6 research outputs found

    Polymorphic appetite effects on waist circumference depend on rs3749474 CLOCK gene variant

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    Chronobiological aspects controlled by CLOCK genes may influence obesity incidence. Although there are studies that show an association between the expression of these genes and energy intake, waist circumference or abdominal obesity phenotypes, interactions with appetite have been insufficiently investigated in relation to chrononutrition. The objective was to identify interactions between CLOCK genetic variants involved in appetite status. A total of 442 subjects (329 women, 113 men; aged 18 to 65 years) were recruited. Anthropometric, dietary and lifestyle data were collected by trained nutritionists. Participants were classified according to their appetite feelings with a Likert scale. Multiple linear regression models were used to examine associations of the type genotype x appetite status on adiposity-related variables. p values were corrected by the Bonferroni method. A significant influence was found concerning the effects of appetite on waist circumference with respect to rs3749474 CLOCK polymorphism (p < 0.001). An additive model analysis (adjusted by age, gender, exercise and energy intake) showed that risk allele carriers, increased the waist circumference around 14 cm (β = 14.1, CI = 6.3–22.0) by each increment in the level of appetite. The effects of appetite on waist circumference may be partly modulated by the rs3749474 CLOCK polymorphism

    Estrategias de guía e ingredientes dietéticos de precisión para enfermedades crónicas en población pre-sénior y sénior

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    El envejecimiento de la población supone un importante reto, económico y cualitativo, para el sistema de salud orientándolo hacia una atención de tipo preventivo, en la que la nutrición de precisión (NP) y la prescripción de hábitos saludables adquieren relevancia capital. El fin de la NP es procurar una nutrición adaptada a cada individuo, entendiendo que la prevención o el tratamiento de trastornos crónicos (obesidad, diabetes, enfermedad cardiovascular, etc.) deben abordarse de un modo integral, considerando información personal y clínica relevante, edad y características feno- y genotípicas. La elaboración de la presente guía surge de la necesidad de desarrollar modelos nutricionales de precisión que permitan la individualización del tratamiento nutricional, con énfasis en el adulto mayor. Las necesidades nutricionales, las recomendaciones dietéticas y los ingredientes para una NP en las personas pre-sénior y sénior quedan resumidas en realizar al menos 3 comidas diarias, reducir las calorías totales, optar por una alimentación variada y equilibrada con alimentos frescos y de alta densidad nutricional, incorporar verduras, legumbres y pescado, consumir productos lácteos y fibra, preferir carnes blancas en lugar de rojas, evitar frituras, embutidos y alimentos procesados, moderar el consumo de sal, café y alcohol, e hidratarse adecuadamente.The aging of the population underlines an important challenge for the health system not only from sanitary and economic reasons but also by quality perspectives concerning preventive care, where precision nutrition (PN) and the prescription or advice on healthy habits becomes relevant. PN focuses on provide nutrition adapted to each individual, understanding that the prevention or treatment of chronic disorders (obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc.) must be addressed in a comprehensive way, considering not only relevant personal and clinical information, but also healthy aging and phenotypical and genotypical features. This guide was prepared due to the need to develop precision nutritional models that allow individualized nutritional treatment for each subject and physiopathological particularities with emphasis on the elderly. Therefore, the requirements of the Spanish pre-senior and senior populations, dietary recommendations and precision foods are reviewed in this document: have at least three daily meals, reduce total calories, choose a varied and balanced diet with fresh foods and high nutritional density, add vegetables, legumes and fish, consume dairy products and fiber, prefer white meat instead of red, avoid fried foods, sausages and processed foods, moderate the consumption of salt, coffee and alcohol, and get hydrated

    Milk fat globule membrane-enriched milk improves episodic memory: A randomized, parallel, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in older adults

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    Cognitive decline is one of the most important consequences of aging and pharmacological therapies had been largely unsuccessful. Other strategies include the use of functional foods to reduce the burden of cognitive decline. The MFGM is an important source of polar lipids and glycoproteins that decline in the aging brain. We have developed a milk drink fortified with MFGM (MFGM-M) as a dietary supplement and studied it in a randomized clinical pilot study. Forty-four > 65-year-old healthy or mildly cognitively impaired subjects received MFGM-M or control milk (CM) for 14 weeks, during which they underwent a battery of cognitive tests. Lipidomic analyzes were also performed. The female participants showed improvement in episodic memory, the ability to recall events in our lives. It is conceivable that any intervention should be started before clinical symptoms manifest, as a preventive measure against cognitive decline. Future long-term studies may shed further light on this point

    Milk fat globule membrane-enriched milk improves episodic memory: A randomized, parallel, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in older adults

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    Cognitive decline is one of the most important consequences of aging and pharmacological therapies had been largely unsuccessful. Other strategies include the use of functional foods to reduce the burden of cognitive decline. The MFGM is an important source of polar lipids and glycoproteins that decline in the aging brain. We have developed a milk drink fortified with MFGM (MFGM-M) as a dietary supplement and studied it in a randomized clinical pilot study. Forty-four > 65-year-old healthy or mildly cognitively impaired subjects received MFGM-M or control milk (CM) for 14 weeks, during which they underwent a battery of cognitive tests. Lipidomic analyzes were also performed. The female participants showed improvement in episodic memory, the ability to recall events in our lives. It is conceivable that any intervention should be started before clinical symptoms manifest, as a preventive measure against cognitive decline. Future long-term studies may shed further light on this point.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y UniversidadesDepto. de Nutrición y Ciencia de los AlimentosFac. de FarmaciaTRUEpubAPC financiada por la UC

    Polymorphic appetite effects on waist circumference depend on rs3749474 CLOCK gene variant

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    Chronobiological aspects controlled by CLOCK genes may influence obesity incidence. Although there are studies that show an association between the expression of these genes and energy intake, waist circumference or abdominal obesity phenotypes, interactions with appetite have been insufficiently investigated in relation to chrononutrition. The objective was to identify interactions between CLOCK genetic variants involved in appetite status. A total of 442 subjects (329 women, 113 men; aged 18 to 65 years) were recruited. Anthropometric, dietary and lifestyle data were collected by trained nutritionists. Participants were classified according to their appetite feelings with a Likert scale. Multiple linear regression models were used to examine associations of the type genotype x appetite status on adiposity-related variables. p values were corrected by the Bonferroni method. A significant influence was found concerning the effects of appetite on waist circumference with respect to rs3749474 CLOCK polymorphism (p < 0.001). An additive model analysis (adjusted by age, gender, exercise and energy intake) showed that risk allele carriers, increased the waist circumference around 14 cm (β = 14.1, CI = 6.3–22.0) by each increment in the level of appetite. The effects of appetite on waist circumference may be partly modulated by the rs3749474 CLOCK polymorphism

    Estrategias de guía e ingredientes dietéticos de precisión para enfermedades crónicas en población pre-sénior y sénior

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    El envejecimiento de la población supone un importante reto, económico y cualitativo, para el sistema de salud orientándolo hacia una atención de tipo preventivo, en la que la nutrición de precisión (NP) y la prescripción de hábitos saludables adquieren relevancia capital. El fin de la NP es procurar una nutrición adaptada a cada individuo, entendiendo que la prevención o el tratamiento de trastornos crónicos (obesidad, diabetes, enfermedad cardiovascular, etc.) deben abordarse de un modo integral, considerando información personal y clínica relevante, edad y características feno- y genotípicas. La elaboración de la presente guía surge de la necesidad de desarrollar modelos nutricionales de precisión que permitan la individualización del tratamiento nutricional, con énfasis en el adulto mayor. Las necesidades nutricionales, las recomendaciones dietéticas y los ingredientes para una NP en las personas pre-sénior y sénior quedan resumidas en realizar al menos 3 comidas diarias, reducir las calorías totales, optar por una alimentación variada y equilibrada con alimentos frescos y de alta densidad nutricional, incorporar verduras, legumbres y pescado, consumir productos lácteos y fibra, preferir carnes blancas en lugar de rojas, evitar frituras, embutidos y alimentos procesados, moderar el consumo de sal, café y alcohol, e hidratarse adecuadamente.The aging of the population underlines an important challenge for the health system not only from sanitary and economic reasons but also by quality perspectives concerning preventive care, where precision nutrition (PN) and the prescription or advice on healthy habits becomes relevant. PN focuses on provide nutrition adapted to each individual, understanding that the prevention or treatment of chronic disorders (obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc.) must be addressed in a comprehensive way, considering not only relevant personal and clinical information, but also healthy aging and phenotypical and genotypical features. This guide was prepared due to the need to develop precision nutritional models that allow individualized nutritional treatment for each subject and physiopathological particularities with emphasis on the elderly. Therefore, the requirements of the Spanish pre-senior and senior populations, dietary recommendations and precision foods are reviewed in this document: have at least three daily meals, reduce total calories, choose a varied and balanced diet with fresh foods and high nutritional density, add vegetables, legumes and fish, consume dairy products and fiber, prefer white meat instead of red, avoid fried foods, sausages and processed foods, moderate the consumption of salt, coffee and alcohol, and get hydrated