85 research outputs found

    Ethnozoology as complementary method to inventory medium and large-bodied mammals : the case study of serra do Ouro Branco, Brazil.

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    We evaluated the use of both ethnozoological and conventional sampling methods to the inventory medium and large-bodied mammals. Our study was conducted at Serra do Ouro Branco, southern portion of Espinha?o Range, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Ethnozoological methods comprehended interviews and projective tests carried out with 107 residents of three communities, while the conventional sampling was 36 days of diurnal and nocturnal census. We registered 28 mammal species through ethnozoological methods and 20 through conventional methods. Considering the long coexistence of the residents with local fauna and the temporal limitations of conventional methods, it was expected to find a small richness through conventional methods. However, it is important to stress that these methods are complementary and species level identification in many cases would be not possible without conventional sampling. In addition, considering the difficulties to sample mammals, the union of these approaches was positive and had the advantage of involving the local population in the process. The interviews provided additional information that may contribute to understand the conservation status of the species locally and to elaborate conservation strategies based on the interactions of the local human population with the mammals


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    Estudo descritivo quantitativo com objetivo de identificar demandas de atenção do enfermeiro intensivista e o esforço depreendido por este profissional para lidar com estas demandas. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em três contextos da terapia intensiva (pediátrica, neonatal e geral) de um hospital do nordeste brasileiro. Participaram da pesquisa 34 enfermeiros com exercício profissional em uma das Unidades de Terapia Intensiva. Os dados foram coletados no período de maio de 2011 a junho de 2012, apoiado pelo instrumento Demandas de Atenção Dirigida. As demandas que mais exigiram atenção do enfermeiro concentram-se no Domínio Ambiente Físico e Psicológico e estavam associadas às instalações físicas do ambiente de trabalho, às emoções e preocupações do enfermeiro nas relações assistenciais. Os resultados sugerem estabelecimento de intervenções no ambiente, na estrutura e nas práticas de cuidado com vistas a favorecer melhor qualidade da assistência e de vida dos enfermeiros.Estudio descriptivo cuantitativo con objetivo de identificar demandas de atención del enfermero intensivista y el esfuerzo hecho por ese profesional para trabajar con esas demandas. La investigación fue desarrollada en tres contextos de terapia intensiva (pediátrica, neonatal y general) de un hospital del nordeste brasileño. Participaron de la investigación 34 enfermeros con ejercicio profesional en una de las Unidades de Terapia Intensiva. Los datos fueron obtenidos en el periodo de mayo de 2011 a junio de 2012, apoyado por el instrumento Demandas de Atención Dirigida. Las demandas que más exigieron atención del enfermero se concentran en el Dominio Ambiente Físico y Psicológico y estaban asociadas a las instalaciones físicas del ambiente de trabajo, a las emociones y preocupaciones del enfermero en las relaciones asistenciales. Los resultados sugieren establecimiento de intervenciones en el ambiente, en la estructura y en las prácticas de cuidado con fines de favorecer más cualidad de la asistencia y de vida de los enfermeros.Descriptive and quantitative study to identify intensive nursing attention demands and the efforts these professionals make to cope with these demands. The research was developed in three intensive care contexts (pediatric, neonatal and general) at a hospital in the Brazilian Northeast. The data were collected between May 2011 and June 2012, based on the tool Directed Attention Demands. The demands that most required nursing attention are concentrated in the Domain Physical and Psychological Environment and were associated with the physical facilities of the work environment, with the nurse’s emotions and concerns in the care relations. The results suggest the establishment of interventions in the environment, in the structure and in the care practices with a view to favoring a better quality of care and quality of life for the nurses

    Tecendo práticas intersetoriais em saúde mental para pessoas em sofrimento psíquico

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    Objective: to understand the inter-sector practices of social inclusion developed in the mental health care network to people in psychic suffering, in the municipality of Campina Grande/Paraíba/Brazil. Method: a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research conducted with four professionals through semi-structured interviews, recorded from June to July 2010. The produced material was analyzed through content analysis, proposed by Bardin. Results: the Psychiatric Reform discourse towards deinstitutionalization, social inclusion and achievement of citizenship has impelled professionals working in substitute services to seek inter-sector partners, such as: National Service for Industrial Training (SENAI), Culture and Living Center, Young Citizen Center and Reference Centers for Social Assistance (CRAS). Conclusion: inclusive practices are effective strategies for psychosocial rehabilitation and contribute to the development of public policies and comprehensiveness of mental health care. Objetivo: conocer las prácticas intersectoriales de inclusión social desarrolladas en la red de atención a la salud mental de Campina Grande (Paraíba, Brasil). Método: investigación cualitativa, exploratoria y descriptiva dirigida por cuatro profesionales, mediante entrevista semi-estructurada, grabada entre junio y julio de 2010. El material producido fue analizado mediante análisis de contenido propuesto por Bardin. Resultados: el discurso de la Reforma Psiquiátrica hacia la desinstitucionalización, la inclusión social y la conquista de la ciudadanía han inducido a los profesionales que trabajan en los servicios sustitutivos a buscar socios intersectoriales, tales como: Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje Industrial (SENAI), Centro Convivencia y Cultura, Centro Joven Ciudadano y Centro de Referencia de Asistencia Social (CRAS). Conclusión: prácticas inclusivas se constituyen como  estrategias eficaces para la rehabilitación psicosocial y contribuyen al desarrollo de  políticas públicas y a la integralidad de la atención relacionada con salud mental.Objetivo: conhecer as práticas intersetoriais de inclusão social desenvolvidas na rede de cuidado em saúde mental para pessoas em situação de sofrimento psíquico do município de Campina Grande/Paraíba/Brasil. Método: pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória e descritiva realizada com quatro profissionais por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, gravada, no período de junho a julho de 2010. O material produzido foi submetido à análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin. Resultados: o discurso da Reforma Psiquiátrica em direção à desinstitucionalização, a inclusão social e a conquista da cidadania têm induzido os profissionais que atuam nos serviços substitutivos irem à busca de parceiros intersetoriais, tais como: Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (SENAI), Centro de Convivência e Cultura, Centro Jovem Cidadão e Centro de Referência da Assistência Social (CRAS). Conclusão: práticas inclusivas se constituem como estratégias eficazes para reabilitação psicossocial e contribuem para o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas e para integralidade do cuidado relacionado à saúde menta

    Child accidents attended in public hospitals of pediatric reference / Acidentes infantis atendidos nos hospitais públicos de referência pediátrica

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    Objetivo: Caracterizar os acidentes na infância que motivaram a procura dos serviços de saúde em São Luís, Maranhão. Método: Pesquisa transversal, descritiva, envolvendo 130 crianças de 0 a 11 anos, vítimas comprovadas de acidente. Resultados: Os acidentes acometeram mais meninos entre 1 e 3 anos, pardos, cujas mães tinham idade de 20 a 30 anos e pais entre 30 e 40 anos, ambos entre 10 a 12 anos de estudo. O tipo de acidente mais frequente foi a queda, sendo a contusão a lesão mais comum e a região mais atingida foi a cabeça/face. O principal local de ocorrência foi o domicílio, conduta imediata foi a emergência e como desfecho a internação. Conclusão: A pesquisa possibilitou conhecer e caracterizar os principais acidentes infantis atendidos em hospitais públicos da capital maranhense. Destarte, e considerando as sérias repercussões que os acidentes podem ter, é necessário adotar medidas preventivas contra esses eventos

    Child accidents attended in public hospitals of pediatric reference / Acidentes infantis atendidos nos hospitais públicos de referência pediátrica

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    Objetivo: Caracterizar os acidentes na infância que motivaram a procura dos serviços de saúde em São Luís, Maranhão. Método: Pesquisa transversal, descritiva, envolvendo 130 crianças de 0 a 11 anos, vítimas comprovadas de acidente. Resultados: Os acidentes acometeram mais meninos entre 1 e 3 anos, pardos, cujas mães tinham idade de 20 a 30 anos e pais entre 30 e 40 anos, ambos entre 10 a 12 anos de estudo. O tipo de acidente mais frequente foi a queda, sendo a contusão a lesão mais comum e a região mais atingida foi a cabeça/face. O principal local de ocorrência foi o domicílio, conduta imediata foi a emergência e como desfecho a internação. Conclusão: A pesquisa possibilitou conhecer e caracterizar os principais acidentes infantis atendidos em hospitais públicos da capital maranhense. Destarte, e considerando as sérias repercussões que os acidentes podem ter, é necessário adotar medidas preventivas contra esses eventos

    Controle Glicêmico na Atenção Primária: Avaliação das práticas e resultados nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde

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    Glycemic control in primary care is essential for the effective management of diabetes mellitus. In Basic Health Units (UBS), the evaluation of practices and results is fundamental to ensure the quality of care provided to patients. Early detection, appropriate treatment, and promotion of lifestyle changes are key elements in preventing complications related to hyperglycemia. Challenges such as patients' lack of adherence to treatment and social and cultural barriers require a patient-centered approach and ongoing training for healthcare professionals. The integration of multidisciplinary teams and the use of innovative technologies are also important to improve glycemic control outcomes.O controle glicêmico na atenção primária é essencial para o manejo eficaz do diabetes mellitus. Nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS), a avaliação das práticas e resultados é fundamental para garantir a qualidade dos cuidados prestados aos pacientes. A detecção precoce, o tratamento adequado e a promoção de mudanças no estilo de vida são elementos-chave para prevenir complicações relacionadas à hiperglicemia. Desafios como a falta de adesão dos pacientes ao tratamento e as barreiras sociais e culturais exigem uma abordagem centrada no paciente e a capacitação contínua dos profissionais de saúde. A integração de equipes multidisciplinares e o uso de tecnologias inovadoras também são importantes para melhorar os resultados do controle glicêmico

    Anti-Inflammatory Activity of the Essential Oil Citral in Experimental Infection with Staphylococcus aureus

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    This study proposes to implement an alternative and effective strategy for local treatment of disease provoked by S. aureus. For the analysis of possible anti-inflammatory activity of essential oil, after establishing an air pouch model, 48 male mice of Balb/c were treated, infected, and euthanized at 4 and 8 h. Thus, the total and differential white blood cells were counted in the animal’s blood, and cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α were titrated using ELISA in the air pouch lavage. Moreover, TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6 gene expression was analyzed through an RT-qPCR array, and S. aureus was quantified using qPCR. Our results, p<0.05, showed that EOC reduced the quantity of microorganisms. The group of mice treated with essential oil citral showed a significant decrease in TNF-α levels in tests demonstrating anti-inflammatory activity. There is no data about the mutual influence of the air pouch model, essential oil citral, and S. aureus. Thus, considering the interaction of these variables and the anti-inflammatory activity of the essential oil citral, we demonstrated, by alternative local treatment, a new antimicrobial agent that is not an antibiotic


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    Eclampsia is a serious complication of pre-eclampsia, which is characterized by high blood pressure, proteinuria and edema during pregnancy. Eclampsia can cause seizures, coma and maternal and fetal death, being one of the main causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality in the world. Furthermore, eclampsia can have repercussions on the child's health, such as prematurity, low birth weight, perinatal asphyxia, intracranial hemorrhage, cerebral palsy, delayed neuropsychomotor development and increased risk of cardiovascular and kidney diseases in adulthood. Despite the importance of the topic, there are few studies that address the consequences of eclampsia on child health in a comprehensive and up-to-date manner. Objective: was to identify and analyze scientific articles that investigated the effects of eclampsia on children's health, from birth to school age, considering clinical, neurological, cognitive, behavioral and social aspects. Methodology: A search was carried out in the PubMed, Scielo and Web of Science databases, using the following descriptors: eclampsia, child health, child development, child outcome and child morbidity. Articles published in the last 10 years, in Portuguese, English or Spanish, that evaluated children born to mothers with eclampsia, whether or not compared with children born to mothers without eclampsia or with pre-eclampsia, were included. Articles that did not address the outcomes of interest, that had insufficient samples, that presented selection bias or confusion, that were reviews, case reports or letters to the editor were excluded. The selection of articles was made according to the PRISMA checklist, following the steps of identification, screening, eligibility and inclusion. The data extracted from the articles were: authors, year, country, study design, sample size, children's age, evaluated outcomes and main results. Results: 16 studies were selected. The outcomes evaluated were: mortality, morbidity, growth, neuropsychomotor development, cognition, behavior, quality of life and risk factors for chronic diseases. The main results were: higher perinatal and neonatal mortality in children born to mothers with eclampsia; higher incidence of neonatal complications, such as asphyxia, hypoglycemia, jaundice, infection, hemorrhage and convulsions; higher frequency of prematurity, low birth weight, intrauterine growth restriction and small for gestational age; greater risk of delay in neuropsychomotor development, cognitive deficit, behavior problems, low quality of life and lower school performance; higher prevalence of hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia and insulin resistance in childhood. Conclusion: Eclampsia is a condition that negatively affects a child's health, from the perinatal period to school age, compromising their growth and development potential. It is necessary to expand research on this topic, as well as implement prevention measures, early diagnosis and adequate treatment of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, aiming to reduce their impacts on maternal and child health.Eclampsia is a serious complication of pre-eclampsia, which is characterized by high blood pressure, proteinuria and edema during pregnancy. Eclampsia can cause seizures, coma and maternal and fetal death, being one of the main causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality in the world. Furthermore, eclampsia can have repercussions on the child's health, such as prematurity, low birth weight, perinatal asphyxia, intracranial hemorrhage, cerebral palsy, delayed neuropsychomotor development and increased risk of cardiovascular and kidney diseases in adulthood. Despite the importance of the topic, there are few studies that address the consequences of eclampsia on child health in a comprehensive and up-to-date manner. Objective: was to identify and analyze scientific articles that investigated the effects of eclampsia on children's health, from birth to school age, considering clinical, neurological, cognitive, behavioral and social aspects. Methodology: A search was carried out in the PubMed, Scielo and Web of Science databases, using the following descriptors: eclampsia, child health, child development, child outcome and child morbidity. Articles published in the last 10 years, in Portuguese, English or Spanish, that evaluated children born to mothers with eclampsia, whether or not compared with children born to mothers without eclampsia or with pre-eclampsia, were included. Articles that did not address the outcomes of interest, that had insufficient samples, that presented selection bias or confusion, that were reviews, case reports or letters to the editor were excluded. The selection of articles was made according to the PRISMA checklist, following the steps of identification, screening, eligibility and inclusion. The data extracted from the articles were: authors, year, country, study design, sample size, children's age, evaluated outcomes and main results. Results: 16 studies were selected. The outcomes evaluated were: mortality, morbidity, growth, neuropsychomotor development, cognition, behavior, quality of life and risk factors for chronic diseases. The main results were: higher perinatal and neonatal mortality in children born to mothers with eclampsia; higher incidence of neonatal complications, such as asphyxia, hypoglycemia, jaundice, infection, hemorrhage and convulsions; higher frequency of prematurity, low birth weight, intrauterine growth restriction and small for gestational age; greater risk of delay in neuropsychomotor development, cognitive deficit, behavior problems, low quality of life and lower school performance; higher prevalence of hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia and insulin resistance in childhood. Conclusion: Eclampsia is a condition that negatively affects a child's health, from the perinatal period to school age, compromising their growth and development potential. It is necessary to expand research on this topic, as well as implement prevention measures, early diagnosis and adequate treatment of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, aiming to reduce their impacts on maternal and child health