59 research outputs found

    From Moral Insanity to Psychopathy

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    Psychopathy is currently a condition that arouses great interest among psychiatrists because of its significant involvement in the forensic field. The authors illustrate the course over time of the concept of psychopathy, starting from the definition of “moral insanity” of Prichard. The historical journey allows to illustrate the different positions that the various European schools of psychiatry have had toward psychopathy, until modern nosographic classification systems such as Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Special attention is paid to the “core” of psychopathy: the alteration of the moral sense, and through the illustration of moral development is provided a reading of morality in the psychopath and the reasons for its impairment. A clinical and critical examination of psychopathy assessment scales is proposed, with the aim to broaden the horizons of assessment, also to individuals who do not show violent behavior, but with compromised moral sense. Lastly, authors propose an interpretation of the social aspects of psychopathy that goes beyond the assessment of the psychopath confined in jails, with several highlighted aspects of psychopathy that contribute to social success in work, relationships, and career and that can contribute to the success of the psychopath

    Delirium in COVID patients: recommendations for assessment and treatment

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    COVID-19 patients, particularly those admitted to an Intensive Care Unit, are at high risk of Delirium due to the frequently observed concomitant presence of a series of factors which, taken together, constitute an increased risk factor. Factors thought to play a key role include: a direct action of the virus and state of inflammation on the Central Nervous System; secondary effects of organ failure; effect of sedative treatment; prolonged exposure to mechanical ventilation; prolonged immobilisation; environmental factors including social isolation and restricted interaction with relatives and healthcare operators. Bearing in mind the potential impact of delirium on clinical outcome, with an increased risk of death, appropriate prevention and management of this condition, particularly complex in COVID patients due to the frequently observed concomitant presence of numerous predisposing and precipitating factors, is fundamental

    Uncertainty in Pandemic Times

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has burst upon us as a general test for humanity, for which we were woefully unprepared. We all faced the pandemic with little knowledge and no experience. It is the first pandemic of our lives. Over this period, we have seen a range of conflicting statements, positions and behaviours. On occasion, the scientific community and health professionals have failed to speak with a single voice to convey the urgency of the situation, as their views got lost and scattered in rivulets of opposing theories ranging from denying to ringing the alarm. So many elements were in place for the ‘perfect storm’ to get unleashed … and it did. And as the pandemic wreaked its havoc, many health workers have paid a high price for their selfless dedication and professionalism. We have worked in the absence of clear-cut guidelines, in situations where even the cornerstones of medical ethics have faltered. On the other hand, the fruitful aspects of uncertainty also emerged

    The New Challenges for Medical Ethics

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    The evolution of medicine confronts healthcare professionals with new ethical challenges. Elements such as professional secrecy, patient benefit, justice in the distribution of resources are put in crisis by the evolution of medical procedures. Today, doctors must make life-and-death decisions about many patients. As the resources are not enough for all patients, the ‘first-come, first-served’ criterion crumbles under the weight of the overwhelming demand for treatment. Consequently, they can no longer make treatment decisions based only on proportionality and clinical appropriateness criteria. They must take into account the availability of resources and prioritise patients with ‘the longer life expectancy’. This amounts to saying ‘the weakest will die’ … with the doctors’ consent. While the guidelines issued by scientific societies may well protect doctors from lawsuits, the choice of who to treat and who to let die is left to the conscience of the individual doctor; and it is a choice sharply clashing with the Hippocratic oath and with professional and personal ethics. This and others are a real ethical problem

    Colloquio psichiatrico e credulitĂ  terapeutica nelle istituzioni penitenziarie

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    The purpose of the present study is demonstrating - through the description of twelve clinical cases - that patients in prison may lie to their therapists and give them false information. A psychiatrist working in a penitentiary institute should remember that a patient may give false information for different reasons: defence of his/her own life, protection of his/her physical integrity, desire to hide a crime committed in jail or to avoid or shorten a condemnation, personal advantage, recreational purpose, masked desire for violence, need to be accepted, need of a physical contact, malingering, deception, social visibility and acceptance. Therefore, it is important to examine the information given by patients and the anthropologic, sociologic and psychologic patterns of penitentiary life in a critical way, in order to achieve a better contextualization of clinical observation.Oggetto del presente studio è di illustrare, attraverso la descrizione di dodici casi clinici esemplificativi, la possibilità che lo psichiatra, nel suo colloquio clinico con pazienti in istituzione carceraria, riceva da questi errate informazioni. È importante, per lo psichiatra che opera in un’istituzione penitenziaria, sapere che il paziente può fornire informazioni di interesse psichiatrico, che non corrispondono al vero per vari motivi, tra cui: la difesa della propria vita, la protezione della sua integrità fisica, il desiderio di nascondere un reato commesso in carcere, uno stratagemma per evitare od abbreviare la durata della pena, l’ottenimento di un beneficio personale, un’opportunità ludica da sfruttare, la verbalizzazione mascherata di desideri di violenza, il bisogno di essere accettato, la ricerca del contatto fisico rassicurante, la simulazione consapevole ed inconsapevole, la dissimulazione per evitare conflitti, la presentazione del proprio doppio. È importante, quindi, che lo psichiatra che opera in carcere esamini ed approfondisca sempre con critica le informazioni che vengono fornite dal paziente e che conosca gli aspetti antropo-socio-psicologici della vita penitenziaria, per meglio contestualizzare le sue osservazioni psichiatriche

    Self-Assessed Personality Traits and Adherence to the COVID-19 Lockdown

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, has forced all countries affected by it to introduce quarantine and isolation to prevent the spread of the virus, as well as masking and distancing. Not everyone is equally willing to follow the rules related to limit the extent of the coronavirus epidemic. This might be connected with personality traits, especially openness, positive attitude, and optimism. Materials and Methods: An online survey was created and completed by participants in April–May 2020. Self-assessment of personality traits and adherence to lockdown recommendations were assessed. A total of 7404 participants took part in the study, mainly from Poland (83.6%) and Italy (12.7%). Univariate and multivariate regression analysis was performed. Results: The participants were divided into groups depending on the degree of compliance with the lockdown rules. In the multivariate analysis, variables that increased the odds for stricter lockdown compliance were temporary work suspension OR 1.27 (95% CI 1.10–1.48), income level “we can’t handle this situation” OR 1.67 (95%CI 1.20–2.33), and junior high school education OR 1.68 (95% CI 1.13–2.50). Other significant factors included age and place of residence. Each point of self-assessed sociability OR 1.07 (95% CI 1.00–1.13) also increased the likelihood of adhering to lockdown rules. Conclusions: Taking the basic demographic characteristics as well as working and health environment conditions traits into account may be helpful when forecasting epidemiological compliance during a pandemic, as well as in other public health tasks. The key role of self-assessed personality traits was not confirmed in this study. Reliability of the results is limited by significant disproportions in the size of the study groups

    The Italian Version of the Borderline Personality Disorder Severity Index IV:Psychometric Properties, Clinical Usefulness, and Possible Diagnostic Implications

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    Borderline personality disorder (BPD) has a core embodied in affective and behavioral dysregulations, impulsivity, and relational disturbance. Clinical presentation might be heterogeneous due to a combination of different symptoms listed in the DSM-5. Clinical diagnosis and assessment of the severity of manifestations might be improved through the administration of structured interviews such as the Borderline Personality Disorder Severity Index, 4th edition (BPDSI-IV). The psychometric properties of the Italian version of the BPDSI-IV were examined for the first time in 248 patients affected by BPD and 113 patients affected by bipolar disorder, proving to be a valid and accurate instrument with good internal consistency and high accuracy. The Italian version also demonstrates significant validity in the discrimination between these clinical groups (p < .001)

    European compliance benchmark

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    The International Legal Research Group -European Compliance Benchmark is acooperation between The European Law Students' Association (ELSA) and K&amp;L Gates. K&amp;L Gates has provided ELSA with research questionsthat24 member and observer groups in our network successfullyinvestigatedin the framework of their respective national legislation. The topic of this LRG centered around the world of Corporate Compliance, as it is one of the hottest legal topicscurrently. What is meant by this is the degree to which companies abide by the regulations set for corporate governance and prevention of criminal measures in a commercial context. The questions of the LRG focused on outlining the relevant rules as well as assessing what the ramifications are for breaking them
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