2,538 research outputs found


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    The paper presents a study conducted through a cross sectional research design and a quantitative content analysis method to categorize and provide a numerically based summary of the different abilities requested in online routine labor markets like Mechanical Turk. These markets are growing nowadays for the outsourcing of routine information processing tasks. This is mainly due to the existence of tasks that computerization is not capable to substitute. This research is a first attempt to study abilities required by employers from low skilled information processing workers in virtual marketplaces. It also points out the fact that a new generation of temporary workers is appearing on the labor market raising questions about their characteristics, behaviors and differences compared to high skilled knowledge workers. The unit of analysis is a sample of tasks published by requesters on Mechanical Turk starting from 24th to 31th January 2010

    Local Digital Twin-based control of a cobot-assisted assembly cell based on Dispatching Rules

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    In the context of an increasing digitalization of production processes, Digital Twins (DT) are emerging as new simulation paradigm for manufacturing, which leads to potential advances in the production planning and control of production systems. In particular, DT can support production control activities thanks to the bidirectional connection in near real-time with the modeled system. Research on DT for production planning and control of automated systems is already ongoing, but manual and semi-manual systems did not receive the same attention. In this paper, a novel framework focused on a local DT is proposed to control a cobot-assisted assembly cell. The DT replicates the behavior of the cell, providing accurate predictions of its performances in alternative scenarios. Then, building on these predicted estimates, the controller selects, among different dispatching rules, the most appropriate one to pursue different performance objectives. This has been proven beneficial through a simulation assessment of the whole assembly line considered as testbed

    Changes in the microsomal proteome of tomato fruit during ripening

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    The variations in the membrane proteome of tomato fruit pericarp during ripening have been investigated by mass spectrometry-based label-free proteomics. Mature green (MG30) and red ripe (R45) stages were chosen because they are pivotal in the ripening process: MG30 corresponds to the end of cellular expansion, when fruit growth has stopped and fruit starts ripening, whereas R45 corresponds to the mature fruit. Protein patterns were markedly different: among the 1315 proteins identified with at least two unique peptides, 145 significantly varied in abundance in the process of fruit ripening. The subcellular and biochemical fractionation resulted in GO term enrichment for organelle proteins in our dataset, and allowed the detection of low-abundance proteins that were not detected in previous proteomic studies on tomato fruits. Functional annotation showed that the largest proportion of identified proteins were involved in cell wall metabolism, vesicle-mediated transport, hormone biosynthesis, secondary metabolism, lipid metabolism, protein synthesis and degradation, carbohydrate metabolic processes, signalling and response to stress

    Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals Candidate Genes for Flowering Time Variation in Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

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    The common bean is one of the most important staples in many areas of the world. Extensive phenotypic and genetic characterization of unexplored bean germplasm are still needed to unlock the breeding potential of this crop. Dissecting genetic control of flowering time is of pivotal importance to foster common bean breeding and to develop new varieties able to adapt to changing climatic conditions. Indeed, flowering time strongly affects yield and plant adaptation ability. The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic control of days to flowering using a whole genome association approach on a panel of 192 highly homozygous common bean genotypes purposely developed from landraces using Single Seed Descent. The phenotypic characterization was carried out at two experimental sites throughout two growing seasons, using a randomized partially replicated experimental design. The same plant material was genotyped using double digest Restriction-site Associated DNA sequencing producing, after a strict quality control, a dataset of about 50 k Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs). The Genome-Wide Association Study revealed significant and meaningful associations between days to flowering and several SNP markers; seven genes are proposed as the best candidates to explain the detected associations

    Valorization of wheat production in marginal areas: farmer-centric experimentation for variety choice and evolutionary population development

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    In Italy, from 2000 to 2010, 58% of farms in mountain areas were abandoned leading to a 33% decrease in available land for agriculture. This research aimed to restore value and competitiveness to the Apennine area, by proposing a balanced and sustainable agriculture model. Following the needs of farmers, underutilised cereals were selected as the ideal genetic material for the study and development of short local food supply chains. The field experiments were carried out in two organic farms located in the Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy). During two growing seasons, seven wheat genotypes, two wheat evolutionary populations and one einkorn mixture were cultivated under organic farming management. Results related to functional traits are presented along with the main agronomic and technological parameters that were determined. Several nutritional properties are included. Mean yield and stability performance over environments for each genotype were explored using the “Genotype and Genotype by Environment biplot” elaboration. Considering yield performances, “Benco” was closer to the ‘ideal’ genotype. All the results were evaluated with the farmers, who expressed their own preferences from field observations. The right coupling between environment and genotypes can discourage the abandonment of hilly and mountainous farms by enhancing the economic competitiveness of agriculture in these regions

    GGE Biplot Analysis to Explore the Adaption Potential of Italian Common Wheat Genotypes

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    Given the substantial variation in global wheat yield, insufficient research in cultivar selection for climate change, and the lack of suitable germplasm in sustainable agroecosystems, there is a requisite for soft wheat genotypes, with stable grain yield as well as quality parameters. The present study was aimed at genotype evaluation (GGE biplot for “mean performance versus stability”) not only for yield, but also for technological, phytosanitary and functional quality parameters of 24 Triticum aestivum L. genotypes (eight landraces, old and modern varieties, respectively) within a single organic farm location (Argelato, Emilia-Romagna, Italy) over three consecutive years. Overall, high yield stability was shown for the landraces and old varieties. In particular, the landraces Piave and Gamba di Ferro, as well as the old variety Verna, showed high stability with above-average means for numerous quality parameters of interest. Additionally, relative stability combined with above-average mean for quality parameters was also demonstrated for the high-yielding Gentil Bianco and Guà 113. Aside from Verna, these “unrecognized” resilient genotypes were also shown to meet the requisites for suitable germplasm in sustainable agroecosystems. Future potential utilization of these more stable landraces in addressing climate change would also ultimately facilitate the survival of valuable genetic resources

    Multi-Environment Evaluation and Genetic Characterisation of Common Bean Breeding Lines for Organic Farming Systems

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    It is recognised that one of the main causes for the relative low yields under organic conditions is the use of modern cultivars which are bred for high-input management systems. The work described here aimed to study and test possible breeding strategies to produce cultivars of common bean for organic agriculture. To this purpose, crosses between a traditional Italian landrace named “Gnocchetto” and a cultivar were carried out. The F1 plants obtained were either backcrossed or self-fertilised and the obtained materials subjected to selection for quality traits at different development stages. The resulting lines were tested under four different environmental conditions for three years in order to determine their potential performance. The resulting data were analysed using a Multi-Environment Trial Analysis (MET) approach and different visualisations of the GGE biplot were generated. Furthermore, to assess the level of genetic similarity, the lines were characterised using 25 Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) molecular markers. Results showed that the breeding approach applied allowed to select lines with the same technological and agronomic characteristics as commercially available cultivars, but with different adaptation abilities that make them suitable for organic agriculture

    Severe Milk-Alkali Syndrome in a Patient with Hypoparathyroidism Associated with 1,25(OH)2D, Hydrochlorothiazide and Anthranoid Laxative Consumption

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    Background: Milk-alkali syndrome is a life-threatening condition defined by the triad of hypercalcaemia, metabolic alkalosis and acute renal failure, and is associated with consumption of calcium and absorbable alkali. Methods: We report the case of a patient admitted to a step-down unit of a large hospital in Italy. Results: The patient was a 59-year-old woman with hypoparathyroidism and mild chronic kidney insufficiency, treated for a preceding episode of hypocalcaemia with high doses of calcitriol and calcium carbonate, who was also taking hydrochlorothiazide and unreported herbal anthranoid laxatives. The patient was admitted to hospital with severe hypercalcaemia, severe metabolic alkalosis and acute renal insufficiency. The patient was successfully treated with urgent dialysis, loop diuretics and calcitonin administration. Conclusions: This case underlines the need for caution when treating patients with impaired calcium metabolism regulation, and suggests that herbal anthranoid laxatives might act as triggers for milk-alkali syndrome.

    Reflections on Covid19 nasopharingeal, faecal and peritoneal swabs in an infant with Wilms tumor: A case report

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    Proximal Sars-Cov-2 pandemic had radically changed the way surgeons work in many departments, forcing to reserve surgical treatment only for emergency and oncologic cases. We report a case of a ten months-old girl with right-sided Wilms tumor and a previous diagnosis of Sars-Cov-2 infection, who underwent open right nephrectomy. Surgery was planned after negativization of five nasopharyngeal tests, despite the simultaneous positivity of two rectal swabs. The procedure was performed safely with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). To better investigate viral excretion, the anesthetist repeated nasopharyngeal swab under general anesthesia, which resulted positive. At the same time, two peritoneal swabs were collected and showed the absence of the virus in the peritoneal fluid. This case highlights the importance of combining swabs from various sources to increase sensibility of the test. The value of nasopharyngeal swab under general anesthesia should be reinforced as it can result positive even after many negative tests. Very little is known abouttransmission of the virus through the peritoneum as both presence and absence of Sars-Cov-2 have been reported in the peritoneal fluid. Next literature will clarify which particular conditions determine viral penetration in this anatomical district
