39 research outputs found

    Towards the aesthetics of self-termination (suicide). The spiritual interlude between death (shadow) and life (light)

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    CITATION: Louw, D. J. 2020. Towards the aesthetics of self-termination (suicide). The spiritual interlude between death (shadow) and life (light). Stellenbosch Theological Journal, 6(2):313-342, doi:10.17570/stj.2020.v6n2.a14.The original publication is available at: http://www.scielo.org.zaTo end one's life (suicide) creates a lot of questions concerning the identity and eventual emotional and spiritual condition of the person. Within a more religious context, the intriguing question surfaces: When a committed believer commits suicide, will such a person still go to heaven? The ethical dilemma evolves around questions regarding right (good/liberation) and wrong (evil/damnation), heaven or hell. Instead of a moral approach, the article opts for an aesthetic approach within the framework of a tragic hermeneutics of self-termination. Instead of applying the notions of “suicide” or “self-killing,” the concept of self-termination is proposed. A theology of dereliction is designed to explain the basic assumption: In a Christian spiritual assessment of “suicide,” the question is not about the how of death and dying but on the being quality of the sufferer. In his forsakenness, the suffocating Christ reframed the ugliness of death into the beauty of dying and termination: Resurrection hope! Several portraits are described from the viewpoint of literature, philosophical and poetic reflections regarding the complexity of the phenomenon of self-termination and its connection to the existential disposition of dreadful anguish; i.e., the ontic and tragic disposition of apathetic unhope (inespoir).Publisher's versio

    The hermeneutics of intercultural pastoral care : from 'psyche' to 'position' (Habitus) within the healing dynamics of life (Cura vitae)

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    CITATION: Louw, D. J. 2010. The hermeneutics of intercultural pastoral care : from 'psyche' to 'position' (Habitus) within the healing dynamics of life (Cura vitae). Scriptura, 103:175-188, doi:10.7833/103-0-597.The original publication is available at http://scriptura.journals.ac.zan a systemic approach to life care (cura vitae), position and habitus becomes more predominant as guiding constructs in theory formation for a pastoral anthropology than personality and behaviour and their relatedness to psychoanalyses. It is argued that habitus is directly connected to the Biblical principle of wisdom (sapientia), as well as to the spiritual dimension of meaning. In a praxis approach habitus should play a decisive role in intercultural care. In this regard paradigms and the analyses of the appropriateness of constructs containing dominant life views and belief systems become extremely important in the making of a pastoral diagnosis. In this regard an existential approach for an intercultural pastoral hermeneutics is proposed.http://scriptura.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/597Publisher's versio

    Die estetika van 'n skreeu-lelike, "weerlose God". Skilderkuns as medium in prosesse van teologiesparadigmatiese transformasie – ver-beeld-ende stank (skĂșbalon) vir skandalige on-dank (skandalon)

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    CITATION: Louw, D. J. 2020. Die estetika van 'n skreeu-lelike, "weerlose God". Skilderkuns as medium in prosesse van teologiesparadigmatiese transformasie – ver-beeld-ende stank (skĂșbalon) vir skandalige on-dank (skandalon). LitNet Akademies, 17(1):298-320.The original publication is available at https://www.litnet.co.zaDie Christelike tradisie het dikwels in die Godsvraagstuk op die vraag gekonsentreer: Wie is God? Die Godskonsep, veral die al-mag van God, is in verskillende tradisies omskryf in statiese “omni”- of “almag”-kategorieĂ« wat met ’n oorsaak-gevolg-denkskema werk. Die lydingsvraagstuk, asook huidige prosesse van sosiaal-politieke transformasie, het my genoop om na ’n ander invalshoek te soek. Daar word na die paradigma van estetika gekyk om weg te skuif van omni-kategorieĂ« (God as pantokrator; Almagtige) na omgee-kategorieĂ« (passio Dei). In diĂ© verband word twee skilderye uit die Cross-Roads-reeks wat God se solidariteitsdeernis in ’n plakkerskamp uitbeeld, teologies aan die orde gestel. ’n Prakties-teologiese hermeneutiek van kyk (estetiese optiek) word voorgestel met behulp van begrippe vanuit ’n Pauliniese perspektief soos stank (skĂșbalon) en vloek – skandalige on-dank en verwerping (skandalon). ’n Dergelike hermeneutiek beweeg weg van die “wie” van God na die “hoe” van God. Die implikasie en argument is dat skilderkuns ’n medium is om God se wese nie te probeer definieer nie, maar slegs esteties te “infinieer” – die sosyn van God in terme van solidariteitsmedelye. Vandaar die teologiese perspektief van ’n skreeu-lelike God: “My God, my God, waarom het u my verlaat?”In the dogmatic tradition regarding the essence of God’s involvement with the human predicament of suffering, categories from the Roman and Greek culture are applied most of the time. An example is to be found in the Psalter Hymnal of the Reformed Christian Church: “And as God Himself is most wise, unchangeable, omniscient, and omnipotent, so the election made by Him can neither be interrupted nor changed, recalled, or annulled; neither can the elect be cast away, nor their number diminished.” In this regard, depictions of Christ in traditional iconography are used to bolster Christianity against paganism and heresy. In many doctrinal formulations Christ is portrayed with “omni-” categories like omnipotence and omniscience. God’s El Shaddai (the Hebrew wisdom tradition regarding the splendid majesty of Yahweh’s grace) had been translated into pantokrator categories that depicted Christ as a Roman Caesar. When Christianity was threatened, a kind of divine imperialism was introduced to justify a clerical ecclesiology and maintain dogmatic stances regarding social life problems.Publisher's versio

    Verwondering ondanks verwonding. Tussen aftakeling (verganklikheid) en ontkieming (onverganklikheid) ‒ oor die spirituele estetika van 'n "pneumatiese liggaam" binne die knyptang van veroudering, sterwe, graf en dood

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    CITATION: Louw, D.J. 2022. Verwondering ondanks verwonding. Tussen aftakeling (verganklikheid) en ontkieming (onverganklikheid) ‒ oor die spirituele estetika van 'n "pneumatiese liggaam" binne die knyptang van veroudering, sterwe, graf en dood. LitNet Akademies, 19(1):328-357.The original publication is available at https://www.litnet.co.zaAntjie Krog se digbundel Verweerskrif (2006a) stel opnuut die vraagstuk van veroudering, liggaamlike aftakeling en die besef van verganklikheid, sterwe en dood aan die orde.1 Die besef van sterwe en dood laat beslis ’n wond in die brose “siel” van die sinsoekende mens. Verwonding verwys na die verlies aan liggaamlike vermoĂ«ns binne die aftakelingsproses van veroudering en die besef van eindigheid en onafwendbare stoflikheid. Maar is die liggaam bloot stof en die dood aaklig? ’n Alternatief is om die vraagstuk van veroudering, liggaamlike aftakeling, sterwe en dood vanuit ’n spiritueel meta-fisiese hoek te benader ‒ die mĂ©Ă©r van transendentale verbeelding (dĂ©sir mĂ©taphysique). Antropologies gesproke is die mens dan nie bloot homo ludens (die spelende mens) nie, maar ten diepste homo transcendentalis (die verwonderende, selfoorstygende mens). Die vraag duik dan op of, in die woorde van N.P. Van Wyk Louw, die dood ook “mooi” kan wees. Indien die mens nie inherent ’n “onsterflike siel” besit nie, hoe moet daar dan teologies en vanuit ’n Christelik-eskatologiese perspektief oor die estetika van sterwe, dood en die uiteindelike graf nagedink word? Die basiese stelling is dat die metafoor van saad, en die korrelasie tussen sterwe en ontkieming, nuwe perspektiewe open vir ’n doksologie oor “die oop graf”. Stof en kosmos word dan estetiese elemente van ’n opstandingshoop ‒ die sogenaamde “pneumatiese liggaam” (πΜΔυΌατÎčÎșόΜ/ pneumatikon). In diĂ© verband bied Dostojefski se siening van ’n dodekamer as bruilofskamer (Joh. 2:1), en Michelangelo Buonarroti se soeke na “siel” in die gebeitelde volmaaktheid van die menslike liggaam asook die estetika van beskilderde, harmonieuse lyflikheid ten spyte van aftakelende veroudering, ’n verhelderende, hermeneutiese perspektief om “mooi” teologies te herinterpreteer. Vandaar die spirituele estetika van liggaamlike verwonding as die wonderbaarlike ontkiemingsproses van ’n “onsterflike siel”.Publisher's versio

    Masculine identity and the projection of ‘male images’ in mass media : towards a pastoral hermeneutics in theory formation

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    Publication of this article was funded by the Stellenbosch University Open Access Fund.The original publication is available at http://ngtt.journals.ac.za/pubCITATION: Van der Watt, J. S. & Louw, D. J. 2013. Masculine identity and the projection of 'male images'. Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif, 53(3&4):353-368, doi:10.5952/53-3&4-274.Human identities in general - including gender and sexual identities – have recently become more diverse and malleable. This is to a great extent because of the pervasive influence of the mass media and popular culture, which proposes to offer important tools to help men (and women) adjust to contemporary life. Some parts of popular culture are reasserting traditional forms of masculinity, whilst others are challenging them - telling men what they are now ‘supposed to’ look like, act like, be like. Media representations can be viewed as influencing our socialised schemata of interpretation for gender identities. This is also applicable to theological schemata of interpretation concerning commercialised men and masculinities. We drew upon work in variety of disciplines, such as cultural and media studies, sociology, theology and psychology, in order to examine issues concerning masculinities within this information era, influenced by the prescriptive role of mass media. In this way more insight was gained in terms of the dominating discourses reflected by images of men and masculinities in the global mass media, and how this can be investigated critically, from a pastoral hermeneutical perspective. Magazines were also viewed as crucial media to analyse in order to understand male identity in a more comprehensive way. Therefore we chose our own South African cultural context within which we suggest the critical assessment of the influence of certain mass media representations – particularly displayed in magazines - on various expressions of masculinity. This was suggested in order to promote and co-create men and masculinities that focus on life-giving intimacy, vitality and human dignity.Stellenbosch UniversityPublishers' versio

    The iconic value of art : aesthetics and the spiritual realm in art as poetic imaging and creative theologizing

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    CITATION: Louw, D. J. 2014. Die ikoniese waarde van kuns : estetika en die poetiese faktor van spiritualiteit in ver-beeld-ende kunste en ver-beeld-ingryke teologisering. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 54(1): 1-21.The original publication is available at http://www.scielo.org.za/scielo.php?script=sci_issuetoc&pid=0041-475120140001&lng=en&nrm=isoDie hipotese dat kuns meer behels as ’n soort kunsvlyt of meganiese handvaardigheid, (maakmoontlikheid), en dat estetika ten diepste ’n spirituele kategorie is wat verwys na die mens se soeke na transendente raamwerke (en aldus ’n ikoniese dimensie besit), word met behulp van die metodologie van ’n poĂ«tiese hermeneutiek ondersoek. In die lig van Sokrates se stelling dat kuns ’n spirituele, siel-saak is (Gombrich 2006:85), en die tese dat die mens wesenlik homo aestheticus is, word gekyk na die spirituele dimensie in veral die visuele en beeldende kunste. As kernfaktor word die wisselwerkende verband tussen verbeelding, inspirasie, verwondering, ekstase, entoesiasme, sin-duiding en kwalitatiewe waardering ondersoek binne die breĂ« verband van die vraagstuk van estetika in kuns. VanweĂ« die skynbare verband tussen materie en ’n “utopiese bewussyn”, word die spirituele dimensie in estetika gebruik om opnuut die betekenis van Godsbeelde teologies te ontsluit. Binne ’n soort religieuse estetika word die Pauliniese uitspraak oor die astheneia, of weerloosheid, swakheid van God, teologies gekombineer met die skreeu-snaakse (bespotlike), maar dwase, kruis-kreet: My God, my God waarom het u my verlaat (derelictio, verlatenheid en verworpenheid).In the light of the hypothesis that art implies more than merely a mechanistic reproduction of craft, this article investigates the spiritual and transcendent realm of art. With reference to the philosophy of Ernst Bloch, namely that matter is “spiritual” and contains a kind of “utopian spirit” (“Geist der Utopie”) and could in this regard be rendered as iconic, it is argued that the endeavour of art, very specifically the visual arts, is inter alia an attempt to probe the “spiritual dimension” inherent in an observed object. Art is inter alia involved in the endeavour to decode life within the human quest for meaning, justice and dignity.To a certain extent art is “iconic”; it signifies life. It is argued that art presents and creates a kind of cosmic language (“Sprache”) to be deciphered by poetic speech and creative imagination (Jaspers 1962:157). Due to a “Socratic view” of life, namely that art presents “the workings of the soul” (Gombrich 2006:85), one could presuppose a close connection between art and the creativity of the human “spirit”. Within the framework of hermeneutics, the interconnectedness between art and imagination, awe, ecstasy, enthusiasm, meaning-giving and a qualitative evaluation of matter is detected. What is “beautiful” in arts? Beauty implies more than “pretty”. Beauty even probes into the realm of ugliness, human suffering and painful disintegration. In this regard the art of Pablo Picasso becomes most relevant. Picasso rendered art as a lie that helps one to tell the truth better (In Hyde 1998:12). “The painter takes whatever it is and destroys it. At the same time he gives it another life” (In Huffington 1988:118). Evil and the destructive elements in life can also become objects of art. Tragedy and death are ingredients of aesthetics. “Terrified of death and convinced that the universe was evil, he (Picasso) wielded his art as a weapon and meted out his rage and his vengeance on people and canvases alike” (Huffington 1988:12). It is furthermore argued that,in the light of the possible utopian spiritual element present in matter, and the religious dimension represented in the iconic value of objects of art, aesthetics could be applied in theology and the Christian faith in order to reframe existing God-images as related to the notion of divine power. The Pauline version of a theology of the cross and the notion of the vulnerability of a suffering God (astheneia) are used to describe the ugliness of God’s forsakenness (derelictio): the parody of divine folly.Publisher's' versio

    Noetics in pastoral counselling : the making of a semantic differential analysis in pastoral care and counselling

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    The original publication is available at http://www.ve.org.zaCITATION: Louw, D. J. 2011. Noetics in pastoral counselling : the making of a semantic differential analysis in pastoral care and counselling. Verbum et Ecclesia, 32(1), doi:10.4102/ve.v32i1.411.Praxis in pastoral care and counselling entails more than merely practice and practicalities (communication skills). Praxis refers to the intentionality within human action and behaviour. Praxis exhibits the realm of intentionality and meaning as displayed within and by human attitudes. It is hypothesised that due to the noetic dimension in human actions, the making of a pastoral diagnosis (a qualitative assessment of the impact of Christian spirituality and the meaning on the system of existential, relational networking) should deal with the realm of significant and purposeful intentionality. The latter is already implied in the phenomenological approach of Edmund Husserl’s eidetic observation or inspection (phenomenological consciousness). In order to incorporate noetics in pastoral care and counselling, a pastoral semantic differential analysis (PSDA) within the making of a pastoral diagnosis was proposed. The PSDA was linked to the need for a qualitative approach regarding the impact of Godimages on religious association and existential life experiences.Publisher's versio

    Space and place in the healing of life : towards a theology of affirmation in pastoral care and counselling

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    The original publication is available at http://www.ve.org.zaCITATION: Louw, D. J. 2008. Space and place in the healing of life: towards a theology of affirmation in pastoral care and counselling. Verbum et Ecclesia, 29(2), 426-445, doi:10.4102/ve.v29i2.23.How should healing be viewed and what is the contribution of Chrsitian spirituality to the dimension of pastoral therapy and the healing of life? It is argued that pastoral care should supplement the traditional cura animarum with a cura vitae. In this regard the therapeutice value of place and space is explored. A pastoral model for the making of a pastoral diagnosis is proposed wherein a theology of affirmation plays a pivotal role1.Publisher's versio

    The 'Frail Researcher' in dialogue with existential phenomenology : the threat of empiricism within the quest for sound methodology in practical theological research

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    CITATION: Louw, D. J. 2018. The 'Frail Researcher' in dialogue with existential phenomenology : the threat of empiricism within the quest for sound methodology in practical theological research. In die Skriflig, 52(1), a2361, doi:10.4102/ids.v52i1.2361.The original publication is available at https://indieskriflig.org.zaWithin an academic environment and context of higher education, the question of disciplinary differentiation and research methodology are burning issues to adhere to the quest for scientific and sound epistemological based knowledge. While dealing with the dual tension: wisdom (sapientia) and reason (scientia), it is difficult for practical theology to identify and maintain its theological character. Under the pressure of human sciences, research in practical theology tends to turn to phenomenology so to gain clarity on the philosophical framework or paradigm for performing research projects in a systematic and methodological way. In this regard, existential phenomenology probes into the meta-realm of meaning-giving; it describes the frailty of life in terms of being (Dasein) as exposed to anxiety, dread, despair and fear of death. Due to the demand for empirical research, the threat of empiricism and the danger of Platonification (the ‘causation trap’) is discussed. To maintain both its spiritual-theological character (ministerial and ecclesial context), and its relevancy for the dynamics of life events (contextuality), a ‘spiritual empiricism’ is proposed by means of a praxis of practical theological verbing, namely understanding and interpreting, communicating and verbalising, acting, hoping, imagining, seeing, beautifying and living. It is argued that the notion ‘praxis of God’ could serve as theological paradigm in theory formation. The passio Dei is both a spiritual matter and existential-experiential entity within the encounter of God–human beings. It refers to both the reason or logic of God (hesed) and the wisdom of grace (compassion).https://indieskriflig.org.za/index.php/skriflig/article/view/2361/5196Publisher's versio

    A practical theology of bereavement care : re-ritualization within a paradigm of comforting presence

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    CITATION: Gibson, L. & Louw, D. J. 2018. A practical theology of bereavement care : re-ritualization within a paradigm of comforting presence. Stellenbosch Theological Journal, 4(2):521-551, doi:10.17570/stj.2018.v4n2.a24.The original publication is available at https://ojs.reformedjournals.co.za/stjThe investigation focuses on a concern for the marginalization of bereaved human beings in the context of cultural shifts now shaping twenty-first century pastoral care. The article advocates for a practical theology of bereavement to aid in nurturing care and eudaimonic well-being (including both vocational pastors and funeral directors) within the paradigmatic framework of a theopaschitic understanding of compassion (oiktirmos). The investigation examines the growing threat of deritualization – a public openness to revise, replace, minimize the significance of, and even eliminate or avoid long-held funerary rituals to assist in the adaptation of loss. The notion of re-ritualization is operationalized as an intentional act of restoring and re-engaging in creative and meaningful ritual forms that give symbolic expression to significant thoughts and feelings of the bereaved within a social ethos that is no longer committed to a conventional or fixed approach to ritualization. In order to facilitate a process of re-ritualization, bereavement care is linked to the notion of “comforting presence”.https://ojs.reformedjournals.co.za/stj/article/view/1912Publisher's versio