59 research outputs found

    Modern analytical techniques in the assessment of the authenticity of Serbian honey

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    Food authenticity in a broader sense means fulfilling chemical and physical criteria prescribed by the proposed legislation. In the case of honey authenticity, two aspects are of major concern: the manufacturing process and the labelling of final products in terms of their geographical and botanical origin. A reliable assessment of honey authenticity has been a long-term preoccupation of chemists-analysts and it usually involves the use of several criteria and chemical markers, as well as a combination of analytical and statistical (chemometric) methods. This paper provides an overview of different criteria and modern methods for the assessment of honey authenticity in the case of a statistically significant number of authentic honey samples of several botanical types from various regions of Serbia


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    The paper describes the role of IFOAM AgriBioMediterraneo (ABM), Regional Group of world umbrella organic organization, International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), in development of organic agriculture (OA) in the Mediterranean region. Promotion, development and dissemination of information, knowledge and expertise related to Mediterranean organic agriculture and food production, as well as the development of agribio tourism on family farms have been major ABM goals since itsā€™ constitution in 1990. Furthermore, major figures will be presented of ABM development during the time, organization and functioning of the ABM structure, consisting of 148 IFOAM members from three continents and 21 Mediterranean countries: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Macedonia, Malta, Marocco, Palestine, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. Some major ABM achievements in homogenization of the organic sector in the Mediterranean will also be showed, as well as potential advantages for Croatian organic food production deriving from itsā€™ activity.Članak opisuje ulogu IFOAM AgriBioMediterraneo (ABM), Regionalne grupe Svjetske krovne organizacije Međunarodne federacije pokreta ekoloÅ”ke poljoprivrede (IFOAM) u razvoju ekoloÅ”ke poljoprivrede u zemljama Mediterana. Promocija, razvoj i Å”irenje informacija, znanja i ekspertiza vezanih uz mediteransku ekoloÅ”ku poljoprivredu i proizvodnju hrane, uz razvitak agriekoturizma na obiteljskim gospodarstvima, bili su glavni ciljevi ABM-a joÅ” od svog osnutka 1990. godine. Nadalje, bit će prikazani glavni podaci vezani za razvoj ABM-a tijekom vremena, organizacija i funkcioniranje strukture ABM-a sastavljenog od 148 članova IFOAM-a s tri kontinenta iz 21 mediteranske zemlje: Albanije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatske, Cipra, Egipta, Francuske, Grčke, Izraela, Italije, Jordana, Libanona, Makedonije, Malte, Maroka, Palestine, Portugala, Srbije, Å panjolske, Sirije, Tunisa i Turske. Također će biti prikazana i glavna dostignuća ABM-a u homogenizaciji sektora ekopoljoprivrede Mediterana, uključujući i potencijalne prednosti za hrvatsku ekoloÅ”ku proizvodnju hrane

    Antibacterial properties of honey

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    Globalni problem bakterijske rezistencije na antibiotike uzrok je potrage za novim antimikrobnim lijekovima. Zbog toga se mnogo očekuje od meda koji ima antimikrobno djelovanje na bakterije otporne na djelovanje antibiotika. Za antibakterijsku aktivnost meda odgovorno je viÅ”e komponenti prisutnih u medu, u koncentracijama koje se razlikuju kod raznih vrsti meda. Nepredvidiva antibakterijska aktivnost meda, koja nije standardizirana, može otežati njegovu primjenu kao antimikrobnog agensa radi uočenih varijacija u in vitro antibakterijskoj aktivnosti različitih vrsta meda. Trenutačno se na tržiÅ”tu može naći nekoliko vrsti meda sa standardiziranim razinama antibakterijskog djelovanja, od kojih je najpoznatiji med manuke (lat. Leptospermum scoparium).The global problem of antimicrobial resistance in bacterial pathogens increases the need for new antimicrobial agents. Therefore, honey with effective antimicrobial properties against antibiotic-resistant bacteria is much anticipated. Antibacterial activity of honey is very complex due to the involvement of multiple compounds and variations in their concentrations among different honeys. The unpredictable antibacterial activity of non-standardized honey may hamper its introduction as an antimicrobial agent due to variations in the in vitro antibacterial activity of various honeys. At present, a number of honeys are put to the market with standardized levels of antibacterial activity, of which the best known is manuka (lat. Leptospermum scoparium) honey

    Chemical markers for the authentication of unifloral Salvia officinalis L. honey

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    The objective of the present study was to trace phytochemicals that characterize unifloral Common sage (Salvia officinalis L.) honey originating from the Croatian North Adriatic coast. The polyphenolic profiles and total phenolic contents (TPC), the compositions of minerals, sugars and sugar alcohols, and the radical scavenging activities (RSA) of 18 unifloral S. officinalis honey samples were investigated. The quantitative data on the targeted compounds (25 phenolic compounds, 14 carbohydrates and 25 minerals) together with the TPC and RSA data served as a pool of variables for multivariate analysis, which provided useful information for the accurate authentication of unifloral sage honey and its discrimination from other unifloral types of honey. The proposed markers, together with chemometrics, could further contribute, as a powerful tool, to the quality control of Croatian unifloral S. officinalis honey and thus, possibly certify its commercial value.This is the peer-reviewed version of the following article: GaÅ”ić, U. M.; Natić, M. M.; MiÅ”ić, D. M.; LuÅ”ić, D. V.; Milojković-Opsenica, D. M.; TeÅ”ić, T. L.; LuÅ”ić, D. Chemical Markers for the Authentication of Unifloral Salvia Officinalis L. Honey. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 2015, 44, 128ā€“138. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfca.2015.08.008]Supplementary material: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3353

    Safety of drinking water in Gorski Kotar ā€“ five-year period 2011 ā€“ 2015

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    Cilj: Osiguranje zdravstveno ispravne vode osnovna je potreba svakog čovjeka. S obzirom na dugogodiÅ”nje mikrobioloÅ”ko onečiŔćenje u vodoopskrbnoj mreži Gorskog kotara, analizirano je petogodiÅ”nje razdoblje. Cilj ovog rada bio je pratiti utjecaj promjena zakonske regulative i sanitarno-tehničkih uvjeta ā€“ ugradnje većeg broja automatskih klorinatora na broj ispitanih uzoraka iz vodoopskrbnog sustava, kao i na rezultate ispitivanja parametara zdravstvene ispravnosti vode za ljudsku potroÅ”nju. U radu je uspoređen profil onečiŔćenja vode za ljudsku potroÅ”nju u Gorskom kotaru i ostalim dijelovima županije. Metode: Statistički su obrađeni i interpretirani rezultati županijskog monitoringa zdravstvene ispravnosti vode za ljudsku potroÅ”nju na području Gorskog kotara u razdoblju od 2011. do 2015. (broj ispitanih uzoraka N = 7.047). Rezultati: Stupanjem na snagu Pravilnika o parametrima sukladnosti i metodama analize vode za ljudsku potroÅ”nju (NN 125/13, 141/13 i 128/15) broj uzoraka na temelju kojih se prati stanje vode u razvodnoj mreži Gorskog kotara je Å”esterostruko smanjen, ali je broj ispitanih pokazatelja povećan. Ugradnja automatskih klorinatora (2012. g. i 2013. g.) rezultirala je dvostrukim smanjenjem broja nesukladnih uzoraka. Zaključci: Primjena Pravilnika (NN 125/13, 141/13 i 128/15) rezultirala je značajnim smanjenjem broja analiziranih uzoraka u pojedinim vodoopskrbnim sustavima, Å”to je procjenu njihovog stanja uvelike otežalo. Ugradnjom automatskih klorinatora broj nesukladnih uzoraka u Gorskom kotaru upola je smanjen. Glavni razlog zdravstvene neispravnosti vode za ljudsku potroÅ”nju u vodovodima Gorskog kotara je fekalno onečiŔćenje vode, dok u ostalim dijelovima županije najčeŔće od zadanih kriterija odstupaju mutnoća vode, povećani broj kolonija (UBB) i nusprodukti klorinacije.Aim: Ensuring the safety of potable water is a necessity of every human being. Taking into account long-term microbiological contamination of water supply network of Gorski Kotar, the results of 5-year County monitoring program of potable water safety in that region have been analysed. The aim of this study was to monitor the impact of amendment of legal standards as well as sanitary and technical requirements Ć¢ā‚¬ā€œ the insertion of higher number of chlorinators on the number of examined samples deriving from the water supply system as well as the influence on the results of testing of the health parameters of water intended for human consumption. This study compared the contamination profile of water for human consumption in Gorski Kotar and other regions of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. Methods: This study presents the elaborated and interpreted results of the County monitoring program of potable water safety in the region of Gorski Kotar during the 5-year period (2011Ć¢ā‚¬ā€œ2015; the number examined samples N = 7,047). Results: Application of the Regulations on the parameters of assessment and methods for the analysis of water for human consumption (Official Gazette 125/2013, 141/2013/, 128/2015) provides six times lesser number of samples for the monitoring of water supply system network in Gorski Kotar, but the number of analysed parameters was increased. Installation of automatic chlorinators (2012 and 2013) resulted with twice smaller number of non-compliant samples of drinking water. Conclusions: Application of the the Regulations (Official Gazette 125/2013, 141/2013, 128/2015) resulted with the significant reduction of samples for certain water supply systems making the objective assessment of their condition much harder. The installation of automatic chlorinators reduced the number of non-compliant water samples in Gorski Kotar by half. The main reason for non-complying samples of water for human consumption in the water supply systems of Gorski Kotar is faecal contamination, while for the other parts of the County major deviation from stipulated criteria are turbidity, increased number of colonies (Heterotrophic Plate Count Ć¢ā‚¬ā€œ HPC) and chlorination by-products

    BadewasserqualitƤt in Der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar und im Bezirk Rijeka im Letzten Jahrzehnt

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    Obzirom da je Republika Hrvatska turistički orijentirana zemlja, kakvoća mora za kupanje od velike je javnozdravstvene važnosti. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati kakvoću mora na plažama riječkog područja u proÅ”lom desetljeću te je usporediti s kakvoćom u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji (PGŽ), hrvatskoj obali Jadrana (HR) te Europskoj Uniji (EU). U usporedbi s prosječnom kakvoćom mora na plažama riječkog područja, PGŽ i HR tijekom desetogodiÅ”njeg razdoblja, područje Rijeke bilježi najniži udio plaža s izvrsnom kakvoćom mora (76,4%) te najveći udio nezadovoljavajuće ocjenjenih (8,0%). Udio izvrsno ocjenjenih lokacija u PGŽ i HR je sličan (oko 95%). U PGŽ i HR je udio izvrsnih plaža za 12% veći u odnosu na EU, tijekom desetogodiÅ”njeg razdoblja. Unatoč značajnom poboljÅ”anju kakvoće mora na razini EU i HR, na pojedinim se lokacijama joÅ” uvijek bilježi fekalno onečiŔćenje. To je posebno izraženo na nekoliko lokacija u zapadnom dijelu grada Rijeke, koje predstavlja mikrobioloÅ”ki najopterećenije područje u PGŽ. U cilju boljeg razumijevanja uzroka pojave onečiŔćenja na pojedinim lokacijama na riječkom području, analiziran je odnos mikrobioloÅ”kih pokazatelja s okoliÅ”nim čimbenicima (temperatura vode i zraka, salinitet, količina oborina, jakost Sunčevog zračenja). Na takvim lokacijama potrebno je učiniti dodatne napore u cilju saniranja izvora onečiŔćenja.Since the Republic of Croatia is a tourism-oriented country, bathing quality of the sea has a great public-health importance. The objective of this paper is to present the quality of the sea on the beaches in the Rijeka area in the past decade and compare it with the quality of the sea in the Primorje - Gorski Kotar County (PGKC), on the Croatian coast of the Adriatic Sea (HR) and in the European Union (EU). A comparison of the quality of the sea on the beaches in the Rijeka area, PGKC and HR during a ten-year period shows that the Rijeka area records the lowest share of beaches with excellent quality of the sea (76.4%) and the highest share of those assessed as poor (8.0%). The share of locations assessed as excellent in the PGKC and HR is similar (around 95%). The share of beaches assessed as excellent in the PGKC and HR is higher by 12% in comparison to the EU during a ten-year period. Despite a significant improvement in the quality of the sea both at the level of EU and HR, faecal pollution is still recorded in some locations. This is particularly marked in some locations in Rijekaā€™s western part, which is the area with the highest microbiological load in the PGKC. In order to improve the understanding of pollution causes in some locations in the Rijeka area, we have analysed the relation between microbiological indicators and environmental indicators (water and air temperature, salinity, precipitation quantity, solar irradiance). In such locations, additional efforts should be made to remediate pollution sources.Da die Republik Kroatien touristisch orientiert ist, ist die QualitƤt des Meerwassers fĆ¼r ƶffentliche Gesundheit von grĆ¶ĆŸter Bedeutung. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die QualitƤt des Meerwassers an Badestellen im Bezirk Rijeka im letzten Jahrzehnt darzustellen und sie mit der WasserqualitƤt in der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar, an der kroatischen Adria und in der EU vergleichen. Wenn man die durchschnittliche QualitƤt des Meerwassers an Badestellen des Bezirkes Rijeka, der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar und der kroatischen Adria im Zeitraum von zehn Jahren vergleicht, hat der Bezirk Rijeka den kleinsten Anteil an Badestellen mit sehr guten QualitƤt des Meerwassers (76,4%), und die meisten Badestellen wurden als unbefriedigend (8%) rangiert. Der Anteil der als sehr gut rangierten Badestellen in der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar und an der kroatischen Adria ist Ƥhnlich, etwa 95%. In der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar und an der kroatischen Adria ist der Anteil an sehr guten Badestellen im zehnjƤhrigen Zeitraum um 12% hƶher als in der EU. Trotz einer wesentlichen Erhƶhung der QualitƤt des Meerwassers in der EU und an der kroatischen Adria wird an einzelnen Badestellen noch immer fƤkale Verunreinigung beobachtet. Das ist besonders ausgeprƤgt an einigen Badestellen im westlichen Teil der Stadt Rijeka, der mikrobiologisch am meisten belastetes Gebiet in der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar ist. Mit dem Ziel, die Ursachen der Verunreinigung an einzelnen Badestellen im Bezirk Rijeka besser zu verstehen, wurde das VerhƤltnis zwischen den mikrobiologischen Parametern und Umgebungsparametern (Wasser- und Lufttemperatur, Salzgehalt, Niederschlagsmenge, StƤrke der UV-Strahlung der Sonne) analysiert. An den verunreinigten Badestellen ist zusƤtzlicher Aufwand erforderlich, damit die Verunreinigungsquellen saniert werde

    Ima li opravdanja za proaktivan pristup kontroli bakterije Legionella u okoliŔu?

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    Research background. Legionella are Gram-negative bacteria that are ubiquitous in the natural environment. Contaminated water in man-made water systems is a potential source of transmission of legionnairesā€™ disease. The aim of this study is to explore the prevalence of Legionella pneumophila in the drinking water distribution system (DWDS) of Primorje-Gorski Kotar (PGK) County, Croatia, for the period 2013-2019, coupled with the incidence of legionnairesā€™ disease. A number of L. pneumophila-positive samples (>100 CFU/L), serogroup distribution and the degree of contamination of specific facilities (health and aged care, tourism, and sports) were assessed. Based on the obtained results, the reasoning for the implementation of a mandatory Legionella environmental surveillance program was assessed. Experimental approach. Sample testing for Legionella was carried out according to the standard method for enumeration of this bacterium. A heterotrophic plate count (HPC) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa number were analysed along with the basic physicochemical indicators of drinking water quality. The research period was divided into two parts, namely, the 2013-2018 period (before implementation of the prevention program, after the outbreak of legionnairesā€™ disease), and the year 2019 (proactive approach, no disease cases recorded). Results and conclusions. During the 7-year observation period in PGK County, an increase in the number of samples tested for Legionella was found. An increase in Legionella-positive samples (particularly pronounced during the warmer part of the year) was recorded, along with a growing trend in the number of reported legionnairesā€™ disease cases. In addition to hot water systems, the risk of Legionella colonisation also applies to cold water systems. Health and aged care facilities appear to be at highest risk. In addition to the higher proportion of positive samples and a higher degree of microbiological load in these facilities, the highest proportion of L. pneumophila SGs 2-14 was identified. Due to the diagnostic limitations of the applied tests, the number of legionnairesā€™ disease cases is underdiagnosed. Novelty and scientific contribution. The introduction of a mandatory preventive approach to monitoring Legionella in DWDS water samples, along with the definition of national criteria for the interpretation of the results will create the preconditions for diagnosis and adequate treatment of larger numbers of legionnairesā€™ disease cases.Pozadina istraživanja. Legionella spada u skupinu Gram-negativnih bakterija sveprisutnih u prirodnom okoliÅ”u. Potencijalni izvor prijenosa legionarske bolesti je onečiŔćena voda koja se nalazi u vodoopskrbnim sustavima. Svrha je ove studije bila istražiti raÅ”irenost bakterije Legionella pneumophila u distribucijskom sustavu vode za piće Primorsko-goranske županije, Hrvatska, u razdoblju od 2013. do 2019. godine te ispitati učestalost pojave legionarske bolesti. Određen je broj uzoraka pozitivnih na L. pneumophila (>100 CFU/L), kao i raspodjela serogrupa te stupanj onečiŔćenja pojedinih vrsta objekata (zdravstvene ustanove i ustanove za starije i nemoćne osobe, turistički i sportski objekti). Na osnovi dobivenih rezultata procijenjena je opravdanost provedbe obveznog programa nadzora bakterije Legionella u okoliÅ”u. Eksperimentalni pristup. Prisutnost bakterije Legionella u uzorcima ispitana je prema standardnoj metodi za brojenje ove bakterije. Analiziran je broj izraslih kolonija i broj bakterija Pseudomonas aeruginosa, zajedno s osnovnim fizikalno-kemijskim pokazateljima kakvoće vode za piće. Razdoblje istraživanja podijeljeno je u dva dijela, od 2013. do 2018. godine (prije provedbe preventivnog programa, nakon pojave legionarske bolesti) i 2019. godina (proaktivan pristup, bez zabilježenih slučajeva bolesti). Rezultati i zaključci. Tijekom sedmogodiÅ”njeg razdoblja istraživanja je u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji utvrđeno povećanje broja uzoraka ispitanih na prisutnost bakterije Legionella. Zabilježen je porast pozitivnih uzoraka (osobito izražen tijekom toplijeg dijela godine), zajedno s rastućim trendom broja prijavljenih slučajeva legionarske bolesti. Osim sustava potroÅ”ne tople vode, rizik od kolonizacije bakterijom Legionella povezan je i sa sustavima hladne vode. Najveći rizik javlja se u zdravstvenim ustanovama i ustanovama za njegu starijih osoba. Uz veći udjel pozitivnih uzoraka i veći stupanj mikrobioloÅ”kog opterećenja, u tim objektima identificiran je i najveći udjel L. pneumophila SG 2-14. Zbog ograničenja primijenjenih dijagnostičkih testova, određeni broj slučajeva legionarske bolesti ostaje nedijagnosticiran. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Uvođenjem obveznog preventivnog pristupa praćenja bakterije Legionella u sustavima distribucije vode za piće te definiranjem nacionalnih kriterija interpretacije rezultata stvorit će se preduvjeti za dijagnostiku i odgovarajuće liječenje većeg broja slučajeva legionarske bolesti

    BadewasserqualitƤt in Der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar und im Bezirk Rijeka im Letzten Jahrzehnt

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    Obzirom da je Republika Hrvatska turistički orijentirana zemlja, kakvoća mora za kupanje od velike je javnozdravstvene važnosti. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati kakvoću mora na plažama riječkog područja u proÅ”lom desetljeću te je usporediti s kakvoćom u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji (PGŽ), hrvatskoj obali Jadrana (HR) te Europskoj Uniji (EU). U usporedbi s prosječnom kakvoćom mora na plažama riječkog područja, PGŽ i HR tijekom desetogodiÅ”njeg razdoblja, područje Rijeke bilježi najniži udio plaža s izvrsnom kakvoćom mora (76,4%) te najveći udio nezadovoljavajuće ocjenjenih (8,0%). Udio izvrsno ocjenjenih lokacija u PGŽ i HR je sličan (oko 95%). U PGŽ i HR je udio izvrsnih plaža za 12% veći u odnosu na EU, tijekom desetogodiÅ”njeg razdoblja. Unatoč značajnom poboljÅ”anju kakvoće mora na razini EU i HR, na pojedinim se lokacijama joÅ” uvijek bilježi fekalno onečiŔćenje. To je posebno izraženo na nekoliko lokacija u zapadnom dijelu grada Rijeke, koje predstavlja mikrobioloÅ”ki najopterećenije područje u PGŽ. U cilju boljeg razumijevanja uzroka pojave onečiŔćenja na pojedinim lokacijama na riječkom području, analiziran je odnos mikrobioloÅ”kih pokazatelja s okoliÅ”nim čimbenicima (temperatura vode i zraka, salinitet, količina oborina, jakost Sunčevog zračenja). Na takvim lokacijama potrebno je učiniti dodatne napore u cilju saniranja izvora onečiŔćenja.Since the Republic of Croatia is a tourism-oriented country, bathing quality of the sea has a great public-health importance. The objective of this paper is to present the quality of the sea on the beaches in the Rijeka area in the past decade and compare it with the quality of the sea in the Primorje - Gorski Kotar County (PGKC), on the Croatian coast of the Adriatic Sea (HR) and in the European Union (EU). A comparison of the quality of the sea on the beaches in the Rijeka area, PGKC and HR during a ten-year period shows that the Rijeka area records the lowest share of beaches with excellent quality of the sea (76.4%) and the highest share of those assessed as poor (8.0%). The share of locations assessed as excellent in the PGKC and HR is similar (around 95%). The share of beaches assessed as excellent in the PGKC and HR is higher by 12% in comparison to the EU during a ten-year period. Despite a significant improvement in the quality of the sea both at the level of EU and HR, faecal pollution is still recorded in some locations. This is particularly marked in some locations in Rijekaā€™s western part, which is the area with the highest microbiological load in the PGKC. In order to improve the understanding of pollution causes in some locations in the Rijeka area, we have analysed the relation between microbiological indicators and environmental indicators (water and air temperature, salinity, precipitation quantity, solar irradiance). In such locations, additional efforts should be made to remediate pollution sources.Da die Republik Kroatien touristisch orientiert ist, ist die QualitƤt des Meerwassers fĆ¼r ƶffentliche Gesundheit von grĆ¶ĆŸter Bedeutung. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die QualitƤt des Meerwassers an Badestellen im Bezirk Rijeka im letzten Jahrzehnt darzustellen und sie mit der WasserqualitƤt in der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar, an der kroatischen Adria und in der EU vergleichen. Wenn man die durchschnittliche QualitƤt des Meerwassers an Badestellen des Bezirkes Rijeka, der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar und der kroatischen Adria im Zeitraum von zehn Jahren vergleicht, hat der Bezirk Rijeka den kleinsten Anteil an Badestellen mit sehr guten QualitƤt des Meerwassers (76,4%), und die meisten Badestellen wurden als unbefriedigend (8%) rangiert. Der Anteil der als sehr gut rangierten Badestellen in der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar und an der kroatischen Adria ist Ƥhnlich, etwa 95%. In der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar und an der kroatischen Adria ist der Anteil an sehr guten Badestellen im zehnjƤhrigen Zeitraum um 12% hƶher als in der EU. Trotz einer wesentlichen Erhƶhung der QualitƤt des Meerwassers in der EU und an der kroatischen Adria wird an einzelnen Badestellen noch immer fƤkale Verunreinigung beobachtet. Das ist besonders ausgeprƤgt an einigen Badestellen im westlichen Teil der Stadt Rijeka, der mikrobiologisch am meisten belastetes Gebiet in der Gespanschaft Primorje-Gorski Kotar ist. Mit dem Ziel, die Ursachen der Verunreinigung an einzelnen Badestellen im Bezirk Rijeka besser zu verstehen, wurde das VerhƤltnis zwischen den mikrobiologischen Parametern und Umgebungsparametern (Wasser- und Lufttemperatur, Salzgehalt, Niederschlagsmenge, StƤrke der UV-Strahlung der Sonne) analysiert. An den verunreinigten Badestellen ist zusƤtzlicher Aufwand erforderlich, damit die Verunreinigungsquellen saniert werde
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