134 research outputs found

    Chapter 19: Vulnerability of coastal and estuarine habitats in the Great Barrier Reef to climate change

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    This chapter attempts to address the vulnerability of the CEM in the Great Barrier Reef region to global climate change. It does not consider individual habitats (eg reefs or seagrasses) but goes beyond the individual species and habitat assessments, to consider impacts on the whole coastal marine community complex, and the ecological processes that support its functioning.This is Chapter 19 of Climate change and the Great Barrier Reef: a vulnerability assessment. The entire book can be found at http://hdl.handle.net/11017/13

    On the thin-shell limit of branes in the presence of Gauss-Bonnet interactions

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    In this paper we study thick-shell braneworld models in the presence of a Gauss-Bonnet term. We discuss the peculiarities of the attainment of the thin-shell limit in this case and compare them with the same situation in Einstein gravity. We describe the two simplest families of thick-brane models (parametrized by the shell thickness) one can think of. In the thin-shell limit, one family is characterized by the constancy of its internal density profile (a simple structure for the matter sector) and the other by the constancy of its internal curvature scalar (a simple structure for the geometric sector). We find that these two families are actually equivalent in Einstein gravity and that the presence of the Gauss-Bonnet term breaks this equivalence. In the second case, a shell will always keep some non-trivial internal structure, either on the matter or on the geometric sectors, even in the thin-shell limit.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX 4. Revised version accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Generalised Israel Junction Conditions for a Gauss-Bonnet Brane World

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    In spacetimes of dimension greater than four it is natural to consider higher order (in R) corrections to the Einstein equations. In this letter generalized Israel junction conditions for a membrane in such a theory are derived. This is achieved by generalising the Gibbons-Hawking boundary term. The junction conditions are applied to simple brane world models, and are compared to the many contradictory results in the literature.Comment: 4 page

    Gravitation with superposed Gauss--Bonnet terms in higher dimensions: Black hole metrics and maximal extensions

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    Our starting point is an iterative construction suited to combinatorics in arbitarary dimensions d, of totally anisymmetrised p-Riemann 2p-forms (2p\le d) generalising the (1-)Riemann curvature 2-forms. Superposition of p-Ricci scalars obtained from the p-Riemann forms defines the maximally Gauss--Bonnet extended gravitational Lagrangian. Metrics, spherically symmetric in the (d-1) space dimensions are constructed for the general case. The problem is directly reduced to solving polynomial equations. For some black hole type metrics the horizons are obtained by solving polynomial equations. Corresponding Kruskal type maximal extensions are obtained explicitly in complete generality, as is also the periodicity of time for Euclidean signature. We show how to include a cosmological constant and a point charge. Possible further developments and applications are indicated.Comment: 13 pages, REVTEX. References and Note Adde

    Brane cosmology with curvature corrections

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    We study the cosmology of the Randall-Sundrum brane-world where the Einstein-Hilbert action is modified by curvature correction terms: a four-dimensional scalar curvature from induced gravity on the brane, and a five-dimensional Gauss-Bonnet curvature term. The combined effect of these curvature corrections to the action removes the infinite-density big bang singularity, although the curvature can still diverge for some parameter values. A radiation brane undergoes accelerated expansion near the minimal scale factor, for a range of parameters. This acceleration is driven by the geometric effects, without an inflaton field or negative pressures. At late times, conventional cosmology is recovered.Comment: RevTex4, 8 pages, no figures, minor change

    Scalar brane backgrounds in higher order curvature gravity

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    We investigate maximally symmetric brane world solutions with a scalar field. Five-dimensional bulk gravity is described by a general lagrangian which yields field equations containing no higher than second order derivatives. This includes the Gauss-Bonnet combination for the graviton. Stability and gravitational properties of such solutions are considered, and we particularily emphasise the modifications induced by the higher order terms. In particular it is shown that higher curvature corrections to Einstein theory can give rise to instabilities in brane world solutions. A method for analytically obtaining the general solution for such actions is outlined. Genericaly, the requirement of a finite volume element together with the absence of a naked singularity in the bulk imposes fine-tuning of the brane tension. A model with a moduli scalar field is analysed in detail and we address questions of instability and non-singular self-tuning solutions. In particular, we discuss a case with a normalisable zero mode but infinite volume element.Comment: published versio

    Six-dimensional Abelian vortices with quadratic curvature self-interactions

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    Six-dimensional Nielsen-Olesen vortices are analyzed in the context of a quadratic gravity theory containing Euler-Gauss-Bonnet self-interactions. The relations among the string tensions can be tuned in such a way that the obtained solutions lead to warped compactification on the vortex. New regular solutions are possible in comparison with the case where the gravity action only consists of the Einstein-Hilbert term. The parameter space of the model is discussedComment: 28 pages in Latex style with 11 figure

    Transiting Exoplanets with JWST

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    The era of exoplanet characterization is upon us. For a subset of exoplanets -- the transiting planets -- physical properties can be measured, including mass, radius, and atmosphere characteristics. Indeed, measuring the atmospheres of a further subset of transiting planets, the hot Jupiters, is now routine with the Spitzer Space Telescope. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will continue Spitzer's legacy with its large mirror size and precise thermal stability. JWST is poised for the significant achievement of identifying habitable planets around bright M through G stars--rocky planets lacking extensive gas envelopes, with water vapor and signs of chemical disequilibrium in their atmospheres. Favorable transiting planet systems, are, however, anticipated to be rare and their atmosphere observations will require tens to hundreds of hours of JWST time per planet. We review what is known about the physical characteristics of transiting planets, summarize lessons learned from Spitzer high-contrast exoplanet measurements, and give several examples of potential JWST observations.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures. In press in "Astrophysics in the Next Decade: JWST and Concurrent Facilities, Astrophysics & Space Science Library, Thronson, H. A., Tielens, A., Stiavelli, M., eds., Springer: Dordrecht (2008)." The original publication will be available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Variations on the Seventh Route to Relativity

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    As motivated in the full abstract, this paper further investigates Barbour, Foster and O Murchadha (BFO)'s 3-space formulation of GR. This is based on best-matched lapse-eliminated actions and gives rise to several theories including GR and a conformal gravity theory. We study the simplicity postulates assumed in BFO's work and how to weaken them, so as to permit the inclusion of the full set of matter fields known to occur in nature. We study the configuration spaces of gravity-matter systems upon which BFO's formulation leans. In further developments the lapse-eliminated actions used by BFO become impractical and require generalization. We circumvent many of these problems by the equivalent use of lapse-uneliminated actions, which furthermore permit us to interpret BFO's formulation within Kuchar's generally covariant hypersurface framework. This viewpoint provides alternative reasons to BFO's as to why the inclusion of bosonic fields in the 3-space approach gives rise to minimally-coupled scalar fields, electromagnetism and Yang--Mills theory. This viewpoint also permits us to quickly exhibit further GR-matter theories admitted by the 3-space formulation. In particular, we show that the spin-1/2 fermions of the theories of Dirac, Maxwell--Dirac and Yang--Mills--Dirac, all coupled to GR, are admitted by the generalized 3-space formulation we present. Thus all the known fundamental matter fields can be accommodated. This corresponds to being able to pick actions for all these theories which have less kinematics than suggested by the generally covariant hypersurface framework. For all these theories, Wheeler's thin sandwich conjecture may be posed, rendering them timeless in Barbour's sense.Comment: Revtex version; Journal-ref adde

    Cosmological equations and Thermodynamics on Apparent Horizon in Thick Braneworld

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    We derive the generalized Friedmann equation governing the cosmological evolution inside the thick brane model in the presence of two curvature correction terms: a four-dimensional scalar curvature from induced gravity on the brane, and a five-dimensional Gauss-Bonnet curvature term. We find two effective four-dimensional reductions of the Friedmann equation in some limits and demonstrate that they can be rewritten as the first law of thermodynamics on the apparent horizon of thick braneworld.Comment: 25 pages, no figure, a definition corrected, several references added, more motivation and discussio