63 research outputs found

    Fourier spectra of measures associated with algorithmically random Brownian motion

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    In this paper we study the behaviour at infinity of the Fourier transform of Radon measures supported by the images of fractal sets under an algorithmically random Brownian motion. We show that, under some computability conditions on these sets, the Fourier transform of the associated measures have, relative to the Hausdorff dimensions of these sets, optimal asymptotic decay at infinity. The argument relies heavily on a direct characterisation, due to Asarin and Pokrovskii, of algorithmically random Brownian motion in terms of the prefix free Kolmogorov complexity of finite binary sequences. The study also necessitates a closer look at the potential theory over fractals from a computable point of view.Comment: 24 page

    Turning resources into assets : improving the service delivery and relevance of a psychology training clinic through action research

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    This thesis traces the inception and evolution of a combined collaborative action research project and living theory action research project. Six academic staff members attempted to improve our practice of generating locally relevant research in a university psychology clinic. This process impacted not only on the lives of the participants, but facilitated the enactment of the three tasks of universities and so influenced the lives of the student and residential communities to whom we had a responsibility. This thesis explores two research questions that formed the first part of the study, namely: “How can we improve the functioning of Itsoseng Psychology Clinic?” and “How can we increase our research output?” The second part of the study was a self-study action research project in which I examined my attempts to improve my academic practice by inquiring into my practice of facilitating the collaborative action research project as a peer support initiative. In the form of my living theory, this thesis therefore also explored my answers to the questions: “How can I facilitate a peer support research initiative?” and “How can I improve my academic practice through facilitating such an initiative?” I take a macro-level view of the relationship between a university and surrounding communities and discuss within the South African context three discernable mandates or tasks that universities fulfil: teaching, research and community engagement. I discuss the relevance of this study to psychology and specifically university psychology clinics as potential interface between the university and the surrounding community when enacting community engagement as the third academic task. I also discuss the implications of this study to action research methodology and the concept of transformation in emancipatory research. The main argument of my living theory of my academic practice is that the formation and nurturing of a regular, supportive and critical audience in the form of peer support research meetings contributed to the transformation of resources into assets when we worked towards improving the service delivery and local relevance of a university psychology clinic.Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011.Psychologyunrestricte

    The learning and teaching of systemic therapy : an action research approach

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    Text in EnglishThe training of psychotherapists not only determines what new therapists learn about the practice of therapy, but influences significantly their identity and the development of a professional self. This dissertation explores the professional development of a trainee therapist, taking into consideration the training context and training approach, the trainee's unique training needs and the influence of own interactional style. The study was undertaken from an action research perspective, therefore emphasising solving a problem in the field and feeding this information back into the system during the course of the research project. The researcher describes how the training context (in this case, the Agape Healing Community in Mamelodi, South Africa), the training approach (systemic family therapy), and his personal style shaped his professional sense of self. He found however, that it was the process of action research which encouraged movement from feelings of inadequacy to competence in his professional development.PsychologyM.A. (Clinical Psychology

    Vormingsjare van die kerkleier J.D. (Koot) Vorster, 1909-1956

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    Text in AfrikaansDr. J D Vorster het gedurende sy bedieningstyd in die N.G.Kerk [1935-1978] ontwikkel en gegroei tot 'n invloedryke kerkleier. Die faktore en omstanighede wat tot sy vorming bygedra het is die onderwerp van hierdie studie. Die f eit dat hy in die Stormberge gebore en getoe is asook .karaktereienskappe wat hy van sy voorsate geerf het, was belangrike komponente in sy vorming. Boustene soos godsdiens en volksliefde het in sy ouerhuis die grondslag gele vir sy teologiese beskouings wat op universiteit ontwikkel het. Sedert 1935 is hy in die bediening verder gevorm deur pastorale werk, kerklike vergaderings en briefwisselings. Kulturele en politieke betrokkenheid asook gevangenisstraf het horn bekend gemaak en gebrei. 'n Doktorsgraad in die Kerkreg was verder die regte skoling vir die amp va.n Aktuarius - 'n pos wat met soveel deeglikheid uitgevoer is dat hy later as kerkleier erken is met sy verkiesing as Moderator.During his ministry in the D.R.Church, dr.J D Vorster developed and grew to become an influential church leader. The subject of this study is the factors and circumstances which contributed to his forming. The fact that he was born and bred in the Stormberge as well as the characteristics he inherited from his ancestors were important components in his forming. Building stones such as religion and nationalism in his parents home laid the .foundation of his theological views which developed at university. He was further formed in his ministry through pastoral work, church meetings and correspondence. Cultural and political participation as well as imprisonment made him well-known and tough. His doctorate in church law put him on the right track for the post of Actuary - an off ice which he filled with so much efficiency that his leadership in the church was recognised with his election as Moderator.Christian Spirituality, Church History and MissiologyTh. M. (Church History

    Die bydrae van dr J D [Koot] Vorster tot die kerkregtelike ontwikkeling van die Ned Geref Kerk - met besondere verwysing na die kerkverband en sy aandeel in die totstandkoming van die Algemene Sinode in 1962 (Afrikaans)

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    AFRIKAANS: As oudste kerk in Suid-Afrika is die Ned Geref Kerk in haar moeisame pad van kerkregtelike ontwikkeling andermaal gestrem toe ´n hofuitspraak tydens die Sinode van 1862 aanleiding gegee het tot die totstandkoming van afsonderlike sinodes. Hierdie ongelukkige gebeurtenis het lidmate diep teleurgestel maar terselfdertyd aangespoor om nie te rus voordat die breuk weer herstel is nie. Met die oog hierop is die Raad van Kerke gestig en sou hierdie raad op sy talle vergaderings onvermoeid ywer om die kerk weer te verenig. Intussen het ´n jong boorling van die geharde Stormberge in die Oos-Kaap, Jacobus Daniël Vorster, in 1935 predikant geword in die Ned Geref Kerk Tafelberg. Hy was lief vir die vak kerkreg en het ook daarin ´n M Div verwerf met die titel: “Kerk en Kerkregering van die Voortrekkers” terwyl sy Th D-proefskrif gehandel het oor: “Die Kerkregtelike Ontwikkeling van die Kaapse Kerk onder die Kompanjie 1652 tot 1795" As jong predikant moes Koot Vorster talle operasies ondergaan en daar is dikwels gevrees vir sy lewe, maar hy was bestem vir groter dinge want as Gereformeerde kerkregkundige sou hy algaande in statuur groei tot een van die grootste en kleurrykste kerkleiers wat die kerkverband nog opgelewer het. Hy dien vir dekades as skriba van die Ring van Kaapstad en as aktuarius van die Kaapse Kerk, maar waarvoor hy altyd onthou sal word is sy bydrae tot die totstandkoming van die Algemene Sinode in 1962. Na die Algemene Sinode het Vorster sy diepe insig in die Gereformeerde Kerkreg verder geopenbaar in die talle publikasies, artikels, adviese en optredes in sinodale vergaderings. Hy was meester van sy vak. Hy het telkens sy vermoë om duidelik te onderskei tussen die beginsels van die verskillende Kerkregstelsels getoon deur die Kerk en vergaderings terug te lei na die Gereformeerde kerkregtelike beginsels. So het hy ´n groot bydrae gelewer om die Ned Geref Kerk op die Gereformeerde spoor te hou of soms selfs te bring. Met sy agtergrond, sy akademiese onderlegdheid, sy deeglikheid en sterk standpuntinname rondom belangrike kerkregtelike sake was hy die regte persoon om die kerk kerkregtelik te begelei om die lang gekoesterde ideaal van kerkhereniging te bereik. In die Raad van Kerke en in Sinodes het hy die saak op ´n wyse gestel wat vertroue by afgevaardigdes en die gewone lidmate ingeboesem het. Hy het hom daarvoor beywer dat die Ordonnansie no 7 van 1843 geskrap word en dat ´n Kerkorde vir die verenigde kerk op die voetspoor van die Kerkorde van Dordrecht opgestel word. Daarom was dr Vorster dan ook die aangewese kerkregkundige om vir die Kerk, weliswaar gegrond op die Dordtse Kerkorde van 1618-1619, in 1962 ´n Gereformeerde Kerkorde voor te berei. In die finale voorbereiding van ´n Kerkorde vir die eerste Algemene Sinode is hy aangewys as voorsitter van die kommissie van Aktuarii wat die taak moes verrig. In hierdie belangrike voorbereidingswerk het hy, volgens die ander lede van die kommissie, die meeste van die werk vir eie rekening geneem. Hy is ook gevra om die voorgestelde Kerkorde by die onderskeie Sinodes voor te dra in afwagting vir vrae en kommentaar. Op die wyse het hy die voorreg gehad om binne ´n jaar of twee al die Sinodes by te woon. Die voorgestelde Kerkorde was so deeglik voorberei dat dit met min wysigings aanvaar is. Met hierdie Kerkorde het hy veral ´n groot bydrae gelewer om die Kerk te suiwer van die stille insypeling van Kollegialistiese denke, begrippe en taalgebruik, wat via die “Algemeen Reglement” van 1816 die Kaapse Kerk se Kerkwet ingedring het en later ook weerklank gevind het in die Kerkwette van die noordelike Ned Geref Kerke. Dit was ´n moeilike taak, aangesien veel Kollegialisties na jare vir selfs teoloë in die Ned Geref Kerk Gereformeerd voorgekom het, ten spyte van pogings om dit uit die Kerkwette te suiwer. Die Kerkorde van 1962, wat al die Kerkwette vervang het, was, as die breinwerk van dr Vorster, die finale sif. Met die totstandkoming van die Algemene Sinode van die Ned Geref Kerk in 1962 is die honderdjaar-oue droom van die kerkverband bewaarheid. Dr Koot Vorster het nie alleen die Sinode se nuwe naam gegee nie, maar ook die Algemene Sinode se eerste Aktuarius geword. Dit het hy vir baie jare gebly totdat hy binne die kerkverband tot Moderator van die Algemene Sinode verkies is. Dr Koot Vorster was índerdaad ´n merkwaardige kerkleier wie se groot bydrae tot die Ned Geref Kerk se kerkregtelike ontwikkeling verdere navorsing en optekening verdien. ENGLISH: The development of the Church Order of the Dutch Reformed Church was obstructed by a court order during its 1862 Synod which provocated the formation of seperate synods. Church members were prompted to restore church unity and therefore the Council of Churches was established. Dr Jacobus Daniel Vorster, as minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, Tafelberg in Cape Town, loved the subject on Church Law and obtained a MDiv degree with the title: Church and church rule of the Voortrekkers while the title of his Th D reads: The canonical development of the Cape Church under the VOC from 1653 to 1795. Allthough the young Koot Vorster was very ill, he was destined for greater things. He became one of the greatest and most distinguished leaders of the D R C denomination. For decades he ministered as secretary of the Circuit of Cape Town and as Actuary of the Cape Synod but he will always be remembered for his contribution to the establishing of the 1962 General Synod. He was a master in his field. He had the ability to distinguish between the principles of the different church law systems and to take them back to the Reformed canonical principles. Vorster led the church in church law to reach the longstanding ideal of church unity. He did his best to remove the Ordonance nr 7 of 1843 from the lawbook and to bring about a Church Order based on the Order of Dordt of 1618- 1619. Vorster was chosen as Chairman of the Commission of Actuaries during the final preparation of the Order for the first General Synod. He was also asked to submit the proposed Order at the various Synods and it was accepted with very little change. vii With this Order, he made a large contribution towards purification of the quiet infiltration of Collegialistic thinking, expressions and use of language which entered the church law of the Cape Church through the “General Reglement” of 1816 and also affected the church law of the Northern churches. The Church Order of 1962 was to supersede all previous orders and is in its final form the brainchild of dr Vorster. With the establishing of the 1962 General Synod, a hundred year old dream of the church denomination, became a reality. Dr Koot Vorster became the first actuary of the General Synod and filled this post for many years until he was elected as Moderator of the General Synod. Dr Vorster was a remarkable church leader whose contribution to the D R C’s canonical development deserve further research and recording.Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009.Church History and Church Policyunrestricte

    The self-reported prevalence of mehylphenidate use by Maste of Medicine (MMed) students registered at a South African university

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    Thesis (MMed) -- Stellenbosch University, 2022.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background. Methylphenidate is mainly used for the treatment of attention-deficit hyperactive-disorder (ADHD). Its effect of increased attentiveness leads to the potential of off-label use by students for academic enhancement - previously demonstrated in undergraduate students. No publication exists on postgraduate student use of methylphenidate. Objectives. To provide a summary of the self-reported prevalence and correlates of methylphenidate use in Masters of Medicine (MMed) students registered at the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences of a South African university. Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted. Data was collected via a self-administered anonymous online questionnaire distributed by email to 505 registered MMed students. Results. Of the 253 responses (response rate 50.1%) received 71 (28.1%) have used methylphenidate. Only 2.4% have been diagnosed with ADHD. The majority (73.2%) obtained it without a formal medical consultation. Self-prescription (26.8%) and prescription by a colleague without consultation (23.9%) contributed significantly. Academic performance enhancement was the primary motivation for use in 71.8% and 42.3% of users started using methylphenidate while registered as an MMed student. There was no statistically significant difference in terms of gender (p=0.151), age (p=0.288) or year of study (p=0.149). Conclusions. Off-label use of methylphenidate is prevalent in MMed students registered at this South African university. The prevalence is significantly higher than in undergraduate medical students. The non-conventional means of access is of great concern. Efforts should be made to discourage self-prescription, educate students on the dangers of methylphenidate use, promote better access regulation and enhance psychological support.AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Agtergrond. Metielfenidaat word hoofsaaklik voorgeskryf vir die behandeling van aandag gebrek-hiperaktiwiteit-sindroom (AGHS). Die effek van verhoogde aandagspan lei tot potensiële misbruik deur studente vir akademiese doeleindes. Dit is voorheen in voorgraadse studente beskryf. Geen publikasie bestaan rakende die gebruik van metielfenidaat deur nagraadse studente nie. Doelstellings. Om ‘n opsomming van die selfgerapporteerde voorkoms van metielfenidaat gebruik in Magister van Medisyne (MMed) studente geregistreer aan die Fakulteit van Gesondheidswetenskappe van ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse universiteit te beskryf. Metodes. ‘n Beskrywende deursnitstudie is uitgevoer. Data is by wyse van ‘n anonieme webgebaseerde vraelys bekom. Dit is per e-pos aan 505 geregistreerde MMed studente versprei. Resultate. Van die 253 reaksies ontvang (reaksie syfer 50.1%) het 71 (28.1%) metielfenidaat gebruik. Slegs 2.4% is met AGHS gediagnoseer. Die meerderheid (73.2%) het dit sonder ‘n mediese konsultasie bekom. Voorskrifte aan self (26.8%) en voorskrif deur ‘n kollega sonder konsultasie (23.9%) het grotendeels bygedra. Akademiese bevordering was die primêre doelwit vir gebruik in 71.8% van gebruikers en 42.3% het gedurende MMed studies dit die eerste maal gebruik. Daar was geen statistiese verskil in terme van gebruik in geslag (p=0.151), ouderdom (p=0.288) of jaar van studie (p=0.149) nie. Afleidings. Nie-mediese gebruik van metielfenidaat gebruik is prevalent in MMed studente aan hierdie Suid-Afrikaanse universiteit. Die voorkoms is aansienlik hoër as in voorgraadse mediese studente. Die onkonvensionele metodes van toegang is kommerwekkend. Pogings moet aangewend word om voorskrifte aan self te beperk. Studente moet opgevoed word oor die gevaar van metielfenidaat misbruik, beter toegangbeheer moet toegepas word en sielkundige ondersteuning moet gebied word.Master

    A case study of a training programme for educators and trainers within a non-profit organisation: participant and organisational experiences.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.This qualitative single case study explored an international Non-Profit Organisation’s (NPO) planning, design and implementation of a Training Programme for Educators and Trainers (TPET) during the period 2009 – 2011. Across three cohorts of the TPET only nine of the thirty-two instructors completed it successfully which resulted in the programme being discontinued and stimulated the need for this research. The objective of this study was to explore the programme implementation process, review the implemented curriculum and explore the candidates’ experiences of learning and the barriers they faced in the process. A historical case study approach was used with an interpretivist paradigm. The case and the unit of analysis was the TPET and the focus was the participant’s experiences in the programme. It was framed by the theories of adult learning, curriculum design and instruction and barriers to learning. Using purposive sampling four candidates were selected, including two successful and two unsuccessful candidates. Data was also collected through semi-structured interviews and a document analysis. The findings from the semi-structured interviews was presented under the following themes: programme implementation and selection of candidates; participants experiences of the programme content; barriers to learning; implementation of learning in the classroom; changes in how participants feel about themselves. Key findings from the documents reviewed was presented under the headings of the compliance requirements of the Department of Labour, Non-Profit Organisation Instructor Certification Programme, Occupationally Directed Education and Training Development Programme at NQF level 5, The Training programme for Educators and Trainers with a profile of the interviewed participants. The study concluded that the initial plan of the NPO to build compliance capacity utilizing the TPET had merit. There however seemed to be a lack of understanding amongst the staff of the NPO regarding the compliance requirements as an accredited training service provider within the South African National Qualifications Framework. There also seemed to be a lack of organisational support for historical disadvantaged individuals participating in the TPET. The study allowed for several recommendations to be made to enable NPOs to improve such curriculum processes

    Transformations in the Septuagint : towards an interaction of Septuagint studies and translation studies

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    This is the first study that connects Septuagint research, mainly the domain of theologians, to insights from Translation Studies. Of the different approaches in TS I consider especially historical TS and the linguistic (or early) TS relevant for the study of the Septuagint. From a survey of views of language and translation in Antiquity it appears that the same differences of opinion existed among Greeks, Romans, Jews and Egyptians. The 'frontlines' between views of language and translation by no means coincided with religious borders. That there would exist 'a Jewish view of translation' prescribing literalness, as is commonly believed, is evidently mistaken. This myth in fact harks back to the anti-Jewish propaganda by the church father Jerome (Hieronymus). Many 'modern' insights in language and translation were common knowledge in Antiquity, albeit less systematic and in a different terminological garb. The chapters 4-6 consist of an analysis of the transformations (or 'shifts', changes in form or content that necessarily or intentionally occur in the process of translation). I analyzed the LXX translations of Genesis 2, Isaiah 1 and Proverbs 6. Before ascribing 'deviations' to the translator's ideology or to a different Hebrew Vorlage, one should of course first exclude the possibility that the deviation arose from translational factors. Every transformation has a cause, and by categorizing the rationales behind the transformations we can trace the translational hierarchy that guided the translator(s), consciously or unconsciously. The conclusions show that both Septuagint Studies and Translation Studies greatly profit from this cross-fertilization.UBL - phd migration 201

    Modelling horizontally loaded reinforced-concrete piles in a geotechnical centrifuge

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    The design of pile foundations to accommodate horizontal loads is a complex soil−structure interaction problem. Current small-scale laboratory testing of pile foundations is mostly focused on metal piles, which raises the question of the validity of results from these tests, and the principles derived, for the use of analysing and designing reinforced-concrete piles, where not only the soil, but also the piles exhibit highly non-linear material behaviour. This paper describes centrifuge tests that were conducted on scaled aluminium and reinforced-concrete single piles, subjected to lateral loading, with the aim of establishing the suitability of using aluminium alloys for modelling scaled reinforced-concrete piles. With responses similar to literature, both pile types proved to model the behaviour of laterally loaded piles well as far as bending and deflection at low loads are concerned. At larger loads, the reinforced-concrete pile cracked, resulting in non-linear material response, which contributed significantly to the difference in the behaviour between the piles studied. It was observed that the behaviour of reinforced-concrete piles under serviceability loads would not be captured using materials that cannot replicate the reduction in stiffness resulting from crack formation in concrete.The Concrete Institute and the Concrete Society of Southern Africa.https://www.icevirtuallibrary.com/toc/jphmg/currentCivil Engineerin

    Executive sponsor attributes and megaproject success

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    Megaprojects are failing at a rate that affects national economies as well as millions of people. The role of the executive project sponsor is merely one of the decisive factors in the success of these projects, but it is still much neglected in project management literature. This paper investigates attributes required by executive sponsors of megaprojects. The paper reports on the perceptions of 26 executives who played key roles in six recently completed megaprojects. The findings include essential attributes that an executive sponsor should have in order to improve the probability of a megaproject's success. The single most significant attribute is seniority and power.http://www.inderscience.com/jhome.php?jcode=IJPOM2022-04-23hj2021Graduate School of Technology Management (GSTM