26 research outputs found

    Impacto de la actividad antropogénica en el suelo de la reserva de la biosfera “el triunfoâ€, Chiapas (México)

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    The impact of human activity on the soil of “El Triunfo†Biosphere Reserve, Chiapas, was studied. For this purpose, the values of 14 parameters were determined throughout a year: six physical-chemical and eight biochemical, in forest, coffee plantation, pasture and milpa soils. The values of the parameters in the forest soil were significantly different from those in the coffee plantation, pasture and milpa soils. On the basis of the forest soil, it was considered that human activity altered the soil quality negatively. To have clarity about the level of impact, a scale of 0.0 to 5.0 was suggested, identified as the Soil Deterioration Index (SDI), and the procedure was developed to determine it in the soils with human alteration. The milpa soil had the highest SDI value, placing it in the range of high degradation. The coffee plantation and pasture soils were found in the range of medium degradation. The procedure and scale of SDI was reinforced by discriminant analysis.Se estudió el impacto de la actividad humana en el suelo de la Reserva de la Biosfera “El Triunfoâ€, Chiapas. Para ello se determinaron, a lo largo de un año, los valores de 14 parámetros, seis físico-químicos y ocho bioquímicos, en suelos de bosque, cafetal, pastizal y milpa. Los valores de los parámetros en el suelo del bosque fueron diferentes significativamente a los de cafetal, pastizal y milpa. Tomando como base el suelo de bosque se consideró que la actividad humana alteró negativamente la calidad del suelo. Para tener claridad del nivel de impacto se propuso una escala, de 0.0 a 5.0, identificada como Ãndice de Deterioro del Suelo (IDS), y se desarrolló el procedimiento para determinarlo en los suelos con alteración humana. El suelo de milpa tuvo el mayor valor de IDS, ubicándose en el rango de alta degradación. Los suelos de cafetal y de pastizal se ubicaron en el rango de mediana degradación. El procedimiento y escala de IDS se reforzó a través del análisis discriminante

    Distributed under Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 OPEN ACCESS Production of cytotoxic compounds in dedifferentiated cells of Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae)

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    ABSTRACT This study addresses the in vitro culture as an alternative to obtain compounds with cytotoxic activity from the medicinal plant Jatropha curcas (Euphorbiaceae). We determined the presence of cytotoxic compounds in both whole plants and dedifferentiated cells. We evaluated the effect of auxin, cytokinins and light on callus induction in cotyledon explants. We found that the most effective combination to induce callus was the auxin 2,4-D (5 mM) with the cytokinin 6-BAP (2.5 mM), on Murashige-Skoog medium in darkness. We compared the callogenic potential among accessions from different geographic origins, finding that ARR-251107-MFG7 is most prone to form callus. The roots of J. curcas grown in field produced a compound chromatographically similar to the cytotoxic diterpene jatrophone. The profile of compounds extracted from the dedifferentiated cells was similar to that of the whole plant, including a relatively abundant stilbene-like compound. This study contributes to the future establishment of protocols to produce anti-cancer compounds from J. curcas cultivated in vitro

    Effectiveness of Bacillus subtilis ANT01 and Rhizobium sp. 11B on the control of fusarium wilt in pineapple (Ananas comosus)

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    Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is commonly infected by Fusarium oxysporum, causal agent of the fusarium wilt disease. Conventionally, growers use synthetic fungicides to control the disease, which lead to environmental pollution, hazardous effects on non-target organisms and risks on human health. The aim of this work was to assess the effectiveness of Bacillus subtilis ANT01 and Rhizobium sp. 11B to control fusarium wilt on pineapple plants. Four treatments derived from a complete factorial design were tested under field conditions. Treatments composed of B. subtilis ANT01 and the combination B. subtilis ANT01–Rhizobium sp. 11B decreased disease severity by 94.4% and 86.1%, respectively. On the other hand, the treatment prepared with Rhizobium sp. 11B alone showed a reduction of 75.0%. Size of leaves and nutritional condition (SPAD units) of the biocontrol agents-treated plants showed no statistical differences. Moreover, B. subtilis ANT01 decreased by 46% the initial soil population of F. oxysporum, while Rhizobium sp. 11B, B. subtilis ANT01 plus Rhizobium sp. 11B and control, showed a population reduction of 12.5%, 24.2% and 23.0%, respectively. These results make evident the potential of B. subtilis ANT01 as biocontrol agent of the pathogen under field conditions


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    RESUMEN El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la influencia de la aplicación de fertilizantes orgánicos a árboles adultos de marañón por un ciclo productivo sobre la producción y calidad de frutos y pseudofrutos. Para lo anterior, se establecieron tres tratamientos: fertilización orgánica (BIO), fertilización sintética (FS) y sin fertilización (SF). Se cuantificó el número de panículas m-3, número de flores por panícula y el número de frutos m-3 en los árboles. Después del corte, a frutos y pseudofrutos se analizaron propiedades físicoquímicas de interés. Aunque el tratamiento FS promovió mayor número de panículas por unidad de área foliar (P 0.05), medido como la cantidad de fruto-pseudofruto m-3 con el tratamiento BIO. Sin embargo, la cantidad de fruto (principal producto comercializado) fue mayor en BIO (1.80 kg árbol-1) comparado con los otros dos tratamientos (FS = 1.35; SF = 1.09). El tratamiento BIO aumentó en 81% el contenido de polifenoles respecto al tratamiento no fertilizado. Igualmente, los contenidos de grasa y acidez titulable fueron superiores en BIO, respecto a los tratamientos sin fertilización y con fertilización sintética (P < 0.05). Se demostró que la aplicación de biofertilizantes por un ciclo de producción aumenta la producción de frutos y modifica la composición química de las semillas

    Use of starter culture of native lactic acid bacteria for producing an artisanal Mexican cheese safe and sensory acceptable

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    Unpasteurized artisanal cheeses are a source of pathogens for humans. We isolated lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from raw milk and from cheeses made with raw milk, and formulate starter cultures for producing an artisanal Mexican cheese known as ‘Queso Bola de Ocosingo’. We evaluated six combinations of strains as starter culture-treatments. The proximate composition of the cheeses, the sensorial evaluation, and the microbiological safety of cheeses made with pasteurized milk was evaluated. The use of starter culture helped to maintain the pathogen microbial total count of pasteurized cheese below the standard limit maximums. The sensory judges did not find differences among the cheese elaborated with unpasteurized milk and that elaborated with pasteurized milk and the starter culture added. The starter culture formulated with LAB derived from unpasteurized cheese can be used for producing ‘Bola de Ocosingo’ cheese which is sensory acceptable and microbiological safe

    Bacterias ácido lácticas nativas como cultivo iniciador para la elaboración de queso crema mexicano

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    Introduction. The bacterial starter cultures are successfully used in the production of artisan cheeses, since they help to maintain sui generis sensory characteristics, as well as controlling the presence of pathogens. It has been reported that natives strains are the best options to perform this function. Objective. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of the addition of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from the traditional process of cheese making, as a starters in the manufacture of cream cheese from pasteurized milk. Materials and methods. The research was done in the Ocosingo city, Chiapas, Mexico, during the months of February to November from 2016. 37 strains with different morphology were isolated, from milk, cheese and whey, of which 21 were Gram positive, catalase and peroxidase negative. For their acidifying capacity, eight strains were selected, with which six treatments were formulated (combinations of three strains). Results. The treatment that was most accepted by consumers was restructured into three new treatments (three combinations of two strains). Of these new treatments, that one (T8) where two LABs (2S and 30Q) were combined was similar in color, firmness and fat content to the control (cream cheese made with unpasteurized milk). Although they were slightly different in protein, moisture and ash content, however, expert panelists found no significant differences (proof of discrimination A not A) between the T8 cream cheese and the control. This same treatment promoted microbiological counts (aerobic mesophilic, total coliforms, and molds and yeasts) lower than those established by the sanitary standards. Conclusion. The use of BAL 2S and 30Q as starter culture allowed a cream cheese to be obtained from pasteurized milk with similar characteristics to traditional cream cheese, besides microbiologically safe.Introducción. Los cultivos bacterianos iniciadores son empleados exitosamente en la elaboración de quesos artesanales, ayudan a mantener las características sensoriales sui generis, además, controlan la presencia de patógenos. Se ha reportado que las cepas nativas son las mejores opciones para realizar esta función. Objetivo. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue evaluar el efecto de la adición de bacterias ácido lácticas (BAL), aisladas del proceso artesanal de elaboración de queso como iniciadoras en la elaboración de queso crema a partir de leche pasteurizada. Materiales y métodos. El trabajo se realizó en la región de Ocosingo, Chiapas, México, durante los meses de febrero a noviembre del año 2016. Se aislaron 37 cepas de diferente morfología, provenientes de leche, queso y suero, de las cuales 21 fueron Gram positivas, catalasa y peroxidasa negativas. Por su capacidad acidificante, se seleccionaron ocho cepas con las cuales se formularon seis tratamientos (combinaciones de tres cepas). Resultados. El tratamiento que sensorialmente fue más aceptado por los consumidores, se reestructuró en tres nuevos tratamientos (tres combinaciones de dos cepas). De estos nuevos tratamientos, aquel (T8) donde se combinaron dos BAL (2S y 30Q) fue similar en color, firmeza y contenido de grasa al testigo (queso crema elaborado con leche sin pasteurizar). Fueron ligeramente diferentes en el contenido de proteína, humedad y cenizas, sin embargo, los panelistas expertos no encontraron diferencias (prueba de discriminación A no A) significativas entre el queso crema T8 y el testigo. Este mismo tratamiento promovió en el queso crema recuentos microbiológicos (mesófilos aerobios, coliformes totales, mohos y levaduras) inferiores a las establecidas por las normas sanitarias. Conclusión. El uso de las BAL 2S y 30Q como cultivo iniciador permitió obtener un queso crema a partir de leche pasteurizada con características similares al queso crema tradicional, pero que resultó microbiológicamente inocuo

    Alcaloides y polifenoles del cacao, mecanismos que regulan su biosíntesis y sus implicaciones en el sabor y aroma

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    El sabor y aroma de los granos de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) fueron las principales razones que promovieron su domesticaci&oacute;n y uso alimentario por los pueblos precolombinos de Mesoam&eacute;rica. Incluso hoy d&iacute;a, la calidad sensorial determina la clasificaci&oacute;n entre cacaos finos y a granel. Muchos compuestos qu&iacute;micos de las almendras son responsables de la calidad sensorial, pero sobresalen los polifenoles y los alcaloides, compuestos que de manera directa inciden en el sabor y palatabilidad de las almendras y de manera indirecta sobre los precursores de aroma. Los alcaloides est&aacute;n asociados con el amargor. Su concentraci&oacute;n est&aacute; relacionada con la variedad y se modifica con el procesamiento. Los polifenoles son responsables, junto con otras mol&eacute;culas de la astringencia (poco deseable en chocolates), pero tambi&eacute;n de propiedades antioxidantes deseables por los consumidores. En esta revisi&oacute;n se abordan aspectos de la bios&iacute;ntesis de estas importantes mol&eacute;culas en las almendras de cacao, de las implicaciones en el sabor y aroma, as&iacute; como los cambios que ocurren durante el procesamiento de las mismas.The flavor and aroma of cacao (Theobroma cacao) beans were the main reasons that promoted its domestication and food-use by pre-Columbian peoples of Mesoamerica. Polyphenols and alkaloids are compounds that directly affect the flavor of the cocoa beans and indirectly on the flavor precursors. The alkaloids are associated with bitterness; its concentration is related to the cultivar and its modifying through the processing. Polyphenols molecules are responsible together with other molecules of the astringency (not desirable in chocolate), but also are responsible for antioxidant properties, very desirable by consumers. This review focuses on aspects of the biosynthesis of these important molecules in cocoa beans as well as implications in taste and flavor. The changes of these molecules that occur during processing are also approached