lost relevance, and regional authorities and city residents should be responsible for its solution. Young people know environmental practices, but they often do not apply them systematically. Ecological behavior is encouraged and discussed among friends/acquaintances. The key factors influencing the formation of environmental behavior practices are the mass media and social networks. The most popular social network for obtaining information on ecological practices among young people is Instagram, and the key persons are bloggers. This study did not reveal the influence of the socio-demographic characteristics of young people on the application of eco-behavior practices, which may indicate the need for a survey of a larger sample

    Environmental Behavior of Youth and Sustainable Development

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    The relationship between people and nature is one of the most important current issues of human survival. This circumstance makes it necessary to educate young people who are receptive to global challenges and ready to solve the urgent problems of our time. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of the environmental behavior of young people in the metropolis. The authors studied articles and monographs that contain Russian and international experience in the environmental behavior of citizens. The following factors determine people’s behavior: the cognitive capabilities of people who determine the understanding and perception of nature and the value-affective component that determines the attitude towards nature. The next task of the study is surveying young people through an online survey and its analysis. The research was realized in Ekaterinburg, the administrative center of the Sverdlovsk region (Russia). The study of the current ecological situation in Ekaterinburg made it possible to conclude that the environmental problem arises not only and not simply as a problem of environmental pollution and other negative influences of human economic activity. This problem grows into transforming the spontaneous impact of society on nature into a consciously, purposefully, systematically developing harmonious interaction with it. The study results showed that, from the point of view of the youth of Ekaterinburg, the city’s ecological situation is one of the most pressing problems. Despite minor improvements over the past 3–5 years, this problem has not lost relevance, and regional authorities and city residents should be responsible for its solution. Young people know environmental practices, but they often do not apply them systematically. Ecological behavior is encouraged and discussed among friends/acquaintances. The key factors influencing the formation of environmental behavior practices are the mass media and social networks. The most popular social network for obtaining information on ecological practices among young people is Instagram, and the key persons are bloggers. This study did not reveal the influence of the socio-demographic characteristics of young people on the application of eco-behavior practices, which may indicate the need for a survey of a larger sample. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Acknowledgments: This research was supported by TPU development program