34 research outputs found

    Review of national financial education policies aimed at the young ā€“ evidence for developing and implementing policy recommendations for Croatia

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    Purpose: The paper investigates and synthesizes an in-depth overview of national financial education policies and strategies aimed at the young, highlights the best practices, gives recommendations for the most efficient financial education efforts at the national level and the implementation of an efficient financial education policy in Croatia. Methodology: The analysis is conducted as a case study of financial education policies and strategies aimed at the young of the countries that achieved the best results on the OECD PISA test, Australia, the United States of America and the United Kingdom. Results: The examined countries have national financial education policies with similar aims, fields of financial education and strategies of evaluation but, although they are part of the curriculum, the programs are mostly not standardized and financial education efforts towards teachers and parents are not emphasized. Conclusion: To be efficient, a financial education program aimed at the young has to be relevant, customized according to participantsā€™ characteristics, has to relate knowledge to a specific action, has to be longterm, successfully evaluated, standardized on the national level, implemented at a younger age and have a specified aim. Financial education should be considered as an independent subject in formal education

    Copper(II) complexes with halogenated N-benzyliminodiacetamide derivatives ; Liesegang rings - project teaching

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    Ovaj diplomski rad sastoji se od dvije cjeline: istraživačkog i metodičkog dijela. Istražene su reakcije halogeniranih Nā€’arilalkilnih derivata iminodiacetamida XC6H2CH2N(CH2CONH2)2, (X = F, Cl, Br) I-V s bakrovim(II) solima u vodenim otopinama. Proučen je utjecaj nekoordinirajućeg dijela molekule liganda na svojstva liganada i njihovih kompleksa. Priređeno je pet novih kompleksa [Cu(oā€’ClC6H4CH2N(CH2CONH2)2)2](NO3)2Ā·H2O (1), [Cu(mā€’ClC6H4CH2N(CH2CONH2)2)2](NO3)2 (2), [Cu(pā€’ClC6H4CH2N(CH2CONH2)2)2](NO3)2Ā·2H2O (3), Cu(pā€’FC6H4CH2N(CH2CONH2)2)2](NO3)2Ā·2H2O (4) , [Cu(pā€’BrC6H4CH2N(CH2CONH2)2)2](NO3)2Ā·2H2O (5), koji su karakterizirani infracrvenom spektroskopijom i metodama termičke analize. Kristalna struktura priređenog kompleksa [Cu(m-ClC6H4CH2N(CH2CONH2)2)2](NO3)2 2 određena je rentgenskom strukturnom analizom podataka prikupljenih sa njegovih jediničnih kristala. Koordinacijsko okruženje oko iona bakra(II) u kompleksu 2 je iskrivljeni oktaedar. Molekule kompleksa 2 su trans-izomeri sa dva su O,N,O'-tridentatna iminodiacetamidna liganda koji se na metalni centar vežu u facpoložaju. Na temelju poznatih podataka infracrvene spektroskopske i termičke analize može se pretpostaviti da su strukture ostalih kompleksa 1,3,4,5 slične strukturi kompleksa 2. U metodičkom dijelu ovog rada opisani su: fenomen Liesegangovih prstenova u okviru obrazovnih ishoda primjerenih učenicima drugog razreda gimnazije; uloga nastavnika tijekom planiranja, provedbe i vrednovanja projektne nastave. Predložene su pogodne metode i uvjeti eksperimenta stvaranja Liesegangovih prstenova. Izrađena je metodička i didaktička uputa za provedbu projektne nastave na temu Liesegangovi prstenovi.This Diploma thesis consists of two parts: the research part and the methodological part. The reactions of halogenated Nā€’arylalkyliminodiacetamides XC6H2CH2N(CH2CONH2)2, (X = F, Cl, Br) I-V with copper(II) salts in aqueous solutions were investigated as well as the influence of the noncoordinating substituent of the ligands on the coordinating properties of ligands and their complexes. Five new complexes namely, [Cu(o-ClC6H4CH2N(CH2CONH2)2)2](NO3)2Ā·H2O (1), [Cu(m-ClC6H4CH2N(CH2CONH2)2)2](NO3)2 (2) [Cu(p-ClC6H4CH2N(CH2CONH2)2)2](NO3)2Ā·2H2O (3), [Cu(p- FC6H4CH2N(CH2CONH2)2)2](NO3)2Ā·2H2O (4), [Cu(p-BrC6H4CH2N(CH2CONH2)2)2](NO3)2Ā·2H2O (5), were prepared and characterized by infrared spectroscopy and thermal analysis. Crystal structure of [Cu(m-ClC6H4CH2N(CH2CONH2)2)2](NO3)2 (2) complex was determined by singlecrystal X-ray structural analysis. Coordination around the copper(II) ion can be described as a distorted octahedron. Molecules of complex (2) are trans-isomers with two O,N,O'-tridentate iminodiacetamide ligands that forms facconformation around the metal center. Conclusion based on data collected from infrared spectroscopy and thermal analysis is that remaining complexes 1,3,4,5 have molecular structure that is similar to molecular structure of complex 2. The methodological part of the Thesis includes descriptions of: the phenomenon of Liesegang rings in the context of educational outcomes appropriate to students of the second grade of high school; the role of achievement during planning, implementation and evaluation of project teaching. Appropriate methods and conditions of the experiment to create Liesegang rings are suggested. A methodological and didactic guide to the implementation of project teaching on the subject of Liesegang rings was developed

    Utjecaj perciprianog pritiska interesno-utjecajnih skupina na elemente održive marketinÅ”ke orijentacije hrvatskih poduzeća

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    Primjena orijentacije prema dionicima Ā«nužna je za uspostavljanje i napredak etičkog donoÅ”enja odluka u svim marketinÅ”kim aktivnostimaĀ». Proaktivnost u druÅ”tvenoj odgovornosti povezana je sa sve većim pritiscima organizacijskih dionika i dionika zajednice. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti održivu marektinÅ”ku orijentaciju iz perspektive viÅ”estrukih dionika procesa koji nepobitno utječu na oblikovanje strategije i to iz percepcije meandžera o pritisku različitih dionika na oblikovanje strategije. Održiva marketinÅ”ka orijentacija promatrana je i mjerena kroz njena tri sastavna formativna elementa: strateÅ”ka integracija, druÅ”tvena uključenost i etičke sposobnosti. Istovremeno, pratio se percipirani pritisak izdvojenih interesno-utjecajnih skupina: vlasnika, zaposlenika, potroÅ”ača, dobavljača, konkurencije, državnih institucija, neprofitnih udruga te Europske Unije. U sklopu kvanitativnog istraživanaj prikupljeno je 172 poduzeća iz populacije 1000 najuspjeÅ”nihih hrvatskih poduzeća. Rezultati analize upućuju na to da na strateÅ”ku integriranost statistički značajno, a pozitivno utječu zakon i zaposlenici, na druÅ”tvenu uključenost zakon dok na etičke sposobnosti zakon, vlasnici i zaposlenici pozitivno dok nevladine neprofitne organizacije utječu negativno i statistički znčajno

    Exploring the impact of family stressors on financial behavior: A study of Croatian youth

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    This paper examines the relationship between family stressors and subsequent financial behavior of young individuals in Croatia. Previous research indicates that family stressors are associated with increased levels of financial stress, resulting in impulsive purchases, risky financial behavior, and increased debt. More specifically, family stressors during youth are shown to significantly affect an individual\u27s financial behavior later in life. Research has shown that youth family stressors, such as poverty, parental divorce, and parental unemployment, can lead to financial stress and affect financial behavior in adulthood. This paper provides an illustrative review of the Family Stress Model (FSM) framework to understand how family stressors influence youngsters in the financial domain. Using regression modeling, we estimate that family stress significantly impacts the financial behavior of young individuals in Croatia. Specifically, the study finds that family stress is negatively associated with responsible financial behavior. These findings have important implications for policymakers and practitioners, particularly those involved in financial education and family support programs, highlighting the need to address family stress as a potential risk factor for poor financial outcomes among young individuals. It is important to recognize the relationship between youth family stressors and financial behavior and work on managing both to improve financial well-being in adulthood

    Financijskim obrazovanjem do povećanja znanja o financijama potroÅ”ača adolescenata

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    Purpose ā€“ The aim of this paper was to challenge the purpose of financial education in the context of financial literacy of adolescents, and to test the efficiency of the developed high-school study book and program ā€œMy money, my futureā€. Also, the purpose was to identify the predictors of financial knowledge before conducting the workshop, as well as the characteristics of adolescents with best performances on the financial knowledge test. Design/Methodology/Approach ā€“ The data was collected from a purposive sample of teenagers who participated in ā€œMy money, my futureā€ program from October 2016 to February 2018 and the questionnaire employed was a three-part tool. Findings and implications ā€“ Financial interventions contribute to young peopleā€™s financial knowledge. Interest, previous financial education and ownership of a bank account were found to be valid and reliable predictors of higher levels of knowledge among teenagers. Furthermore, most high school students in the sample reported they had already engaged in saving behaviour, and more than half of them claimed to have bank accounts. Financial knowledge after the workshop was significant compared to their knowledge before the workshop. Greater knowledge before the workshop led to significantly higher levels of knowledge afterwards. Differences in the levels of financial knowledge were also tested with respect to gender. Limitations ā€“ The sample only includes high-school students and the research was conducted exclusively on the territory of the Republic of Croatia. Originality ā€“ The paper emphasized the importance of financial education programs in increasing the level of financial literacy and efficiency of future financial decision making among adolescents.Svrha - Cilj je članka istražiti utjecaj financijskog obrazovanja na financijsku pismenost adolescenata i testirati učinkovitost srednjoÅ”kolskog udžbenika i programa ā€žMoj novac, moja budućnostā€œ. Također, svrha je provedenog istraživanja identificirati prediktore financijskog znanja prije radionice, kao i karakteristike mladih s najboljim rezultatima kako bi se dodatno istražila učinkovitost financijskog obrazovanja. MetodoloÅ”ki pristup - Istraživanje je provedeno na adolescentima koji su sudjelovali u radionici ā€žMoj novac, moja budućnostā€œ od listopada 2016. do veljače 2018. godine te je koriÅ”ten upitnik kao instrument istraživanja. Rezultati i implikacije ā€“ Provedenim istraživanjem zaključeno je kako financijske intervencije pridonose znanju mladih. Kao prediktori veće razine znanja među tinejdžerima navode se interesi, prijaÅ”nje financijsko obrazovanje i vlasniÅ”tvo bankovnog računa. Nadalje, većina srednjoÅ”kolaca u uzorku ima razvijene Å”tedne navike i ponaÅ”anje u kontekstu Å”tednje te ima otvorene račune u bankama. Istraživanje razine financijskog znanja analizirano je u dvije faze, prije i nakon održane radionice (predtest i posttest). Nalazi ukazuju na to kako je financijsko znanje nakon radionice značajno veće od znanja prije sudjelovanja u radionici te kako je veće znanje prije radionice dovelo do znatno veće razine znanja nakon radionice. Razlika u razinama znanja istražena je i s obzirom na spol ispitanika. Ograničenja ā€“ Uzorak uključuje samo učenike srednjih Å”kola, a istraživanje je provedeno isključivo na području Republike Hrvatske. Doprinos ā€“ Članak naglaÅ”ava važnost programa financijskog obrazovanja za unaprjeđenje razine financijske pismenosti i učinkovitosti donoÅ”enja financijskih odluka u budućnosti

    Istraživanje povezanosti etike vrlina i zadovoljstva organizacijom

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    U ovom će se razmatra etika vrlina, etički koncept koji temelji etiku na karakternim osobinama, a ne na pravilima i ima Å”iroku primjenu u poslovnom svijetu. Takav pogled sugerira analizu etičkih kvaliteta organizacije gdje se određena aktivnost smatra vrlinom samo onda kad iza nje stoje ispravni motivi. Okosnicu karaktera etičkog poduzeća predstavljaju optimizam, povjerenje, integritet, empatija i oprost. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti primjenu odabranog koncepta te istaknuti dostignuća sa područja etike vrlina koja su se upotrijebila u praksi. Ovaj rad po prvi puta empirijski spaja pojmove etike vrlina te zadovoljstva organizacijom kombiniranom metodom istraživanja. Provedeno je izviđajno kvalitativno istraživanje s ciljem ispitivanja stavova visokopozicioniranih stručnjaka o kompatibilnosti osobnih i profesionalnih vrlina te zadovoljstva organizacijom koje iz toga proizlazi s ciljem istraživanja opravdanosti povezivanja tih pojmova. Kvantitativno istraživanje na uzorku od 168 stručnjaka dalo je detaljan uvid potvrđene hipoteze utjecaja etike vrlina i zadovoljstva organizacijom. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako je povjerenje ono koje ima najveći utjecaj na zadovoljstvo organizacijom


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    Obilježja ličnosti smatraju se jednim od relevantnih čimbenika koji utječu na ponaÅ”anje potroÅ”ača. Stoga, kako bi se ponaÅ”anje potroÅ”ača moglo jasnije razumjeti te predvidjeti, svrha istraživanja je ustanoviti postoji li povezanost između obilježja ličnosti i odgovornog financijskog ponaÅ”anja potroÅ”ača. Povezanost je istražena na temelju utjecaja obilježja ličnosti na afektivni i kognitivni aspekt impulzivnog potroÅ”ačkog ponaÅ”anja, na koje se u radu promatra kao suprotnost odgovornom financijskom ponaÅ”anju. Provedeno je jednokratno deskriptivno istraživanje pomoću anketnog upitnika na namjernom, prigodnom uzorku od 483 studenata Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. Istraživanje je dokazalo da postoji statistički značajna razlika u stupnju sklonosti impulzivnoj kupovini s obzirom na dimenzije obilježja ličnosti. Uzročno posljedična veza dokazana je između dimenzije Savjesnosti i odgovornog potroÅ”ačkog ponaÅ”anja, a ustanovljena je i slaba, ali statistički značajna njena povezanost s kognitivnim aspektom impulzivne kupovine. Kod afektivne komponente ustanovljena je statistički značajna povezanost sa dimenzijama Ekstraverzije i Neuroticizma, dok je kod dimenzije Neuroticizma ustanovljena negativna povezanost sa impulzivnom kupovinom. S obzirom da se do sada voditi prilikom segmentiranja tržiÅ”ta te prilikom kreiranja aktivnosti usmjerenih ka potroÅ”ačima različitih obilježja ličnosti, potaknuti odgovorno te ispraviti i izbjeći neodgovorno potroÅ”ačko ponaÅ”anje kod mladih potroÅ”ača.Personality traits are one of the influencing factors of consumer behavior. In order to clearly understand and predict consumer behavior, the purpose of the research is to establish whether there is a relationship between personality traits and responsible consumer behavior. The connection was investigated based on the influence of personality traits on the affective and cognitive aspect of impulsive financial consumption behavior, the opposite of responsible consumer behavior. A quantitative research was conducted using a questionnaire on a convenient sample of 483 students of the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb. Research has shown that there is a statistically significant difference in degree of propensity for impulsive shopping considering dimensions of personality traits. It is concluded that conscientiousness is the best and only predictor of responsible consumer behavior, and a weak but statistically significant association with the cognitive aspect of impulsive buying. Affective consumer behavior is connected to extroversion and neuroticism, whereas neuroticism is negatively linked to impulsive behaviour. Given that the above-mentioned constructs have not been empirically linked so far, this paper can be used during market segmentation and while creating activities which target consumers with different personality traits but also to encourage responsible and correct and avoid irresponsible consumer behavior among young consumers

    Properties of Waste Polyamide Powder and Titanium Dioxide Nanocomposites

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    Selektivno lasersko sinteriranje (SLS) jedan je od važnijih postupaka 3D ispisa koji se u danaÅ”nje vrijeme sve viÅ”e primjenjuju za dobivanje različitih modela. Najvažniji polimerni materijali koji se upotrebljavaju u tom procesu su poliamidi. Značajan nedostatak tog procesa je velika količina otpadnog polimernog praha. Stoga je cilj ovoga rada bio istražiti utjecaj dodatka nanočestica titanijeva dioksida (TiO2) na toplinska i mehanička svojstva otpadnog poliamidnog praha (PA 2200). U ovom radu pripremljeni su nanokompoziti PA/TiO2 u rasponu masenog udjela punila 1 ā€“ 5 %, postupkom zamjeÅ”avanja punila u talinu polimera u gnjetilici Brabender. Aglomerati nanopunila vidljivi su na SEM mikrografiji 5 %-tnog PA/TiO2 nanokompozita. Rezultati diferencijalne pretražne kalorimetrije (DSC) ukazuju na djelovanje nanočestica TiO2 kao heterogenih nukleacijskih centara. Također, dodatak nanopunila pospjeÅ”uje stvaranje stabilnijih i uređenijih kristalnih struktura poliamidne matrice. Termogravimetrijskom analizom (TGA) dokazano je da dodatak TiO2 nanopunila povećava temperaturu početka razgradnje PA matrice, to jest poboljÅ”ava toplinsku postojanost PA matrice i neznatno povećava vrijednosti toplinske vodljivosti nanokompozita u odnosu na čistu polimernu matricu. Ispitivanjem mehaničkih svojstava uzoraka uočeno je smanjenje vrijednosti sekantnog modula te neznatne promjene naprezanja i istezanja u točki popuÅ”tanja s povećanjem udjela punila u nanokompozitu. Ovo djelo je dano na koriÅ”tenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna.The PA 2200 waste powder generated during selective laser sintering (SLS) process is an important environmental and economic problem. In order to test and modify the properties of the waste powder, nanocomposites based on polyamide matrix and TiO2 nanoparticles were prepared in this work. Agglomerates of the TiO2 nanofiller are visible on the SEM micrographs for the nanocomposite with 5 wt. % of the nanofiller (Fig. 1). The DSC analysis indicates an increase in crystallization temperature (Tc) by the addition of filler to the polymer matrix and it can be concluded that the TiO2 nanoparticles represent the nucleation centres in the PA matrix (Fig. 2, Table 1). In systems with 4 and 5 wt. % TiO2 crystallization enthalpy (Ī”Hc) and melting enthalpy (Ī”Hm) are higher than the values for the polyamide matrix (Table 1), indicating that the nanoparticles promote crystallization of the PA matrix. The results of TG analysis imply a positive effect of the TiO2 nanoparticles on the onset of thermal decomposition, which is most pronounced in the system with 3 wt. % TiO2 (Fig. 3, Table 2). As thermal degradation progresses further, the positive effect of the addition of TiO2 nanoparticles becomes less pronounced and finally becomes negative in the final stages, i.e. TiO2 nanoparticles accelerate the degradation. The thermal conductivity values (Ī») are slightly higher for the nanocomposites relative to the pure PA matrix (Fig. 4) due to the formation of a more ordered structure of the polymer matrix by the addition of TiO2 and/or the formation of so-called conductive pathway. The results of the mechanical test indicate that the addition of TiO2 nanofiller decreases the values of the secant modulus (E), while the values of the yield stress (Ļƒ2>y2>y2 nanoparticles to the PA 2200 waste powder represents a useful approach for its reuse, thus improving the economic and environmental sustainability of the SLS process. The main disadvantage of the studied systems is the inconsistent mechanical properties at break. In future studies, this problem will be solved with adequate surface modification of TiO2 nanoparticles. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Mammary gland tumors in cats

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    Tumori mliječne žlijezde jedni su od najčeŔćih tumora kod kuja i mačaka, s time da kod mačaka znatno viÅ”e prevladavaju maligni histoloÅ”ki tipovi. Ovi se tumori najčeŔće razvijaju kod starijih životinja, a veliku ulogu u njihovu nastanku imaju steroidni spolni hormoni. U postavljanju prognoze bolesti važan je čimbenik veličina primarnog tumora, Å”to upućuje na važnost rane dijagnostike i pravilan tretman tumora mliječne žlijezde. Metoda izbora pri liječenju ovih tumora jest radikalno kirurÅ”ko uklanjanje tumora i preostalih mliječnih žlijezdi, dok učinak kemoterapije u liječenju ovih tumora kod mačaka joÅ” uvijek nije sasvim jasan. U ovom radu ukratko su prikazane dosadaÅ”nje spoznaje o uzrocima i prezentaciji ove bolesti kod mačaka, bioloÅ”kom ponaÅ”anju tumora, dijagnozi i prognostičkim čimbenicima te kratak prikaz stanja vezanog za tumore mliječne žlijezde mačaka u Republici Hrvatskoj.Tumors of the mammary gland are among the most common neoplasms in bitches and cats, but in cats malignant histological types are more prevalent. These tumors usually develop in older animals and steroid sex hormones play a major role in their development. In prognosis, an important factor is the size of the primary tumor, indicating the importance of early diagnosis and proper treatment of mammary tumors. The method of choice in the treatment of these tumors is radical surgical excision of the tumor and the remaining mammary glands, while the effect of adjuvant chemotherapy in cats is still not entirely clear. In this study current knowledge is summarized about the causes and presentation of the disease in cats, the biological behavior of the mammary tumors, diagnosis and prognostic factors, and a brief overview is given related to tumors of the mammary gland in cats in the Republic of Croatia