3,870 research outputs found

    Electroweak Physics at Very High Energy

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    Aim of the thesis is to review the main quantum field theory tools that are needed to deal with electroweak interactions in the very high energy regime, far above the electroweak scale, and to apply them to a concrete calculation. These tools include the equivalence theorem and the resummation of infrared enhanced effects like the electroweak Sudakov double logarithms. The latter ones are particularly relevant in the case of electroweak interactions because they persist also in inclusive observables, producing sizeable and peculiar effects that change the nature of electroweak physics in very high energy reactions. These effects might be relevant also at the LHC, and they will become essential at future high energy colliders. Concrete applications studied in the thesis will be the prediction of cross-sections at lepton colliders with tenths of TeV center of mass energy, including the production of hypothetical heavy particles via vector boson fusion.ope

    Generalized off-equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation relations in random Ising systems

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    We show that the numerical method based on the off-equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation relation does work and is very useful and powerful in the study of disordered systems which show a very slow dynamics. We have verified that it gives the right information in the known cases (diluted ferromagnets and random field Ising model far from the critical point) and we used it to obtain more convincing results on the frozen phase of finite-dimensional spin glasses. Moreover we used it to study the Griffiths phase of the diluted and the random field Ising models.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, uses epsfig.sty. Partially presented at StatPhys XX in a talk by one of the authors (FRT). Added 1 reference in the new versio

    Universality in the off-equilibrium critical dynamics of the 3d3d diluted Ising model

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    We study the off-equilibrium critical dynamics of the three dimensional diluted Ising model. We compute the dynamical critical exponent zz and we show that it is independent of the dilution only when we take into account the scaling-corrections to the dynamics. Finally we will compare our results with the experimental data.Comment: Final Version, 5 Latex pages (RevTeX) plus 3 eps figure

    Diluted one-dimensional spin glasses with power law decaying interactions

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    We introduce a diluted version of the one dimensional spin-glass model with interactions decaying in probability as an inverse power of the distance. In this model varying the power corresponds to change the dimension in short-range models. The spin-glass phase is studied in and out of the range of validity of the mean-field approximation in order to discriminate between different theories. Since each variable interacts only with a finite number of others the cost for simulating the model is drastically reduced with respect to the fully connected version and larger sizes can be studied. We find both static and dynamic evidence in favor of the so-called replica symmetry breaking theory.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Off-Equilibrium Dynamics at Very Low Temperatures in 3d Spin Glasses

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    We present a high statistic systematic study of the overlap correlation function well below the critical temperature in the three dimensional Gaussian spin glass. The off-equilibrium correlation function has been studied confirming the power law behavior for the dynamical correlation length. In particular we have computed the dynamical critical exponent zz in a wide range of temperatures, 0.35≤T≤0.90.35 \le T \le 0.9, obtaining a dependence z(T)=6.2/Tz(T)=6.2/T in a very good agreement with recent experiments. Moreover, we report a study of the violation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem for very low temperatures T=0.5T=0.5 and T=0.35T=0.35. All our numerical results avoid a droplet model interpretation even when TT is as low as T=0.35T=0.35.Comment: LaTeX, 14 pages and 5 figures. A minor arithmetic error corrected and references update

    Ising spin glass transition in magnetic field out of mean-field

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    The spin-glass transition in external magnetic field is studied both in and out of the limit of validity of mean-field theory on a diluted one dimensional chain of Ising spins where exchange bonds occur with a probability decaying as the inverse power of the distance. Varying the power in this long-range model corresponds, in a one-to-one relationship, to change the dimension in spin-glass short-range models. Evidence for a spin-glass transition in magnetic field is found also for systems whose equivalent dimension is below the upper critical dimension at zero magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 1 table, 6 figures, data analysis mistake corrected, new figures, new scaling approach to critical properties introduce

    Replica Symmetry Breaking in Short-Range Spin Glasses: Theoretical Foundations and Numerical Evidences

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    We discuss replica symmetry breaking (RSB) in spin glasses. We update work in this area, from both the analytical and numerical points of view. We give particular attention to the difficulties stressed by Newman and Stein concerning the problem of constructing pure states in spin glass systems. We mainly discuss what happens in finite-dimensional, realistic spin glasses. Together with a detailed review of some of the most important features, facts, data, and phenomena, we present some new theoretical ideas and numerical results. We discuss among others the basic idea of the RSB theory, correlation functions, interfaces, overlaps, pure states, random field, and the dynamical approach. We present new numerical results for the behaviors of coupled replicas and about the numerical verification of sum rules, and we review some of the available numerical results that we consider of larger importance (for example, the determination of the phase transition point, the correlation functions, the window overlaps, and the dynamical behavior of the system).Comment: 48 pages, 21 figures. v2: the published versio

    AutoDIAL: Automatic DomaIn Alignment Layers

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    Classifiers trained on given databases perform poorly when tested on data acquired in different settings. This is explained in domain adaptation through a shift among distributions of the source and target domains. Attempts to align them have traditionally resulted in works reducing the domain shift by introducing appropriate loss terms, measuring the discrepancies between source and target distributions, in the objective function. Here we take a different route, proposing to align the learned representations by embedding in any given network specific Domain Alignment Layers, designed to match the source and target feature distributions to a reference one. Opposite to previous works which define a priori in which layers adaptation should be performed, our method is able to automatically learn the degree of feature alignment required at different levels of the deep network. Thorough experiments on different public benchmarks, in the unsupervised setting, confirm the power of our approach.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1702.06332 added supplementary materia

    Bond diluted Levy spin-glass model and a new finite size scaling method to determine a phase transition

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    A spin-glass transition occurs both in and out of the limit of validity of mean-field theory on a diluted one dimensional chain of Ising spins where exchange bonds occur with a probability decaying as the inverse power of the distance. Varying the power in this long-range model corresponds, in a one-to-one relationship, to change the dimension in spin-glass short-range models. Using different finite size scaling methods evidence for a spin-glass transition is found also for systems whose equivalent dimension is below the upper critical dimension at zero magnetic field. The application of a new method is discussed, that can be exported to systems in a magnetic field.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl
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