80 research outputs found

    Ensaios acústicos e de macacos planos em alvenarias resistentes

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    Tese de Programa Doutoral. Engenharia Civil. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade e Engenharia. 201

    Estudo e análise de uma ponte de arame : um caso de reabilitação

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    Tese de mestrado. Reabilitação do Património Edificado. 2006. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto, Secção Autónoma de Engenharia Civil da Universidade de Aveir

    The fingerings for the piano album Gradual by Eurico Thomaz de Lima (1908–1989) as evidence of a consolidated technical thinking

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    A criação de peças e exercícios para jovens pianistas tem sido, ao longo da história, uma preocupação de alguns dos mais importantes autores. As obras intituladas Álbum para a Juventude de R. Schumann e P. Tchaikovsky são um perfeito exemplo da criação de peças acessíveis para alunos principiantes e mais avançados. O compositor, pianista, e pedagogo português Eurico Thomaz de Lima (1908–1989) criou Gradual. 28 Peças para a mocidade, um álbum organizado sequencialmente por critérios de dificuldade progressiva. Herdeiro de uma escola pianística de grande robustez, personalizada por A. Rey Colaço e J. Vianna da Motta, seus mestres no Conservatório de Lisboa, Thomaz de Lima incluiu em Gradual indicações exaustivas de dedilhação. Estas destinar-se-iam a guiar os jovens, proporcionando-lhes princípios sólidos desde uma fase precoce da sua aprendizagem. Neste artigo procura-se enfatizar a influência que figuras como A. Gilis, J. Barrozo Netto e J. Vianna da Motta exerceram nos métodos utilizados na conceção e organização de Gradual. Examina-se, paralelamente, dedilhações de Thomaz de Lima nas suas próprias composições e em obras que apresentava em concerto. Através de uma análise pormenorizada das minuciosas dedilhações para as vinte e oito peças do Gradual, verifica-se que estas revelam uma elevada consistência de princípios técnicos, lançando as bases para um crescimento harmonioso e sólido do jovem pianista.The composition of pieces and exercises for the young has been a preoccupation for a number of leading figures throughout musical history. Schumann's and Tchaikovsky's Albums for the Young are a perfect example of this in composing accessible pieces for beginners and more advanced students. The Portuguese composer, pianist and pedagogue Eurico Thomaz de Lima (1908–1989) did not shy away from this challenge in creating Gradual, an album of pieces “for the young” organised sequentially taking progressive difficulty as a criterion. Heir to a school of piano playing of great solidity, in the person of Rey Colaço and, above all, of Vianna da Motta, his teachers at the Lisbon Conservatoire, Thomaz de Lima left exhaustive fingering indications, in order to provide young people with a solid basis from an early stage of their learning. This article seeks to draw attention to the influence that figures such as Antoine Gilis, Barrozo Netto and Vianna da Motta exerted in this area, by examining, in parallel, Thomaz de Lima's fingerings in his own compositions and in works that he practised for concert performance. A detailed analysis of the meticulous fingerings for the twenty-eight pieces of the Gradual reveals a high consistency of technical principles, laying the foundations for harmonious and solid growth among young pianists.(undefined

    Bach, or Busoni? How insightful fingering options may enlighten the original spirit of the Chaconne in D minor

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    The Chaconne, the last movement of the partita in D minor for violin solo by Johann Sebastian Bach, has been, to this day, a reference work for violinists; however, over the years, it has also been a subject of interest by numerous leading personalities within the musical sphere, who made several versions for their own instruments. Among the many transcriptions those made for piano stand out, in particular that of Ferruccio Busoni, probably the most universally disseminated. However, this version is often criticized, among other reasons, for allegedly disrespecting the Bachian musical spirit. This article intends to analyze some technical and interpretative solutions (notably through the use of insightful fingering options) that, respecting the magnitude of Busoni 's text, can duly emphasize the original spirit of Bach' s work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inspiring new beauties in Mozart's piano sonatas

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    The eighteen sonatas of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart are among the best-loved cycles within the piano repertoire of all times. As this compositional form deals with musical material that is constantly recapitulated and developed in different keys, this presentation will analyse how Mozart was forced to introduce changes to the text where notes to analogous passages were missing due to compass restrictions of the instrument. Through the demonstration of several examples, this presentation, in the form of a Lecture/Recital, will reveal how Mozart often made use of his inspiration to overcome those restrictions, and how the solutions he found may present an additional challenge to the interpreter, when playing on a modern piano.info:eu-repo/semantics/draf

    SIDE – teaching support information system

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    The success of any information system in any area can be assessed by the voluntary accession of users. In an institution where there is a single system available to the users, this evaluation has to be done through user surveys. SIDE is a portal based on information systems architecture to support teaching, academic management of courses and the learning process, in order to support the needs of integration of information flows in several university information systems. This portal, which is in operation at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro since 2002, allows data management coming from the operation of courses, providing to the management entities one platform to support executive and decision support. This portal proved to be an architectural solution that meets the needs of the institution where it was implemented. The longevity of its use as the main information system to support teaching in the institution proves that. However these facts are not enough to conclude about the quality of the system and the relationship with the users of the services they utilize. In order to conclude about this we proceeded to carry out an opinion survey in order to get some feedback about the usability and quality of these same services. The surveys had a good participation in terms of number of people and that allowed us to take what good conclusions