12 research outputs found

    UCDP External Support - Primary Warring Party Dataset

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    The UCDP, Uppsala Conflict Data Program, contains information on a large number data on organised violence, armed violence, and peacemaking. There is information from 1946 up to today, and the datasets are updated continuously. The data can be downloaded for free, and available in several different versions. The UCDP External Support Data contains information of external support in intrastate conflicts, 1975-2010. Provides information of kind of support, extern actor and specific year. The data is divided into two separate datasets which are analogous, i.e. contain identical data structured in a different manner to simplify various types of research such as different types of statistical analyses. Purpose: The Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) collects information on a large number of aspects of armed violence since 1946. The dataset provide data where the unit of analysis is a warring party-year, providing information on the existence, type, and provider of external support for all warring parties (actors) coded as active in UCDP data, on an annual basis.The dataset contains information for the time-period 1975–2010.UCDP, Uppsala Conflict Data Program vid Uppsala universitet, innehĂ„ller stora mĂ€ngder data över organiserat vĂ„ld, vĂ€pnade konflikter och fredsarbete. Idag tĂ€cker UCDPÂŽs data över hela vĂ€rlden, frĂ„n 1946 och framĂ„t, och finns presenterade i 13 olika dataset som kontinuerligt uppdateras. Datan finns tillgĂ€nglig för gratis nedladdning och anvĂ€ndning via UCDPÂŽs hemsida. UCDP External Support Data innehĂ„ller information om externt stöd i inomstatliga konflikter, mellan Ă„ren 1975-2010. Datan beskriver vad för typ av stöd, frĂ„n vilken aktör och vilka specifika Ă„r det gavs. Datan finns i tvĂ„ olika dataset som Ă€r identiska avseende innehĂ„ll men har strukturerats pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt. Syfte: Syftet för UCDP Ă€r att samla olika typer av information om vĂ€pnade konflikter frĂ„n hela vĂ€rlden, frĂ„n 1946 fram till idag. Ett dataset som ger data över externt stöd i inomstatliga konflikter, baserat pĂ„ stridande part-Ă„r. Information om förekomst och typ av stöd samt vem/vilka som ger stödet. TĂ€cker tidsperioden 1975-2010

    UCDP External Support – Disaggregated/Supporter Dataset

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    The UCDP, Uppsala Conflict Data Program, contains information on a large number data on organised violence, armed violence, and peacemaking. There is information from 1946 up to today, and the datasets are updated continuously. The data can be downloaded for free, and available in several different versions. The UCDP External Support Data contains information of external support in intrastate conflicts, 1975-2010. Provides information of kind of support, extern actor and specific year. The data is divided into two separate datasets which are analogous, i.e. contain identical data structured in a different manner to simplify various types of research such as different types of statistical analyses. Purpose: The Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) collects information on a large number of aspects of armed violence since 1946. The dataset provide data where the unit of analysis is the warring party-supporter-year, i.e. each row in the dataset contains information on the type of support that a warring party receives from a specific external party in a given year, using dummy variables for each category of support. The dataset contains information for the time-period 1975–2010.UCDP, Uppsala Conflict Data Program vid Uppsala universitet, innehĂ„ller stora mĂ€ngder data över organiserat vĂ„ld, vĂ€pnade konflikter och fredsarbete. Idag tĂ€cker UCDPÂŽs data över hela vĂ€rlden, frĂ„n 1946 och framĂ„t, och finns presenterade i 13 olika dataset som kontinuerligt uppdateras. Datan finns tillgĂ€nglig för gratis nedladdning och anvĂ€ndning via UCDPÂŽs hemsida. UCDP External Support Data innehĂ„ller information om externt stöd i inomstatliga konflikter, mellan Ă„ren 1975-2010. Datan beskriver vad för typ av stöd, frĂ„n vilken aktör och vilka specifika Ă„r det gavs. Datan finns i tvĂ„ olika dataset som Ă€r identiska avseende innehĂ„ll men har strukturerats pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt. Syfte: Syftet för UCDP Ă€r att samla olika typer av information om vĂ€pnade konflikter frĂ„n hela vĂ€rlden, frĂ„n 1946 fram till idag. Ett dataset som ger data över vilken typ av stöd en krigsförande aktör fĂ„r frĂ„n en specifik extern part under ett visst Ă„r, med dmmy-varibler för varje kategori av stöd. Datasetet tĂ€cker tidsperioden 1975-2010

    Armed Conflict, 1946-2010

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    In 2010, UCDP recorded 30 active armed conflicts (i.e. with a minimum of 25 battle-related deaths). This is a substantial reduction in relation to the 36 conflicts registered for 2009. A drop of this magnitude has only been reported four times previously in the post-1946 period. However, only in two of these instances was this part of a general downward trend. Thus no major inferences should be drawn, except perhaps that the reduction in conflicts in Africa seems to be part of a trend. At 30 in 2010, the number of active conflicts is at its lowest level since 2003. Furthermore, the number of wars (1,000 or more battle-related deaths) declined from six in 2009 to four in 2010. The most intense war in terms of fatalities was in Afghanistan. Eight of the armed conflicts listed for 2009 were not active in 2010, but during the year two new conflicts erupted - Mauritania and Tajikistan - both involving rebel groups that had previously fought in neighbouring countries. Only two peace agreements were concluded during the year. While this is one more than 2009, it is decidedly below the annual average for the post-Cold War period.conflict, data, dyad, peace agreement, war