1,091 research outputs found

    La construcción social del género (la imagen de las mujeres vista por los MCM)

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    Grupo de Investigación en Estructura, Historia y Contenidos de la Comunicación. GREHCCO HUM618Laboratorio de Estudios en Comunicación (LADECOM

    Whipping Instabilities in Electrified Liquid Jets

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    A liquid jet may develop different types of instabilities, like the so-called Rayleigh-Plateau instability, which breaks the jet into droplets. However, another type of instabilities may appear when we electrify a liquid jet and induce some charge at his surface. Among them, the most common is the so-called Whipping Instability, which is characterized by violent and fast lashes of the jet. In the submitted fluid dynamic video(see http://hdl.handle.net/1813/11422), we will show an unstable charged glycerine jet in a dielectric liquid bath, which permits an enhanced visualization of the instability. For this reason, it is probably the first time that these phenomena are visualized with enough clarity to analyze features as the effect of the feeding liquid flow rate through the jet or as the surprising spontaneous stabilization at some critical distance to the ground electrode.Comment: 3 pages, no figures, links to videos, Submission to the 26th Gallery of Fluid Motion (2009

    Self-Regulation of SMR Power Led to an Enhancement of Functional Connectivity of Somatomotor Cortices in Fibromyalgia Patients

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    Neuroimaging studies have demonstrated that altered activity in somatosensory and motor cortices play a key role in pain chronification. Neurofeedback training of sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) is a tool which allow individuals to self-modulate their brain activity and to produce significant changes over somatomotor brain areas. Several studies have further shown that neurofeedback training may reduce pain and other pain-related symptoms in chronic pain patients. The goal of the present study was to analyze changes in SMR power and brain functional connectivity of the somatosensory and motor cortices elicited by neurofeedback task designed to both synchronize and desynchronize the SMR power over motor and somatosensory areas in fibromyalgia patients. Seventeen patients were randomly assigned to the SMR training (n = 9) or to a sham protocol (n = 8). All participants were trained during 6 sessions, and fMRI and EEG power elicited by synchronization and desynchronization trials were analyzed. In the SMR training group, four patients achieved the objective of SMR modulation in more than 70% of the trials from the second training session (good responders), while five patients performed the task at the chance level (bad responders). Good responders to the neurofeedback training significantly reduced pain and increased both SMR power modulationandfunctionalconnectivityofmotorandsomatosensoryrelatedareasduring the last neurofeedback training session, whereas no changes in brain activity or pain were observed in bad responders or participants in the sham group. In addition, we observed that good responders were characterized by reduced impact of fibromyalgia and pain symptoms, as well as by increased levels of health-related quality of life during the pre-training sessions. In summary, the present study revealed that neurofeedback training of SMR elicited significant brain changes in somatomotor areas leading to a significant reduction of pain in fibromyalgia patients. In this sense, our research provide evidence that neurofeedback training is a promising tool for a better understanding of brain mechanisms involved in pain chronification

    La mujer docente vista por el cine. Profesoras no oficiales: institutrices, preceptoras, educadoras especiales… Un estudio en 11 filmes

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    Estudio de mujeres docentes con un matiz muy especial que se puede definir como “ser una sola persona para la tarea educadora de una sola personita ”. Se trata de una forma particular de docencia, fuera del Sistema Educativo reglado. Es la modalidad de “uno-uno”, (un docente, un discente). Aunque hay veces que un discente se encarga del cuidado y la formación de la infancia de una familia. Suele ser una mujer joven a la que se denomina “Nanny”, “Señorita”, “Miss” o mucho más frecuentemente “Institutriz” y en el cine casi siempre se reserva a las mujeres el protagonismo de estos filmes aunque, muy escasamente, aparecen hombres en estos roles. La filmografía sobre esta temática es relativamente abundante y tiene variedades y estilos bastante diversos. Después del análisis de un amplio número de filmes hemos seleccionado once películas que, según sus contenidos y propuestas educativas, cubren un amplio abanico pedagógico: 1) las clásicas institutrices hogareñas; 2) mujeres irreales, que recuerdan a las “hadas” de los cuentos clásicos sin abandonar la intención educativa y 3) docentes excepcionales que, dentro o fuera del sistema educativo, atienden a un solo alumno o alumna también excepcional.Teaching women study with a special shade that can be defined as “being just one person for the educational task of just one little person”. It is a particular form of teaching, out of the ruled Educational System. It is the “one-one” modality (one teacher, one pupil). Sometimes the pupil is in charge of the care and the training of the childhood of a family. It is often a young woman called “Nanny”, “Miss” or, more frequently, “Governess”, and at the cinematographic industry women are usually the protagonists of these films but, scarcely, men appear at those roles. The filmography of this subject is relatively abundant and has quite diverse varieties and styles. After the analysis of a wide number of films, we have chosen eleven films that, according to their contents and educational suggestions, cover a wide educational variety: 1) classical domestic governesses; 2) unreal women, that remind us of “fairies” of classical stories without leaving the educational intention; and 3) exceptional teachers that, in or out the educational system, look after one pupil, also exceptional

    Social comparisons are associated with poorer and riskier financial decision making, no matter whether encounters are sporadic or repeated

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    Previous research suggests that social comparisons affect decision making under uncertainty. However, the role of the length of the social interaction for this relationship remains unknown. This experiment tests the effect of social comparisons on financial risk taking and how this effect is modulated by whether social encounters are sporadic or repeated. Participants carried out a computer task consisting of a series of binary choices between lotteries of varying profitability and risk, with real monetary stakes. After each decision, participants could compare their own payoff to that of a counterpart who made the same decision at the same time and whose choices/earnings did not affect the participants’ earnings. The design comprised three between-subjects treatments which differed in the nature of the social interaction: participants were informed that they would be matched with either (a) a different participant in each trial, (b) the same participant across all trials, or (c) a "virtual participant", i.e. a computer algorithm. Compared to the non-social condition (c), subjects in both social conditions (a and b) chose lotteries with lower expected value (z=-3.10, p<0.01) and higher outcome variance (z=2.13, p=0.03). However, no differences were found between the two social conditions (z=1.15, p=0.25 and z=0.35, p=0.73, respectively). These results indicate that social comparison information per se leads to poorer and riskier financial decisions, irrespective of whether or not the referent other is encountered repeatedly

    Arrinconando estereotipos en la televisión: un análisis transnacional

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    Este trabajo es uno de los resultados del proyecto “ARESTE: Arrinconando estereotipos en los Medios de Comunicación” que ha sido desarrollado dentro del programa de Apoyo a las Estrategias Marco Comunitaria sobre igualdad entre hombres y mujeres (2001-2005); habiendo sido promovido por la Dirección General de la Mujer de la Consejería de Trabajo de la Comunidad de Madrid (España). El contenido que presentamos es fruto del trabajo en equipo de socios nacionales y transnacionales de cuatro países: Francia, Italia, Portugal y España. Surge como respuesta a la necesidad de seguir avanzando en la igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres porque todavía existen razones para considerar que existen desigualdades. Los estereotipos de género siguen estando presentes y siguen atribuyendo papeles diferentes a hombres y mujeres y culminan con un proceso de valoración en el que, mayoritariamente, prevalece lo masculino en detrimento de lo femenino. Este proceso de estereotipia conduce, en muchas ocasiones, a prejuicios sociales. Una forma de “arrinconar” estereotipos es analizar la televisión valorándola como agente de socialización y de cambio en la ciudadanía. Las consecuentes reflexionas pueden servir de guía para la formación universitaria en el campo de las Ciencias de la Información