4 research outputs found

    Essays on auction theory

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    This paper characterizes the optimal selling mechanism in the presence of horizontal crossholdings. We find that the optimal mechanism imposes a discrimination policy against the stronger bidders so that the seller's expected revenue is increasing in both the common crossholding and the degree of asymmetry in crossholdings. Furthermore, it can be implemented by a sequential procedure that includes a price-preferences scheme and the possibility of an exclusive deal with the weakest bidder. We also show that a simple sequential negotiation mechanism, although suboptimal, yields a larger seller's expected revenue than both the first-price and the second-price auction

    How to Sell to Buyers with Crossholdings

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    This paper characterizes the optimal selling mechanism in the presence of horizontal crossholdings. We find that this mechanism imposes a discrimination policy against the stronger bidders so that the seller驴s expected revenue is increasing in both the common crossholding and the degree of asymmetry in crossholdings. Furthermore, it can be implemented by a sequential procedure that includes a price-preferences scheme and the possibility of an exclusive deal with the weakest bidder. We also show that a simple sequential negotiation mechanism, although suboptimal, yields a larger seller驴s expected revenue than both the first-price and the second-price auctions

    Esquemas de Incentivos y Carteras de Inversi贸n Innovadoras

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    This article characterizes the properties of the compensation scheme of delegated portfolio management that would lead to the selection of high risk-high return portfolios. In particular, it provides conditions under which a non-monotone payment structure emerges as an optimal contract, which rewards extreme results and punishes moderate ones.En el contexto de la administraci贸n delegada de carteras de inversi贸n, este art铆culo caracteriza las propiedades que el esquema de compensaci贸n debe poseer para incentivar la selecci贸n de portafolios con alto riesgo y alto retorno esperado. En particular, se proporcionan condiciones que permiten esquemas remunerativos no mon贸tonos que premian resultados extremos y castigan resultados moderados

    Eficiencia Bancaria en Chile: Un Enfoque de frontera de beneficios

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    This paper characterizes the evolution of the efficiency X in the Chilean banking industry over 1987 to 2007, based on a profit frontier approach. Our results suggest that over this period the Chilean banking sector has attained just a 15% over its maximum profits. This inefficiency basically arises from a technical source rather than an assignative one, and mainly affects domestic and small banks. Nevertheless, the level of efficiency X of the industry as a whole has dramatically improved since the late 1990麓s, which is consistent with important economic, technological and regulatory transformations.Este estudio caracteriza la evoluci贸n de la eficiencia X en la banca chilena durante el per铆odo 1987-2007, bajo un enfoque de frontera de beneficios. Nuestros resultados sugieren que durante ese per铆odo la banca chilena ha alcanzado, en promedio, s贸lo un 15% de su potencial m谩ximo de beneficios. Estas ineficiencias provienen fundamentalmente de un componente t茅cnico m谩s que asignativo, y afectan preponderantemente a bancos nacionales y de menor tama帽o. No obstante, la eficiencia de toda la industria ha mejorado sustancial y sostenidamente desde fines de los a帽os noventa, fen贸meno consistente con importantes cambios econ贸micos, tecnol贸gicos e institucionales