1,521 research outputs found

    Is Italy’s recent support to its banks the start of a new wave of public intervention in the EU?

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    The banking crisis in Europe has three distinct legs according to Lorenzo Codogno and Mara Monti. The first leg was purely financial contagion from the sub-prime crisis in the US to toxic assets held in bank portfolios in Europe, while the second wave was equally intense, amid the negative feedback loop between banks and sovereigns. The third wave is the lagged impact of the economic crisis on the quality of loan portfolios: it has just triggered intervention by the Italian government, but it may require additional public money across the EU. Public money injected today is just a fraction of what was injected at the outset of the crisis. However, more than nine years since the sub-prime crisis started, it is striking that the EU is still facing banking problems

    Christine Lagarde has her work cut out for her

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    The ECB president will have to tackle thorny issues such as the bank’s problematic relationship with political actors, but she appears well equipped to address the challenges, write Lorenzo Codogno and Mara Mont

    Taking stock of Christine Lagarde's challenges at the ECB

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    Lorenzo Codogno and Mara Monti argue that Christine Lagarde's challenges at the helm of the ECB remain daunting, despite smooth sailing during her first press conference and a notably different communication style. Issues will emerge from different sources, not least the ECB's problematic relationship with political actors, but she appears well equipped to address these as they arise

    Peripartum patient with epigastric pain

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    A 44-year-old female, gravida 2, para 1, abortus 1, presented to the emergency department with epigastric pain, vomiting and nosebleed at 36 weeks gestation. She had right upper quadrant tenderness and was hypertensive at 138/90 mmHg. Laboratory studies demonstrated decreased platelets of 122 k/mcL, Hb of 11.2 g/dL and RBC of 3.48 M/mcL, elevated AST of 371 U/L and ALT of 522 U/L, and proteinuria of 13 mg/dL

    Determining calcium carbonate reaction kinetics from experimental laboratory data

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    GlovePi: un device wearable a supporto della comunicazione many-to-many tra utenti sordo-ciechi

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    Questa tesi presenta la progettazione e l'implementazione di un sistema assistivo low cost ed open-source sfruttando un device wearable per supportare la comunicazione sociale aptica tra persone affette da sordocecità, utilizzando una specifica codifica: l'alfabeto Malossi. Inoltre, dopo un'attenta analisi dello stato del'arte nella quale si è evinta una necessità ancora da esplorare, il progetto è stato espanso per favorire la comunicazione sociale aptica many-to-many in ambito distribuito. Appoggiandosi ad uno scenario di riferimento, ovvero la conferenza, è stata progettata un'architettura in tal senso facendo riferimento a TuCSoN, tecnologia già consolidata. Infine, sono stati effettuati test sulle performance e sull'usabilità del guanto

    Enabling Human Centric Smart Campuses via Edge Computing and Connected Objects

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    Early definitions of Smart Building focused almost entirely on the technology aspect and did not suggest user interaction at all. Indeed, today we would attribute it more to the concept of the automated building. In this sense, control of comfort conditions inside buildings is a problem that is being well investigated, since it has a direct effect on users’ productivity and an indirect effect on energy saving. Therefore, from the users’ perspective, a typical environment can be considered comfortable, if it’s capable of providing adequate thermal comfort, visual comfort and indoor air quality conditions and acoustic comfort. In the last years, the scientific community has dealt with many challenges, especially from a technological point of view. For instance, smart sensing devices, the internet, and communication technologies have enabled a new paradigm called Edge computing that brings computation and data storage closer to the location where it is needed, to improve response times and save bandwidth. This has allowed us to improve services, sustainability and decision making. Many solutions have been implemented such as smart classrooms, controlling the thermal condition of the building, monitoring HVAC data for energy-efficient of the campus and so forth. Though these projects provide to the realization of smart campus, a framework for smart campus is yet to be determined. These new technologies have also introduced new research challenges: within this thesis work, some of the principal open challenges will be faced, proposing a new conceptual framework, technologies and tools to move forward the actual implementation of smart campuses. Keeping in mind, several problems known in the literature have been investigated: the occupancy detection, noise monitoring for acoustic comfort, context awareness inside the building, wayfinding indoor, strategic deployment for air quality and books preserving

    Italy under the spotlight of another financial crisis

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