83 research outputs found

    Canta-autoras de música vallenata: explorando el cuerpo femenino desde lo femenino en un universo masculino

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    The research describes the representations of the female body made by the author-songwriters (singers, composers and performers of the instruments) of vallenata music in Valledupar, Cesar. The way in which these narratives question the traditional discourses that represent the female body and how they communicate their experiences of being / being in the world was examined. The objective was to analyze the representations of the female body made by the singer-songwriters of vallenata music. A qualitative, phenomenological study was carried out, in which ten in-depth interviews were conducted, structured, codified and classified according to four themes: beginnings in the vallenato, the feminine from the masculine gaze, the feminine from the feminine and (re) presenting the feminine body. For the analysis of the data, qualitative software NVIVO 11 for Mac was used, each topic was in turn classified in other subcategories. The analysis allowed to identify from the narrated experiences, five types of female bodies of the vallenata music songwriters: the escorted body, the disciplined body, the desire body, the asexual body, and the masculinized female body.La investigación describe las representaciones del cuerpo femenino que hacen las canta-autoras autoras (cantantes, compositoras e intérpretes de los instrumentos) de música vallenata en Valledupar, Cesar. Se examinó la manera en que estas narraciones cuestionan los discursos tradicionales que representan el cuerpo femenino y la forma en que éstas comunican sus experiencias de ser/estar en el mundo. El objetivo consistió en analizar las representaciones del cuerpo femenino que hacen las canta-autoras de música vallenata. Se llevó a cabo un estudio cualitativo, de tipo fenomenológico, en el que se realizaron 10 entrevistas a profundidad, estructuradas, codificadas y clasificadas de acuerdo con cuatro temáticas: “inicios en el vallenato”, “lo femenino desde la mirada masculina”, “lo femenino desde lo femenino” y “(re)presentando el cuerpo femenino”. Para el análisis de los datos, se utilizó el software cualitativo NVIVO 11 para Mac, cada tema fue a su vez clasificado en otras subcategorías.  El análisis permitió identificar a partir de las experiencias narradas, cinco tipos de cuerpos femeninos de las canta-autoras de música vallenata: el cuerpo escoltado, el cuerpo disciplinado, el cuerpo del deseo, el cuerpo asexuado, y el cuerpo femenino-masculinizado. 

    Imaginación, memoria de guerra y reparación simbólica

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    Este artículo científico tiene como objetivo analizar la imaginación en las víctimas del conflicto armado, por medio de la narración de las experiencias de reparación simbólica, para comprender el papel de la memoria social en la resignificación del daño y el dolor. Es una investigación fenomenológica, centrada en recoger la experiencia vivida a través de entrevistas y cartografía mental. Los resultados permiten identificar un alto inconformismo ante la reparación simbólica, producto del profundo impacto de la guerra en la memoria, hecho que causa un deterioro en la imaginación y conduce a una crisis de representación

    Coronavirus: emocional and social epidemic

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    Objetivo: Realizar revisión sistemática sobre las afectacionesemocionales y sociales que ha padecido la poblaciónmundial como respuesta a la pandemia por el coronavirus.Metodología: Se utilizó enfoque cualitativo, que permitecomprender un fenómeno de manera particular, a través dela investigación analítica, para estudiar conceptos y sucesoshistóricos como las afectaciones emocionales y socialesasociadas a la emergencia sanitaria declarada en 191 paísesante la pandemia del COVID-19. Se utilizaron 23 documentosde corte científico, periodístico y político publicadosen informes de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS),Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), Ministeriode Salud, Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS), Universidadese informes periodísticos a nivel internacional y nacional. Laspalabras claves utilizadas fueron: COVID-19, epidemia emocional,epidemia social, estrés, ansiedad, pánico, trastornoobsesivo compulsivo (TOC).Resultados: Las afectaciones psicológicas más frecuentespresentadas por la población a nivel mundial son: ansiedad,estrés, episodios de depresión, ataques de pánico. Se encuentracomo dato significativo que los pacientes con TOC,tienden a empeorar.Conclusiones: Es necesario considerar estrategias, accionesy protocolos de salud mental para afrontar la pandemiapor COVID-19 y comunicarlas de manera masiva en la comunidaden general.Objective: To carry out a systematic review of the emotional and social effects that the world population has suffered in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Methodology: A qualitative approach was used, which allows understanding a phenomenon in a particular way, through analytical research, to study historical concepts and events such as the emotional and social effects associated with the health emergency declared in 191 countries in the face of the COVID pandemic- 19. 23 scientific, journalistic and political documents published in reports of the World Health Organization (WHO), Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Ministry of Health, National Institute of Health (INS), Universities and journalistic reports were used internationally and nationally. The key words used were: COVID-19, emotional epidemic, social epidemic, stress, anxiety, panic, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Results: The most frequent psychological affectations presented by the population worldwide are: anxiety, stress, episodes of depression, panic attacks. It is found as significant data that OCD patients tend to worsen. Conclusions: It is necessary to consider strategies, actions and protocols of mental health to face the pandemic by COVID- 19 and to communicate them in a massive way in the community in general

    A scale for adolescent psichological well-being assessment (BIPSI). Design and validation

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    El objetivo del estudio fue construir y validar una escala de bienestar psicológico para adolescentes. La muestra fue de 733 adolescentes entre 12 y 18 años con una media de 15,1 (DE: 1,2), 272 hombres (37,2%) y 461 (62,8%) mujeres. La consistencia interna total del instrumento fue de 0,922 las escalas mostraron alfas de cronbach entre 0,625 y 0,875. Se realizó análisis factorial exploratorio método VARIMAX y análisis factorial confirmatorio con el uso del paquete estadístico AMOS. Una vez obtenida la agrupación de los ítems en seis factores, se hallaron correlaciones significativamente altas entre las subescalas con el puntaje dimensión (0,194** y 0,798**). El análisis factorial confirmatorio mostró que el modelo de seis factores posee índices de bondad y ajuste aceptables para concluir que se trata de un instrumento válido y confiable para la evaluación del bienestar psicológico en adolescentes colombianos.This study aimed to construct and valildate a psychologial well-being scale for adolescents. 733 adolescents between 12 and 18 years with a mean of 15.2 (: 1,1), with 268 being male (49.9%) and 269 (50.1%) being female were sampled. The instrument’s internal consistency was 00.922, the scales showed Cronbach’s alphas between 0.625 and 0.875. Exploratory factorial analysis was made using the VARIMAX method and with the use of statistical packages masters. Once obtained, the ítems were grouped according to six factors and significantly high correlations were found between the subscales with the dimension score (0.104** and 0.798**). The confirmatory factorial analysis showed that the model of six factors has acceptable goodness of fit indicies concluding that this is a reliable and a valid instrument for the psychological well-being in adolescent assessment

    Health Strategies in Latin America for the Elderly in relation to COVID-19

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    Introducción: Las medidas de confinamientos social adoptadas ante la pandemia de COVID-19, ha implicado el diseño e implementación de programas en salud mitigando los efectos de la misma y reconociendo las implicaciones a nivel de salud mental en el adulto mayor, considerando uno de los grupos poblaciones de mayor vulnerabilidad. Objetivo: Caracterizar las estrategias y programas implementadas por países de América Latina en respuesta al control de la pandemia de COVID-19, focalizada en la población adulta mayor. Métodos: Se revisaron 45 documentos entre artículos científicos, decretos y lineamientos emitidos de los ministerios de salud de 13 países de Latino América bajo los criterios de búsqueda, COVID-19, salud y adulto mayor. Resultados. Se ejecutaron estrategias de acuerdo a las etapas y niveles de incidencia de la pandemia, los grupos más vulnerables fueron protegidos en el caso del adulto mayor con edades entre 60 o 65 años. Permitió clasificar los países según el objetivo de sus acciones en salud enfocadas en la prevención, la promoción, rehabilitación y la restauración del enfermo. Discusión: Se han reorientando los servicios sanitarios y la rigurosidad de los mismo priorizando el aumento de promoción de salud y prevención de enfermedad a través de estrategias de información, educación y comunicación. Conclusiones: La emergencia sanitaria decretada por los países, no priorizo estrategias o políticas frente a los aspectos emocionales y mentales, y las afectaciones subsecuentes del aislamiento social que ponen a prueba las estrategias de afrontamiento y los recursos psicológicos en lo que se puede llamar nueva normalidad.Introduction: The quarantine measures adopted because of the COVID-19 pandemic have involved the design and implementation of health programs to mitigate the effects of the pandemic and to understand the mental health implications for the elderly, one of the most vulnerable population groups. Objective: To characterize the strategies and programs implemented by Latin American countries due to the COVID-19 pandemic, focused on the older population. Methods: Forty-five documents were reviewed including scientific articles, decrees, and guidelines issued by the Ministries of Health of 13 Latin American countries under the search criteria, COVID 19, health, and older adults. Results: Strategies were implemented according to the stages and levels of incidence of the pandemic, the most vulnerable groups were protected in the case of the elderly aged 60 or 65. It allowed classifying the countries according to the objective of their health actions focused on prevention, promotion, rehabilitation, and recovery of the patient. Discussion: The health services have been reoriented by prioritizing the increase of health promotion and disease prevention through information, education, and communication strategies. Conclusions: The health emergency decreed by the countries did not prioritize strategies or policies against the emotional and mental aspects, and the subsequent affectations of social isolation that test the strategies and psychological resources of the new normality

    Psychological wellness programs, strategies and protocols implemented in young university students

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    Objetivo: Desarrollar revisión sistemática sobre los programas, estrategias y protocolos de bienestar psicológicos implementados en jóvenes universitarios. Metodología: Se utiliza enfoque cualitativo que permite detallar un fenómeno para comprenderlo, con una modalidad de investigación analítica, para estudiar conceptos y sucesos históricos a partir de análisis de documentos, en este caso se consultaron 37 artículos, 25 resultados de investigación y dos de reflexión, de los cuales 26 eran publicados en revistas latinoamericanas y 11 de revistas europeas, publicados en las bases de datos: Research Gate, Scielo, Dialnet, Proquest, Ebsco Host, Google Scholar, Gale, Publindex, Scopus y Redalyc. Como palabras claves en la búsqueda se utilizan bienestar psicológico, calidad de vida y universitarios. Resultados: La revisión no evidencia el desarrollo de programas de bienestar psicológico aplicados en población universitaria, los que se encuentran están orientados a otro tipo de población como niños, mujeres embarazadas y personal de la tercera edad. Conclusión: Se hace necesario implementar en el contexto universitario programas que promuevan el bienestar psicológico, que le permita al estudiante alcanzar mejores niveles de adaptación a la vida universitaria, que trae consigo cambios a nivel de relacionamiento social, estrés que producen las actividades académicas y adquisición de nuevas responsabilidades entre otrosObjective: Develop a systematic review of the psychological wellness programs, strategies, and protocols implemented in university students. Methodology: A qualitative approach is used to detail a phenomenon to understand it, with an analytical research modality, to study historical concepts and events based on document analysis, in this case 37 articles, 25 research results and two for reflection were consulted, of which 26 were published in Latin American journals and 11 in European magazines, published in the databases: Research Gate, Scielo, Dialnet, Proquest, Ebsco Host, Google Scholar, Gale, Publindex, Scopus and Redalyc. Psychological well-being, quality of life and university students are used as key words in the search. Results: The review does not show the development of psychological well-being programs applied in the university population, those that are found are oriented to another type of population such as children, pregnant women, and senior citizens. Conclusion: It is necessary to implement in the university context programs that promote psychological well-being, which allow the student to achieve better levels of adaptation to university life, which brings about changes at the level of social relationship, stress produced by academic activities and acquisition of new responsibilities among others

    Quality of life in young university

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    Este artículo muestra las tendencias presentes en la actualidad frente al desarrollo de investigaciones sobre calidad de vida en estudiantes universitarios, en el ámbito latinoamericano y europeo. Se hace una revisión desde el paradigma cualitativo con enfoque en la investigación documental o bibliográfica. Para cumplir con el objetivo propuesto se recopiló y sistematizó la información encontrada en artículos científicos de revistas indexadas en Research Gate, Scielo, Dialnet, Proquest, Ebsco Host, Google Scholar, Publindex, Scopus y Redalyc. Los hallazgos indican que se puede establecer que la calidad de vida está estrechamente ligada con elementos de bienestar físico o condiciones de salud permanente en los universitarios. A partir de la revisión se establece que no existen documentados programas a nivel nacional o internacional que fomenten el desarrollo de la calidad de vida en dicha población. Identificando entonces un foco de atención para futuras investigaciones.This article shows the current trends in the development of research on quality of life in university students, in Latin America and Europe. A review is made from the qualitative paradigm with a focus on documentary or bibliographic research. To meet the proposed objective, the information found in scientific articles from journals indexed in Research Gate, Scielo, Dialnet, Proquest, Ebsco Host, Google Scholar, Publindex, Scopus and Redalyc was compiled and systematized. The findings indicate that it can be established that quality of life is closely linked to elements of physical wellbeing or permanent health conditions in university students. At the same time, the scarcity of national and international programs that promote the development of quality of life in this population is evident. Identifying then a focus of attention for future research

    Theory of the mind and cognitive functioning in people in reintegration processes in Colombia

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    Objetivo: evaluar la Teoría de la Mente (ToM) y el funcionamiento cognitivo como componente de la cognición social en las personas en proceso de reintegración de la Agencia Colombiana para la Reintegración (ACR) en el grupo territorial Cesar-Guajira. Método: diseño de comparación multicaso, con una muestra de 3 hombres y 2 mujeres, con edades entre 23 y 43 años. Instrumentos aplicados: Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination Revisado – ACE R; Test de la Mirada (TdlM) de Baron-Cohen para Adultos; Escala de Ansiedad Manifiesta – AMAS Forma A en adultos y; Escala de Trauma de Davidson (DTS). Resultados: se identificó que los sujetos presentaron déficit en ToM, ya que tuvieron dificultades para el reconocimiento de estados emocionales básicos y diferenciar estados emocionales complejos con distinta tonalidad afectiva. Conclusiones: se estableció que se requiere estudiar a profundidad el grado de relación entre alteraciones cognitivas, funcionamiento cognitivo, ToM y trauma para estimar gradualmente relaciones directas o nulas.Objective: to evaluate the Theory of the Mind (ToM) and cognitive functioning as a component of social cognition in people in the process of reintegration of the Colombian Agency for Reintegration (ACR) in the territorial group Cesar-Guajira. Method: multicase comparison design, with a sample of 3 men and 2 women, aged between 23 and 43 years. Applied instruments: Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination Revised - ACE R; Baron-Cohen Test of the Look (TdlM) for Adults; Manifest Anxiety Scale - AMAS Form A in adults and; Davidson Trauma Scale (DTS). Results: it was identified that the subjects presented deficit in ToM, since they had difficulties for the recognition of basic emotional states and to differentiate complex emotional states with different affective tonality. Conclusions: it was established that it is necessary to study in depth the degree of relationship between cognitive disorders, cognitive functioning, ToM and trauma to gradually estimate direct or null relationships

    Efficacy of a self-applied online program to promote resilience and coping skills in university students in four Spanish-speaking countries: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: There is evidence of a high prevalence of depression and anxiety in university students. Therefore, college time is a key period where prevention of mental disorders through interventions that promote resilience and mental health can be relevant. Currently, there are interventions available, but these are insufficient for those who need them. Online interventions are tools that can facilitate global accessibility and are easy for young people to use. CORE (Cultivating Our Resilience) is a self-administered online program, based on Ryff’s psychological well-being model, to promote resilience and coping skills in university students at risk of developing symptoms of depression or anxiety. The objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of this intervention protocol in comparison with an active control condition targeting healthy lifestyle, and a waiting list control condition. The study will be conducted in four populations of Spanish-speaking university students (Spain, Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico). Methods: The study design is a randomized controlled trial (RCT). At least 324 university students will be randomly assigned to three conditions: 1) CORE, a 6-week training program to improve resilience; 2) HLP, a 6-week training to promote a healthy lifestyle; and 3) WL, waiting list control condition. The primary outcome measure will be the Connor-Davidson resilience scale. Additionally, measures of anxiety, depression, quality of life and socio-demographic variables (age, sex, incomes, marital status, among others) will be collected. Participants will be evaluated at pre-treatment, after each module, 6 weeks after allocation, and at 3-month follow-up. Intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses will be performed. Discussion: The results of this study will contribute to research on Internet-administered interventions and the implementation of a protocol that includes a series of components designed to improve resilience and coping skills, increase psychological well-being, and prevent depression and anxiety disorders in Spanish-speaking university students. In addition, avenues will be opened up for new research on the effectiveness of these interventions focused on the prevention and promotion of mental health in Spanish-speaking countries

    Influence of motivation on academic performance: an analysis of motivational assessment in mathematics learning

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    The objective of the study consisted of relating motivation with academic performance in mathematics in schoolchildren in northern Colombia, through the use of Pearson's correlation coefficient, applying the motivational assessment of the learning process (EMPA) questionnaire, to establish the levels of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation of the 65 students belonging to the sample. Academic performance was obtained through second source information provided by the academic coordination of the institution understudy, a quantitative and correlational approach was used. The results show a significant negative correlation in the dimensions of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation with academic performance. Given this, new lines of research are proposed, especially accompaniment by parents and guardians, and socioeconomic characteristics and their relationship to academic motivation