10 research outputs found

    Hot Stars With Kepler Planets Have High Obliquities

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    It has been known for a decade that hot stars with hot Jupiters tend to have high obliquities. Less is known about the degree of spin-orbit alignment for hot stars with other kinds of planets. Here, we re-assess the obliquities of hot Kepler stars with transiting planets smaller than Neptune, based on spectroscopic measurements of their projected rotation velocities (vsini). The basis of the method is that a lower obliquity -- all other things being equal -- causes sini to be closer to unity and increases the value of vsini. We sought evidence for this effect using a sample of 150 Kepler stars with effective temperatures between 5950 and 6550K and a control sample of 101 stars with matching spectroscopic properties and random orientations. The planet hosts have systematically higher values of vsini than the control stars, but not by enough to be compatible with perfect spin-orbit alignment. The mean value of sini is 0.856 +/- 0.036, which is 4-sigma away from unity (perfect alignment), and 2-sigma away from pi/4 (random orientations). There is also evidence that the hottest stars have a broader obliquity distribution: when modeled separately, the stars cooler than 6250K have = 0.928 +/- 0.042, while the hotter stars are consistent with random orientations. This is similar to the pattern previously noted for stars with hot Jupiters. Based on these results, obliquity excitation for early-G and late-F stars appears to be a general outcome of star and planet formation, rather than being exclusively linked to hot Jupiter formation.Comment: AJ, in press [15 pages

    The TESS-Keck Survey. XVI. Mass Measurements for 12 Planets in Eight Systems

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    With JWST's successful deployment and unexpectedly high fuel reserves, measuring the masses of sub-Neptunes transiting bright, nearby stars will soon become the bottleneck for characterizing the atmospheres of small exoplanets via transmission spectroscopy. Using a carefully curated target list and more than two years' worth of APF-Levy and Keck-HIRES Doppler monitoring, the TESS-Keck Survey is working toward alleviating this pressure. Here we present mass measurements for 11 transiting planets in eight systems that are particularly suited to atmospheric follow-up with JWST. We also report the discovery and confirmation of a temperate super-Jovian-mass planet on a moderately eccentric orbit. The sample of eight host stars, which includes one subgiant, spans early-K to late-F spectral types (Teff=T_\mathrm{eff} = 5200--6200 K). We homogeneously derive planet parameters using a joint photometry and radial velocity modeling framework, discuss the planets' possible bulk compositions, and comment on their prospects for atmospheric characterization.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal on 2023-Jun-22. 60 pages, 17 Tables, 28 Figure

    An ultrahot Neptune in the Neptune desert

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    About 1 out of 200 Sun-like stars has a planet with an orbital period shorter than one day: an ultrashort-period planet. All of the previously known ultrashort-period planets are either hot Jupiters, with sizes above 10 Earth radii (R⊕), or apparently rocky planets smaller than 2 R⊕. Such lack of planets of intermediate size (the ‘hot Neptune desert’) has been interpreted as the inability of low-mass planets to retain any hydrogen/helium (H/He) envelope in the face of strong stellar irradiation. Here we report the discovery of an ultrashort-period planet with a radius of 4.6 R⊕ and a mass of 29 M⊕, firmly in the hot Neptune desert. Data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite revealed transits of the bright Sun-like star LTT 9779 every 0.79 days. The planet’s mean density is similar to that of Neptune, and according to thermal evolution models, it has a H/He-rich envelope constituting 9.0^(+2.7)_(−2.9)% of the total mass. With an equilibrium temperature around 2,000 K, it is unclear how this ‘ultrahot Neptune’ managed to retain such an envelope. Follow-up observations of the planet’s atmosphere to better understand its origin and physical nature will be facilitated by the star’s brightness (V_(mag) = 9.8)

    Tidal Dissipation Regimes among the Short-period Exoplanets

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    The efficiency of tidal dissipation provides a zeroth-order link to a planet’s physical properties. For super-Earth and sub-Neptune planets in the range R _⊕ ≲ R _p ≲ 4 R _⊕ , particularly efficient dissipation (i.e., low tidal quality factors) may signify terrestrial-like planets capable of maintaining rigid crustal features. Here, we explore global constraints on planetary tidal quality factors using a population of planets in multiple-planet systems whose orbital and physical properties indicate susceptibility to capture into secular spin–orbit resonances. Planets participating in secular spin–orbit resonance can maintain large axial tilts and significantly enhanced heating from obliquity tides. When obliquity tides are sufficiently strong, planets in low-order mean-motion resonances can experience resonant repulsion (period ratio increase). The observed distribution of period ratios among transiting planet pairs may thus depend nontrivially on the underlying planetary structures. We model the action of resonant repulsion and demonstrate that the observed distribution of period ratios near the 2:1 and 3:2 commensurabilities implies Q values spanning from Q ≈ 10 ^1 –10 ^7 and peaking at Q ≈ 10 ^6 . This range includes the expected range in which super-Earth and sub-Neptune planets dissipate ( Q ≈ 10 ^3 –10 ^4 ). This work serves as a proof of concept for a method of assessing the presence of two dissipation regimes, and we estimate the number of additional multitransiting planetary systems needed to place any bimodality in the distribution on a strong statistical footing

    The TESS-Keck Survey. XX. 15 New TESS Planets and a Uniform RV Analysis of All Survey Targets

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    The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has discovered hundreds of new worlds, with TESS planet candidates now outnumbering the total number of confirmed planets from Kepler. Owing to differences in survey design, TESS continues to provide planets that are better suited for subsequent follow-up studies, including mass measurement through radial velocity (RV) observations, compared to Kepler targets. In this work, we present the TESS-Keck Survey’s (TKS) Mass Catalog: a uniform analysis of all TKS RV survey data that has resulted in mass constraints for 126 planets and candidate signals. This includes 58 mass measurements that have reached ≥5 σ precision. We confirm or validate 32 new planets from the TESS mission either by significant mass measurement (15) or statistical validation (17), and we find no evidence of likely false positives among our entire sample. This work also serves as a data release for all previously unpublished TKS survey data, including 9,204 RV measurements and associated activity indicators over our three-year survey. We took the opportunity to assess the performance of our survey and found that we achieved many of our goals, including measuring the mass of 38 small (<4 R _⊕ ) planets, nearly achieving the TESS mission’s basic science requirement. In addition, we evaluated the performance of the Automated Planet Finder as survey support and observed meaningful constraints on system parameters, due to its more uniform phase coverage. Finally, we compared our measured masses to those predicted by commonly used mass–radius relations and investigated evidence of systematic bias

    An ultrahot Neptune in the Neptune desert

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    About 1 out of 200 Sun-like stars has a planet with an orbital period shorter than one day: an ultrashort-period planet1,2. All of the previously known ultrashort-period planets are either hot Jupiters, with sizes above 10 Earth radii (R⊕), or apparently rocky planets smaller than 2 R⊕. Such lack of planets of intermediate size (the ‘hot Neptune desert’) has been interpreted as the inability of low-mass planets to retain any hydrogen/helium (H/He) envelope in the face of strong stellar irradiation. Here we report the discovery of an ultrashort-period planet with a radius of 4.6 R⊕ and a mass of 29 M⊕, firmly in the hot Neptune desert. Data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite3 revealed transits of the bright Sun-like star LTT 9779 every 0.79 days. The planet’s mean density is similar to that of Neptune, and according to thermal evolution models, it has a H/He-rich envelope constituting 9.0+2.7−2.9% of the total mass. With an equilibrium temperature around 2,000 K, it is unclear how this ‘ultrahot Neptune’ managed to retain such an envelope. Follow-up observations of the planet’s atmosphere to better understand its origin and physical nature will be facilitated by the star’s brightness (Vmag = 9.8).<br