850 research outputs found

    Regelmatig en zorgvuldig tandenpoetsen met fluoridetandpasta is de basis van preventie

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    Voor de gebitsverzorging door ouder en kind worden in Nederland veelal de adviezen van het Ivoren Kruis gehanteerd. De basis van dit advies is plaqueverwijdering met fluoridetandpasta. Wanneer dit onvoldoende bescherming biedt, is er meestal sprake van onregelmatig en onzorgvuldig gebruik. Voorlichting en instructie over dagelijkse en zorgvuldige mondhygiëne dient een eerste prioriteit te zijn bij de zorgverlener. Als zelfzorg niet of niet meteen op peil kan worden gebracht, kan (tijdelijke) ondersteuning plaatsvinden met professionele preventieve behandelingen. Alleen professionele preventieve behandeling zonder aandacht voor verbetering van zelfzorg is onvoldoende en moet als een kunstfout in de behandelingsstrategie worden gezien

    Construction of a questionnaire based on the Health Action Process Approach for psycho-social cognitive determinants of parents in brushing children's teeth in the Netherlands

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    Background: The health action process approach (HAPA) model is promising to increase the frequency of brushing children's teeth by parents to improve their children's oral health. A validated HAPA questionnaire is needed as one of the measures of the effects of such an intervention.Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate whether our data, based on a translated and adopted version of the Health Action Process Approach (HAPA)-based questionnaire on dental flossing, supported the constructs of the HAPA model. If so, a next aim was to assess whether these constructs could be measured reliably.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 269 questionnaires filled out in dental offices by parents of children 1-10 years old were analysed. Scale validation was performed according to the 6-step protocol of Dima, including Mokken scale analyses (MSA), graded response model (GRM), factor analyses and reliability measures. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to identify divergent validity and test-retest reliability.Results: MSA showed a unidimensional, medium total scale. Three items were removed based on this analysis. The total scale with the remaining 26 items did not fit the GRM. Factor analysis extracted five factors and two components for the total scale. The separate subscales, except the 'intention' construct, fitted the MSA and did not fit the GRM. The data fitted a seven-factor model better than a one-factor model. Reliability measures varied from acceptable to excellent, but were poor for 'action control'. Test-retest reliability (r's 0.60-0.83) was questionable to good.Conclusion: Our results did not fully support the constructs of the HAPA model. To support the HAPA constructs, modification to the subscales risk perceptions, intention, action planning, action control and self-reported behaviour are suggested. With these adjustments, the reliability and validity of the questionnaire could be significantly improved

    Ultraviolet Radiation-Induced Impairment of the Early Initiating and the Late Effector Phases of Contact Hypersensitivity to Picrylcholoride: Regulation by Different Mechanisms

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    Two types of antigen-specific T cells are needed for the elicitation of contact hypersensitivity reactions. They act in an obligate sequence to mediate the early initiating and late effector phases of contact hypersensitivity, which are accompanied by skin-swelling responses at 2 and 24h after challenge, respectively. The magnitude of the late ear swelling depends on that of the early swelling.We studied the influence of ultraviolet radiation on both phases of contact hypersensitivity to picrylchloride. Mice were exposed to subedemal doses of ultraviolet radiation on the shaved backs for four consecutive days. Four days later mice were sensitized on non-irradiated skin. Four days after sensitization mice were challenged on the ears, and swelling was measured 2, 4, and 24h after challenge. The early and late phases of contact hypersensitivity were largely suppressed in ultraviolet-irradiated, actively sensitized mice. Transfer of immune lymphoid cells from donor mice that were sensitized 4 d earlier induced early and late components of contact hypersensitivity in naive recipients after challenge. Transfer of immune lymphoid cells from donors that were sensitized 1 d earlier only induced the early component of contact hypersensitivity. Ultraviolet irradiation of donor mice significantly reduced the capacity of the immune lymphoid cells to induce contact hypersensitivity. We show that lymphoid cells responsible for the early and late components of contact hypersensitivity are both affected

    Мінливість дуже сильних дощів і сильних злив в Україні

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    Розглянуто міжрічну мінливість кількості випадків стихійних гідрометеорологічних явищ (СГЯ), а саме: дуже сильних дощів і сильних злив – в Україні та її регіонах у другій половині ХХ – на початку ХХІ ст. Використавши методи сезонної декомпозиції, встановлено тенденцію динаміки цих рядів протягом досліджуваного періоду. Шляхом автокореляційного та спектрального аналізів визначено циклічні компоненти у структурі рядів річної кількості випадків СГЯ та їх особливості в періоди, коли спостерігали тенденцію до зменшення і збільшення інтенсивності цих явищ.Рассмотрена межгодовая изменчивость количества случаев очень сильных дождей и сильных ливней в Украине и ее регионах во второй половине ХХ - в начале ХХІ в. Установлена тенденция динамики этих рядов на протяжении исследуемого периода. Определены циклические компоненты в структуре рядов годового количества случаев стихийных осадков (СГЯ) и их особенности в периоды, когда наблюдали тенденцию к уменьшению и увеличению интенсивности этих явлений

    Адаптація в українській термінології іншомовних лексем на позначення засобів розміщення туристів

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    Розглянуто шляхи та причини запозичення іншомовної лексики на позначення засобів розміщення туристів, подано значення окремих запозичених лексем.The article studies the ways and reasons for lexical units denoting tourist accommodation borrowing. The meanings of some borrowed terms are given