36 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Use and Applicability of Different Variables for the Prescription of Relative Intensity in Bench Press Exercise

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    The aim of the study was to analyze the use of variables such as % of one-repetition maximum (1RM) and number of maximal repetitions (xRM) with execution velocity to define and control the intensity of resistance training in bench press exercise. Hence, exercise professionals will achieve better control of training through a greater understanding of its variables. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, fifty male physical education students were divided into four groups according to their relative strength ratio (RSR) and performed a 1RM bench press test (T1). In the second test, participants performed repetitions to exhaustion (T2), using a relative load corresponding to 70% 1RM determined through the mean propulsive velocity (MPV) obtained from the individual load–velocity relationship. This same test was repeated a week later (T3). Tests were monitored according to the MPV of each repetition and blood lactate values (LACT). Results: Regarding MPV, the best (fastest) repetition of the set (MPVrep Best) values were similar between groups (0.62 m·s−1–0.64 m·s−1), with significant differences in relation to the high RSR group (p 0.05). Average LACT values (5.72 mmol·L−1) showed significant differences between the Background: Medium RSR and Very Low RSR groups. No significant differences were found (p > 0.05) between T2 and T3 with regards to MNR, MPVrep Best, or MPVrep Last, with little variability seen between participants. Conclusions: The use of variables such as the 1RM, estimated using an absolute load value, or an MNR do not allow an adequate degree of precision to prescribe and control the relative intensity of resistance training. Besides, execution velocity control can offer an adequate alternative to guarantee an accurate prescription of intensity with regard to resistance training.Sección Deptal. de Radiología, Rehabilitación y Fisioterapia (Enfermería)Fac. de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y PodologíaTRUEpu

    Efectos de la fatiga sobre la actividad muscular durante sucesivos test de sentadilla (30 seg).

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    Resumen:  Introducción: La fatiga se define como la incapacidad del Sistema neuromuscular para mantener un nivel determinado de potencia. La monitorización de la pérdida de Altura de salto ha sido utilizada como un indicador de fatiga muscular. La Electromiografía (EMG) es también una herramienta adecuada para determinar la fatiga ya que tiene una alta correlación con las unidades motoras activas (reclutamiento de fibras musculares). El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar los efectos de la fatiga sobre la actividad muscular en las extremidades inferiores durante sucesivos test de media sentadilla (30 segundos). Métodos: 5 sujetos sanos entrenados participaron en el estudio. Realizaron 2 sesiones de test, un test de potencia máxima de media sentadilla y 4 series de un test de capacidad anaeróbica de media sentadilla (30 seg.). Resultados: Se observaron diferencias significativas (P=0.002) en la comparativa de los efectos inter-sujetos (Vasto lateral vs. Recto femoral). Observamos también diferencias significativas en la comparación por pares (P<0.001). Conclusiones: Observamos cómo la fatiga modifica la activación neuromuscular del vasto lateral y el recto femoral durante la ejecución de 4 test consecutivos de media sentadilla (30 seg.).Peer Reviewe

    Physiological Responses at 15 Minutes of Recovery after a Session of Functional Fitness Training in Well-Trained Athletes

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    The aim of this study was to analyse muscle fatigue and metabolic stress at 15 min of recovery after performing two independent sessions of functional fitness training (FFT): a session of strength functional fitness training (FFTstrength) and a session of endurance functional fitness training (FFTendurance). Methods: eighteen well-trained men conducted two protocols, separated by one week of rest: FFTstrength (3 sets of 21, 15 and 9 repetitions of Thruster with bar + Pull ups) and FFTendurance (3 sets × (30 kcal rowing + 15 kcal assault air bike)). Neuromuscular fatigue and metabolic stress were measured right before, right after and at 10 and 15 min after completing the FFT workout, as well as the mean heart rate (HRmean) and the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) at the end of the FFT. Results: FFTendurance recovered the velocity loss values after 15 min of recovery. On the other hand, FFTstrength only recovered velocity in the 1 m·s−1 Tests in squat (SQ), since the velocity levels were 7% lower in the 1 m·s−1 Tests in military press exercise (MP) after 15 min. Conclusions: These data indicate that there are specific recovery patterns not only as a function of the exercise and the body regions involved, but also regarding the recovery of neuromuscular and metabolic factors, since both FFT workouts obtained high blood lactate concentrations.Sección Deptal. de Radiología, Rehabilitación y Fisioterapia (Enfermería)Fac. de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y PodologíaTRUEAlfonso X el Sabio University Foundationpu

    Cardiorespiratory, metabolic and muscular responses during a video-recorded aerobic dance session on an air dissipation platform

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    Background: Aerobic dance (AD) is an appropriate physical activity for improving cardiorespiratory fitness. This study aimed to compare cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses, and muscle fatigue between an air dissipation platform (ADP) and a hard surface during a video-recorded AD session. Methods: 25 healthy young women (23.3 ± 2.5 years) completed three sessions. In session 1, participants performed an incremental test to exhaustion on a treadmill. One week after session 1, participants were randomly assigned in a crossover design to perform video-recorded AD sessions on an ADP and on a hard surface (sessions 2 and 3). Cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses were assessed during AD sessions. Muscular fatigue was measured before and after AD sessions by a countermovement jump test. Results: Significantly higher heart rate, respiratory exchange ratio, pulmonary ventilation, ventilatory oxygen equivalent, and ventilatory carbon dioxide equivalent were observed on an ADP than on a hard surface (p 0.05). Conclusions: Video-recorded AD on an ADP increased the cardioventilatory and metabolic responses compared to a hard surface, preventing further muscle fatigue

    Muscle Recovery after a Single Bout of Functional Fitness Training

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    Background: Functional fitness training (FFT) is a new exercise modality that targets functional multi-joint actions via both muscle-strengthening exercises and aerobic training intervals. The aim of the study was to examine muscle recovery over a 20 min period after an FFT workout in trained adults. Materials and methods: Participants were 28 healthy trained subjects. In a single session, a countermovement jump (CMJ) was performed to determine several mechanical variables (jump height, maximum velocity, power) before (preFFT) and 4, 10, and 20 min after the FFT workout (postFFT). In parallel, capillary blood lactate concentrations were measured pre- and 3 min postFFT. Heart rate was also measured before and after the workout, and perceived exertion was measured postFFT. Results: Significant differences between the time points preFFT and 4 min and 10 min postFFT, respectively, were produced in jump height (p = 0.022, p = 0.034), maximum velocity (p = 0.016, p = 0.005), average power relative (p = 0.018, p = 0.049), and average power total (p = 0.025, p = 0.049). No differences were observed in any of the variables recorded preFFT and 20 min postFFT. Conclusions: While mechanical variables indicating muscle fatigue were reduced 4 and 10 min postFFT, pre-exercise jump ability only really started to recover 20 min after FFT although not reaching pre-exercise levels. This means that ideally intervals of around 20 min of rest should be implemented between training bouts.Sección Deptal. de Radiología, Rehabilitación y Fisioterapia (Enfermería)Fac. de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y PodologíaTRUEAlfonso X el Sabio University Foundationpu

    Aerobic Dance on an Air Dissipation Platform Improves Cardiorespiratory, Muscular and Cellular Fitness in the Overweight and Obese Elderly

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    Background: Obesity is a global health problem associated with a high number of comorbidities that decrease functional capacity, especially in elderly people. Aerobic dance is considered a viable strategy to prevent the effects of aging, mainly in obese and overweight elderly people. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of aerobic dance on an air dissipation platform (ADP) on body composition, oxidative stress and muscular and cardiorespiratory fitness in elderly people. Methods: In total, 32 elderly adults (67.1 ± 3.6) were divided into 3 groups based on body mass index: healthy (HG), overweight (OWG) and obese (OG). Training program of aerobic dance on an ADP was carried out twice a week for 12 weeks. Results: OWG (p = 0.016) and OG decreased their weight (p < 0.001). There was a significant decrease in malondialdehyde concentrations in all experimental groups (p < 0.05). OWG and OG significantly improved their peak oxygen uptake (p < 0.01). HG increased the vertical jump height (p < 0.05), and HG and OG improved the power output of the lower extremities (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The aerobic dance on an ADP may be an effective alternative to lose weight, prevent oxidative stress and improve cardiorespiratory fitness in obese and overweight elderly people

    Toxic Habits and Well-Being Measures in Spanish Healthcare University Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: Unhealthy lifestyles are strongly entrenched in healthcare universities and have sometimes been linked to stress or lack of sleep. This study investigated the prevalence of toxic habits (smoking, patterns of harmful alcohol use, and illicit drug use), stress levels, perceived health status, and sleep duration and assessed the connections between toxic habits and said well-being measures, as well as healthcare students’ perception of the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on these health-related behaviors. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, healthcare students from Alfonso X University (Spain) completed a health survey composed of Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-C), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), self-perceived health status, and the number of hours of sleep. Results: A total of 997 healthcare students completed the survey, of which 982 were analyzed. Being a smoker (32.2%) was associated with worse health status and insufficient sleep. Risk drinkers (33.2%) were associated with being female, and the consumption of cannabinoids (6.7%), with being male. These three toxic habits were related to each other. High levels of stress (28.2%) were correlated with worse ratings in the perception of health status (29.2%) and with insufficient sleep (45.8%), and all of them were associated with the female sex. Respectively, 49.3% and 44.2% of students recognized a worsening in their perception of stress and their sleep habits during the pandemic. Conclusion: Healthcare universities must carry out health promotion programs for stress management, sleep habits, and unhealthy lifestyles

    Effects of Creatine Supplementation after 20 Minutes of Recovery in a Bench Press Exercise Protocol in Moderately Physically Trained Men

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    The aims of this study were to analyse the effect of creatine supplementation on the performance improvement in a bench pressing (BP) strength test of muscle failure and to evaluate muscle fatigue and metabolic stress 20 min after the exercise. Methods: Fifty young and healthy individuals were randomly assigned to a creatine group (n = 25) or a placebo group (n = 25). Three exercise sessions were carried out, with one week of rest between them. In the first week, a progressive load BP test was performed until the individuals reached the one repetition maximum (1RM) in order to for us obtain the load-to-velocity ratio of each participant. In the second week, the participants conducted a three-set BP exercise protocol against 70% 1RM, where they performed the maximum number of repetitions (MNR) until muscle failure occurred, with two minutes of rest between the sets. After one week, and following a supplementation period of 7 days, where half of the participants consumed 0.3 g·kg−1·day−1 of creatine monohydrate (CR) and the other half consumed 0.3 g·kg−1·day−1 of placebo (PLA, maltodextrin), the protocol from the second week was repeated. After each set, and up to 20 min after finishing the exercise, the blood lactate concentrations and mean propulsive velocity (MPV) at 1 m·s−1 were measured. Results: The CR group performed a significantly higher number of repetitions in Set 1 (CR = 14.8 repetitions, PLA = 13.6 repetitions, p = 0.006) and Set 2 (CR = 8 repetitions, PLA = 6.7 repetitions, p = 0.006) after supplementation, whereas no significant differences were seen in Set 3 (CR = 5.3 repetitions, PLA = 4.7 repetitions, p = 0.176). However, there was a significant increase in blood lactate at minute 10 (p = 0.003), minute 15 (p = 0.020), and minute 20 (p = 0.015) after the exercise in the post-supplementation period. Similarly, a significant increase was observed in the MPV at 1 m·s−1 in the CR group with respect to the PLA group at 10, 15, and 20 min after the exercise. Conclusions: Although the creatine supplementation improved the performance in the strength test of muscle failure, the metabolic stress and muscle fatigue values were greater during the 20 min of recovery

    Effect of Muscle Action on the Kinetic and Kinematic Behavior of the Barbell during Isoinertial Strength Assessment

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    An isoinertial strength assessment was performed to examine the kinetic and kinematic behavior of the barbell during several muscle actions. Velocity–time characteristics, force–time relationship, one repetition maximum (1RM), power output, and acceleration were compared in eccentric–concentric (EC) versus concentric only (C) sequences of the bench press (BP) and military press (MP). In two separate sessions, 28 and 29 resistance-trained athletes executed EC or C sequences in random order of the BP and MP, respectively, in an incremental load test up to their 1RM. Higher values were recorded in BP-EC than in BP-C, MP-EC, or MP-C (p p < 0.05). No differences were observed between exercises in the portion of the concentric phase where acceleration up to the braking phase took place. The eccentric muscle action prior to concentric movement was a key factor to enhance the kinematic and kinetic performance in BP exercise. No such effects of the countermovement were produced in MP

    Effect of Muscle Action on the Kinetic and Kinematic Behavior of the Barbell during Isoinertial Strength Assessment

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    An isoinertial strength assessment was performed to examine the kinetic and kinematic behavior of the barbell during several muscle actions. Velocity–time characteristics, force–time relationship, one repetition maximum (1RM), power output, and acceleration were compared in eccentric–concentric (EC) versus concentric only (C) sequences of the bench press (BP) and military press (MP). In two separate sessions, 28 and 29 resistance-trained athletes executed EC or C sequences in random order of the BP and MP, respectively, in an incremental load test up to their 1RM. Higher values were recorded in BP-EC than in BP-C, MP-EC, or MP-C (p &lt; 0.01) for peak acceleration, peak rate of force development, peak rate of velocity development, and power output. Significant differences were detected between exercises in terms of the portion of the concentric phase (%) at which peak acceleration was detected, or acceleration up until peak velocity was observed (p &lt; 0.05). No differences were observed between exercises in the portion of the concentric phase where acceleration up to the braking phase took place. The eccentric muscle action prior to concentric movement was a key factor to enhance the kinematic and kinetic performance in BP exercise. No such effects of the countermovement were produced in MP