26 research outputs found

    New venture evolution of migrants under institutional voids: Lessons from Shonga Farms in Nigeria

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    This article inductively builds theory on how transaction costs may be alleviated and institutional voids bridged in developing economies, based on the case study of successful migrant entrepreneurial involvement in Nigerian agriculture: Shonga Farms. We argue that the iterative process of building conditions of trust through long-term commitment, involvement of regional government, appropriate modes of financial contracts and the gradual transitioning of controlling interests to private actors are factors of success. We draw additional lessons by contrasting our case study with other similar migrant schemes that have failed

    Different types of FC Îł -receptors are involved in anti-Lewis Y antibody induced effector functions in vitro

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    Stimulation of monocytes by interaction of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) with Fc gamma receptors (FcγRs) results in the activation of various monocyte effector functions. In the present investigation we show that the anti-Lewis Y (LeY) anti-tumour mAb ABL 364 and its mouse/human IgG1 chimaera induce both antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) and the release of tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α) during mixed culture of monocytes with LeY+SKBR5 breast cancer cells in vitro. Although anti-LeY mAb-mediated TNF-α release paralleled ADCC activity, cytokine release required a higher concentration of sensitizing mAb than the induction of cytolysis. The determination of the FcγR classes involved in the induction of the distinct effector functions showed that anti-LeY mAb-induced cytolysis was triggered by interaction between anti-LeY mAbs and FcγRI. In contrast, mAb-induced TNF-α release mainly depended on the activation of monocyte FcγRII. Neutralization of TNF-α showed no influence on monocyte ADCC activity towards SKBR5 target cells. Our data indicate an independent regulation of anti-LeY mAb induced effector functions of ADCC and TNF-α release which seemed to be triggered by activation of different types of FcγR. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Translation, cultural adaptation and validation of the English “Short form SF 12v2” into Bengali in rheumatoid arthritis patients

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    Background: To develop a culturally adapted and validated Bengali Short Form SF 12v2 among Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. Methods: The English SF 12v2 was translated, adapted and back translated into and from Bengali, pre-tested by 60 patients. The Bengali SF 12v2 was administered twice with 14 days interval to 130 Bangladeshi RA patients. The psychometric properties of the Bengali SF 12v2 were assessed. Test-retest reliability was assessed by intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient and internal consistency by Cronbach's alpha. Content validity was assessed by index for content validity (ICV) and floor and ceiling effects. To determine convergent and discriminant validity a Bengali Health Assessment Questionnaire (B-HAQ) was used. Factor analysis was done. Results: The Bengali SF 12v2 was well accepted by the patients in the pre-test and showed good reliability. Internal consistency for both physical and mental component was satisfactory; Cronbach's alpha was 0.9. ICC exceeded 0.9 in all domains. Spearman's rho for all domains exceeded 0.8. The physical health component of Bengali SF 12v2 had convergent validity to the B-HAQ. Its mental health component had discriminant validity to the B-HAQ. The ICV of content validity was 1 for all items. Factor analysis revealed two factors a physical and a mental component. Conclusions: The interviewer-administered Bengali SF 12v2 appears to be an acceptable, reliable, and valid instrument for measuring health-related quality of life in Bengali speaking RA patients. Further evaluation in the general population and in different medical conditions should be done

    Striving for Knowledge and Dignity: How Qur’anic Students in Kano, Nigeria, Learn to Live with Rejection and Educational Disadvantage

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    What is it like for young people not to conform to increasingly globalised standards of ‘modern childhood’, as epitomised by formal schooling? Drawing on ethnographic and participatory research conducted with Qur’anic students (Almajirai) in Kano, Nigeria, this article explores how young people – excluded from forms of knowledge to which they aspire – struggle to make sense of the constraints upon their lives and futures. It first traces how the Almajiri system evolved from a prestigious avenue to power into a coping strategy for the poor. It then describes the educational policy context of the Almajirai's experiences and explores how, shut out from modern Islamic and secular models of education, they cope with the exclusion and rejection they face in daily life. Throughout the article, the problematic implications of pushing for universal enrolment without addressing the inequalities governing access to education that is meaningful and of acceptable quality are pointed out