166 research outputs found

    Collective empowerment through information and communication technologies: co-creation processes in underserved communities in Cape Town

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    This research investigates the potential of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to provide opportunities for groups of people to improve their lives and their communities. Further, the study explores innovative methodological approaches which could be conducive for collective empowerment. Grounded in current ICT4D research, the thesis tries to resolve the gap related to how to include collective approaches and participation in design. The study is framed by critical social theory and the capability approach but with special attention to collective and relational dimensions of agency, capabilities and empowerment. The analysis is based on three digital co-creation case studies which unfolded over a four-year project in underserved settlements in Cape Town, South Africa. The study employed a qualitative methodological approach and followed abductive logic. The research evolved through cycles of ethnographic studies; co-design; and theoretical phases. Each cycle built on the previous one in theory and practice. The initial inductive approach employed open coding followed by content analysis to reflect on the discourses and meanings of ICTs originating from the focus groups in the communities. In the design phase, three case studies were analysed using strategies suitable for research involving cultural differences between researcher and participants. The processes were further evaluated during their development from the theoretical lenses of participatory design, frugal innovation and social capital theory. Five papers provide an analysis of the research project highlighting its evolution, from the creation of digital storytelling until the development of social businesses, and discussing how social relations and group actions determine uses of ICTs and encourage collective ways for information access, information production, creativity development and networking. These concepts supported the analysis of the findings to deepen the use of the theories and to develop a process model for ICT4D projects. The outcome of the research are four propositions and three principles for a sensible emergent approach for ICT4D projects. Their chances of success and sustainability increase if based on grassroots, collective, socially engaged co-creation initiatives. Theoretically, the process model has the potential to improve our understanding and support our way of operating to make ICT4D initiatives more inclusive, more empowering to participants, including the researchers, and to become oriented towards community development and people’s emancipation

    Collective creative processes in underserved contexts. Lessons of grassroots frugal social innovations

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    When limited resources are available, creativity and imagination have better opportunities to develop. Through an emergent approach where the process is left free to unfold and rules are relaxed, new ideas transpire and innovation happens. A multiple case study in the townships of Cape Town, South Africa, will describe the evolution of three processes that brought innovations driven by active groups in their underserved communities. In particular, the unguided process approach allowed the innovations to unfold in an ecosystem characterized by frugality and by the desire to bring about social changes. The active collective participation and the social aims are the driving forces of the processes while their un-designed evolving development is the main element of innovation from the bottom. More than any information and communication technology creation

    The Design and Use of Digital Technologies in the Context of South–South Migration

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    The use and design of digital technologies plays an important role in South-South migration, from migrant decision making, orientation and route planning, to integration into host communities and connecting with those left behind. Digital technologies can be leveraged to increase access to opportunities and rights for migrants, thereby boosting migration’s developmental benefits at the interface between migrants and host communities. Yet structural inequalities in migration contexts mean that access and use are almost always socially contingent, often leading to further inequalities. This chapter outlines key themes from the existing literature on migrant use of digital technologies in the context of South-South migration drawing also on new data generated through the MIDEQ Hub

    Collective Digital Storytelling in Community-based co-design projects. An Emergent Approach

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    Digital storytelling (DST) can play a critical role in co-design initiatives involving local communities, as a method for bridging exploratory phases and co-design processes. The paper draws on three case studies of collective DST in underserved locations. While DST enabled groups to present themselves and their communities, its evolution showed that activities crystallized into creative concepts and community-driven projects that generated new ideas, new collaboration pathways and new networking capabilities. The structured analysis of these case studies can be used by researchers looking to spur grassroots initiative and encourage local participation and engagement in community-based design.La narration numérique peut jouer un rôle essentiel dans les initiatives de co-design avec des communautés locales, en tant que méthode pour passer de la phase exploratoire de la recherche au processus de co-design. L’article se fonde sur trois études de cas de narration numériques collectives dans des communautés défavorisées. La narration numérique a donnée aux groups la possibilité de se présenter tandis que son processus génératif a cristallisé dans des concepts créatifs et des projets communautaires porteurs de nouvelles idées, voies de collaboration et capacités de réseautage. L'analyse structurée de ces études peut être utilisée par les chercheurs intéressés à stimuler l'initiative locale et à encourager la participation et l'engagement communautaires


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    A realidade das mudanças climáticas pelas quais o planeta está passando é inequívoca, assim como a influência humana nesse processo. O Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas das Nacões Unidas prevê mudanças climáticas substanciais para a região Neotropical. De fato, os impactos dessas mudanças climáticas sobre a biodiversidade da região já estão sendo sentidos: colapso de ecossistemas de corais no Caribe, retração de glaciares nos Andes e eventos extremos de seca na Amazônia. Embora haja um corpo substancial de conhecimento em torno dos possíveis impactos das mudanças climáticas sobre as formações florestais brasileiras, sobretudo as amazônicas, estudos dos impactos sobre elementos da biodiversidade do país são praticamente inexistentes. Nos últimos 20 anos foram publicados apenas dois artigos científicos em periódicos indexados na base do Thompson Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). Essa lacuna de conhecimento impossibilita a elaboração de quaisquer estratégias de adaptação às mudanças climáticas visando à conservação da biodiversidade brasileira. A comunidade científica e as agências de fomento à pesquisa, portanto, devem começar a priorizar estudos dessa natureza. O Brasil, no entanto, não deve se concentrar apenas em estratégias de ‘adaptação', pois existe grande potencial no país para ações de ‘mitigação' das mudanças climáticas em andamento. Apesar da sua matriz energética limpa, o país figura entre os maiores emissores mundiais de gases de efeito estufa, devido às enormes emissões associadas ao desmatamento. Uma questão de primeira ordem é a histórica oposição do país à incorporação de ‘desmatamento evitado' como um dos Mecanismos de Desenvolvimento Limpo do Protocolo de Kyoto. É importante que a comunidade científica brasileira ligada à conservação participe ativamente desse debate, cujas conseqüências para a biodiversidade são bastante graves

    Collective digital storytelling in community- based co-design projects: An emergent approach

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    This paper contributes a critical examination of the role that digital storytelling (DST) can play in co-design initiatives involving local underserved communities. We argue that DST brings value as a method for bridging initial, exploratory phases and co-design processes. The paper draws on three case studies of collective DST in two townships of Cape Town, South Africa. The research adopted a participatory ethnographic approach to involve groups socially active in their respective communities. DST was employed initially as a means to enable groups to present themselves and their communities and to deepen the ongoing process of data generation. During the creative processes, the activities evolved and crystallized into something more than a short video production: self-contained and community-driven projects, generation of new ideas and the development of new collaboration pathways and new digital networking capabilities. Through the analysis of these case studies the article advances considerations that can be used by researchers and practitioners looking to spur grassroots initiatives and encourage local participation and engagement in community-based co-design. In particular, we offer a series of design principles, proposed as sensitising concepts that can inspire and guide researchers and designers, or local communities, to engage in DST activities within community co-design projects

    New distribution record, host plant and notes on natural history of Tomoplagia rudolphi (Lutz & Lima, 1918) (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, there are few records of geographical distribution and host plants to species of Tomoplagia Coquillett, as well as other genera of Tephritidae, especially those associated with plants of the family Asteraceae. Here, we report the first occurrence of Tomoplagia rudolphi (Lutz & Lima, 1918) in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, inducing stem galls in Vernonanthura tweediana (Baker) H. Rob. (Asteraceae, Vernonieae), whose plant becomes a new host record for this species. In this way, is increased to nine species of Tomoplagia recorded for Rio Grande do Sul. Biological and morphological data and photos of gall, larvae, pupae at new host and distribution map of the species in Brazil are provided

    Neonatal diabetes mellitus due to pancreatic agenesis and pervasive developmental disorder

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    Recent studies suggested a link between type 1 diabetes mellitus and pervasive developmental disorder. Moreover, permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus due to pancreatic agenesis can be associated with neurological deficit involving cerebellar functions, but no association with pervasive developmental disorder has been described so far. Clinical and neuropsychological evaluation of a child with pancreatic agenesis, mental retardation and pervasive developmental disorder is reported