7 research outputs found

    The Charcot foot: a pictorial review.

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    Charcot foot refers to an inflammatory pedal disease based on polyneuropathy; the detailed pathomechanism of the disease is still unclear. Since the most common cause of polyneuropathy in industrialized countries is diabetes mellitus, the prevalence in this risk group is very high, up to 35%. Patients with Charcot foot typically present in their fifties or sixties and most of them have had diabetes mellitus for at least 10 years. If left untreated, the disease leads to massive foot deformation. This review discusses the typical course of Charcot foot disease including radiographic and MR imaging findings for diagnosis, treatment, and detection of complications

    Whole-body computed tomography for multiple traumas using a triphasic injection protocol

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    To evaluate a triphasic injection protocol for whole-body multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) in patients with multiple trauma. Fifty consecutive patients (41 men) were examined. Contrast medium (300mg/mL iodine) was injected starting with 70mL at 3mL/s, followed by 0.1mL/s for 8s, and by another bolus of 75mL at 4mL/s. CT data acquisition started 50s after the beginning of the first injection. Two experienced, blinded readers independently measured the density in all major arteries, veins, and parenchymatous organs. Image quality was assessed using a five-point ordinal rating scale and compared to standard injection protocols [n = 25 each for late arterial chest, portovenous abdomen, and MDCT angiography (CTA)]. With the exception of the infrarenal inferior caval vein, all blood vessels were depicted with diagnostic image quality using the multiple-trauma protocol. Arterial luminal density was slightly but significantly smaller compared to CTA (P < 0.01). Veins and parenchymatous organs were opacified significantly better compared to all other protocols (P < 0.01). Arm artifacts reduced the density of spleen and liver parenchyma significantly (P < 0.01). Similarly high image quality is achieved for arteries using the multiple-trauma protocol compared to CTA, and parenchymatous organs are depicted with better image quality compared to specialized protocols. Arm artifacts should be avoide

    The role of the sinuses of Valsalva in aortic root flow dynamics and aortic root surgery : evaluation by magnetic resonance imaging

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    Combined replacement of the aortic valve and ascending aorta using a composite graft represents the standard treatment for dilated aortic root with concomitant structural damage of the aortic valve, especially when the aortic valve cannot be preserved. Unfortunately, hemodynamic changes associated with prosthetic replacement of the aortic root have not been fully elucidated. The study aim was to compare hemodynamics within the replaced aortic root using either a prosthetic vascular graft with bulges mimicking the sinuses of Valsalva and including a stented pericardial valve, or a straight xenopericardial conduit and a stentless porcine valve

    Whole-body computed tomography for multiple traumas using a triphasic injection protocol

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    To evaluate a triphasic injection protocol for whole-body multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) in patients with multiple trauma. Fifty consecutive patients (41 men) were examined. Contrast medium (300 mg/mL iodine) was injected starting with 70 mL at 3 mL/s, followed by 0.1 mL/s for 8 s, and by another bolus of 75 mL at 4 mL/s. CT data acquisition started 50 s after the beginning of the first injection. Two experienced, blinded readers independently measured the density in all major arteries, veins, and parenchymatous organs. Image quality was assessed using a five-point ordinal rating scale and compared to standard injection protocols [n = 25 each for late arterial chest, portovenous abdomen, and MDCT angiography (CTA)]. With the exception of the infrarenal inferior caval vein, all blood vessels were depicted with diagnostic image quality using the multiple-trauma protocol. Arterial luminal density was slightly but significantly smaller compared to CTA (P < 0.01). Veins and parenchymatous organs were opacified significantly better compared to all other protocols (P < 0.01). Arm artifacts reduced the density of spleen and liver parenchyma significantly (P < 0.01). Similarly high image quality is achieved for arteries using the multiple-trauma protocol compared to CTA, and parenchymatous organs are depicted with better image quality compared to specialized protocols. Arm artifacts should be avoided

    Detection of urinary stones at reduced radiation exposure: a phantom study comparing computed radiography and a low-dose digital radiography linear slit scanning system

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    OBJECTIVE: In this experimental study we assessed the diagnostic performance of digital linear slit scanning radiography compared with computed radiography (CR) for the detection of urinary calculi in an anthropomorphic phantom imitating patients weighing approximately 58-88 kg. CONCLUSION: Compared with CR, linear slit scanning radiography is superior for the detection of urinary stones and may be used for pretreatment localization and follow-up at a lower patient exposure