922 research outputs found

    A new species of \u3cem\u3eTityus\u3c/em\u3e C. L. Koch, 1836 (subgenus \u3cem\u3eBrazilotityus\u3c/em\u3e Lourenço, 2006) from the Dominican amber (Scorpiones: Buthidae)

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    Tityus (Brazilotiyus) hartkorni sp. n., a new species of fossil scorpion belonging to the genus Tityus C. L. Koch and to the subgenus Brazilotityus Lourenço, is described from a specimen in amber from the Dominican Republic. The new species is clearly associated with the extant fauna of the Neotropical region. This discovery attests to a considerable degree of diversity in the Dominican amber-producing forests

    A new species of Compsobuthus Vachon, 1949 from Mali (Scorpiones, Buthidae)

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    A new species of Compsobuthus Vachon, 1949 from Mali (Scorpiones, Buthidae)  Uma nova espécie de Compsobuthus Vachon, 1949 do Mali (Scorpiones, Buthidae)

    Complements to the morphology of \u3cem\u3eTroglokhammouanus steineri\u3c/em\u3e Lourenço, 2007 (Scorpiones: Pseudochactidae) based on scanning electron microscopy

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    A detailed morphological description, based on scanning electron microscopy, is proposed for the recently described pseudochactid scorpion, Troglokhammouanus steineri Lourenço, 2007. As already indicated in the original description, the male (juvenile) paratype has been prepared for SEM studies, but the results are only presented in this publication

    The geographic pattern of distribution of the genus \u3cem\u3eRhopalurus\u3c/em\u3e Thorell, 1876 in the Guayana-Amazon region (Scorpiones: Buthidae)

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    A new discussion is proposed on the geographic patterns of distribution presented by the species of the genus Rhopalurus Thorell, inhabiting the savannah formations of the northern South America. Two lineages of Rhopalurus species are defined for this region, each one containing forms with very weak morphological differences, a consequence of only a minor process of differentiation. The observed pattern of distribution and differentiation is suggested to be directly associated with more or less recent palaeoclimatic vicissitudes, which took place in tropical South America during Pleistocene. Two new subspecies are also described, representing new records of Rhopalurus for Brazil and French Guiana

    O gênero Rhopalurus Thorell, 1876 (Scorpiones: Buthidae) no nordeste do Brasil; um possível caso de uma espécie vicariante

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    O gênero Rhopalurus Thorell, 1876  (Scorpiones: Buthidae) no nordeste do Brasil;  um possível caso de uma espécie vicarianteO gênero Rhopalurus Thorell, 1876  (Scorpiones: Buthidae) no nordeste do Brasil;  um possível caso de uma espécie vicariante</htm

    A New Species of \u3ci\u3eTityus\u3c/i\u3e C. L. Koch, 1836 (Scorpiones: Buthidae) from Dominican Amber

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    Tityus azari sp. n., a new species of fossil scorpion belonging to the genus Tityus C. L. Koch, 1836 is described based on a specimen in amber from the Dominican Republic. Although the new species can be associated with the extant fauna of the Neotropical region, it presents some particular morphological features such as the presence of sharp denticles on the edge of pedipalp fingers. Due to the incompleteness of the specimen it cannot be assigned to any precise extant subgenera. Once again, this discovery attests to a considerable degree of diversity in the Dominican amber-producing forests

    Description of a new species of Opisthacanthus Peters (Scorpiones: Hormuridae) from Suriname/Brazil border with some biogeographic considerations

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    Description of  a new species  of Opisthacanthus Peters    (Scorpiones:    Hormuridae)    from    Suriname/Brazil border    with  some  biogeographic   considerations </htm

    Description of a new species of Tityus (Scorpiones, Buthidae) from the Parque Estadual de Vila Velha in the State of Paraná (Brazil)

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    Tityus pintodarochai sp. n., pertencente ao grupo de espécies de Tityus bahiensis (Scorpiones, Buthidae) é descrito com base em um único exemplar coletado no ‘Parque Estadual de Vila Velha’, Estado do Paraná, Brazil. São comentadas a posição taxonômica da espécie nova e as características ambientais da localidade do tipo. É provida uma chave para as espécies pertencentes ao Grupo Tityus bahiensis, distribuídas no sul do Brasil, assim como em países vizinhos como Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Abstract Tityus pintodarochai sp. n., belonging to the Tityus bahiensis species group (Scorpiones, Buthidae) is described on the basis of a single female specimen collected in the ‘Parque Estadual de Vila Velha’, State of Paraná, Brazil. Comments on the taxonomic position of the new species and on the environmental characteristics of the type locality are given. A key is provided to the species belonging to the Tityus bahiensis group, distributed in the southern range of Brazil as well as in nearby countries such as Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Résumé Tityus pintodarochai sp. n., espèce appartenant au groupe d’espèces Tityus bahiensis, (Scorpiones, Buthidae) est décrit à partir d’un seul exemplaire femelle collecté dans le ‘Parque Estadual de Vila Velha’, dans l’Etat du Paraná, Brésil. Des commentaires sur la position taxonomique de la nouvelle espèce, ainsi que sur les caractéristiques écologiques de la localité typique sont apportés. Une clé est proposée pour les espèces appartenant au group Tityus bahiensis, distribuées dans la région Sud du Brésil, ainsi que dans les pays limitrophes tels l’Argentine, le Paraguay et l’Uruguay

    Sobre escorpiões fosseis do âmbar do Cretáceo de Myanmar (Burma) com as descrições de uma família, um gênero e uma espécie novos

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    Sobre escorpiões fosseis do âmbar do Cretáceo de Myanmar (Burma) com as descrições de uma família, um gênero e uma espécie novos </htm

    Further considerations on scorpions found in Baltic amber, with a description of a new species (Scorpiones: Buthidae)

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    A new species of Baltic fossil scorpion, Palaeolychas weitschati sp. n. is described based on a specimen found in amber from the Samland Peninsula in Baltic coast. The new species is the second one described for the genus Palaeolychas Lourenço et Weitschat, and thus belongs to the same lineage as the majority of other scorpions known from Baltic amber, which is clearly associated with the extant scorpion fauna of tropical regions in America, Asia and Africa. This new find attests, however, to a considerable degree of diversity in the Baltic amber-producing forests
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