1,174 research outputs found
The New IHO S-102 Standard: Charting a New Frontier for Bathymetry
Soundings and contours are the only official way data producers can push bathymetric information to the wide hydrographic community. The introduction of the S-102 standard for bathymetry will enable many possibilities within the community of bathymetry users. Liaising with the International Hydrographic Organization’s (IHO) Transfer Standard Maintenance and Application Development (TSMAD) Working Group, the Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) and the US Naval Oceano-graphic Office (NAVO) has led the development and practical testing of this revolutionary standard, officially called the Bathymetric Surface Product Specification S‑102. In partnership with IIC Technologies, GeoNet Technologies, and CARIS, CHS created one of the first prototypes of S‑102 datasets, using the CARIS Bathy DataBASE software suite. A portfolio of 86 high definition bathymetric charts was subsequently produced within a few weeks, successfully validating a speci-fication that will potentially change the manipulation of bathymetric data we’ve known for years.Los sondeos y las curvas de nivel son las Ăşnicas fuentes productoras de datos de forma oficial que pueden hacer llegar la informaciĂłn batimĂ©trica a la vasta comunidad hidrográfica. La introducciĂłn de la Norma S-102 para batimetrĂa permitirá varias posibilidades en el seno de la comunidad de los usuarios de batimetrĂa. La coordinaciĂłn con el Grupo de Trabajo de la OrganizaciĂłn Hidrográfica Internacional (OHI) sobre el Mantenimiento de la Norma de Transferencia y el Desarrollo de Aplicaciones (TSMAD), con el Servicio Hidrográfico Canadiense (SHC) y con el Servicio Oceanográfico de la Marina de EE.UU. (NAVO) ha guiado el desarrollo y las pruebas prácticas de esta norma revolucionaria, oficialmente denominada EspecificaciĂłn de Producto para la BatimetrĂa de Superficie S‑102. En asociaciĂłn con IIC Technologies, GeoNet Technologies y con CARIS, el SHC creĂł uno de los primeros prototipos de las colecciones de datos de la S‑102, utilizando la serie de programas informáticos “Bathy DataBASE” de CARIS. Un catálogo de 86 cartas batimĂ©tricas de alta definiciĂłn fue producido posteriormente en pocas semanas, validando con Ă©xito una especificaciĂłn que cambiará potencialmente la manipulaciĂłn de los datos batimĂ©tricos que hemos conocido durante años.Les sondes et les isobathes constituent la seule manière officielle qu’ont les producteurs de donnĂ©es pour diffuser les informations bathymĂ©triques Ă l’ensemble de la communautĂ© hydrographique. L’introduction de la norme S-102 pour la bathymĂ©trie offrira de nombreuses possibilitĂ©s Ă la communautĂ© des utilisateurs bathymĂ©triques. Les liaisons avec le groupe de travail de l’Organisation hydrographique internationale (OHI) sur la maintenance et le dĂ©veloppement d’applications de la norme de transfert (TSMAD), avec le Service hydrographique canadien (SHC) et avec le Service ocĂ©anographique naval des USA ont conduit au dĂ©veloppement et Ă la mise Ă l’essai de cette norme rĂ©volutionnaire, officiellement appelĂ©e SpĂ©cification de produit pour la bathymĂ©trie surfacique, S‑102. En partenariat avec IIC Technologies, GeoNet Technologies et CARIS, le SHC a crĂ©Ă© l’un des premiers prototypes des ensembles de donnĂ©es de la S‑102, Ă l’aide du logiciel Bathy DataBASE de CARIS. Un portefeuille contenant 86 cartes bathymĂ©triques en haute dĂ©finition a ensuite Ă©tĂ© produit dans les semaines qui ont suivi, validant avec succès une spĂ©cification qui modifiera potentiellement la manipulation des donnĂ©es bathymĂ©triques connues depuis des annĂ©es
High prevalence of extrapyramidal signs and symptoms in a group of Italian dental technicians
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licens
Social Capital, Ideology, and Health in the United States
Research from across disciplines has demonstrated that social and political contextual factors at the national and subnational levels can impact the health and health behavior risks of individuals. This paper examines the impact of state-level social capital and ideology on individual-level health out-comes in the United States. Leveraging the variation that exists across states in the United States, the results reveal that individuals report better health in states with higher levels of governmental liberalism and in states with higher levels of social capital. Critically, however, the effect of social capital was moderated by liberalism such that social capital was a stronger predictor of health in states with low levels of liberalism. We interpret this finding to mean that social capital within a political unit—as indicated by measures of interpersonal trust—can serve as a substitute for the beneficial impacts that might result from an active governmental structure
The Objective Benefits of Subjective Well-Being. In Helliwell, J., Layard, R., & Sachs, J., eds. World Happiness Report 2013
The aim of this paper is to survey the “hard” evidence on the effects of subjective well-being. In doing so, we complement the evidence on the determinants of well-being by showing that human well-being also affects outcomes of interest such as health, income, and social behavior. Generally, we observe a dynamic relationship between happiness and other important aspects of our lives, with influence running in both directions. We also discuss the moderating, mediating, and evolutionary dynamics of human well-being
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