129 research outputs found

    Waste 2.0: Updating California\u27s Electric-Waste Recycling Policies For the Digital Age

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    When electronic products are improperly disposed of or sent to unregulated recycling sites, the e-waste breaks down in the area without appropriate safeguards. Toxic substances like mercury, lead, and arsenic are then released into the ground, causing soil, water, and air contamination. These e-waste toxins are known to have caused cancer, respiratory illness, and reproductive problems. Also, the chance to reclaim valuable materials and safely recycle the toxic materials is lost forever under the mountain of garbage. Therefore, finding innovative and all-encompassing ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle electronics products is important in solving this e-waste crisis. As the e-waste crisis grows, the rising mountain of discarded electronic products will quickly outgrow the limited landfills of this world. This Comment examines California’s approach to e-waste recycling and discusses areas of success as well as areas that need to be strengthened. First, this Comment reviews existing California e-waste recycling regulations and addresses where California’s e-waste regulations are inefficient. Then, it covers current federal waste laws and pending e-waste-specific laws. Next, this Comment compares California’s approach with the legislative actions of other states and countries that address the global e-waste crisis. Finally, this Comment recommends ways to reduce and manage e-waste that require minimal effort in order for California to strengthen and improve upon its existing e-waste laws

    Waste 2.0: Updating California\u27s Electric-Waste Recycling Policies For the Digital Age

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    When electronic products are improperly disposed of or sent to unregulated recycling sites, the e-waste breaks down in the area without appropriate safeguards. Toxic substances like mercury, lead, and arsenic are then released into the ground, causing soil, water, and air contamination. These e-waste toxins are known to have caused cancer, respiratory illness, and reproductive problems. Also, the chance to reclaim valuable materials and safely recycle the toxic materials is lost forever under the mountain of garbage. Therefore, finding innovative and all-encompassing ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle electronics products is important in solving this e-waste crisis. As the e-waste crisis grows, the rising mountain of discarded electronic products will quickly outgrow the limited landfills of this world. This Comment examines California’s approach to e-waste recycling and discusses areas of success as well as areas that need to be strengthened. First, this Comment reviews existing California e-waste recycling regulations and addresses where California’s e-waste regulations are inefficient. Then, it covers current federal waste laws and pending e-waste-specific laws. Next, this Comment compares California’s approach with the legislative actions of other states and countries that address the global e-waste crisis. Finally, this Comment recommends ways to reduce and manage e-waste that require minimal effort in order for California to strengthen and improve upon its existing e-waste laws


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    C.R. Ex Rel. Rainville v. Eugene School District 4J: Slowly Expanding a School’s Ability to Reach Off-Campus Speech

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    The United States Constitution guarantees equal protection under the law to all citizens regardless of race, color, religion, and gender. However, there are special circumstances when constitutional rights can be restricted. The First Amendment rights of public school students fall under one of these special circumstances. While parents have a responsibility to care for, protect, and discipline their child, the responsibility transfers to the school’s in loco parentis authority when the child becomes a student under their supervision. The salient issue then becomes how to determine when the school’s authority begins and ends. The Ninth Circuit’s decision in C.R. ex rel. Rainville v. Eugene School District 4J addressed one incident where the First Amendment rights of a public school student were restricted even though the speech occurred off-campus and after school hours

    Reflectance Indicatrix Of Vitrinite: Its Orientation And Application (Paragenetic, Stress, Pennsylvania, Canada, Appalachians).

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    The orientation of the optical axis, or the minimum reflectance of the reflectance indicatrix of vitrinite, can be used to indicate the direction of maximum stress, i.e., the resultant stress of vertical compaction and lateral stress, during coalification. Furthermore, the attitude of the minimum reflectance with reference to bedding plane is a good parameter for evaluating whether maximum thermal maturation is achieved prior to or after folding or other structural changes, and thus reflects the tectonic and coalification history of coal. The purpose of this study was to investigate the orientation of the reflectance indicatrix of vitrinite and relate it to the coalification history of coal seams. A technique was developed to measure and calculate the direction of the optical axis of vitrinite, and because of the biaxiality of anthracite, both uniaxial and biaxial indicatrix models were taken into consideration. A series of coal samples of different rank and from different geographic locations (anthracite from Pennsylvania, and bituminous coal from highly tectonically disturbed regions in the Canadian Rockies and from the Appalachian coal region) were collected and examined. The analysis results illustrate that in both the Canadian Rockies and Appalachian coal region, at least in the sampled areas, the optical axes exhibit a fixed angular relationship with stratification. These suggest that coalification was achieved prior to folding in those two studied areas. Furthermore, the large angle between the normal of the bedding and the minimum reflectance axis of the coals from the Canadian Rockies indicates that the lateral stress had played a more important role during coalification in this area than in the Appalachian coal region. Bituminous coal samples were subjected to uniaxial load deformation at elevated temperature and examined microscopically. The laboratory results indicate an optical axis rotation of up to 17 degrees when the coal samples were heated to 330(DEGREES)C, and under 150 lb load for 5 hours. This result provides evidence supporting the idea that the optical axis orientation is determined by the resultant stress of the vertical load stress and the lateral compressive stress during the stage of coalification. The reflectance indicatrix can be applied to (1) detect potential ground control problems in coal mines, and (2) help to distinguish good from bad oil sites in oil exploration

    Hemogram indices of healthy lactovegetarian population from Tharparkar village.

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    Introduction: The evidence of micro nutrients deficiencies related mortalities are emerging all over the globe. Lake of the knowledge of dietary source of vitamin D complex and iron affects the haemogram indices. Aim of this study was to assess the haemogram values of healthy lactovegetarian population of Tharparkar village and to correlate these with WHO parameters.Methodology: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in 2016-17 on 100 apparently healthy subjects of both genders with age 14 to 55 years. Peripheral smears were prepared using Leishman stain at the research field during sampling. Coagulated whole blood samples were collected and transported to the Dow university lab at Karachi under proper temperature.Result: The mean age of the subjects in this study was 30.5 (±8.3) and the male to female ratio was 2.1:1 the mean hemoglobin level was 13.5 (±1.6). Mean NCV level was83.6 (±9.9) mean MCH was found as 63.9 (±3.1).and mean Hematocrit was found as 40.4. (±5.7)Conclusion: The blood indices of lactovegetarian population of Tharparkar village fall within the specified range as set by WHO Parameters accept MCV which was found higher than normal. This may be attributed to the deficiency of vitamin B12 or Folate.Key word: Lacto-vegetarian, Hemogram indices, vitamin B12/Folate deficiency, Anemia

    Serene threonine kinase 39 gene single nucleotide A-G polymorphism rs35929607 is weakly associated with essential hypertension in population of Tharparkar, Pakistan

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    Objective: To study the prevalence of Serine Threonine Kinase-39 A-G polymorphism rs3592960 in rural population.Methods: The random, cross-sectional study was carried out from 2009 to 2010 on 528 subjects in Tharparkar, Pakistan. Data was recorded excluding cases of secondary hypertension. Normotensives were used as the controls and hypertensives as the cases. Genotyping was carried out by tetra-primer amplification refraction mutation system-polymerase chain reaction method and the data was analysed statistically with SPSS-14.Results: The association of Serine Threonine Kinase-39 rs35929607 with essential hypertension was as 3.07 (95% confidence interval 2.10-4.49) units/mmHg per G allele (p = 0.001). Raised systolic BP \u3e 140mmHg showed 0.76 (95% CI, 0.47-1.23) (p = 0.235) and raised diastolic BP \u3e 90mmHg showed 0.93 (95% CI, 0.61-1.44) units/mmHg per G allele (p = 0.735). Frequency of the risk allele G was less (33.3%) than that of allele-A (66.7%), (p = 0.0001). The effect size of genetic factors was non-significant, beta = 0.062 (p = 0.153) for GG homozygotes and beta = -0.013 (p = 0.772) for AG heterozygotes. Effect size of risk factors (age \u3e 50 years, diabetes and body mass index \u3e 23) was found significantly associated with essential hypertension, beta = 0.747 (p = 0.000).The risk factors increased the effect by 12.04 fold in GG genotype and further 3 fold influence of risk factors is required with single allele-G in case of AG heterozygotes.Conclusion: Essential hypertension risk conferred by this polymorphism in the study population is different from the previously reported European population, suggesting that the variant G allele remains less associated in the absence of environmental risk factors

    COVID 19- Biochemical and Other Mechanisms associated with Neuropathy and Stroke.

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    The Coronavirus (SARS-C0V-2) caused COVID 19 disease, commencing from China in December 2019 and soon in 2020 its neurological manifestations were noted. The viral spike (S) protein binding with host cell receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) with assistance of membrane fusion protease (TMPRSS) caused viral entry in host cells. We searched 47 articles using PubMed from January 2021 to January 2023. The initial pooling of virus in nasal mucosa was followed by spread to respiratory and other tissues. This review highlights the neuropathy and stroke mechanisms. The role of receptors, enzymes, proteins and genes in neuropathological mechanisms are highlighted. Vascular endothelial effects, choroid plexus and Blood Brain Barrier disruptions were noted. The epigenetic neuropathological mechanisms need to be explored further to help in designing new therapeutic modalities. The post vaccination neurological manifestations as well as the post COVID effects both need further attention to promptly diagnose and start timely treatment

    Psychological health of women who have conceived using assisted reproductive technology in Taiwan: findings from a longitudinal study

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    Background: Despite the increasing use of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and the significant physical and emotional commitments that these treatments and procedures involve, only limited evidence exists regarding the psychological health of women who undergo ART. This study investigated the changes over time in the psychological health of women who have conceived using ART during the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy and during the postpartum period in Taiwan. Methods: A quantitative longitudinal study was conducted at a fertility centre in Taiwan. 158 pregnant women who had conceived using ART completed a web-based questionnaire that included the following instruments: State Anxiety Inventory, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, Modified Maternal Foetal Attachment Scale, Pregnancy Stress Rating Scale, Maternity Social Support Scale, Intimate Bond Measure, and Parenting Stress Index. The data were collected the first (9–12 weeks), second (19–22 weeks), third (28–31 weeks) trimesters of pregnancy and at 7–10 weeks postpartum. Results: Levels of anxiety and depression, which are both key indicators of psychological health, were highest during the first trimester, with scores of 42.30 ± 11.11 and 8.43 ± 4.44, respectively. After the first trimester, anxiety scores decreased and remained stable through the remainder of pregnancy, with scores of 38.03 ± 10.58 in the second and 38.39 ± 10.36 in the third trimester, but increased at two-months postpartum, attaining a score of 41.18 ± 11.68. Further, depression scores showed a similar pattern, declining to a mean of 7.21 ± 4.23 in the second and 6.99 ± 4.11 in the third trimester and then increasing to 8.39 ± 5.25 at two-months postpartum. Pregnancy stress and social support were found to be the most important predictors of change in psychological health during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Conclusion: Psychological health was found to be poorest during the first trimester and at two-months postpartum. Moreover, pregnancy stress and social support were identified as key predictors of change in psychological health. The findings indicate a need for increased sensitivity among healthcare professionals to the psychological vulnerability of women who have conceived using ART as well as a need to introduce tailored interventions to provide appropriate psychological support to these women

    Analisis Zona Resapan dan Keluaran Air Tanah di Desa Kutayu, Kabupaten Brebes

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    Ketersediaan air di Desa Kutayu, Kabupaten Brebes saat musim kemarau sangat terbatas. Bahkan, setiap musim kemarau Pemerintah Kabupaten Brebes memberikan bantuan air bersih melalui Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM). Belum adanya kajian potensi air tanah di daerah tersebut menyebabkan persoalan kekeringan tidak dapat diatasi dalam jangka waktu panjang. Oleh karena itu, kajian pemodelan air tanah sangat diperlukan untuk mengetahui potensi dan sebaran air tanah di Desa Kutayu, Kabupaten Brebes. Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah membuat pemodelan air tanah untuk menentukan zona resapan (recharge) dan keluaran (discharge). Pengambilan data muka air tanah dilakukan pada 42 sumur yang tersebar di Desa Kutayu. Data muka air tanah dianalisis menggunakan metode finite difference atau beda hingga, yaitu menyelesaikan persamaan diferensial dengan membagi bidang menjadi segi empat sama luas. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan muka air tanah terdalam berada pada kedalaman 6,31 m, sedangkan muka air tanah paling dangkal di kedalaman 1,77 m. Pola ketinggian muka air tanah sesuai dengan kontur topografi. Zona recharge terletak pada bagian utara Desa Kutayu. Zona recharge berada pada daerah perbukitan dengan tingkat kerapatan vegetasi yang tinggi. Sedangkan zona discharge mencakup bagian selatan Desa Kutayu. Zona discharge merupakan area pemukiman warga. Berdasarkan hasil pemodelan air tanah didapatkan besar flux 0.147 m3/detik di zona recharge dan 0.116 m3/detik pada zona discharge
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