47 research outputs found

    More or less likely to offend? Young adults with a history of identified Developmental Language Disorder

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    Background: There is now substantial literature demonstrating that a disproportionate number of young people who come into contact with youth justice services evidence unidentified language difficulties. These young people, therefore, have received little or no professional input in this area. Conversely, there is a dearth of research pertaining to criminality outcomes among those individuals with identified developmental language disorders who have received such interventions. Aims: The paper examines police-initiated contact and substance use outcomes of young adults with a history of identified developmental language disorders (DLD) versus age matched peers (AMPs). Additionally, self-reported rule breaking behaviours and aggression are considered. We hypothesise that early identification/intervention reduces engagement with risky behaviour such as substance and alcohol use as well as offending-related behaviours. Methods & Procedures: Adversarial police-initiated contacts were examined in 84 young adults with a history of DLD and 88 AMPs. Rule-breaking and aggression were evaluated using the Achenbach Adult Self-Report for ages 18-59. Outcomes & Results: Adults with a history of DLD, who received targeted intervention during their school years, reported less contact with their local police service compared to AMPs at age 24. Comparable proportions of both groups reported current alcohol consumption but group differences were found relating to alcohol use. No group differences in rule breaking behaviours were found but the DLD group was found to have a statistically significant higher raw score on the aggressive behaviour scale. Conclusions & Implications: There is a need for early identification of children with DLD. Early intervention aimed at ameliorating such difficulties could possibly have distal outcomes in relation to offending

    Evaluation Concerns and the Kohler Effect: The Impact of Physical Presence on Motivation Gains

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    This study examined whether increasing evaluation concerns would increase the magnitude of the Köhler effect (i.e., one type of motivation gain that has been documented to occur in small groups). Evaluation concerns were manipulated by having participants work in the physical presence or virtual presence of their coworker. As anticipated, motivation gains were significantly greater for participants who worked in the physical presence of their coworker. These results suggest that evaluation concerns can potentially increase the magnitude of the Köhler effect. Furthermore, the findings have implications for practitioners and researchers interested in the differential impact that face-to-face and virtual mediums have on motivation in groups or teams

    An examination of the stability and persistence of the Köhler motivation gain effect

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    The current paper reports the findings of an experiment designed to investigate the persistence of motivation gains in small groups. The current study had participants work on a conjunctive task, where they believed that their performance was highly instrumental for the group to perform well. Building on prior work on the Köhler effect, although motivation gains became smaller over time, these gains in effort still remained statistically significant across several work trials. Moreover, the attenuation of the Köhler effect was found to be moderated by the stability of group membership. More specifically, as compared with people who worked with the same partner (i.e., closed groups), gains in effort were found to be more robust for participants who worked with several different partners (i.e., open groups). The current findings help fill an important gap in the motivation gains literature by demonstrating that motivation gains in groups can persist across multiple work trials

    Psychological Mechanisms Underlying the Kohler Motivation Gain

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    Sometimes group work conditions lead to motivation gains rather than to social loafing. Two theoretical explanations for the Köhler motivation gain effect are identified, one stressing social comparison and a second stressing the indispensability of one's effort to the group. The results of three new experiments are reported. Experiment 1 suggested that both explanations are valid and contribute to the Köhler effect. Prior studies suggested that there might be gender differences in the relative importance of these two explanatory processes. Experiment 2 confirmed this suggestion. In Experiment 3, the gender difference was eliminated by priming women with a goal (viz., competition) presumed to be chronically more important to men. It is argued that the relative importance of these two motivational processes will depend on the immediate and chronic importance attached to more personal (viz., to achieve a favorable social comparison) versus collective (viz., to contribute to one's group) goals

    Psychological mechanisms underlying the Köhler motivation gain

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    Sometimes group work conditions lead to motivation gains rather than to social loafing. Two theoretical explanations for the Khler motivation gain effect are identified, one stressing social comparison and a second stressing the indispensability of one\u27s effort to the group. The results of three new experiments are reported. Experiment 1 suggested that both explanations are valid and contribute to the Khler effect. Prior studies suggested that there might be gender differences in the relative importance of these two explanatory processes. Experiment 2 confirmed this suggestion. In Experiment 3, the gender difference was eliminated by priming women with a goal (viz., competition) presumed to be chronically more important to men. It is argued that the relative importance of these two motivational processes will depend on the immediate and chronic importance attached to more personal (viz., to achieve a favorable social comparison) versus collective (viz., to contribute to one\u27s group) goals. © 2007 by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc

    Knowledge of partner's ability as a moderator of group motivation gains: An exploration of the Köhler discrepancy effect.

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    O. Köhler (1926, 1927) found that less able performers tried harder as team members under conjunctive task demands (Köhler motivation gain effect) and that the greatest gain occurred with moderately discrepant coworker abilities (Köhler discrepancy effect). Recent investigations have reproduced Köhler's overall motivation gain but not the discrepancy effect. The present research examined whether workers' foreknowledge of task abilities--present in Köhler's research, absent in contemporary studies--moderates the discrepancy effect. Participants worked alone or in 2-person teams under conjunctive task demands. Exp 1 manipulated foreknowledge of ability. Exp 2 manipulated discrepancy: a (confederate) teammate performed slightly, moderately, or substantially better. Both experiments found (1) overall motivation gains and (2) discrepancy moderation under foreknowledge conditions. Implications for understanding group motivation gains are discussed

    Rethinking the Baseline in Diversity Research

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    It is often surprisingly difficult to make definitive scientific statements about the functional value of group diversity. We suggest that one clear pattern in the group diversity literature is the prevailing convention of interpreting outcomes as the effect of diversity alone. Although work in this arena typically compares diverse groups with homogeneous ones, we most often conceive of homogeneous groups as a baseline—a reference point from which we can understand how diversity has changed behavior or what type of response is “normal.” In this article, we offer a new perspective through a focus on two propositions. The first proposition is that homogeneity has independent effects of its own—effects that, in some cases, are robust in comparison with the effects of diversity. The second proposition is that even though subjective responses in homogeneous groups are often treated as a neutral indicator of how people would ideally respond in a group setting, evidence suggests that these responses are often less objective or accurate than responses in diverse groups. Overall, we believe that diversity research may unwittingly reveal important insights regarding the effects of homogeneity.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF Grant 0921728