13,615 research outputs found

    Survey and Experimental Testing of Nongravimetric Mass Measurement Devices

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    Documentation presented describes the design, testing, and evaluation of an accelerated gravimetric balance, a low mass air bearing oscillator of the spring-mass type, and a centrifugal device for liquid mass measurement. A direct mass readout method was developed to replace the oscillation period readout method which required manual calculations to determine mass. A protoype 25 gram capacity micro mass measurement device was developed and tested

    Digital thermometer, part 2 Final report

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    Prototype digital thermomete

    Electron scattering states at solid surfaces calculated with realistic potentials

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    Scattering states with LEED asymptotics are calculated for a general non-muffin tin potential, as e.g. for a pseudopotential with a suitable barrier and image potential part. The latter applies especially to the case of low lying conduction bands. The wave function is described with a reciprocal lattice representation parallel to the surface and a discretization of the real space perpendicular to the surface. The Schroedinger equation leads to a system of linear one-dimensional equations. The asymptotic boundary value problem is confined via the quantum transmitting boundary method to a finite interval. The solutions are obtained basing on a multigrid technique which yields a fast and reliable algorithm. The influence of the boundary conditions, the accuracy and the rate of convergence with several solvers are discussed. The resulting charge densities are investigated.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, copyright and acknowledgment added, typos etc. correcte

    Ferroelectricity in perovskite HoMnO3HoMnO_3 and YMnO3YMnO_3

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    Ferroelectricity is observed in orthorhombic HoMnO3HoMnO_3 and YMnO3YMnO_3 at the magnetic lock-in transitions into an E-type structure or an incommensurate phase with a temperature independent wave vector, respectively. In HoMnO3HoMnO_3 the ferroelectric polarization strongly depends on the external magnetic field indicating the involvement of the rare earth moment order in this compound. The results are discussed within the framework of recent theoretical models, in particular the double exchange driven polar displacements predicted for E-type magnetic structures.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    New structures in the proton-antiproton system

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    In the most recent measurements of the reaction e+e−→ppˉe^+e^- \rightarrow p\bar{p} by the BABAR collaboration, new structures have been found with unknown origin. We examine a possible relation of the most distinct peak to the recently observed Φ(2170)\Phi(2170). Alternatively, we analyse possible explanations due to the nucleon Δˉ\,\bar{\Delta} and ΔΔˉ\Delta\bar{\Delta} thresholds. The latter could explain a periodicity found in the data
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