64 research outputs found

    Ancillary services analysis of an offshore wind farm cluster-technical integration steps of a simulation tool

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    In this publication, the authors present methodology and example results for the analysis of ancillary services of an offshore wind farm cluster and its electrical power system. Thereby the operation tool Wind Cluster Management System (WCMS) is used as simulation tool to evaluate certain planning scenarios. Emphasis is made on two topics: 1) the integration of high voltage direct current (HVDC) technology to the WCMS, 2) the ancillary service analysis. As examples, voltage source converter based HVDC (VSC-HVDC) and the provision of reserve respectively balancing power are discussed in detail. The analyzed study case considers the Kriegers Flak area while the associated power system connects wind farms to Sweden, Denmark and Germany.EC/FP7/ENERGY-2011-1/ 28279

    A systematic comparison and evaluation of biclustering methods for gene expression data

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    Motivation: In recent years, there have been various efforts to overcome the limitations of standard clustering approaches for the analysis of gene expression data by grouping genes and samples simultaneously. The underlying concept, which is often referred to as biclustering, allows to identify sets of genes sharing compatible expression patterns across subsets of samples, and its usefulness has been demonstrated for different organisms and datasets. Several biclustering methods have been proposed in the literature; however, it is not clear how the different techniques compare with each other with respect to the biological relevance of the clusters as well as with other characteristics such as robustness and sensitivity to noise. Accordingly, no guidelines concerning the choice of the biclustering method are currently available. Results: First, this paper provides a methodology for comparing and validating biclustering methods that includes a simple binary reference model. Although this model captures the essential features of most biclustering approaches, it is still simple enough to exactly determine all optimal groupings; to this end, we propose a fast divide-and-conquer algorithm (Bimax). Second, we evaluate the performance of five salient biclustering algorithms together with the reference model and a hierarchical clustering method on various synthetic and real datasets for Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Arabidopsis thaliana. The comparison reveals that (1) biclustering in general has advantages over a conventional hierarchical clustering approach, (2) there are considerable performance differences between the tested methods and (3) already the simple reference model delivers relevant patterns within all considered settings. Availability: The datasets used, the outcomes of the biclustering algorithms and the Bimax implementation for the reference model are available at Contact: [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available a

    Intervallstudie "Entwicklungsfaktoren und Entwicklungsformen von Jugendlichen in der DDR": Forschungsbericht zum Schuljahr 1968/69 (ausgewählte Bereiche) ; Teil I

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    Der Forschungsbericht basiert auf einer Befragung von 1035 Schülern aus 11 Schulen des Landkreises Leipzig. Er enthält Ergebnisse, Interpretationen und Folgerungen für die Untersuchungsbereiche politisch-ideologische Einstellungen, Lerneinstellung und -motivation, Gruppenverhalten in Freizeitgruppen und Pionierorganisation, Einfluß von Massenkommunikationsmitteln sowie Berufswunsch und Berufswahl. Thematische Schwerpunkte sind der Klassenstandpunkt, der Entwicklungsstandpunkt des Gruppenverhaltens, Einstellungen zu Familie und Beruf, der Gesundheitszustand und das Bild des konkreten Lebensmilieus. Ergebnis der Untersuchung ist die Feststellung, daß staatliche Institutionen, Schule, Betriebe und Berufsberatungsorgane die Eltern besser befähigen müssen, ihre Kinder sach- und fachkundig bei der Berufswahl zu unterstützen. (ICE

    β-(1→3)-D-glucan modulates DNA binding of nuclear factors κB, AT and IL-6 leading to an anti-inflammatory shift of the IL-1β/IL-1 receptor antagonist ratio

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    BACKGROUND: β-1→3-D-glucans represent a pathogen-associated molecular pattern and are able to modify biological responses. Employing a comprehensive methodological approach, the aim of our in vitro study was to elucidate novel molecular and cellular mechanisms of human peripheral blood immune cells mediated by a fungal β-1→3-D-glucan, i.e. glucan phosphate, in the presence of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (TSST-1). RESULTS: Despite an activation of nuclear factor (NF)κB, NFinterleukin(IL)-6 and NFAT similar to LPS or TSST-1, we observed no significant production of IL-1β, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor α or interferon γ induced by glucan phosphate. Glucan phosphate-treated leukocytes induced a substantial amount of IL-8 (peak at 18 h: 5000 pg/ml), likely due to binding of NFκB to a consensus site in the IL-8 promoter. An increase in IL-1receptor antagonist(RA) production (peak at 24 h: 12000 pg/ml) by glucan phosphate-treated cells positively correlated with IL-8 levels. Glucan phosphate induced significant binding to a known NFIL-6 site and a new NFAT site within the IL-1RA promoter, which was confirmed by inhibition experiments. When applied in combination with either LPS or TSST-1 at the same time points, we detected that glucan phosphate elevated the LPS- and the TSST-1-induced DNA binding of NFκB, NFIL-6 and NFAT, leading to a synergistic increase of IL-1RA. Further, glucan phosphate modulated the TSST-1-induced inflammatory response via reduction of IL-1β and IL-6. As a consequence, glucan phosphate shifted the TSST-1-induced IL-1β/IL-1RA ratio towards an anti-inflammatory phenotype. Subsequently, glucan phosphate decreased the TSST-1-induced, IL-1-dependent production of IL-2. CONCLUSION: Thus, β-1→3-D-glucans may induce beneficial effects in the presence of pro-inflammatory responses, downstream of receptor binding and signaling by switching a pro- to an anti-inflammatory IL-1RA-mediated reaction. Our results also offer new insights into the complex regulation of the IL-1RA gene, which can be modulated by a β-1→3-D-glucan

    Β-(I→3)-D-Glucan Modulates Dna Binding of Nuclear Factors κB, at and IL-6 Leading to an Anti-Inflammatory Shift of the IL-I β/IL-I Receptor Antagonist Ratio

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    Background: β-1→3-D-glucans represent a pathogen-associated molecular pattern and are able to modify biological responses. Employing a comprehensive methodological approach, the aim of our in vitro study was to elucidate novel molecular and cellular mechanisms of human peripheral blood immune cells mediated by a fungal β-1→3-D-glucan, i.e. glucan phosphate, in the presence of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (TSST-1). Results: Despite an activation of nuclear factor (NF)κB, NFinterleukin(IL)-6 and NFAT similar to LPS or TSST-1, we observed no significant production of IL-1β, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor α or interferon γ induced by glucan phosphate. Glucan phosphate-treated leukocytes induced a substantial amount of IL-8 (peak at 18 h: 5000 pg/ ml), likely due to binding of NFκB to a consensus site in the IL-8 promoter. An increase in IL-1 receptor antagonist(RA) production (peak at 24 h: 12000 pg/ml) by glucan phosphate-treated cells positively correlated with IL-8 levels. Glucan phosphate induced significant binding to a known NFIL-6 site and a new NFAT site within the IL-1RA promoter, which was confirmed by inhibition experiments. When applied in combination with either LPS or TSST-1 at the same time points, we detected that glucan phosphate elevated the LPS- and the TSST-1-induced DNA binding of NFκB, NFIL-6 and NFAT, leading to a synergistic increase of IL-1RA. Further, glucan phosphate modulated the TSST-1-induced inflammatory response via reduction of IL-Iβ and IL-6. As a consequence, glucan phosphate shifted the TSST-1-induced IL-1β/IL-1RA ratio towards an anti-inflammatory phenotype. Subsequently, glucan phosphate decreased the TSST-1-induced, IL-1-dependent production of IL-2. Conclusion: Thus, β-1→3-D-glucans may induce beneficial effects in the presence of pro-inflammatory responses, downstream of receptor binding and signaling by switching a pro- to an anti-inflammatory IL-1RA-mediated reaction. Our results also offer new insights into the complex regulation of the IL-1RA gene, which can be modulated by a β-1→3-D-glucan

    Forschungsbericht über die 1. Untersuchungsetappe der Intervallstudie (IS) "ABF-Studenten"

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    Die Studie beabsichtigt, Erscheinungsformen, Bedingungen und Zusammenhänge der Entwicklung und Erziehung von 16-18 jährigen Jugendlichen zu ermitteln, die in einem zweijährigen Studium an der ABF "Walter Ulbricht" in Halle auf ein Studium im sozialistischen Ausland vorbereitet werden. Es werden die Ergebnisse einer schriftlichen Befragung, eines Wochenprotokolls und eines Lebenstiltests (im November 1968) von 360 ABF-Studenten des ersten Studienjahres dargestellt und abschließend Schlußfolgerungen gezogen für die Verbesserung der staatlichen Leitungstätigkeit und der Führung der FDJ-Studenten durch die FDJ-Leitungen. Im wesentlichen wurden folgende Einstellungen befragt: (1) politisch-ideologische (Klassenmäßige Positionen und politische Grundeinstellung, zur Politik und gesellschaftlichen Aktivität); (2) zum Studium und Lehrkörper (Studienmotivation, zu Arbeit und Beruf, zur Berufstätigkeit der Frau); (3) zu Massenkommunikationsmitteln und (4) zu Mikrogruppen (Freundeskreis, Familie, FDJ-Mitgliederversammlungen, Freizeit, zu sexuellen Beziehungen und zum täglichen Zeitfond der Studenten). Es wird u.a. festgestellt, daß die Studenten ein relativ einheitliches zielanstrebendes Verhalten und gleichwertige Verhaltensbereitschaft im Sinne der sozialistischen Verhaltensnormen zeigen. (SM

    Nuevos materiales bioorgánicos de actividad antitumoral

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    El presente trabajo describe la síntesis, caracterización y evaluación de la actividad antitumoral in vitro de nuevos compuestos orgánicos derivados del 4-R-fenil-1-(X-tiazol-2/5-carbaldehído) tiosemicarbazona (R=H, fenilo; X=fenilo, o-/m-/p-OCH3-fenilo, p-Cl/F-fenilo, morfolinilo, Cl, N(CH3)2, metilo) y Xtriazol- 5-carbaldehído tiosemicarbazona (X=H, fenilo, p-Cl-fenilo). La preparación de estos compuestos se realizó mediante la reacción de condensación entre la tiosemicarbazida o 4-feniltiosemicarbazida y los derivados tiazol-2/5-carbaldehído o triazol-5-carbaldehído, para lo cual se empleó como solvente el metanol. La caracterización química se realizó mediante análisis elemental, espectrometría de masas, técnicas espectroscópicas de infrarrojo (FT-IR) y resonancia magnética nuclear (1H, 13C), y difracción de rayos X.El presente trabajo describe la síntesis, caracterización y evaluación de la actividad antitumoral in vitro de nuevos compuestos orgánicos derivados del 4-R-fenil-1-(X-tiazol-2/5-carbaldehído) tiosemicarbazona (R=H, fenilo; X=fenilo, o-/m-/p-OCH3-fenilo, p-Cl/F-fenilo, morfolinilo, Cl, N(CH3)2, metilo) y Xtriazol- 5-carbaldehído tiosemicarbazona (X=H, fenilo, p-Cl-fenilo). La preparación de estos compuestos se realizó mediante la reacción de condensación entre la tiosemicarbazida o 4-feniltiosemicarbazida y los derivados tiazol-2/5-carbaldehído o triazol-5-carbaldehído, para lo cual se empleó como solvente el metanol. La caracterización química se realizó mediante análisis elemental, espectrometría de masas, técnicas espectroscópicas de infrarrojo (FT-IR) y resonancia magnética nuclear (1H, 13C), y difracción de rayos X

    Sparse graphical Gaussian modeling of the isoprenoid gene network in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    We present a novel graphical Gaussian modeling approach for reverse engineering of genetic regulatory networks with many genes and few observations. When applying our approach to infer a gene network for isoprenoid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana, we detect modules of closely connected genes and candidate genes for possible cross-talk between the isoprenoid pathways. Genes of downstream pathways also fit well into the network. We evaluate our approach in a simulation study and using the yeast galactose network

    Curare alkaloids from Matis Dart Poison: Comparison with d-tubocurarine in interactions with nicotinic, 5-HT3 serotonin and GABAA receptors.

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    Several novel bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloids (BBIQAs) have recently been isolated from a Matis tribe arrow poison and shown by two-electrode voltage-clamp to inhibit mouse muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR). Here, using radioligand assay with Aplysia californica AChBP and radioiodinated α-bungarotoxin ([125I]-αBgt), we show that BBIQA1, BBIQA2, and d-tubocurarine (d-TC) have similar affinities to nAChR orthosteric site. However, a competition with [125I]-αBgt for binding to the Torpedo californica muscle-type nAChR revealed that BBIQAs1, 2, and 3 are less potent (IC50s = 26.3, 8.75, and 17.0 μM) than d-TC (IC50 = 0.39 μM), while with α7 nAChR in GH4C1 cells, BBIQA1 was less potent that d-TC (IC50s = 162 μM and 7.77 μM, respectively), but BBIQA2 was similar (IC50 = 5.52 μM). In inhibiting the Ca2+ responses induced by acetylcholine in Neuro2a cells expressing the mouse adult α1β1εδ nAChR or human α7 nAChR, BBIQAs1 and 2 had similar potencies to d-TC (IC50s in the range 0.75-3.08 μM). Our data suggest that BBIQA1 and BBIQA2 can inhibit adult muscle α1β1εδ nAChR by both competitive and noncompetitive mechanisms. Further experiments on neuronal α3β2, α4β2, and α9α10 nAChRs, expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, showed that similar potencies for BBIQAs1, 2, and d-TC. With α3β2γ2 GABAAR currents were almost completely inhibited by d-TC at a high (100 μM) concentration, but BBIQAs1 and 2 were less potent (only 40-50% inhibition), whereas in competition with Alexa Fluor 546-α-cobratoxin for binding to α1β3γ2 GABAAR in Neuro2a cells, d-TC and these analogs had comparable affinities. Especially interesting effects of BBIQAs1 and 2 in comparison with d-TC were observed for 5-HT3AR: BBIQA1 and BBIQA2 were 5- and 87-fold less potent than d-TC (IC50 = 22.63 nM). Thus, our results reveal that these BBIQAs differ from d-TC in their potencies towards certain Cys-loop receptors, and we suggest that understanding the reasons behind this might be useful for future drug design.The work of ENS, IAI, DSK, IVS, AIG, LVS, and VIT was supported by the Russian Science Foundation Grant 16-14-00215 (http://rscf. ru/en). The work of IEK was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research Grant 18- 04-01366 (http://www.rfbr.ru/rffi/eng). The work of SCRL was supported by a Medical Research Council Grant MR L021676 (https://mrc.ukri.org/)

    Dual reactivity of imidic carbonyl ylides in Rh(II)-catalyzed reactions of alpha-diazocarbonyl compounds with succinimide

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    Stabilization of imidic carbonyl ylides derived from alpha-diazocarbonyl compounds and succinimide occurs in two different ways: ylides from diazoesters experience a [1,4]-hydrogen shift to produce the corresponding O-alkylimidates while their analogues with at least one acyl group undergo [1,5]-electrocyclization yielding 1,3-dioxoles