3,467 research outputs found

    Sistema de Evaluación Docente en la Enseñanza de la Facultad de Ingeniería

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    Hasta hace un tiempo la evaluación docente en la función enseñanza no había sido considerada una actividad importante, en parte debido a que la mejora de la calidad del profesorado no se veía como un aspecto primordial de la mejora global de la calidad de la enseñanza. En las últimas décadas el esfuerzo ha debido centrarse en la mejora del currículo, en el cambio de determinados métodos de gestión institucional y en el desarrollo de nuevos programas. La evaluación de profesorado, donde se ha implementado, ha sido con frecuencia una práctica a la que se han dedicado pocos recursos y poca atención organizativa. En la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de la República (Uruguay) ha existido esta preocupación desde hace años, implementándose una encuesta de opinión estudiantil, a iniciativa de los estudiantes y apoyada por la Institución. Desde el año 2001 se ha estado trabajando en un Sistema de Evaluación Docente en la Enseñanza que contemple otras variables que inciden en la función de enseñanza, abordando el análisis con metodologías cuali y cuantitativas. Se complementa de este modo la información obtenida del formulario estudiantil con otros instrumentos que aportan información proveniente de otras fuentes, logrando así una comprensión global del fenómeno en estudio. Este diseño así como su estrategia de implementación han sido llevados adelante por la Unidad de Enseñanza y la comisión de Políticas de Enseñanza de la Facultad de Ingeniería. El objetivo general de esta iniciativa es el mejoramiento de la enseñanza en la Facultad. Para ello se plantean dos objetivos particulares: mejorar los cursos y ayudar a los docentes (fundamentalmente a los más jóvenes) especialmente para poder enfrentar las dificultades de la masividad creciente. Se constató consenso en diferentes aspectos que se comentarán, entre otros que un sistema de evaluación de este tipo sólo tiene sentido si es universal, se aplica de manera sistemática y con continuidad. En función de lo expuesto se presenta la propuesta que está siendo implementada en forma experimental desde el segundo semestre del año 2002 en la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de la República

    Virtual reality, augmented reality and tourism experience

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    This chapter intends to give an overview of tourist experience in the real and virtual worlds (virtual and augmented reality) and how tourists are dealing with these two worlds. To achieve such a goal, the chapter examines existing definitions and conceptualizations of experience (and related constructs), virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) and delivers a historical perspective of real and virtual experiences within tourism. A comprehensive literature review makes it possible to methodologically capture the concepts of the topic and organize the structure of the chapter giving (i) different experience definitions, (ii) definitions of VR and AR, (iii) the root of experience in tourism (e.g., service quality, satisfaction, relationship marketing, tourist focus, tourist engagement, co-creation), and (iv) the tourist experience journey (stages of tourism experience and its relationship with VR and AR). The chapter is of interest to both academics and practitioners, since it identifies concepts of tourism experience, aggregating the real and virtual worlds, and at the same time gives a view of tourist experience management. Finally, the chapter points out critical areas for future research.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Fashion luxury brands: bridging the gaps between cutting-edge fashion and corporate social responsibility concerns

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    Corporate Social Responsibility in fashion luxury brands has been a topic of great interesting for both practitioners and consumers. The current chapter intents to give insights about how Generation Y (1978-2000) in Europe view and perceives Corporate Social Responsibility practices in fashion luxury brands and the importance given to each dimension. In order to get data about these perceptions, in-depth interviews were conducted with a group of people belonging to Generation Y. Our analysis reveal that Generation Y tend to be mostly concerned about transparent procedures and helping business and society to improve as a consequence of their sustainable and responsible attitudes. The environmental issues and labour practices are the most cited, commented and recommended factors of corporate social responsibility proposed by participants. The chapter also provides a framework showing the core factors to incorporate Corporate Social Responsibility and suggestions for those who deal with the fashion luxury brands management.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Attachment in retailing sector: Retailer own-brands or manufacturer brands?

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    The aims of this study are (i) to explore the effect of brand credibility, familiarity and brand image on brand attachment and brand attitude; and (ii) to test how a grocery product category and the perception of quality of own-label brands versus manufacturer brands moderate the inter-relationship of brand credibility, brand familiarity and brand image on brand attachment and brand attitude. A survey is administered to a quota sample of Portuguese supermarket shoppers via a face-to-face personal interviewing method. Findings reveal that all relationships are significant except brand familiarity on brand attitude. Credibility and familiarity seem to be more important to enhance attachment in the case of the manufacturer brands and image in the case of retailer own-brands.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effect of perceived benefits, trust, quality, brand awareness/associations and brand loyalty on internet banking brand equity

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    This research examines the interrelationships of trust, brand awareness/associations, perceived quality and brand loyalty in building Internet banking brand equity. The model was based on data from customers using online banking (customers of an international bank) using the PLS technique. The results suggest that perceived quality and brand loyalty are more important to explain the Internet banking brand equity than brand awareness/associations and trust. Interestingly, trust contributes only indirectly, through perceived quality and brand awareness/association to Internet banking brand equity. Online perceived benefits impact positively on customers' trust and online perceived risks tend to be lower when trust increases

    Exploring the role of norms and habit in explaining pro-environmental behavior intentions in situations of use robots and AI agents as providers in tourism sector

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    In a pandemic situation, with climate change around the world, studies analyzing changes in travel patterns are welcome. This study combines three theories to propose a model on proenvironmental behavior intentions, namely, the theory of planned behavior, value–belief–norm theory and habit theory. This study aims to examine the role of social norms, personal norms and habit strength to explain pro-environmental behavior intentions. The authors collected 316 usable questionnaires from tourists in the well-known touristic Belem location in Lisbon. Personal norms were revealed to have the strongest association with pro-environmental behavior intentions, followed by habit strength. The study also identified different broad challenges to encouraging sustainable behaviors and use these to develop novel theoretical propositions and directions for future research. Finally, the authors outlined how practitioners aiming to encourage sustainable consumer behaviors can use this framework to achieve better results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tourists’ lifestyle and foodservice tendencies in social media

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    This chapter reviews the literature on gastronomy tourism and provides an overview of the most important characteristic features of the fieldwork methodology. It examines the influence of lifestyle changes and the effect that Web 2.0 had on gastronomic tourism. Although literature proposes a link between tourism and gastronomy, there is a need to deepen the understanding of the perspective and opinion of tourists as end users of activities related to culinary tourism. Tourists want to have new food experiences, local food, and traditions, but, they need to know what is healthy or less healthy. The foodservice market has been suffering a strong impact from Asian food. All over the world, international tourism flows and receipts have been consolidating their growing tendencies, becoming a major category of international trade in services and therefore providing a high relevance in stimulating economic growth. Taking into account the market transformations, foodservice market has adopted a more social responsibility and accountability in their daily procedures.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    How customer experience attributes influence customer satisfaction and online bank credibility

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    WOS:000427297600065 (Nº de Acesso Web of Science)The banking sector has been focused its attention towards attracting Generation Upsilon since they have consolidated as a huge force with powerful spending power which will unavoidably rival with Baby Boomers' market dominance. Thus, this article analyses customer experience of Generation Upsilon and its effect on customer satisfaction and bank credibility. Empirical evidence, based on primary data from an online survey (550 questionnaires were spread over a two-month period in 2016 but only 205 were usable and completed) reveal that the customer experience attributes (mainly executional excellence and reputation) have a positive relationship on credibility and satisfaction. In addition, "Value for money", "Getting things right the first time" and "Put the consumer first" emerge as the most importance attributes for Generation Upsilon in experiencing the bank

    Engaging tourists with museums in the destination Lisbon

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the relationships among the concepts of serious leisure and museum prestige on engagement with museums, pleasant emotions, memory, and word-of-mouth among Lisbon tourists. Findings reveal that reflective motivations are one important driver of engagement. Be engaged with museums lead to create positive emotions and memories, which, in turn, contribute to the willingness to communicate and recommend the Lisbon museums to others.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tourism in São Tomé and Principe: the forgotten pearl

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    São Tomé and Príncipe is a small African country, which has been facing several vulnerabilities and constraints that have been limiting its development process since its independence. Hence, it is vital to improve alternative ways of development, in order to overcome this disadvantage. This article analyses São Tomé and Príncipe tourism destination competitiveness based on 27 interviews conducted in São Tomé and Príncipe. The conclusions show that the main qualify determinants are: the natural resources, the unique landscape, the cocoa and coffee plantations, the friendly locals and the peace and safety. But, on the other hand, this country reveals a competitive weakness, mainly due to the lack of infrastructures, technical training for hospitality and tourism, coordination among ministries, inter-relationship among public, private and non-profit organizations, as well as external marketing communication