15 research outputs found

    The wellbeing of infants exposed to Buprenorphine via breast milk at 4 weeks of age

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    Background: Buprenorphine has been available in Australia since 2000 as an alternative pharmacotherapy to methadone for the treatment of opioid dependence. However, there is little information in the literature regarding the effect of buprenorphine on the wellbeing of infants exposed to buprenorphine via breast milk, following discharge from hospital. Objective: The aim of the present study was to examine the wellbeing of infants exposed to buprenorphine via breast milk up to 4 weeks postnatal. Methods: Approximately 4 weeks after birth, information on the feeding and sleeping patterns, skin color, infant elimination patterns and hydration, and Neonatal Abstinence Scores of infants (n = 7) exposed to buprenorphine via breast milk was collected via both observation and documentation. Results: Infants were progressing well, with normal sleep patterns and skin color, and 2 mothers had minor concerns regarding infant elimination patterns. Four infants were exclusively breastfed and 3 were receiving a supplement, with a range of 260 to 700 mL of formula over 24 hours. The sleep patterns following feeding ranged from 1.55 to 3.33 hours, with a median of 2.12 hours. Conclusion: No adverse effects were detected in infants exposed to buprenorphine via breast milk up to 4 weeks postnatal. Further research using larger samples to assess possible developmental effects over longer periods of time is required

    Phosphorescence de ltndène, de l’indole et du thionaphtène en solutions cristallisées dans les hydrocarbures saturés

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    Nous avons obtenu et analysé les spectres de phosphorescence finement structurés de l’indène, de l’indole et du thionaphtène en solution dans les hydrocarbures saturés à la température de l’azote liquide. La mesure du taux de polarisation par la méthode de photosélection nous permet de préciser les propriétés de symétrie de la transition électronique triplet-singulet compte tenu des résultats récemment obtenus par L ombardi et coll. en analyse de contour de bande (1). Le mécanisme proposé est analogue à celui du naphtalène et fait intervenir la pertubation de l’état triplet le plus bas par des états singulets 1πσ* et 1σπ*

    Spectres d’absorption ultraviolets de quelques amino-pyridines et amino-pyrimidines en phase vapeur

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    Dans la région 2 500-3 200 Å, nous avons obtenu et analysé les spectres d’absorption de quelques amino-pyridines et amino-pyrimidines en phase vapeur. Nous avons pu attribuer les vibrations les plus actives en tenant compte des couplages entre certaines vibrations du cycle aromatique et la vibration de valence ν(C — X) (où X désigne le substituant). Les propriétés du premier système (situé du côté des grandes longueurs d’onde) sont, dans tous les composés étudiés, caractéristiques d’une transition du type n → π*. Pour la 2 aminopyridine et la 3 amino-pyridine, l’activité anormale du mode 16 pourrait résulter d’une déformation gauche du cycle à l’état excité

    Comparison of different commercial FFDM units by means of physical characterization and contrast-detail analysis

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    The purpose of this study was to perform a complete evaluation of three pieces of clinical digital mammography equipment. Image quality was assessed by performing physical characterization and contrast-detail (CD)analysis. We considered three different FFDM systems: a computed radiography unit Fuji \u201cFCR 5000 MA\u201d and two flat-panel units, the indirect conversion a-Si based GE \u201cSenographe 2000D\u201d and the direct conversion a-Se based IMS \u201cGiotto Image MD.\u201d The physical characterization was estimated by measuring the MTF, NNPS, and DQE of the detectors with no antiscatter grid and over the clinical range of exposures. The CD analysis was performed using a CDMAM 3.4 phantom and custom software designed for automatic computation of the contrast detail curves. The physical characterization of the three digital systems confirms the excellent MTF properties of the direct conversion flat-panel detector (FPD). We performed a relative standard deviation (RSD) snalysis, for investigating the different components of the noise presented by the three systems. It turned out that the two FPDs show a significant additive component, whereas for the CR system the statistical noise is dominant. The multiplicative factor is a minor constituent for all the systems. The two FPDs demonstrate better DQE, with respect to the CR system, for exposures higher than 70 uGy. The CD analysis indicated that the three systems are not statistically different for detail objects with a diameter greater than 0.3 mm. However, the IMS system showed a statistically significant different response for details smaller than 0.3 mm. In this case, the poor response of the a-Se detector could be attributed to its high-frequency noise characteristics, since its MTF, NEQ, and DQE are not inferior to those of the other systems. The CD results were independent of exposure level, within the investigated clinical range. We observed slight variations in the CD results, due to the changes in the visualization parameters (window/level and magnification factor). This suggests that radiologists would benefit from viewing images using varied window/ level and magnification