248 research outputs found

    A novel technique for sterilization using a power self-regulated single-mode microwave cavity

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    In this paper, a novel technique to achieve precise temperatures in food sterilization has been proposed. An accurate temperature profile is needed in order to reach a commitment between the total removal of pathogens inside the product and the preservation of nutritional and organoleptic characteristics. The minimal variation of the target temperature in the sample by means of a monitoring and control software platform, allowing temperature stabilization over 100 °C, is the main goal of this work. A cylindrical microwave oven, under pressure conditions and continuous control of the microwave supply power as function of the final temperature inside the sample, has been designed and developed with conditions of single-mode resonance. The uniform heating in the product is achieved by means of sample movement and the self-regulated power control using the measured temperature. Finally, for testing the sterilization of food with this technology, specific biological validation based on Bacillus cereus as a biosensor of heat inactivation has been incorporated as a distribution along the sample in the experimental process to measure the colony-forming units (CFUs) for different food samples (laboratory medium, soup, or fish-based animal by-products). The obtained results allow the validation of this new technology for food sterilization with precise control of the microwave system to ensure the uniform elimination of pathogens using high temperatures.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under the project with reference DPI2014-61857-EXP

    PSM-DMO: power save mode and discontinuous BLE mesh operation

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    The Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) mesh profile, standardized by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), has an increasing interest in IoT solutions. However, the standard assumes that relay and friend nodes should be continuously scanning the channel awaiting any incoming transmissions. This could be very inefficient in terms of energy consumption, particularly in application scenarios where the backbone of the mesh network cannot be powered and traffic is infrequent. Hence, we present a novel strategy, named PSM-DMO, that minimizes the scan periods and thus, significantly reduces the overall energy consumption of the mesh network. PSM-DMO is defined as a new and optional feature for the currently published BLE mesh specifications, coexists with the standard operation, and is implemented without modifying the core of the specification. The proposal, that ensures the reliability of the mesh operation, can be used in BLE sensor networks that can tolerate a certain transmission delay. PSM-DMO replaces the continuous scan by a periodic but asynchronous polling process whereby the relay and sink nodes interrogate their neighbors about the existence of data to receive or to retransmit through the network. Nodes only go into scan mode during the period of time the mesh network will be involved in the transmission and dissemination. This period is estimated by the node which is the source of data, it is announced to its neighbors and it is propagated consecutively by all the relay nodes until the destination. PSM-DMO allows a theoretical reduction in the energy consumption of relay nodes up to 99.24 %.This work has been supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science through the projects RTI2018-099880-B-C32. RTI2018-095684-B-I00 and RTI2018-099063-B-I00 with ERFD funds, and by the Government of Aragon (Reference Group T31_20R).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Opciones de grado: procesos para optar al título de profesional en Negocios Internacionales

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    120 páginas : gráficos , tablas ; 27 cm.El programa de Negocios Internacionales de la Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina pretende que sus estudiantes graduandos puedan obtener su título profesional tan pronto como terminan sus semestres académicos. Para tal efecto, es necesario que se sigan de manera ordenada y cronológica los procesos secuenciales en cada una de las opciones de grado. Mientras cursa el 6.o semestre del programa profesional, el estudiante debe escoger la opción de grado, partiendo de la lectura y análisis del acuerdo 010 “Opciones de grado”. El estudiante normalmente debe revisar las líneas de investigación que tiene el programa de Negocios Internacionales y la Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas, Económicas y Contables, para que pueda identificar aquella de su interés. Igualmente, puede revisar y analizar los proyectos de investigación que se están adelantando de manera tal que estos le ayuden a enfocarse en el trabajo de grado que podría adelantar. Cualquiera que sea la opción de grado escogida, para que el graduando redacte y envíe la propuesta, debe leer un buen número de investigaciones, artículos, casos empresariales y noticias fundamentadas que se encuentren en las bases de datos científicas o en fuentes de alta credibilidad. La Universidad cuenta con herramientas que, a través de la biblioteca y mediante su página web, les provee de valiosa información para profundizar en el tema elegido y que les servirán para adelantar las fichas bibliográficas necesarias para realizar la correspondiente referenciación y bibliografía exigida por la institución, o por las revistas indexadas donde se espera publicar

    On the use of sniffers for spectrum occupancy measurements of Bluetooth low energy primary channels

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    The methods usually employed to measure channel occupancy show limitations in the context of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) advertisements. We propose and analyze the use of BLE sniffers as light and portable low-cost spectrum occupancy meters to be used in scenarios where real time signal analyzers are not adequate. For the measurement technique to be successful, several low-level effects must be considered. The paper argues about on-air time, receiving blind times due to processing and intra system interference, buffer saturation and frequency anchoring. Hence, a compensation procedure based on collision rate estimation is proposed. Results with the refined method show that occupancies of 40% can be measured with an overestimation error whose percentile 95% is 5 percentage points. This is reduced to 1.9 points when the occupancy is 15%. The sniffers perform in real time and are shown to correctly track short term load variations. The strategy has been successfully used to characterize occupancy in highly variable and loaded scenarios such as subway platforms and a shopping mall. Values up to 25% have been observed, which implies a relevant packet error rate. Hence, the tool can be used to make agile audits and configure the parameters that control communication redundancy in new or existing networks.The work by UPC has been funded by MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF A way of making Europe, with the grant RTI2018-099880-B-C32 and PID2021-125799OA-I00. The work by I3A-UZ has been funded by MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF A way of making Europe, with the grants RTI2018-095684-B-I00 and RTI2018-099063-B-I00, and by the Government of Aragon (Reference Group T31 20R).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version


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    RESUMENLas fibras recicladas producen papeles con pobres propiedades mecánicas debido a la pérdida irreversible de la capacidad de hinchamiento con los niveles y duración del secado, i.e. hornification. Existen varios métodos para restaurar las uniones interfibrilares de la fibra reciclada entre los cuales se encuentra las mezclas con fibra virgen. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la adición de pulpa de raquis de la hoja de palma africana (RHPA) sobre las propiedades mecánicas de cartón comercial colombiano. En el laboratorio fueron evaluadas hojas estándar de prueba siguiendo los métodos estándar TAPPI con adiciones de 15%, 25%, 35% y 50% de pulpa RHPA. Las propiedades de resistencia de los papeles obtenidos fueron proyectadas usando correlaciones para estimar el comportamiento como cartón corrugado. Las más importantes propiedades de resistencia mecánica de cartones RCT, CMT y CFC fueron incrementadas a partir del porcentaje de adición más bajo de pulpa RHPA (15%). El SCT estimado a partir de correlaciones mostró incrementos hasta del 54% para el cartón evaluado respecto a los materiales originales. La pulpa RHPA puede ser mezclada con cartón comercial reciclado para mejorar sus propiedades mecánicas. Palabras claves: Cartón Reciclado; Mezclas; Fibra Virgen; Fibra de Raquis de Hoja de Palma de Aceite; Restauración; Propiedades Mecánicas; Correlaciones; Cajas Corrugadas.ABSTRACTRecycled fibers produce paper with poor mechanical properties due to the irreversible lost of the swelling capacity with the level and duration of drying, i.e., hornification. The blending with virgin fiber is one of the methods to recover the interfiber bonding of the recycled pulp. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of blending African oil-palm frond-rachis soda pulp (RHPA) on the mechanical properties of Colombian commercial paperboard. At the laboratory standard handsheets were evaluated following the TAPPI standard methods at ratios of 15%, 25%, 35% and 50% of RHPA pulp. Strength properties of papers obtained were projected using relationship to estimate its behavior as corrugated board. The most important mechanical properties of paperboard RCT, CMT and CFC were increased since the lowest addition percentage of RHPA pulp (15%). SCT estimated by relationship showed increases of up to 54% for the evaluated paperboard in relation to the original material. RHPA pulp can be blended with commercial paperboard to improve its mechanical properties.Keywords: Recycled Paperboard; Blending; Virgin Fiber; Oil-Palm frond Rachis Fiber; Upgrading; Mechanical Properties; Relationship; Corrugated Box


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    RESUMENLas fibras recicladas producen papeles con pobres propiedades mecánicas debido a la pérdida irreversible de la capacidad de hinchamiento con los niveles y duración del secado, i.e. hornification. Existen varios métodos para restaurar las uniones interfibrilares de la fibra reciclada entre los cuales se encuentra las mezclas con fibra virgen. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la adición de pulpa de raquis de la hoja de palma africana (RHPA) sobre las propiedades mecánicas de cartón comercial colombiano. En el laboratorio fueron evaluadas hojas estándar de prueba siguiendo los métodos estándar TAPPI con adiciones de 15%, 25%, 35% y 50% de pulpa RHPA. Las propiedades de resistencia de los papeles obtenidos fueron proyectadas usando correlaciones para estimar el comportamiento como cartón corrugado. Las más importantes propiedades de resistencia mecánica de cartones RCT, CMT y CFC fueron incrementadas a partir del porcentaje de adición más bajo de pulpa RHPA (15%). El SCT estimado a partir de correlaciones mostró incrementos hasta del 54% para el cartón evaluado respecto a los materiales originales. La pulpa RHPA puede ser mezclada con cartón comercial reciclado para mejorar sus propiedades mecánicas. Palabras claves: Cartón Reciclado; Mezclas; Fibra Virgen; Fibra de Raquis de Hoja de Palma de Aceite; Restauración; Propiedades Mecánicas; Correlaciones; Cajas Corrugadas.ABSTRACTRecycled fibers produce paper with poor mechanical properties due to the irreversible lost of the swelling capacity with the level and duration of drying, i.e., hornification. The blending with virgin fiber is one of the methods to recover the interfiber bonding of the recycled pulp. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of blending African oil-palm frond-rachis soda pulp (RHPA) on the mechanical properties of Colombian commercial paperboard. At the laboratory standard handsheets were evaluated following the TAPPI standard methods at ratios of 15%, 25%, 35% and 50% of RHPA pulp. Strength properties of papers obtained were projected using relationship to estimate its behavior as corrugated board. The most important mechanical properties of paperboard RCT, CMT and CFC were increased since the lowest addition percentage of RHPA pulp (15%). SCT estimated by relationship showed increases of up to 54% for the evaluated paperboard in relation to the original material. RHPA pulp can be blended with commercial paperboard to improve its mechanical properties.Keywords: Recycled Paperboard; Blending; Virgin Fiber; Oil-Palm frond Rachis Fiber; Upgrading; Mechanical Properties; Relationship; Corrugated Box

    Competencia matemática básica en niños del nivel preescolar del distrito de Santa Marta

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    El presente estudio describe las características de la competencia matemática en niños y niñas de grado transición de instituciones educativas del distrito de Santa Marta, Colombia. La muestra estuvo conformada por 116 escolares (67 niñas y 49 niños), a quienes se les aplicó el test de competencia matemática básica, tema-3, en su adaptación española. La metodología utilizada en el estudio es de tipo cuantitativa y de diseño descriptivo transversal. A partir del proceso investigativo se obtuvo como resultado que la media del Índice de Competencia Matemática (ICM) es de 94.2; el 6.9% se ubica en un nivel muy pobre en ICM, el 10.3% en un nivel pobre, el 26.7% en el nivel por debajo de la media, el 44% se ubica en la media, el 4.3% por encima de la media, el 2.6% se encuentra en un nivel superior y un 5.2% se encuentra en el nivel muy superior. Los colegios privados presentan un mejor desempeño que los colegios públicos. La variable género del estudiante no presenta diferencias significativas en ICM