514 research outputs found

    Editorial to the special issue “lipidomics and neurodegenerative diseases”

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    The contribution of dysregulation of lipid signaling and metabolism to neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s is the focus of this special issue. Here, the matter of three reviews and one research article is summarized

    Lipidomics of the edible brown alga wakame (Undaria pinnatifida) by liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization and tandem mass spectrometry

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    The lipidome of a brown seaweed commonly known as wakame (Undaria pinnatifida), which is grown and consumed around the world, including Western countries, as a healthy nutraceutical food or supplement, was here extensively examined. The study was focused on the characterization of phospholipids (PL) and glycolipids (GL) by liquid chromatography (LC), either hydrophilic interaction LC (HILIC) or reversed-phase LC (RPLC), coupled to electrospray ionization (ESI) and mass spectrometry (MS), operated both in high and in low-resolution mode. Through the acquisition of single (MS) and tandem (MS/MS) mass spectra more than 200 PL and GL of U. pinnatifida extracts were characterized in terms of lipid class, fatty acyl (FA) chain composition (length and number of unsaturations), and regiochemistry, namely 16 SQDG, 6 SQMG, 12 DGDG, 5 DGMG, 29 PG, 8 LPG, 19 PI, 14 PA, 19 PE, 8 PE, 38 PC, and 27 LPC. The FA (C16:0) was the most abundant saturated acyl chain, whereas the monounsaturated C18:1 and the polyunsaturated C18:2 and C20:4 chains were the prevailing ones. Odd-numbered acyl chains, i.e., C15:0, C17:0, C19:0, and C19:1, were also recognized. While SQDG exhibited the longest and most unsaturated acyl chains, C18:1, C18:2, and C18:3, in the sn-1 position of glycerol, they were preferentially located in the sn-2 position in the case of PL. The developed analytical approach might pave the way to extend lipidomic investigations also for other edible marine algae, thus emphasizing their potential role as a source of bioactive lipids

    Music Teacher Education at a Liberal Arts College

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    In 2012, a committee at a small Midwestern liberal arts college, Lake Forest College, embarked on a journey to create a music education teacher licensure major. Drawing from narrative inquiry, this article reports how the dean of faculty, education department chair, music department chair, and assistant professor of music/music education coordinator collaborated on a curricular creation. Findings from this process included (a) the created music education major, (b) each participant’s rationale for wanting the new music education major, (c) valued components of the music education major, and (d) unique elements of a music education major at a liberal arts college. Implications from this experience could be valuable for music education programs at small liberal arts colleges, those involved in university/school partnerships such as professional development schools, and those looking to advocate for their music education programs across campus

    Bioactive Secoiridoids in Italian Extra-Virgin Olive Oils: Impact of Olive Plant Cultivars, Cultivation Regions and Processing

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    In the last two decades, phenolic compounds occurring in olive oils known as secoiridoids have attracted a great interest for their bioactivity. Four major olive oil secoiridoids, i.e., oleuropein and ligstroside aglycones, oleacin and oleocanthal, were previously characterized in our laboratory using reversed-phase liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization-Fourier transform-mass spectrometry (RPLC-ESI-FTMS). The same analytical approach, followed by multivariate statistical analysis (i.e., Principal Component Analysis), was applied here to a set of 60 Italian extra-virgin olive oils (EVOO). The aim was to assess the secoiridoid contents as a function of olive cultivars, place of cultivation (i.e., different Italian regions) and olive oil processing, in particular two- vs. three-phase horizontal centrifugation. As expected, higher secoiridoid contents were generally found in olive oils produced by two-phase horizontal centrifugation. Moreover, some region/cultivar-related trends were evidenced, as oleuropein and ligstroside aglycones prevailed in olive oils produced in Apulia (Southern Italy), whereas the contents of oleacin and oleocanthal were relatively higher in EVOO produced in Central Italy (Tuscany, Lazio and Umbria). A lower content of all the four secoiridoids was generally found in EVOO produced in Sicily (Southern Italy) due to the intrinsic low abundance of these bioactive compounds in cultivars typical of that region

    Fatty acid neutral losses observed in tandem mass spectrometry with collision-induced dissociation allows regiochemical assignment of sulfoquinovosyl-diacylglycerols

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    A full characterization of sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerols (SQDGs) in the lipid extract of spinach leaves has been achieved using liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization-linear quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry (MS). Low-energy collision-induced dissociation tandem MS (MS/MS) of the deprotonated species [M - H]- was exploited for a detailed study of sulfolipid fragmentation. Losses of neutral fatty acids from the acyl side chains (i.e. [M - H - RCOOH]-) were found to prevail over ketene losses ([M - H - R'CHCO]-) or carboxylates of long-chain fatty acids ([RCOO]-), as expected for gas-phase acidity of SQDG ions. A new concerted mechanism for RCOOH elimination, based on a charge-remote fragmentation, is proposed. The preferential loss of a fatty acids molecule from the sn-1 position (i.e. [M - H - R1COOH]-) of the glycerol backbone, most likely due to kinetic control of the gas-phase fragmentation process, was exploited for the regiochemical assignment of the investigated sulfolipids. As a result, 24 SQDGs were detected and identified in the lipid extract of spinach leaves, their number and variety being unprecedented in the field of plant sulfolipids. Moreover, the prevailing presence of a palmitic acyl chain (16:0) on the glycerol sn-2 position of spinach SQDGs suggests a prokaryotic or chloroplastic path as the main route for their biosynthesis

    Hydrophilic interaction and reversed phase mixed-mode liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution tandem mass spectrometry for polar lipids analysis

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    A hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) fused-core column (150 Ă— 2.1 mm ID, 2.7 ÎŒm particle size) and a short reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) column (20 mm Ă— 2.1 mm ID, 1.9 ÎŒm) were serially coupled to perform mixed-mode chromatography (MMC) on complex mixtures of phospholipids (PL). Mobile phase composition and gradient elution program were, preliminarily, optimized using a mixture of phosphatidylcholines (PC), phosphatidylethanolamines (PE), their corresponding lyso-forms (LPC and LPE), and sphingomyelins (SM). Thus a mixture of PC extracted from soybean was characterized by MMC coupled to electrospray ionization (ESI) high-resolution Fourier-transform mass spectrometry (FTMS) using an orbital trap analyzer. Several previously undiscovered PC, including positional isomers (i.e. 16:0/19:1 and 19:1/16:0) of PC 35:1 and skeletal isomers (i.e. 18:1/18:2 and 18:0/18:3) of PC 36:3 were identified. Therefore, high-resolution MS/MS spectra unveiled the occurrence of isomers for several overall side chain compositions. The proposed MMC-ESI-FTMS/MS approach revealed an unprecedented capability in disclosing complexity of an actual lipid extract, thus representing a very promising approach to lipidomics

    Provision of the CTF3 Photoinjector Laser Oscillator

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    Microwave apparatus for gravitational waves observation

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    In this report the theoretical and experimental activities for the development of superconducting microwave cavities for the detection of gravitational waves are presented.Comment: 42 pages, 28 figure

    Synthesis of the Stationary Phase IS-Anionic (Internal Surface-Anionic) for Extraction of Ochratoxin A and B from Samples of Beers

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    A new IS-anionic stationary phase was synthesized to make on-line extraction of the ochratoxin A and B from samples of beer for HPLC. The propyltriethylammonium chloride stationary phase was characterized affecting it’s elementary determination and RI specter, respectively. Evaluation of the IS-anionic column for the extraction and quantification of OTA and OTB in beer has shown that the column is suitable for efficient extraction (recovery >76.5%) and precise analysis. The detection limits for OTA and OTB were 0.03 and 0.07 ÎŒgL−1, respectively. The range of detector linearity was 0.03 at 20 ÎŒgL−1
