3,433 research outputs found

    Exact Quantum States for all Two-Dimensional Dilaton Gravity Theories

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    It is shown that the recently obtained quantum wave functionals in terms of the CJZ variables for generic 2d dilaton gravity are equivalent to the previously reported exact quantum wave functionals in geometrical variables. A third representation of these exact quantum states is also presented

    Spinning Relativistic Particle in an External Electromagnetic Field

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    The Hamiltonian formulation of the motion of a spinning relativistic particle in an external electromagnetic field is considered. The approach is based on the introduction of new coordinates and their conjugated momenta to describe the spin degrees of freedom together with an appropriate set of constraints in the Dirac formulation. For particles with gyromagnetic ratio g=2g=2, the equations of motion do not predict any deviation from the standard Lorentz force, while for g2g \neq 2 an additional force, which corresponds to the magnetic dipole force, is obtained.Comment: Latex file, 11 page

    Kruskal coordinates as canonical variables for Schwarzschild black holes

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    We derive a transformation from the usual ADM metric-extrinsic curvature variables on the phase space of Schwarzschild black holes, to new canonical variables which have the interpretation of Kruskal coordinates. We explicitly show that this transformation is non-singular, even at the horizon. The constraints of the theory simplify in terms of the new canonical variables and are equivalent to the vanishing of the canonical momenta. Our work is based on earlier seminal work by Kuchar in which he reconstructed curvature coordinates and a mass function from spherically symmetric canonical data. The key feature in our construction of a nonsingular canonical transformation to Kruskal variables, is the scaling of the curvature coordinate variables by the mass function rather than by the mass at left spatial infinity.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Geometrodynamical Formulation of Two-Dimensional Dilaton Gravity

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    Two-dimensional matterless dilaton gravity with arbitrary dilatonic potential can be discussed in a unitary way, both in the Lagrangian and canonical frameworks, by introducing suitable field redefinitions. The new fields are directly related to the original spacetime geometry and in the canonical picture they generalize the well-known geometrodynamical variables used in the discussion of the Schwarzschild black hole. So the model can be quantized using the techniques developed for the latter case. The resulting quantum theory exhibits the Birkhoff theorem at the quantum level.Comment: 15 pages, LATE

    Dirac Quantization of Two-Dimensional Dilaton Gravity Minimally Coupled to N Massless Scalar Fields

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    It is shown that the Callan-Giddings-Harvey-Strominger theory on the cylinder can be consistently quantized (using Dirac's approach) without imposing any constraints on the sign of the gravitational coupling constant or the sign (or value) of the cosmological constant. The quantum constraints in terms of the original geometrical variables are also derived

    String-Inspired Gravity Coupled to Yang-Mills Fields

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    String-inspired 1+1-dimensional gravity is coupled to Yang-Mills fields in the Cangemi-Jackiw gauge-theoretical formulation, based on the extended Poincar\'e group. A family of couplings, which involves metrics obtainable from the physical metric with a conformal rescaling, is considered, and the resulting family of models is investigated both at the classical and the quantum level. In particular, also using a series of Kirillov-Kostant phases, the wave functionals that solve the constraints are identified.Comment: 15 pages, LaTex

    The 2D analogue of the Reissner-Nordstrom solution

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    A two-dimensional (2D) dilaton gravity model, whose static solutions have the same features of the Reissner-Nordstrom solutions, is obtained from the dimensional reduction of a four-dimensional (4D) string effective action invariant under S-duality transformations. The black hole solutions of the 2D model and their relationship with those of the 4D theory are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, Plain-Tex, no figure

    A note on Weyl transformations in two-dimensional dilaton gravity

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    We discuss Weyl (conformal) transformations in two-dimensional matterless dilaton gravity. We argue that both classical and quantum dilaton gravity theories are invariant under Weyl transformations.Comment: 8 pages, accepted for publication in Mod. Phys. Lett.


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    The most general two-dimensional dilaton gravity theory coupled to an Abelian gauge field is considered. It is shown that, up to spacetime diffeomorphisms and U(1)U(1) gauge transformations, the field equations admit a two-parameter family of distinct, static solutions. For theories with black hole solutions, coordinate invariant expressions are found for the energy, charge, surface gravity, Hawking temperature and entropy of the black holes. The Hawking temperature is proportional to the surface gravity as expected, and both vanish in the case of extremal black holes in the generic theory. A Hamiltonian analysis of the general theory is performed, and a complete set of (global) Dirac physical observables is obtained. The theory is then quantized using the Dirac method in the WKB approximation. A connection between the black hole entropy and the imaginary part of the WKB phase of the Dirac quantum wave functional is found for arbitrary values of the mass and U(1)U(1) charge. The imaginary part of the phase vanishes for extremal black holes and for eternal, non-extremal Reissner-Nordstrom black holes.Comment: Minor revisions only. Some references have been added, and some typographical errors correcte