4 research outputs found

    How to identify and characterize strongly correlated topological semimetals

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    How strong correlations and topology interplay is a topic of great current interest. In this perspective paper, we focus on correlation-driven gapless phases. We take the time-reversal symmetric Weyl semimetal as an example because it is expected to have clear (albeit nonquantized) topological signatures in the Hall response and because the first strongly correlated representative, the noncentrosymmetric Weyl-Kondo semimetal Ce3_3Bi4_4Pd3_3, has recently been discovered. We summarize its key characteristics and use them to construct a prototype Weyl-Kondo semimetal temperature-magnetic field phase diagram. This allows for a substantiated assessment of other Weyl-Kondo semimetal candidate materials. We also put forward scaling plots of the intrinsic Berry-curvature-induced Hall response vs the inverse Weyl velocity -- a measure of correlation strength, and vs the inverse charge carrier concentration -- a measure of the proximity of Weyl nodes to the Fermi level. They suggest that the topological Hall response is maximized by strong correlations and small carrier concentrations. We hope that our work will guide the search for new Weyl-Kondo semimetals and correlated topological semimetals in general, and also trigger new theoretical work.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Attitudes of preschool teachers about children with physical disabilities

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    Children with physical disabilities are a group of children with special needs on which teachers have various points of views for different reasons. Integration of a child with physical disabilities brings changes into teacher’s work. Children with physical disabilities need accessories and adjustments that demand more flexibility from the teacher and in most cases this work method requires more work from the teacher as well, because they are obliged to do additional educating, they have to plan and adjust activities and also work with social workers, companion service, other professionals and parents. Integration of a child with physical disabilities also brings something new to other children that have to learn to accept this difference. The objective of this degree’s work was to determine whether there are any differences in points of views on work with children with physical disabilities among teachers with and without the experience with this kind of work and among teachers of different age. The above mentioned groups of teachers participated in a research, where they were answering to a survey questionnaire containing statements about accessories and adjustments, additional educating, companion service, children’s effect on the entire group, work adjustments, cooperating with parents and cooperating with professionals. The results did not show any major differences between the teachers with past experiences with children with physical disabilities and the teachers without the experiences. Differences were only present in regard to additional education. Among the teachers of different age there are differences in points of views that apply to accessories and adjustments and also to additional education

    Identifying learning potentials of three and four year old children in natural science activities

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    Naloga vzgojitelja je prepoznavanje učnih potencialov otroks svojim načinom dela in pestro izbiro dejavnosti mora vzgojitelj omogočiti njihov razvoj na vseh področjih. V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na področje naravoslovja in raziskovali kriterije, po katerih tri- in štiriletni otroci povezujejo ponujene naravoslovne objekte v pare. Ugotovili smo, da otroci sprva oblikujejo pare objektov tako, da opravljajo dejavnosti z njimi, pri čemer opravljajo dejavnosti iz njihovega vsakodnevnega življenja. Postopno so se kriteriji za oblikovanje parov spreminjali, hkrati se je povečevalo število vsebinsko povezanih predmetov ali predmetov, ki jih povezujejo skupne lastnosti. Med oblikovanimi pari so se pojavljali tudi pari oblikovani po naravoslovnih kriterijih, ki smo jih posebej analizirali in preverjali njihovo pogostost pri posameznikih. V nadaljevanju smo ugotovili, da se otroci z večjim številom naravoslovnih parov razlikujejo od preostalih otrok glede na izbiro dejavnosti, zanimanja in igro na prostem, in da se v vrtcu pogosteje odločajo za naravoslovne dejavnosti, pri katerih so tudi bolj uspešni. Skozi pogovore s starši smo preverjali povezavo med številom naravoslovnih parov pri otrocih in zanimanjem za naravoslovne dejavnosti ter možnostmi neposrednega stika z naravo v domačem okolju. Ugotovili smo, da so največ naravoslovnih parov tvorili otroci z več spodbudami za naravoslovne dejavnosti od doma. Skozi predstavljen način raziskovanja smo prikazali pristop k prepoznavanju učnih potencialov otrok na naravoslovnem področju, upoštevajoč tudi otrokovo okolje, v katerem odrašča. Tako smo ugotovili, da so v skupini tri- in štiriletnih otrok tisti, za katere lahko trdimo, da so potencialno nadarjeni na naravoslovnem področju.The task of the preschool teacher is to recognize the learning potential of children. Through her way of working and the wide choice of activities, the preschool teacher must enable the development of children in all areas. In this thesis, we focused on the field of natural science and researched the criteria according to which the three and four years old children make pairs out of the offered natural objects. We found out that children initially formed pairs when they were engaged in an activity, which was usually an everyday type of activity they were familiar with. Gradually the criteria for the formation of pairs changed and at the same time the number of objects with similar content or similar characteristics, increased. Among the pairs, there were some that were formed according to the natural science criteria. We analysed these pairs and checked how frequently they occurred with the individual children. Later on we found out that children, who formed more pairs according to the natural science criteria, differ from other children in their choice of activities and their interest in playing outside. In the kindergarten these children often chose the natural science type of activities and they were also more successful at these activities than others. Through the conversations with parents we checked the link between the number of pairs formed according to the natural science criteria by children and their interest in the natural science type of activities and the possibilities of the direct contact with the nature in their home environment. We found out that the most of the pairs formed according to the natural science criteria were formed by children, who get more encouragement for the natural science type of activities at home. Through this type of research, which includes the home environment, we presented the approach for the recognition of learning potential of children in the field of natural science. This was how we found out that some of the three and four-year-olds in the group could be potentially talented in the field of natural science